Open-Meteo has 3 components:
- HTTP server for APIs and simple web-interfaces
- Download commands for weather datasets
- File-based database to store all downloaded datasets
The HTTP server and download commands are developed using the Vapor Swift framework and compile to a single binary openmeteo-api
Once the binary is available, you can start an HTTP server and download weather data from open-data sources. The file based database is automatically created as soon aa first data are downloaded.
Hardware requirements:
- A relatively modern CPU with SIMD instructions.
are supported - At least 8 GB memory. 16 GB recommended.
- For all forecast data, 150 GB disk space are recommended. If only a small selection for weather variables is used, just a couple of GB are fine.
There are different option to run Open-Meteo: Docker, native and with prebuilt ubuntu jammy packages.
To quickly compile and run Open-Meteo, docker can be used. It will run an container which exposes the open-meteo API to Afterwards weather datasets can be downloaded.
git clone
cd open-meteo
docker-compose up
# Download ECMWF
docker-compose run open-meteo download-ecmwf --run 00
To stop running containers: docker-compose down (add -v to wipe data)
Compile and build new images: docker-compose build
Using docker helps to run Open-Meteo, but all changes require a new image build, which slows down development. The Vapor development guide for macOS and linux help to get started.
Develop with Docker:
git clone
cd open-meteo
# Install docker
docker build -f Dockerfile.development -t open-meteo-development .
docker run -it --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -p 8080:8080 -v ${PWD}:/app -t open-meteo-development /bin/bash
# Run commands inside docker container:
swift run
swift run openmeteo-api download-ecmwf --run 00
Develop on macOS:
git clone
cd open-meteo
# Install Xcode from the App store
# Install brew
brew install netcdf cdo bzip2
pip3 install cdsapi
open Package.swift
# `swift run` works as well
Develop on Linux natively:
git clone
cd open-meteo
# Install the swift compiler as pointed out in the Vapor development guide
apt install libnetcdf-dev libeccodes-dev libbz2-dev build-essential cdo python3-pip curl
pip3 install cdsapi
swift run
swift run openmeteo-api download-ecmwf --run 00
- To restart
swift run
and runswift run
again - Add
-c release
to swift run to switch to a faster release build
If you are running Ubuntu 22.04 jammy, you can use prebuilt binaries.
They can be installed via APT:
curl -L | sudo gpg --dearmour -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/openmeteo.gpg
echo "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openmeteo-api.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install openmeteo-api
# Download ECMWF
sudo chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) /var/lib/openmeteo-api
cd /var/lib/openmeteo-api
openmeteo-api download-ecmwf --run 00
This will automatically install and run an empty API instance at http://your-ip:8080
. It can be checked with:
sudo systemctl status openmeteo-api
sudo systemctl restart openmeteo-api
sudo journalctl -u openmeteo-api.service
The instruction above, setup an API instance, but do not download any weather data yet. Because data is consumed from different national weather services with different open-data servers and update times, many different downloader are available.
Please note, that only the command arguments are listed below. Whether you are using Docker, prebuilt or native, the command differs a bit. There is an example to download ECMWF forecasts at each installation method above. All arguments are available for the binary are available with <exe> --help
# openmeteo-api --help
Usage: openmeteo-api <command>
benchmark Run benchmark
boot Boots the application's providers.
cronjob Emits the cronjob definition
download Download a specified icon model run
download-dem Download digital elevation model
download-ecmwf Download a specified ecmwf model run
download-era5 Download ERA5 from the ECMWF climate data store and convert
download-iconwave Download a specified wave model run
routes Displays all registered routes.
serve Begins serving the app over HTTP.
Use `openmeteo-api <command> [--help,-h]` for more information on a command.
All data is stored in the current working directory in ./data
. Please make sure that your current working directory is correct. All downloaders will create the required directories automatically. All subsequent downloader invocations will update weather data in this directory. Deleting it, will delete all historical weather data.
Additionally all download instructions as a cronjob file are available here. At a larger stage, an integrated task scheduler might be integrated into the API itself. Currently all downloads are initiated by cronjobs on Open-Meteo servers.
The DWD ICON models are the most important source for the 7 days weather API. There are 3 different domains available:
- ICON global at 11 km resolution, runs
- ICON EU with 7 km, runs
- ICON D2 Central Europe with 2 km resolution, runs
As a minimum requirement, ICON global should be downloaded. To download the 00 run: <exe> download icon --run 00 --only-variables temperature_2m,weathercode
. If onlyVariables
is omitted, all ICON weather variables are downloaded, which could take a couple of hours.
For the first run, the ICON downloader will download additional domain geometry information and prepare reproduction weights. It might take a while.
A list of all ICON weather variables that can be downloaded is available here: enum IconVariable. To save resource on the public DWD servers, please only downloaded required weather variables.
The icon download command has the following arguments:
api# openmeteo-api download --help
Usage: openmeteo-api download <domain> <run> [--only-variables] [--skip-existing]
Download a specified icon model run
domain run
For the ECMWF API, only one domain is available with runs at 00,06,12,18
. Currently it is not supported to only download a subset of weather variables, but all variables need to be downloaded.
To download ECMWF forecasts, run the binary with arguments <exe> download-ecmwf --run 00
ERA5 is driving the Historical Weather API and can be downloaded for the past. You have to register at and accept the license terms at the end of the ERA5 hourly data site.
From your Copernicus account, you need an API key in form 234234:XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX
. The CDS key is a required argument in the next step.
To download most recent ERA5 data, simply run <exe> download-era5 --cdskey 234234:XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX
. This will download the last 2 weeks of era5 data.
To download a various time-range, specify additionally the parameter time-interval: <exe> download-era5 --timeinterval 20220101-20220131 --cdskey ...
To download an entire year: <exe> download-era5 --year 2021 --cdskey
. Per year of data, roughly 60 GB of disk space are required.
All arguments for the <exe> download-era5
# openmeteo-api download-era5 --help
Usage: openmeteo-api download-era5 [--timeinterval,-t] [--year,-y] [--stripseaYear,-s] [--cdskey,-k]
Download ERA5 from the ECMWF climate data store and convert
timeinterval Timeinterval to download with format 20220101-20220131
year Download one year
cdskey CDS API user and key like: 123456:8ec08f...
To download the 90 meter elevation model for the Elevation API as well as improving weather forecast accuracy, you first have to download the Copernicus DEM:
A fast way is to use aws s3 sync --no-sign-request --exclude "*" --include "Copernicus_DSM_COG_30*/*_DEM.tif" s3://copernicus-dem-90m/ dem-90m
Requirements: Install gdal and make sure the command gdal_translate
is available. Mac: brew install gdal
Linux: apt install gdal
Afterwards it can be converted with <exe> download-dem dem-90m
and input data can be removed with rm -R dem-90m data/dem90/
. The converted files will be available at data/omfile-dem90