All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning
- Parameter to check missing OWL imports. Missing imports can be ignored or lead to execution error.
- replaced the boolean parameters "Add ontology graph import to result graph" and "Add result graph import to ontology graph" with a pull down menu
- removed axiom generators for object property characteristics and data property characteristics (not working)
- error caused by plugin parameter provenance generation
- support for directories in filepath for output filename in Validate plugin
- axiom generators for object property characteristics and data property characteristics (needs testing)
- compatibility with cmem-plugin-base 4.5.0
- update ROBOT to 1.9.7
- fix installation issue for platform encodings other than UTF-8
- axiom generator description in UI
- output graph label derived from input graph
- create plugin label in provenance data
- Validate: added "mode" parameter
- respect owl:imports in OWL2 profile validation
- Validate: the entity output includes the reasoner option on path "reason"
- detailed axiom generator documentation
- The axiom generator ObjectPropertyCharacteristic does not yield results. Currently, this axiom generator and its (working) counterpart DataPropertyCharacteristic are removed from the Reason plugin.
- defined input and output schema
- Reason: parameters to import the result graph in the ontology graph and to import the ontology graph in the result graph
- Validate: parameter to enable/disable entity output
- incorrect stopping of workflow if "validate_profiles" and "stop_at_inconsistencies" is enabled in Validate plugin
- fixed error when output graph is imported by input graph; the import is removed in-memory before reasoning
- raise OSError on post result graph error
- removed write_md and produce_graph bool parameters
- If "input_profiles" is enabled the Reason plugin expects "ontology_iri" and "profile" on the input. The ontology IRI on the input overrides the plugin setting.
- update execution report
- output graph IRI selectable from existing graphs
- When "input_profiles" is enabled the ontology IRI and list of valid OWL2 profiles is now taken from the config port. The list of valid profiles is a comma-separated string (e.g. "Full,DL").
- fixed errors on CMEM instances with self-signed/invalid certificates
- valid OWL profiles can be read on the Reason plugin input instead of validating the ontology in the plugin
- use DCMI Metadata Terms for provenance
- new icons
- temporary files are now removed when an error occurs
- parameter for validating the input ontology against OWL2 profiles (DL, EL, QL, RL, and Full)
- Validate plugin outputs valid profiles with path "profile"
- Validate plugin outputs the Markdown result with path "markdown"
in output graphs now refers to a plugin IRI instead of a literal
- keep original output ("No explanations found.") if no inconsistencies found with Validate plugin
- provenance data in output graphs now includes plugin parameter settings
- new icons
- valid range of "Maximum RAM Percentage" parameter in Validate plugin (1-100)
- complete validation for IRI parameters
- remove "Annnotate inferred subclass axioms" parameter in Reason plugin
- "Annotate inferred axioms" parameter in Reason plugin
- "Maximum RAM percentage" parameter
- axiom generators are now not advanced parameters
- initial version