HTTP Proxy provides unified API to different chat completion and embedding models, assistants and applications. Written in Java 17 and built on top of Eclipse Vert.x.
Build the project with Gradle and Java 17:
./gradlew build
Run the project with Gradle:
./gradlew run
Or run com.epam.aidial.core.AIDial class from your favorite IDE.
Static settings are used on startup and cannot be changed while application is running. Priority order:
- Environment variables with extra "aidial." prefix. E.g. "aidial.server.port", "aidial.config.files".
- File specified in "AIDIAL_SETTINGS" environment variable.
- Default resource file: src/main/resources/aidial.settings.json.
Setting | Default | Description |
config.files | aidial.config.json | Config files with parts of the whole config. |
config.reload | 60000 | Config reload interval in milliseconds. |
identityProviders | - | List of identity providers. Note. At least one identity provider must be provided. |
identityProviders.*.jwksUrl | - | Url to jwks provider. Required if disabledVerifyJwt is set to false |
identityProviders.*.rolePath | - | Path to the claim user roles in JWT token, e.g. resource_access.chatbot-ui.roles or just roles . Required. |
identityProviders.*.loggingKey | - | User information to search in claims of JWT token. |
identityProviders.*.loggingSalt | - | Salt to hash user information for logging. |
identityProviders.*.cacheSize | 10 | How many JWT tokens to cache. |
identityProviders.*.cacheExpiration | 10 | How long to retain JWT token in cache. |
identityProviders.*.cacheExpirationUnit | MINUTES | Unit of cache expiration. |
identityProviders.*.issuerPattern | - | Regexp to match the claim "iss" to identity provider |
identityProviders.*.disableJwtVerification | false | The flag disables JWT verification |
vertx.* | - | Vertx settings. |
server.* | - | Vertx HTTP server settings for incoming requests. |
client.* | - | Vertx HTTP client settings for outbound requests. |
storage.provider | - | Specifies blob storage provider. Supported providers: s3, aws-s3, azureblob, google-cloud-storage, filesystem |
storage.endpoint | - | Optional. Specifies endpoint url for s3 compatible storages |
storage.identity | - | Blob storage access key. Can be optional for filesystem and aws-s3 providers |
storage.credential | - | Blob storage secret key. Can be optional for filesystem and aws-s3 providers |
storage.bucket | - | Blob storage bucket |
storage.overrides.* | - | Key-value pairs to override storage settings |
storage.createBucket | false | Indicates whether bucket should be created on start-up |
storage.prefix | - | Base prefix for all stored resources. Must not contain path separators or any invalid chars |
encryption.password | - | Password used for AES encryption |
encryption.salt | - | Salt used for AES encryption |
resources.maxSize | 1048576 | Max allowed size in bytes for a resource |
resources.syncPeriod | 60000 | Period in milliseconds, how frequently check for resources to sync |
resources.syncDelay | 120000 | Delay in milliseconds for a resource to be written back in object storage after last modification |
resources.syncBatch | 4096 | How many resources to sync in one go |
resources.cacheExpiration | 300000 | Expiration in milliseconds for synced resources in Redis |
resources.compressionMinSize | 256 | Compress a resource with gzip if its size in bytes more or equal to this value |
redis.singleServerConfig.address | - | Redis single server addresses, e.g. "redis://host:port" |
redis.clusterServersConfig.nodeAddresses | - | Json array with Redis cluster server addresses, e.g. ["redis://host1:port1","redis://host2:port2"] |
invitations.ttlInSeconds | 259200 | Invitation time to live in seconds |
The Redis can be used as a cache with volatile-* eviction policies:
maxmemory 4G
maxmemory-policy volatile-lfu
Note: Redis will be strictly required in the upcoming releases 0.8+.
Dynamic settings are stored in JSON files, specified via "config.files" static setting, and reloaded at interval, specified via "config.reload" static setting. Dynamic settings include:
- Models
- Assistant
- Applications
- Access Keys
- Access Permissions
- Rate Limits
Parameter | Description |
routes | Path(s) for specific upstream routing or to respond with a configured body. |
applications | A list of deployed AI DIAL Applications and their parameters:<application_name> : Unique application name. |
applications.<application_name> | endpoint : AI DIAL Application API for chat completions.iconUrl : Icon path for the AI DIAL Application on UI.description : Brief AI DIAL Application description.displayName : AI DIAL Application name on UI. |
models | A list of deployed models and their parameters:<model_name> : Unique model name. |
models.<model_name> | type : Model type—chat or embedding .iconUrl : Icon path for the model on UI.description : Brief model description.displayName : Model name on UI.endpoint : Model API for chat completions or embeddings.upstreams : Used for load-balancing—request is sent to model endpoint containing X-UPSTREAM-ENDPOINT and X-UPSTREAM-KEY headers. |
models.<model_name>.upstreams | endpoint : Model endpoint.key : Your API key. |
keys | API Keys parameters:<core_key> : Your API key. |
keys.<core_key> | project : Project name assigned to this key.role : A configured role name that defines key permissions. |
roles | API key roles <role_name> with associated limits. Each API key has one role defined in the list of roles. Roles are associated with models, applications, assistants, and defined limits. |
roles.<role_name> | limits : Limits for models, applications, or assistants. |
roles.<role_name>.limits | minute : Total tokens per minute limit sent to the model, managed via floating window approach for well-distributed rate : Total tokens per day limit sent to the model, managed via floating window approach for balanced rate limiting. |
Copyright (C) 2023 EPAM Systems
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.