- First commit
- Added some parameters to i18n_extract and i18n_import scripts.
- Improved documentation.
- Improved documentation of contributed file.
- Performance improvement
- Redux state and action added.
- Improved documentation.
- Added Unit tests.
- Documentation updated with an example with dates translated.
- New tests with date formats.
- Added "files" attribute in package.json.
- Extract regexp bug fixed.
- The package's version is increased because it's stable.
- Eslint check added in test.
- Regexp of extract script improved. Now can extract texts inside single quotas.
- Tests run on dist libraries. Not over the sources.
- Replaced with single quotes the translation.js file.
- I18n component now it's the default import. Replace import {I18n} from 'redux-i18n' for import I18n from 'redux-i18n'. Thanks to evandavis (APSL#1).
- Two dependencies fixed. Thanks to evandavis (APSL#3).
- Add the ability to specify --pattern as a custom name for the translation function. Thanks to evandavis (https://github.com/APSL/redux-i18n/pull/4/commits/9ebd28f5f4d47c8414fc3dcd18da05a5cee14575)
- Immutable.js compatibility. Thanks to tiii (APSL#5)
- Readme improved.
- Tests improved for the action of "extract".
- Now its posible add comments for a translator when t function is called. Read the documentation.
- Readme improved.
- Readme improved. Thanks to mac200 (APSL#8)
- New tests added.
- New "dowloads per month" badge added.
- New node versions added in travis configuration.
- Readme updated adding the requirements sections.
- Escapes any '$' characters passed to t function via params object to prevent unexpected behavior with string.replace(). Thanks to gannoncurran (APSL#14)
- Fix: make sure numbers passed to t function via params object are converted to strings so .replace() won't fail. Thanks to gannoncurran (APSL#15)
- Charset removed from POT header because is not necessary and POEdit showed an error.
- New feature. It is already possible use plurals.
- Unit tests improved and added more.