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File metadata and controls

124 lines (92 loc) · 3.97 KB


fluxtools sets up and solves flux balance analysis problems with nonlinear constraints. Utilities for creating large-scale models from copies of a base model are also included.


Create a network object by loading a metabolic model from sbml:

import fluxtools.sbml_interface as si
net = si.fromSBMLfile('example.xml')

or from a dictionary of reaction stoichiometries:

import fluxtools.reaction_networks as rn
stoichiometries = {'tx_A': {'A_ext': -1., 'A': 1.},
                   'R1': {'A': -1, 'B': 1},
                   'R2': {'A': -1, 'C': 1},
                   'R3': {'B': -1, 'D': 1},
                   'R4': {'C': -1, 'D': 1},
                   'sink': {'D': -1}}
net = rn.net_from_dict(stoichiometries)

Then, convert it to an optimization model:

from fluxtools.nlcm import NonlinearNetworkModel
model = NonlinearNetworkModel('example', net,
model.set_objective('max_sink', '-1.0*sink')

Note the objective function is minimized. The basic FBA steady-state constraints are incorporated automatically (specified external species are not conserved.)

Add additional constraints (at least one nonlinear constraint must be given):

model.add_constraint('quadratic', 'R2-R1**2', 0.)

Set upper and lower bounds on variables:

model.set_bound('R3', (0., 2.))

Solve, and interact with the solution:

>>> model.solve() # optionally, specify an initial guess as numpy array
[... IPOPT output omitted...]
array([ 2.00000002,  4.00000008,  2.        ,  4.00000008,  6.0000001 ,
        6.0000001 ])
>>> model.obj_value
>>> model.soln['R2']

The model may be adjusted and re-solved, but model.compile() should be called every time a constraint is added or removed.


The package itself can simply be installed with python install once all dependencies are available.



Tests of much of the package's functionality are included. Run 'nosetests' in the source directory to run the tests.


  • nlcm - nonlinear optimization models with IPOPT
  • stoichiometry_matrix - strictly linear FBA models with GLPK
  • sbml_interface - read and write models in SBML format
  • gene_utilities - load and save (some) GPR associations
  • deblock - identify and purge blocked reactions and singleton metabolites based on the structure of the metabolic network
  • fluxmap - trace which reactions consume/produce individual species in a solution
  • c4clone - duplicate a network and connect the copies, as when setting up bundle sheath and mesophyll cells in C4 plants
  • expr_manip - differentiation and parsing tools
  • reaction_networks - provides classes representing models and their components
  • simplification - simplify models by examining their linear subproblems
  • functions - classes for representing constraint/objective functions
  • keyedlist - the KeyedList data structure
  • utilities - assorted tools for dealing with COBRA-compliant SBML files, total flux objectives, and analyzing optimization problem structure
  • test - test suite


A (slightly) more detailed introduction for users and notes on numerical considerations are in preparation.


Eli Bogart, [email protected]


Code for the expr_manip, sbml_interface, keyedlist, and reaction_networks modules originated in SloppyCell,