A number of Stackable Traits are available to quickly instrument Pekko or Akka actors. In all cases, the actual actor implementation must be mixed in prior to these stackable traits.
Usage follows a common pattern (the DefaultInstrumented
trait is described earlier in the documentation):
trait MyActor extends Actor with DefaultInstrumented {
def receive = {
case "foo" => sender() ! "bar"
case "bar" =>
sender() ! "baz"
class MyActorInstrumented extends MyActor with
with ActorInstrumentedLifeCycle
with ReceiveCounterActor with ReceiveTimerActor with ReceiveExceptionMeterActor
Getting the IllegalArgumentException "A metric named some-gauge already exists"
When an actor is restarted, gauges can not be created again under the same name in the same metric registry.
By mixing in the ActorInstrumentedLifeCycle
trait, all gauges created in this actor will be automatically
unregistered before this actor restarts.
This trait provides a counter of messages received by the actor. This count will only increment if the message matches
the receive
partial function.
This trait provides a timer of the execution of the receive
partial function. Because it's a timer, you get a call
meter and call counter for free. This is part of the dropwizard metrics library.
This trait provides an exception meter around the receive
partial function. This does not differentiate exceptions
by Supervisor
configuration. Any exception thrown by receive
will be counted equally, ignoring whether the
chooses to restart
, escalate
, or other.
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