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Simeon Andreev edited this page Feb 17, 2023 · 13 revisions

JDT Core wiki

JDT/Core is the Java infrastructure of the Java IDE. It includes:

  • An incremental Java compiler. Implemented as an Eclipse builder, it is based on technology evolved from VisualAge for Java compiler. In particular, it allows to run and debug code which still contains unresolved errors.
  • A Java Model that provides API for navigating the Java element tree. The Java element tree defines a Java centric view of a project. It surfaces elements like package fragments, compilation units, binary classes, types, methods, fields.
  • A Java Document Model providing API for manipulating a structured Java source document.
  • Code assist and code select support.
  • An index based search infrastructure that is used for searching, code assist, type hierarchy computation, and refactoring. The Java search engine can accurately find precise matches either in sources or binaries.
  • Evaluation support either in a scrapbook page or a debugger context.
  • Source code formatter.

The JDT/Core infrastructure has no built-in JDK version dependencies, it also does not depend on any particular Java UI and can be run headless.

Important Links

All Pages

Code Setup Using Oomph
Coding Conventions
FAQ How do I create and examine an AST?
FAQ How do I extend the JDT?
FAQ How do I manipulate Java code?
FAQ JDT Core Committer
FAQ What is an AST?
FAQ What is the Java model?
Programmer Guide
Programmer Guide Index
ECJ Analyse
ECJ Bindings
ECJ Completion
ECJ Generate
ECJ Investigating
ECJ Lambda
ECJ Lookups
ECJ Meta Index
ECJ Parse
ECJ Testing
Null Analysis
Java 9 Modularity Options
Null Analysis External Annotations
Null Analysis Null Contracts
Null Analysis Options
Planning Eclipse 4.8 JEP286
Planning Eclipse 4.8 JEP323
Planning Eclipse 4.8 JEP325
Planning Eclipse 4.8
Planning Eclipse 4.9
Planning Eclipse 4.10
Planning Java 7
Planning Java 8
Planning Java 9
Planning Java Releases
