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#target illustrator/******************************* @title MergeText_AI* @author Justin Putney* @info http://putney.ajarproductions.com* @version 1.0.0*******************************//******************************************** begin code from ominoDialogMaker.jsx* by David Van Brink* source: http://omino.com/pixelblog/2008/09/21/35/********************************************/var D_MARGIN = 6;var D_CONTROLHEIGHT = 20;var D_BUTTONWIDTH = 100;var D_CONTROLLABELWIDTH = 160;var D_CONTROLWIDTH = 150;var D_DIALOG_WIDTH = 400;var S2 = 1.41421356237309504880;// create a rectangle for a new control, walking downwards.function _odControlShared(label,name) { dialog = this; var y = dialog.curYPos; var itemHeight = D_CONTROLHEIGHT; var itemBump = itemHeight + D_MARGIN; if(label != "") label += ":"; var labelCtl = dialog.add('statictext',[20,y,20 + D_CONTROLLABELWIDTH,y+itemHeight],label); labelCtl.justify = "right"; var controlBox = new Object(); controlBox.left = 20 + D_CONTROLLABELWIDTH + 10; controlBox.top = y; controlBox.right = controlBox.left + D_CONTROLWIDTH; controlBox.bottom = controlBox.top + itemHeight; dialog.curYPos = controlBox.bottom + D_MARGIN; return controlBox;}function _odControlSharedFinish(control,name,valueFieldName) { oD = this; oD.items[name] = control; oD.itemValueFieldNames[name] = valueFieldName; oD.itemNames[oD.itemNames.length] = name;}function _odNumber(label,name,value) { oD = this; var controlBox = oD._odControlShared(label,name); var control = oD.add('edittext',controlBox,value); control.value = value; control.onChange = function(){this.value = (this.text) * 1.0; this.text = this.value;}; // make them all .value accessible oD._odControlSharedFinish(control,name,"text"); return control;}function _odText(label,name,value) { oD = this; var controlBox = oD._odControlShared(label,name); var control = oD.add('edittext',controlBox,value); control.value = value; control.onChange = function(){this.value = this.text; }; // make them all .value accessible oD._odControlSharedFinish(control,name,"text"); return control;}function _setColorFromButton(victim,button) { var g = victim.graphics; var n = button.value; var myBrush = g.newBrush(g.BrushType.SOLID_COLOR, n); g.backgroundColor = myBrush;}/* color values are array of three floats, 0.0 .. 1.0. */function _odColor(label,name,color) { oD = this; var controlBox = oD._odControlShared(label,name); var swatchBox = [controlBox.left + 40,controlBox.top,controlBox.right,controlBox.bottom]; var buttonBox = [controlBox.left,controlBox.top,controlBox.left + 30,controlBox.bottom]; var swatch = oD.add('group',swatchBox); var button = oD.add('button',buttonBox); button.swatch = swatch; button.value = color; button.onClick = function(){ var n = doColorPicker(this.value); this.value = n; _setColorFromButton(swatch,this); }; _setColorFromButton(swatch,button); oD._odControlSharedFinish(button,name,"value"); return button;}/* Add a button and static text to the dialog; the button refers to the text "nameCtl", and has .filePrompt and .fileExtension. */function _odFileCommon(label,name,path,prompt,extension) { var controlBox = oD._odControlShared(label,name); var buttonWidth = 80; var buttonBox = [controlBox.left,controlBox.top,controlBox.left + buttonWidth,controlBox.bottom]; var nameBox = [controlBox.left + buttonWidth + 10,controlBox.top,D_DIALOG_WIDTH,controlBox.bottom]; var f = new File(path); var nameCtl = oD.add('statictext',nameBox); var button = oD.add('button',buttonBox,'...'); button.nameCtl = nameCtl; nameCtl.text = f.name; button.value = f.fsName; button.file = f; button.filePrompt = prompt; button.fileExtension = extension; oD._odControlSharedFinish(button,name,"value"); return button;}function _odOpenFile(label,name,path,prompt,extension) { oD = this; var buttonCtl = _odFileCommon(label,name,path,prompt,extension); buttonCtl.onClick = function(){ var f = this.file.openDlg(this.filePrompt); if(f) { this.file = f; this.value = f.fsName; this.nameCtl.text = f.name; } }; return buttonCtl;}function _odSaveFile(label,name,path,prompt,extension) { oD = this; var buttonCtl = _odFileCommon(label,name,path,prompt,extension); buttonCtl.onClick = function(){ var f = this.file.saveDlg(this.filePrompt); if(f) { this.file = f; this.value = f.fsName; this.nameCtl.text = f.name; } }; return buttonCtl;}function _odSelectFolder(label,name,path,prompt,extension) { oD = this; var buttonCtl = _odFileCommon(label,name,path,prompt,extension); buttonCtl.folder = new Folder(path); // folder, pls, not file buttonCtl.nameCtl.text += "/"; buttonCtl.onClick = function(){ var f = this.folder.selectDlg(this.filePrompt); if(f) { this.folder = f; this.value = f.fsName; this.nameCtl.text = f.name + "/"; } }; return buttonCtl;}function _odCheckbox(label,name,value,checkboxText) { oD = this; var controlBox = oD._odControlShared(label,name); var control = oD.add('checkbox',controlBox,checkboxText); control.value = value; //control.onChange = function(){this.value = this.text;}; oD._odControlSharedFinish(control,name,"value"); return control;}function _odRadioButtons(label,name,value,radioChoices) { var oD = this; controlBox = oD ._odControlShared(label,name); var itemHeight = controlBox.bottom - controlBox.top; result = oD.add('edittext',controlBox,value); // hidden text field to control it... result.onChange = function(){ var i; this.value = this.text; for(i = 0; i < this.buttons.length; i++) { var button = this.buttons[i]; button.value = (button.theChoice == this.text); } } result.hide(); result.value = value; result.buttons = new Array(); var i; for(i = 0; i < radioChoices.length; i++) { var choice = radioChoices[i]; if(i > 0) { var bump = itemHeight + D_MARGIN; controlBox.top += bump; controlBox.bottom += bump; oD.curYPos += bump; } // each radiobutton object pokes its choice into the ersatz control, // so it looks like a simple value. // ("Grouping" appears to be by adjacent additions only. Nice!) var rb = oD .add('radiobutton',controlBox,choice); rb.value = choice == value; rb.theChoice = choice; rb.theGroupErsatzControl = result; rb.onClick = function(){this.theGroupErsatzControl.value = this.theChoice;}; result.buttons[result.buttons.length] = rb; } oD._odControlSharedFinish(result,name,"text"); return result;}function _odMenu(label,name,value,menuChoices) { var oD = this; controlBox = oD ._odControlShared(label,name); var itemHeight = controlBox.bottom - controlBox.top; var control = oD.add('dropdownlist',controlBox,menuChoices); // I couldnt discern how to get this from the "items" array, so I stash menuChoice for later. dvb08. control.menuChoices = menuChoices; control.value = value; // set the initial selection index var index = 0; for(var i = 0; i < menuChoices.length; i++) { if(value == menuChoices[i]) index = i; } control.selection = index; control.onChange = function() { this.value = this.selection.text; } // make them all .value accessible oD._odControlSharedFinish(control,name,"value");}function _odSectionLabel(label) { var oD = this; var b2 = new Object(); b2.left = D_MARGIN; b2.top = oD.curYPos; b2.right = b2.left + D_DIALOG_WIDTH; b2.bottom = b2.top + D_CONTROLHEIGHT; oD.curYPos += D_CONTROLHEIGHT + D_MARGIN; oD.add('statictext',b2,label + ':',{multiline:true});}function _odBoxedText(lines,text) { var oD = this; var width = D_DIALOG_WIDTH; var height = lines * 16; var b2 = new Object(); var b = new Object(); b.top = oD.curYPos; b.bottom = b.top + height + 2 * D_MARGIN; b.left = D_MARGIN; b.right = b.left + width; oD.curYPos = b.bottom + D_MARGIN; var panel = oD.add('panel',b); b2.left = D_MARGIN; b2.top = D_MARGIN; b2.right = b2.left + width - 2 * D_MARGIN; b2.bottom = b2.top + height; panel.add('statictext',b2,text,{multiline:true});}function _odSeparator() { var oD = this; var height = oD.groupGap; var barWidth = oD.ominoDialogWidth; if(barWidth) { var b = new Object(); b.top = oD.curYPos + height / 2; b.bottom = b.top; b.left = D_MARGIN; b.right = b.left + barWidth; var barHeight = 2; b.top -= barHeight / 2; b.bottom = b.top + barHeight; oD.add('panel',b); } oD.curYPos += height;}function _odAppendGap() { oD = this; oD.curYPos += oD.groupGap;}function appendOKCancel(dialog) { var y = dialog.curYPos; var cancelRect = new Object(); var okRect = new Object(); cancelRect.left = D_MARGIN cancelRect.top = y; cancelRect.right = cancelRect.left + D_BUTTONWIDTH; cancelRect.bottom = cancelRect.top + D_CONTROLHEIGHT; okRect.left = cancelRect.right + D_MARGIN + D_MARGIN; okRect.top = y; okRect.right = okRect.left + D_BUTTONWIDTH; okRect.bottom = okRect.top + D_CONTROLHEIGHT; var cancelBtn = dialog.add('button',cancelRect,'Cancel',{name:'cancel'}); var okBtn = dialog.add('button',okRect,'OK',{name:'ok'}); cancelBtn.theDialog = dialog; cancelBtn.onClick = function(){this.theDialog.close(0);}; // 0 on cancel okBtn.theDialog = dialog; okBtn.onClick = function(){this.theDialog.close(1);}; // 1 on ok dialog.curYPos = okRect.bottom + D_MARGIN;}function trimDialogBounds(dialog) { var xMax = 20; var yMax = 20; var n = dialog.children.length; var i; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { var aChild= dialog.children[i]; var aChildBounds = aChild.bounds; if(aChildBounds.right > xMax) xMax = aChildBounds.right; if(aChildBounds.bottom > yMax) yMax = aChildBounds.bottom; } dialog.bounds.right = dialog.bounds.left + xMax + D_MARGIN; dialog.bounds.bottom = dialog.bounds.top + yMax + D_MARGIN; // actually... allow bottom gaps. dialog.bounds.bottom = dialog.curYPos + dialog.bounds.top;}function newOminoDialog(name) { var oD = new Window('dialog',name,[100,100,500,500]); oD.curYPos = 20; oD.groupGap = 12; oD.itemNames = new Array(); oD.item oD.items = new Array(); oD.itemValueFieldNames = new Object(); // to poke a value into the dialog, each control's appropriate field, like "text" or "value" oD.ominoDialogWidth = D_DIALOG_WIDTH; oD.gap = _odAppendGap; oD.number = _odNumber; oD.string = _odText; oD.radioButtons = _odRadioButtons; oD.checkbox = _odCheckbox; oD.sectionLabel = _odSectionLabel; oD.separator = _odSeparator; oD.boxedText = _odBoxedText; oD.color = _odColor; oD.openFile = _odOpenFile; oD.selectFolder = _odSelectFolder; oD.saveFile = _odSaveFile; oD.menu = _odMenu; oD.set = _odSet; oD.run = _odRun; oD.get = _odGet; oD._odControlShared = _odControlShared; oD._odControlSharedFinish = _odControlSharedFinish; return oD;}function _odGet(){ var values = new Object(); var name; for(name in this.items) { var value = this.items[name].value; values[name] = value; } return values;}function _odSet(values){ var oD = this; if(!values) return; for(var p in values) { var value = values[p]; var item = oD.items[p]; if(!item) continue; var itemValueFieldName = oD.itemValueFieldNames[p]; if(!itemValueFieldName) continue; item[itemValueFieldName] = value; item.notify('onChange'); // to get the refresh }}function _odRun(){ var oD = this; if(!oD.finishingTouches) { oD.separator(oD); oD.gap(); appendOKCancel(oD); oD.gap(); trimDialogBounds(oD); oD.finishingTouches = true; } var resultCode = oD.show(); if(resultCode != 1) // cancel return null; var result = oD.get(); return result;}/******************************************** end code from ominoDialogMaker.jsx********************************************//******************************************** begin code for Merging Text********************************************/if(app.documents.length >= 1) { var sortProp = "left"; var doc = app.activeDocument; var sel = doc.selection; var tfs = new Array(); var separator = "[><]"; var minimumversion = 13; //min version to run dialog code var ver = app.version; var aiversion = parseInt(ver.split(".")[0]); init(); } else { alert("No documents open");}function init(){ collectFields(); if(tfs.length> 1) { if(aiversion >= minimumversion) runDialog(); else run(); } else if (tfs.length == 1) { alert("You must select more than one textfield."); } else { alert("No textfields selected."); }}function collectFields() { for(var i=0; i < sel.length; i++){ var t = sel[i]; if (t == undefined) continue; if(t.typename == "TextFrame"){ //t.position //for text boxes //$.writeln(t.position); tfs.push(t); } }}function run () { //position for sorting--------- if(sortProp == "right") flipFields(tfs, -100, 100); else if(sortProp == "bottom") flipFields(tfs, 100, -100); //------------------------------- tfs.sort(sortFields); //reset---------- if(sortProp == "right") flipFields(tfs, -100, 100); else if(sortProp == "bottom") flipFields(tfs, 100, -100); //---------------- doc.selection = tfs; assemble(tfs);}function runDialog(){ var omd = newOminoDialog("Merge Textfields"); omd.radioButtons("Sort by","sort","top",["top","left","bottom","right"]); omd.separator(); omd.string("Separator","separator",""); omd.boxedText(1,"\\r = return, \\t = tab"); var result = omd.run(); if(result != null) { separator = result.separator; separator = replace(separator, "\\r", "\r"); separator = replace(separator, "\\t", "\t"); //separator = replace(separator, "\\n", "\n"); sortProp = result.sort; run(); }}function flipFields(arr, scaleX, scaleY) { var g = group(arr); g.resize(scaleX, scaleY); var items = ungroup(g);}function assemble(arr){ var targField = arr.shift(); for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){ arr[i].textRange.contents = separator + arr[i].textRange.contents; arr[i].textRange.move(targField, ElementPlacement.PLACEATEND); arr[i].remove(); }}function sortFields(a,b) { var tProp = sortProp; if(tProp == "bottom") tProp = "top"; //use flipped values else if(tProp == "right") tProp = "left"; //use flipped values var aN = parseFloat(a[tProp]); var bN = parseFloat(b[tProp]); var returnVal = aN - bN; if(returnVal == 0) { //second level sorting if(tProp == "top") tProp = "left"; else if(tProp == "left") tProp = "top"; aN = parseFloat(a[tProp]); bN = parseFloat(b[tProp]); returnVal = aN - bN; } if(tProp == "top") returnVal *= -1; //y is reverse return returnVal;}function group(arr){ var g = doc.groupItems.add(); for(var i=0; i < arr.length; i++){ arr[i].move(g, ElementPlacement.INSIDE); } return g;}function ungroup(group){ var items = new Array(); var numItems = group.pageItems.length; for(var i=numItems-1; i >=0; i--){ var item = group.pageItems[i].move(group.parent, ElementPlacement.INSIDE); items.push(item); } group.remove(); return(items);}function replace(searchStr, findStr, replaceStr){ //fl.trace('replacing...' + findStr + '...with...' + replaceStr + '...in: ' + searchStr); var tArr = searchStr.split(findStr); var returnStr = tArr.join(replaceStr); return returnStr;}//for testing onlyfunction traceFields(arr){ $.writeln("----------------"); for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){ $.writeln(arr[i].contents + "// 1: " + Math.round(arr[i].left) + ", 2: " + Math.round(arr[i].top) ); } $.writeln("----------------");}/******************************************** end code for Merging Text********************************************///end file