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Confusing behavior in connectivity check #567

SimonRubenDrauz opened this issue Sep 29, 2023 · 0 comments

Confusing behavior in connectivity check #567

SimonRubenDrauz opened this issue Sep 29, 2023 · 0 comments
bug Something isn't working


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Describe the bug
I found an example where the ext grid is set out of service by the connectivity check during the hydraulic calculation. The problem: It seems that it is still used as slack in the heat transfer calculation. This can be shown by setting the ext_grid out of service beforehand and restarting the pipeflow. It raises a heat transfer calculation did not converge.

To Reproduce
Use the test case test_connectivity_heat4 in Set the ext_grid 2 out of service manually. The pipeflow for the heat transfer does not converge anymore.

Error message
File "C:\Users\sdrauz\git\pandapipes\pandapipes\", line 111, in pipeflow
raise PipeflowNotConverged("The heat transfer calculation did not converge to a "
pandapipes.pipeflow.PipeflowNotConverged: The heat transfer calculation did not converge to a solution.

Expected behavior
In both use cases the results should be the same

Python environment (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 10
  • pandapipes version: 0.8.5
  • Package Version

alabaster 0.7.13
anyio 3.6.2
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@SimonRubenDrauz SimonRubenDrauz added the bug Something isn't working label Sep 29, 2023
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bug Something isn't working
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