5.1.0 (2023-04-01)
- doc link (5176bd0)
- easy init db file not exist (8538085)
- hot reload (2bb2881)
- test running (4e74154)
- update favicon (b1d0186)
- asyncData demo (9205e63)
- lerna (bf90c85)
- react context (a17392d)
- react hook (3f33ba7)
- react inline js code demo (904e17b)
- react spa asyncData support (daca939)
- support jsx render mode example (e1e26f5)
4.0.0 (2019-12-12)
4.5.0 (2019-08-03)
- upgrade babel6 to babel7 by update easywebpack-react to @easy-team/easywebpack-react (88ff768)
5.1.0 (2023-04-01)
- doc link (5176bd0)
- easy init db file not exist (8538085)
- hot reload (2bb2881)
- test running (4e74154)
- update favicon (b1d0186)
- asyncData demo (9205e63)
- lerna (bf90c85)
- react context (a17392d)
- react hook (3f33ba7)
- react inline js code demo (904e17b)
- react spa asyncData support (daca939)
- support jsx render mode example (e1e26f5)
4.0.0 (2019-12-12)
4.5.0 (2019-08-03)
- upgrade babel6 to babel7 by update easywebpack-react to @easy-team/easywebpack-react (88ff768)
- upgrade to webpack 5 and use lerna manager project (bf90c85)
4.9.0 (2020-01-26)
- asyncData (cbba52c)
- remove antd (34dd540)
- upgrade egg-view-react-ssr and egg-webpack-react for node8 (c8644f5)
4.8.1 (2019-12-08)
- aliyun and tencent cloud deploy (3172a44)
- add async render demoe (037eaad)