Welcome to the Software Development Project course!
In SDP, you will form a team and build an Android app over the course of the semester, following good software engineering practices and in particular the Scrum development method. You will be in the role of a software engineer, occasionally taking on the role of the "Scrum Master".
The goal of SDP is for you to switch from engineering software on your own to engineering software as part of a team, which is how most real-world software is built.
Overall, SDP will work in roughly the same way each week:
- Work on your tasks, collaborating with your teammates as needed
- Have at least two "stand-up" meetings on a fixed schedule, to coordinate with your team
- Write down a summary of what you did, what went well, and you should improve
- Meet with members of the staff to demo your app, discuss your progress, and agree on what to do in the next week
At the end of the semester, you will have a chance to show off your hard work to your classmates, and vote for your favorite apps as part of the "Battle of the Apps" competition. The staff will award prizes to the apps with the most votes. This competition will not impact your grade, but it should help motivate you.
We would like you to get started with Android and to know the course's development process before your first meeting with the staff, which will happen in the second week of the semester, thus we have written a set of "bootcamp" guides to help you get started.
While you will need to learn new things as part of the project, we want you to learn only what you need and when you need it. This way, you will be able to make useful contributions quickly, rather than spending weeks learning new concepts that you may not end up using.
You must have finished the following steps before the second week's meeting:
- Create a "Hello, world!" app by following the intro guide.
- Add tests to your app by following the testing guide.
- Learn GitHub features and create a repository by following the GitHub guide.
- Add continuous integration to your app by following the operations guide.
- Learn about the development process in SDP by reading the development process document.