Releases: ejeschke/ginga
Ginga v2.6.5
- Coordinate transforms refactored for speed and code clarity
- Some canvas shapes refactored for better code reuse
- Allow max and min scale limits to be disabled (by None)
- Fixed a bug that prevented the reference viewer from resizing correctly with Qt back end
- Refactored WCS wrapper module for code clarity
- Set minimum astropy version requirement to 1.X
- Fixed a bug in NAXIS selection GUI (MultiDim plugin)
- Fixed MDI window resizing with Gtk back ends
- Fixed an error where zoom 100% button did not correctly zoom to 1:1 scale
- Several fixes for astropy 2.0 compatibility
- Fixed a bug in the FBrowser plugin when channel displaying a table and attempting to load a new file
- Fixed a bug when setting the pan position manually by wcs coordinates
- Updates for changes in PIL.ImageCms module
- Fix for window corruption on certain expose events
- New default bindings for touch pads and differentiation from wheel zoom
Ginga v2.6.4
Added new ScreenShot plugin to take PNG/JPEG snaps of the viewer window
Enhancements to the Pick plugin
- Added ability to make shapes besides rectangles for enclosing pick area. Masks out unwanted pixels. Choose the shape in the Settings tab.
- Changed behavior of pick log to only write the log when the user clicks the save button.
- Changed the name of the save button to "Save as FITS table" to make it clear what is being written.
- If "Show candidates" is selected in Settings, then ALL of the candidates are saved to the log.
- Added documentation to the manual
- Bug fix for error when changing radius
Improvements to layout of Operations menu (plugin categories)
Colorbar scale now placed below the color wedge and is more legible
Bug fixes for LineProfile plugin
Slit function for Cuts plugin can be enabled from GUI
Bug fixes for Slit function
Info plugin can now control new image cut/zoom/center settings
Fixed an issue with the MultiDim plugin that could result in a hang with some back ends
New canvas type for displaying WCS grid overlay and new WCSAxes plugin that uses it
Bug fixes to scrolling via scrollbars and vert/horiz percentages
Enhancements to the LineProfile plugin
- several new shapes besides the standard point
- plot multiple lines
Ginga v2.6.3
- Fix for issue that stops ginga startup when loading externally distributed plugins that have errors
- Fix for an issue loading plugins from the command line when they are nested in a package
- Added bindings for moving +/- pixel delta in X or Y and centering on the pixel
- Fixes for some key mappings for tk, matplotlib and HTML5 canvas backends
- Fixes for IRAF plugin under python 3
- Fix for a bug using remote control (RC) plugin from python2 client to python 3 ginga
- Documentation updates
Ginga v2.6.2
- Added some colormaps from ds9 that don't have equivalents in Ginga or matplotlib
- Fix for recognizing CompImage HDU type when using
- Add new experimental OpenGL back end
- Fixes for Tk back end on python 3
- You can now write separately distributed and installable plugins for the reference viewer that Ginga will find and load on startup
- Added --sep option to load command line files into separate channels
- New help screen feature available for plugins
- Lots of updates to documentation
- Fixed a stability issue with drag and dropping large number of files under Linux
- Fixes for python3 and several example programs
- Fix for interactive rotation bug under matplotlib back end
Ginga v2.6.1
Release date 2016-12-22
- Added a working MDI workspace for gtk2/gtk3.
- Added scrollbar frames. See examples/qt/ for standalone widget. Can be added to reference viewer by putting 'scrollbars = "on"' in your channel_Image.cfg preferences.
- Reorganized reference viewer files under "rv" folder.
- Improved Pick plugin: nicer contour plot, pick log uses table widget, pick log saved as a FITS table HDU
- Pick and Zoom plugins can now use a specific color map, rather than always using the same one as the channel window
- gtk3 reference viewer can now be resized smaller than the original layout (gtk2 still cannot)
- added ability to save the reference viewer size, layout and position on screen
- gtk MDI windows now remember their size and location when toggling workspace types
- Fixes for problems with pinch and scroll gestures with Qt5 backend
- Fixed a bug where scale changes between X and Y axes unexpectedly at extreme zoom levels
- Fixed a bug where cursor could get stuck on a pan cursor
- Added ability to define a cursor for any mode
- Added documented virtual methods to ImageView base class
- Added a workaround for a bug in early versions of Qt5 where excessive mouse motion events accumulate in the event queue
Ginga v2.6.0
With release 2.6.0 we are moving to a new versioning scheme that makes
use of github tagged releases and a "dev" versioning scheme for updates
between releases.
This release includes many bugfixes and improvements, new canvas types
(XRange and YRange), a Command plugin, WCSMatch plugin, dynamically
configurable workspaces, OpenCv acceleration, an HTML5 backend and much
much more.