Navdeep Sharma (navd) has created a Docker image for SoDA, with SoDA and Solr pre-installed. With this approach, all you need is a Docker installation. Instructions for using the Docker image follows.
Install Docker, if you already doesnt have on your machine. You can find Docker Installation Instructions on their web page here.
Run following command to start dockerised version of SoDA:
docker run -p 8983:8983 -p 8080:8080 -p 80:80 -p 443:443 navdeepsharma/soda
This will create and deploy a container with SoDA, SolrTextTagger and Solr running inside.
To change the configuration, get the ssh of docker container docker exec -it container_Id /bin/bash
, edit /home/soda/src/main/resources/
file and restart the container.
Access Solr dashboard on http://localhost:8983/solr/ and SoDA dashboard on http://localhost:8080/soda/index.jsp.