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State Representation

This library provides a set of classes to represent states in Cartesian or joint space, parameters, or geometrical shapes that can be used as obstacles. Those are a set of helpers functions to handle common concepts in robotics such as transformations between frames and the link between them and the robot state. This description covers most of the functionalities starting from the spatial transformations.

Table of contents:

Cartesian state

A CartesianState represents the transformations between frames in space as well as their dynamic properties (velocities, accelerations and forces). It comprises the name of the frame it is associated to and is expressed in a reference frame (by default world). A state contains all the variables that define its dynamic properties, i.e position, orientation, linear_velocity, angular_velocity, linear_acceleration, angular_acceleration, force and torque. All those state variables use Eigen::Vector3d internally, except for the orientation that is Eigen::Quaterniond based. All getters and setters are implemented.

state_representation::CartesianState s1("a"); // frame a expressed in world (default)
state_representation::CartesianState s2("b", "a"); // frame b expressed in a

s1.set_position(Eigen::Vector3d(0, 1, 0)); // 1 meter in y direction
s1.set_orientation(Eigen::Quaterniond(0, 1, 0, 0));

By default, quaternions are normalized on setting, therefore:

// will be rendered as Eigen::Quaterniond(0.70710678, 0.70710678, 0. , 0.)
s2.set_orientation(Eigen::Quaterniond(1, 1, 0, 0));

The state variables are also grouped in pose (position and orientation), twist (linear_velocity and angular_velocity), accelerations (linear_acceleration and angular_acceleration) and wrench (force and torque). Getter and setters are also implemented to do those bulk operations.


Note that for pose, it will be a 7d vector (3 for position and 4 for orientation):


Cartesian state operations

Basic operations between frames such as addition, subtractions, scaling are defined, and applied on all the state variables. It is very important to note that those operations are only valid if both states are expressed in the same reference frame.

state_representation::CartesianState s1("a"); // reference frame is world by default
state_representation::CartesianState s2("b");
double lamda = 0.5

// for those operation to be valid both s1 and s2
// should be expressed in the same reference frame
state_representation::CartesianState ssum = s1 + s2;
state_representation::CartesianState sdiff = s1 - s2;
state_representation::CartesianState sscaled = lambda * s1;

Also, despite common mathematical interpretation, the + operator is not commutative due to the orientation part of the state. The addition s1 + s2 corresponds to the transformation from the world frame to frame a followed by the transformation from world frame to frame b. If both frames have the same orientation then the + operator is commutative.

state_representation::CartesianState s1("a");
state_representation::CartesianState s2("b");
s1.set_orientation(Eigen::Quaterniond(0, 1, 0, 0));

state_representation::CartesianState ssum1 = s1 + s2;
state_representation::CartesianState ssum2 = s2 + s1;

ssum1 != ssum2;

Changing of reference frame

One of the most useful operation is the multiplication between two states that corresponds to a changing of reference frame:

state_representation::CartesianState wSa("a"); // reference frame is world by default
state_representation::CartesianState aSb("b", "a");

// for this operation to be valid aSb should be expressed in a (wSa)
// the result is b expressed in world
state_representation::CartesianState wSb = wSa * aSb;

Not only does that apply a changing of reference frame but it also express all the state variables of aSb in the desired reference frame (here world), taking into account the dynamic of the frame wSa, i.e. if wSa has a twist or acceleration it will affect the state variables of wSb.

Specific state variables

Full CartesianState can be difficult to handle as they contain all the dynamics of the frame when, sometime, you just want to express a pose without twist, accelerations or wrench. Therefore, extra classes representing only those specific state variables have been defined, CartesianPose, CartesianTwist, CartesianAcceleration and CartesianWrench. Effectively, they all extend from CartesianState hence they can be intertwined as will.

state_representation::CartesianPose wPa("a");
state_representation::CartesianState aSb("b", "a");

// the result is state b expressed in world
state_representation::CartesianState wSa = wPa + aSb;
state_representation::CartesianPose wPa("a");
state_representation::CartesianTwist aVb("b", "a");

// the result is twist b expressed in world
state_representation::CartesianTwist wVa = wPa + aVb;

Conversion between Cartesian state variables

The distinction with those specific extra variables allows to define some extra conversion operations. Therefore, dividing a CartesianPose by a time (std::chrono_literals) returns a CartesianTwist:

using namespace std::chrono_literals;
auto period = 1h;

state_representation::CartesianPose wPa("a", Eigen::Vector3d(1, 0, 0));
// the result is a twist of 1m/h in x direction converted in m/s
state_representation::CartesianTwist wVa = wPa / period;

Conversely, multiplying a CartesianTwist (by default expressed internally in m/s and rad/s) to a CartesianPose is simply multiplying it by a time period:

using namespace std::chrono_literals;
auto period = 10s;

state_representation::CartesianTwist wVa("a", Eigen::Vector3d(1, 0, 0));
state_representation::CartesianPose wPa = period * wVa; // note that wVa * period is also implemented

Cartesian state distance and norms

As a CartesianState represents a spatial transformation, distance between states and norms computations have been implemented. The distance functions is represented as the sum of the distance over all the state variables:

using namespace state_representation;
CartesianState cs1 = CartesianState::Random("test");
CartesianState cs2 = CartesianState::Random("test");

double d = cs1.dist(cs2);
// alternatively one can use the friend type notation
d = dist(cs1, cs2)

By default, the distance is computed over all the state variables. It is worth noting that it has no physical units, but is still relevant to check how far two states are in all their features. One can specify the state variable to consider using the CartesianStateVariable enumeration:

// only the distance in position
double d_pos = cs1.dist(cs2, CartesianStateVariable::POSITION);
// distance over the wrench
double d_wrench = cs1.dist(cs2, CartesianStateVariable::WRENCH);

When doing so, the unit of the distance is the one of the corresponding state variable. The norm of a state is using a similar API and returns the norms of each state variable:

using namespace state_representation;
CartesianState cs = CartesianState::Random("test");
// default is norm over all the state variables, hence vector is of size 8
std::vector<double> norms = cs.norms();
// for only norm over the pose you need to specify it
std::vector<double> pose_norms = cs.norms(CartesianStateVariable::POSE);

normalize, inplace normalization, and the copy normalization, normalized, are also implemented:

using namespace state_representation;
CartesianState cs = CartesianState::Random("test");
// inplace, default is normalization over all the state variables
// copied normalized state, with only linear velocity normalized
CartesianState csn = cs.normalized(CartesianStateVariable::LINEAR_VELOCITY)

Joint state

JointState follows the same logic as CartesianState but for representing robot states. Similarly to the CartesianState the class JointState, JointPositions, JointVelocities and JointTorques have been developed. The API follows exactly the same logic with similar operations implemented.

A JointState is defined by the name of the corresponding robot and the name of each joints.

// create a state for myrobot with 3 joints
state_representation::JointState js("myrobot", std::vector<string>({"joint0", "joint1", "joint2"}));

Note that if the joints of the robot are named {"joint0", "joint1", ..., "jointN"} as above, you can also use the constructor that takes the number of joints as input which will name them accordingly:

// create a state for myrobot with 3 joints named {"joint0", "joint1", "joint3"}
state_representation::JointState js("myrobot", 3);

All the getters and setters for the positions, velocities, accelerations and torques are defined for both Eigen::VectorXd and std::vector<double>:

js.set_positions(Eigen::Vector3d(.5, 1., 0.));
js.set_positions(std::vector<double>{.5, 1., 0.});

Note that when using those setters, the size of the input vector should correspond to the number of joints of the state:

js.set_positions(Eigen::Vector4d::Random()); // will throw an IncompatibleSizeException

Joint state operations

Basic operations such as addition, subtraction and scaling have been implemented:

state_representation::JointState js1("myrobot", 3);
state_representation::JointState js2("myrobot", 3);
double lambda = 0.5;

// for those operation to be valid both js1 and js2
// should correspond to the same robot and have the
// same number of joints
state_representation::JointState jssum = js1 + js2;
state_representation::JointState jsdiff = js1 - js2;
state_representation::JointState jsscaled = lambda * js1;

Multiplication of joint states doesn't have a physical meaning and is, therefore, not implemented.

Conversion between joint state variables

Similarly to CartesianState, the conversion between JointPositions and JointVelocities happens through operations with std::chrono_literals.

using namespace std::chrono_literals;
auto period = 1h;

// create a state for myrobot with 3 joints named {"joint0", "joint1", "joint3"}
// and provide the position values
state_representation::JointPositions jp("myrobot", Eigen::Vector3d(1, 0, 0));

// result are velocities of 1 rad/h for joint0 expressed in rad/s
state_representation::JointVelocities jv = jp / period;
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
auto period = 10s;

// create a state for myrobot with 3 joints named {"joint0", "joint1", "joint3"}
// and provide the velocities values
state_representation::JointVelocities wVa("a", Eigen::Vector3d(1, 0, 0));

state_representation::JointPositions jp = period * jv; // note that jv * period is also implemented

The Jacobian matrix

The Jacobian matrix of a robot ensures the conversion between both CartesianState and JointState. Similarly to the JointState, a Jacobian is associated to a robot and defined by the robot and the number of joints. As it is a mapping between joint and task spaces, as for the CartesianState, it is also defined by an associated frame name and a reference frame.

// create a Jacobian for myrobot with 3 joints, associated to frame A and expressed in B
state_representation::Jacobian jac("myrobot", std::vector<string>({"joint0", "joint1", "joint2"}), "A", "B");

The API is the same as the JointState, hence the constructor can also accept the number of joints to initialize the joint names vector.

// create a Jacobian for myrobot with 3 joints named {"joint0", "joint1", "joint3"}, associated to frame A and
// expressed in world (default value of the reference frame when not provided)
state_representation::Jacobian jac("myrobot", 3, "A");

The Jacobian is simply a 6 x N matrix where N is the number of joints. Therefore, the data can be set from an Eigen::MatrixXd of correct dimensions.

jac.set_data(Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(6, 3)); // throw an IncompatibleSizeException if the size is not correct

All the functionalities of the Jacobian have been implemented such as transpose, inverse or pseudoinverse functions.

/// returns the 3 x 6 transposed matrix
state_representation::Jacobian jacT = jac.transpose();
// will throw an error as a 6 x 3 matrix is not invertible
state_representation::Jacobian jacInv = jac.inverse();
// compute the pseudoinverse without the need of being invertible
state_representation::Jacobian jacPinv = jac.pseudoinverse();

Those operations are very useful to convert JointState from CartesianState and vice versa.

Conversion between JointVelocities and CartesianTwist

The simplest conversion is to transform a JointVelocities into a CartesiantTwist by multiplication with the Jacobian

state_representation::Jacobian jac("myrobot", 3, "eef_frame", "base_frame");
state_representation::JointVelocities jv("myrobot", 3);
// compute the twist of eef_frame in base_frame from the joint velocities
state_representation::CartesianTwist eef_twist = jac * jv;

The opposite transformation, from CartesianTwist to JointVelocities requires the multiplication with the inverse (or pseudoinverse).

state_representation::Jacobian jac("myrobot", 3, "eef");
state_representation::CartesianTwist eef_twist("eef")
state_representation::JointVelocities jv = jac.pseudoinverse() * eef_twist;
// in case of non matching frame or reference frame throw an IncompatibleStatesException
state_representation::CartesianTwist link2_twist("link2", "link0")
state_representation::JointVelocities jv = jac.pseudoinverse() * link2_twist;

Note that the inverse or pseudoinverse functions are computationally expensive and the solve function that relies on the solving of the system Ax = b using Eigen has been implemented.

state_representation::CartesianTwist eef_twist("eef")
// faster than doing jac.pseudoinverse() * eef_twist
state_representation::JointVelocities jv = jac.solve(eef_twist);

Conversion between JointTorques and CartesianWrench

The other conversion that is implemented is the transformation from CartesianWrench to JointTorques, this one using the transpose.

state_representation::CartesianWrench eef_wrench("eef")
// faster than doing jac.pseudoinverse() * eef_twist
state_representation::JointTorques jt = jac.transpose() * eef_wrench;

Matrix multiplication

The Jacobian object contains an underlying Eigen::MatrixXd which can be retrieved using the Jacobian::data() method. Direct multiplication of the Jacobian object with another Eigen::MatrixXd has also been implemented and returns the Eigen::MatrixXd product.

state_representation::Jacobian jac("myrobot", 3, "eef", Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(6, 3));
// alternatively can use the Random static constructor
state_representation::Jacobian jac = state_representation::Jacobian::Random("myrobot", 3, "eef");
Eigen::MatrixXd mat =;
Eigen::MatrixXd res = jac * Eigen::MatrixXd(3, 4); // equivalent to * Eigen::MatrixXd(3, 4);

Changing the Jacobian reference frame

As stated earlier, the Jacobian is expressed in a reference frame and can, therefore, use the operations with CartesianPose to be modified. It relies on the usage of the overloaded operator* or the set_reference_frame function for inplace modifications. It is equivalent to multiply each columns of the Jacobian by the CartesianPose on both the linear and angular part of the matrix. For this operation to be valid, the CartesianPose name has to match the current Jacobian reference frame.

state_representation::Jacobian jac = state_representation::Jacobian::Random("myrobot", 3, "eef", "base_frame");
state_representation::CartesianPose pose = state_representation::CartesianPose::Random("base_frame", "world");
// the result is the Jacobian expressed in world
state_representation::Jacobian jac_in_world = pose * jac;
// alternatively, one case use the set_reference_frame function for inplace modifications
// in case of non matching operation throw an IncompatibleStatesExceptions
jac.set_reference_frame(state_representation::CartesianPose::Random("link0", "world"));