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Setup a Loomio development environment

A step by step guide for people wanting to install Loomio on their personal computer so they can fix bugs and write features.

There are 3 parts to this document: MacOS X system setup, Ubuntu system setup, and Application setup. You'll need to complete one of the system setups, and then the application setup after that.

MacOS X system setup

First install homebrew

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

You then need to install Command Line Tools for XCode from

With that done, use Homebrew to install Git and PostgreSQL

brew install git postgresql pkgconfig redis
brew install ImageMagick --with-perl
brew services start postgresql
brew services start redis

And that's it. You can jump to 'Install ruby'

Ubuntu system setup

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib build-essential \
                     libssl-dev libreadline-dev zlib1g-dev \
                     libpq-dev libffi-dev libmagickwand-dev \
                     imagemagick python3 redis

Install ruby

I recommend that you install ruby via rbenv, this gives you the flexibility required to install and switch between various versions of ruby.

Follow the installation steps for rbenv from

Then install ruby-build like so:

mkdir -p "$(rbenv root)"/plugins
git clone "$(rbenv root)"/plugins/ruby-build

When a new version of ruby is released, you can update ruby-build with

cd "$(rbenv root)"/plugins/ruby-build && git pull

At the time of writing 3.2.2 is the version of ruby that Loomio uses. To check what the current version required is, see .ruby-version

rbenv install 3.2.2
gem install bundler

Install node

You'll need Node.js and I recommend you use nvm to install it. Just run:

curl -o- | bash

You'll need to restart your terminal, then run:

nvm install 14
nvm alias default 14

Fork and clone the Loomio git repo

I recommend you visit then click "Fork" to create your own loomio repository to work from. Then clone that repo to your local computer:

cd ~/projects # or wherever you like to keep your code
git clone [email protected]:YOURUSERNAME/loomio.git && cd loomio

Install ruby and node dependencies

From you freshly checked out Loomio repo:

bundle install
cd vue; npm install && cd ..

Create database.yml

cp config/database.example.yml config/database.yml

On Linux you'll need to create a postgres user with the same name as your Linux user account. This is not required on MacOS as it's automatic.

sudo postgres -c 'createuser -P --superuser <username>'

Setup the Loomio database and schema

createdb loomio_development
rake db:setup

Launch rails and npm serve

In one terminal run

rails s

In the another run

cd vue
npm run serve

You can view Loomio in your browser by visiting http://localhost:8080.

To view Loomio's features and changes to your source code, visit any of the dev routes listed at http://localhost:8080/dev/ (be sure to include the trailing slash). A good place to is http://localhost:8080/dev/setup_group.

Other things to know

Rails stuff

  • sometimes rails s and similar commands will fail. Try with bundle exec rails s and that can help.
  • rails c will bring up a rails console
  • 'rspec' will run the rails tests

Having trouble?

Let us know in the product development group on Loomio.