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Docker instructions

winsvega edited this page Apr 4, 2019 · 5 revisions

To build retesteth docker image you use the following docker image instructions:
(tested on Docker version 18.03.1-ce, build 9ee9f40)

1) Build the docker image

2) Clone the test repo

3) Edit config file for the retesteth to start your client
Aleth is default client. just change the script line

aleth --test --db-path  --ipcpath  --log-verbosity 5 &


/tests/<yourClientName> --test --db-path  --ipcpath  --log-verbosity 5 &

the options --test --db--path and so on might be different in your client

4) Put your client executable to the test folder you have just cloned. /tests/<yourClientName>

5) To run the docker image

docker  run  -v "/localpath/to/test/repo:/tests"  <imgaid> -t BlockchainTests -- --testpath /tests
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