Sopa de pescado, go for that after a hangover & you should be ready for the next party.
Bandeja de pescado frita. It ussually comes with rice, patacones, salad, and a small soup.
Tip. Don't go for the most expensive choice in the beach 🏖️, or in a random restaurant. Just go for Mojarra, Bocachico (lots of fish bones, but better taste), or the cheapest one. It will be good enough.
I don't like seafood, but there is good shit.
Unless you have truck driver stomach, pick your restaurant carefully to avoid food poisoning.
Posta cartagenera, beef with a dark sauce sever with arroz and many more.
Sancocho 'e guandul, any sancocho may be called soup but it's more like a stew. This one comes with a bean, Afrikan pidgeon beans afair. Obviously with meat or pork, potatoe, tapioca, butternut squash, and many tasty things.
Sancocho 'e mondongo. Mondongo is one of the stomach of the cows 🐄. Spanish people call it "callos." Italian people also eat it, but not the spoiled ones like Giada.
Arepa 'e huevo 🫓🥚, fried tortilla (corn) with an egg inside. They stuffed with beef, chicken, or whatever sometimes.
Arepa dulce 🫓, fried with sesame seeds.
Empanadas, stuffed half-moon shaped arepa.
Caribañolas, like an empanada, but made out of tapioca instead of corn.
Pan de Bono, special bread dough often stuffed with cheese.
Bunuelos, fried corn dough ball-shaped. There are different kinds 😉.
Kihbe 🇱🇧. The caribbean coast hosted many migrants from middle east. I guess those who missed the weather perhaps.
Papas rellenas. Prefer any friend stuff above, but I used to go for it when I was hungry.
Dulces & Desserts
Any fruits: mango 🥭, papaya, patilla 🍉. In the coast, I'd go for the seasonal first otherwise it's gambling.
In Bogota, you can go to Plaza de la Perseverancia or Paloquemao. There, it's safer to taste any fruit regardless of the season.
Cocadas, coconut candy. There are different kinds, enjoy and lemme know your top-3.
I have never seen a Salmon in colombian. Thus, don't ask for that over there. Google the equivalent.
Tourism in colombia operates as in Petra or Egypt 🇯🇴🇪🇬.
Never trust the 1st price, especially in the street or in a non-serious institution. Never trust the colombian selling candies outside of the institution for a reference/review. Trust in Google or in genuine random person walking on the street.
While bargaining for every price thrown to you, offer half of it. Navigate the negotiation from there as you would do in Turkey Grand Bazaar 🇹🇷.