We've received a password reset request for your login. If this was you just visit the
- the link below to finish up. If it wasn't you, you can simply ignore this email.
<%=t ".reset_password_below" %>
<%= link_to "Reset my password", edit_password_reset_url(token: @token) %>
<% end %>
diff --git a/config/i18n-tasks.yml b/config/i18n-tasks.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0417d25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/i18n-tasks.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# i18n-tasks finds and manages missing and unused translations: https://github.com/glebm/i18n-tasks
+# The "main" locale.
+base_locale: en
+## All available locales are inferred from the data by default. Alternatively, specify them explicitly:
+# locales: [es, fr]
+## Reporting locale, default: en. Available: en, ru.
+# internal_locale: en
+# Read and write translations.
+ ## Translations are read from the file system. Supported format: YAML, JSON.
+ ## Provide a custom adapter:
+ # adapter: I18n::Tasks::Data::FileSystem
+ # Locale files or `Find.find` patterns where translations are read from:
+ read:
+ ## Default:
+ # - config/locales/%{locale}.yml
+ ## More files:
+ # - config/locales/**/*.%{locale}.yml
+ # Locale files to write new keys to, based on a list of key pattern => file rules. Matched from top to bottom:
+ # `i18n-tasks normalize -p` will force move the keys according to these rules
+ write:
+ ## For example, write devise and simple form keys to their respective files:
+ # - ['{devise, simple_form}.*', 'config/locales/\1.%{locale}.yml']
+ ## Catch-all default:
+ # - config/locales/%{locale}.yml
+ # External locale data (e.g. gems).
+ # This data is not considered unused and is never written to.
+ external:
+ ## Example (replace %#= with %=):
+ # - "<%#= %x[bundle info vagrant --path].chomp %>/templates/locales/%{locale}.yml"
+ ## Specify the router (see Readme for details). Valid values: conservative_router, pattern_router, or a custom class.
+ # router: conservative_router
+ yaml:
+ write:
+ # do not wrap lines at 80 characters
+ line_width: -1
+ ## Pretty-print JSON:
+ # json:
+ # write:
+ # indent: ' '
+ # space: ' '
+ # object_nl: "\n"
+ # array_nl: "\n"
+# Find translate calls
+ ## Paths or `Find.find` patterns to search in:
+ # paths:
+ # - app/
+ ## Root directories for relative keys resolution.
+ # relative_roots:
+ # - app/controllers
+ # - app/helpers
+ # - app/mailers
+ # - app/presenters
+ # - app/views
+ ## Directories where method names which should not be part of a relative key resolution.
+ # By default, if a relative translation is used inside a method, the name of the method will be considered part of the resolved key.
+ # Directories listed here will not consider the name of the method part of the resolved key
+ #
+ # relative_exclude_method_name_paths:
+ # -
+ ## Files or `File.fnmatch` patterns to exclude from search. Some files are always excluded regardless of this setting:
+ ## *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.gif *.svg *.ico *.eot *.otf *.ttf *.woff *.woff2 *.pdf *.css *.sass *.scss *.less
+ ## *.yml *.json *.zip *.tar.gz *.swf *.flv *.mp3 *.wav *.flac *.webm *.mp4 *.ogg *.opus *.webp *.map *.xlsx
+ exclude:
+ - app/assets/images
+ - app/assets/fonts
+ - app/assets/videos
+ - app/assets/builds
+ ## Alternatively, the only files or `File.fnmatch patterns` to search in `paths`:
+ ## If specified, this settings takes priority over `exclude`, but `exclude` still applies.
+ # only: ["*.rb", "*.html.slim"]
+ ## If `strict` is `false`, guess usages such as t("categories.#{category}.title"). The default is `true`.
+ # strict: true
+ ## Allows adding ast_matchers for finding translations using the AST-scanners
+ ## The available matchers are:
+ ## - RailsModelMatcher
+ ## Matches ActiveRecord translations like
+ ## User.human_attribute_name(:email) and User.model_name.human
+ ##
+ ## To implement your own, please see `I18n::Tasks::Scanners::AstMatchers::BaseMatcher`.
+ # <%# I18n::Tasks.add_ast_matcher('I18n::Tasks::Scanners::AstMatchers::RailsModelMatcher') %>
+ ## Multiple scanners can be used. Their results are merged.
+ ## The options specified above are passed down to each scanner. Per-scanner options can be specified as well.
+ ## See this example of a custom scanner: https://github.com/glebm/i18n-tasks/wiki/A-custom-scanner-example
+## Translation Services
+# translation:
+# # Google Translate
+# # Get an API key and set billing info at https://code.google.com/apis/console to use Google Translate
+# google_translate_api_key: "AbC-dEf5"
+# # DeepL Pro Translate
+# # Get an API key and subscription at https://www.deepl.com/pro to use DeepL Pro
+# deepl_api_key: "48E92789-57A3-466A-9959-1A1A1A1A1A1A"
+# # deepl_host: "https://api.deepl.com"
+# # deepl_version: "v2"
+# # add additional options to the DeepL.translate call: https://www.deepl.com/docs-api/translate-text/translate-text/
+# deepl_options:
+# formality: prefer_less
+## Do not consider these keys missing:
+# ignore_missing:
+# - 'errors.messages.{accepted,blank,invalid,too_short,too_long}'
+# - '{devise,simple_form}.*'
+ - revise_auth.password_resets.set_user.invalid_password_link
+## Consider these keys used:
+# ignore_unused:
+# - 'activerecord.attributes.*'
+# - '{devise,kaminari,will_paginate}.*'
+# - 'simple_form.{yes,no}'
+# - 'simple_form.{placeholders,hints,labels}.*'
+# - 'simple_form.{error_notification,required}.:'
+ - "activerecord.attributes.*"
+ - "revise_auth.sign_up_or_login"
+ - "revise_auth.password_resets.edit.invalid_password_link"
+## Exclude these keys from the `i18n-tasks eq-base' report:
+# ignore_eq_base:
+# all:
+# - common.ok
+# fr,es:
+# - common.brand
+## Exclude these keys from the `i18n-tasks check-consistent-interpolations` report:
+# ignore_inconsistent_interpolations:
+# - 'activerecord.attributes.*'
+## Ignore these keys completely:
+# ignore:
+# - kaminari.*
+## Sometimes, it isn't possible for i18n-tasks to match the key correctly,
+## e.g. in case of a relative key defined in a helper method.
+## In these cases you can use the built-in PatternMapper to map patterns to keys, e.g.:
+# <%# I18n::Tasks.add_scanner 'I18n::Tasks::Scanners::PatternMapper',
+# only: %w(*.html.haml *.html.slim),
+# patterns: [['= title\b', '.page_title']] %>
+# The PatternMapper can also match key literals via a special %{key} interpolation, e.g.:
+# <%# I18n::Tasks.add_scanner 'I18n::Tasks::Scanners::PatternMapper',
+# patterns: [['\bSpree\.t[( ]\s*%{key}', 'spree.%{key}']] %>
diff --git a/config/locales/cs.yml b/config/locales/cs.yml
index 662a1c6..535e732 100644
--- a/config/locales/cs.yml
+++ b/config/locales/cs.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,64 @@
+ activerecord:
+ attributes:
+ user:
+ email: Email
+ password: Password
+ password_challenge: Current password
+ password_confirmation: Password confirmation
- account_deleted: "Váš účet byl smazán."
- account_updated: "Účet byl úspěšně aktualizován."
- invalid_email_or_password: "Neplatný e-mail nebo heslo."
- sign_up_or_login: "Pro pokračování se zaregistruje nebo přihlaste"
- password_changed: "Vaše heslo bylo úspěšně změněno."
- incorrect_password: "Vaše aktuální heslo je nesprávné. Zkuste to prosím znovu."
- password_link_invalid: "Odkaz pro obnovení hesla je neplatný."
- password_reset_sent: "E-mail s pokyny pro obnovení hesla byl odeslán."
- email_confirmed: "Vaše e-mailová adresa byla úspěšně potvrzena."
- email_confirm_failed: "Vaši e-mailovou adresu nelze potvrdit."
- confirmation_email_sent: "Potvrzující e-mail byl odeslán na adresu %{email}."
+ email:
+ show:
+ email_confirm_failed: Vaši e-mailovou adresu nelze potvrdit.
+ email_confirmed: Vaše e-mailová adresa byla úspěšně potvrzena.
+ update:
+ confirmation_email_sent: Potvrzující e-mail byl odeslán na adresu %{email}.
+ mailer:
+ confirm_email:
+ confirm: Confirm my account
+ confirm_below: 'You can confirm your account email through the link below:'
+ expiration_notice: This link will expire in 24 hours.
+ welcome: Welcome %{email}!
+ password_reset:
+ expiration_notice: This link will expire in 1 hour.
+ reset_password: Reset my password
+ reset_password_below: We've received a password reset request for your login. If this was you just visit the link below to finish up. If it wasn't you, you can simply ignore this email.
+ password:
+ update:
+ incorrect_password: Vaše aktuální heslo je nesprávné. Zkuste to prosím znovu.
+ password_changed: Vaše heslo bylo úspěšně změněno.
+ password_resets:
+ create:
+ password_reset_sent: E-mail s pokyny pro obnovení hesla byl odeslán.
+ edit:
+ invalid_password_link: Odkaz pro obnovení hesla je neplatný.
+ reset_password: Reset password
+ new:
+ send_password_reset_instructions: Send Password Reset Instructions
+ registrations:
+ destroy:
+ account_deleted: Váš účet byl smazán.
+ edit:
+ change_email_address: Change Email Address
+ change_password: Change Password
+ confirm: Are you sure?
+ confirmation_instructions: To change your email, we will send a confirmation email to your new address to complete the change.
+ current_email_address: 'Your email address is: %{email}.'
+ delete_account: Delete my account
+ new_email: New Email
+ new_password: New password
+ profile: Profile
+ save: Save Changes
+ waiting_confirmation: Waiting for confirmation of %{email}.
+ new:
+ sign_up: Sign up
+ update:
+ account_updated: Účet byl úspěšně aktualizován.
+ sessions:
+ create:
+ invalid_email_or_password: Neplatný e-mail nebo heslo.
+ new:
+ log_in: Log in
+ reset_password: Reset your password
+ sign_up_or_login: Pro pokračování se zaregistruje nebo přihlaste
diff --git a/config/locales/de.yml b/config/locales/de.yml
index 7d7dfe5..d9f1b95 100644
--- a/config/locales/de.yml
+++ b/config/locales/de.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,64 @@
+ activerecord:
+ attributes:
+ user:
+ email: Email
+ password: Password
+ password_challenge: Current password
+ password_confirmation: Password confirmation
- account_deleted: "Dein Account wurde gelöscht."
- account_updated: "Account wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert."
- invalid_email_or_password: "Ungültige Email oder Passwort."
- sign_up_or_login: "Registrieren oder anmelden um fortzufahren."
- # Password changes
- password_changed: "Dein Passwort wurde erfolgreich geändert."
- incorrect_password: "Das Passwort ist ungültig. Bitte versuche es erneut."
- # Email confirmations
- email_confirmed: "Deine Email wurde erfogreich bestätigt."
- email_confirm_failed: "Email Adresse kann nicht bestätigt werden."
- confirmation_email_sent: "Eine Bestätigungsemail wurde versandt an %{email}."
+ email:
+ show:
+ email_confirm_failed: Email Adresse kann nicht bestätigt werden.
+ email_confirmed: Deine Email wurde erfogreich bestätigt.
+ update:
+ confirmation_email_sent: Eine Bestätigungsemail wurde versandt an %{email}.
+ mailer:
+ confirm_email:
+ confirm: Confirm my account
+ confirm_below: 'You can confirm your account email through the link below:'
+ expiration_notice: This link will expire in 24 hours.
+ welcome: Welcome %{email}!
+ password_reset:
+ expiration_notice: This link will expire in 1 hour.
+ reset_password: Reset my password
+ reset_password_below: We've received a password reset request for your login. If this was you just visit the link below to finish up. If it wasn't you, you can simply ignore this email.
+ password:
+ update:
+ incorrect_password: Das Passwort ist ungültig. Bitte versuche es erneut.
+ password_changed: Dein Passwort wurde erfolgreich geändert.
+ password_resets:
+ create:
+ password_reset_sent: An email with password reset instructions has been sent if that account exists.
+ edit:
+ invalid_password_link: The provided password reset link is invalid.
+ reset_password: Reset password
+ new:
+ send_password_reset_instructions: Send Password Reset Instructions
+ registrations:
+ destroy:
+ account_deleted: Dein Account wurde gelöscht.
+ edit:
+ change_email_address: Change Email Address
+ change_password: Change Password
+ confirm: Are you sure?
+ confirmation_instructions: To change your email, we will send a confirmation email to your new address to complete the change.
+ current_email_address: 'Your email address is: %{email}.'
+ delete_account: Delete my account
+ new_email: New Email
+ new_password: New password
+ profile: Profile
+ save: Save Changes
+ waiting_confirmation: Waiting for confirmation of %{email}.
+ new:
+ sign_up: Sign up
+ update:
+ account_updated: Account wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.
+ sessions:
+ create:
+ invalid_email_or_password: Ungültige Email oder Passwort.
+ new:
+ log_in: Log in
+ reset_password: Reset your password
+ sign_up_or_login: Registrieren oder anmelden um fortzufahren.
diff --git a/config/locales/el.yml b/config/locales/el.yml
index f025970..df9ac82 100644
--- a/config/locales/el.yml
+++ b/config/locales/el.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,64 @@
+ activerecord:
+ attributes:
+ user:
+ email: Email
+ password: Password
+ password_challenge: Current password
+ password_confirmation: Password confirmation
- account_deleted: "Ο λογαριασμός σας έχει διαγραφεί."
- account_updated: "Ο λογαριασμός σας έχει ενημερωθεί επιτυχώς."
- invalid_email_or_password: "Μη έγκυρο email ή κωδικός πρόσβασης."
- sign_up_or_login: "Εγγραφείτε ή συνδεθείτε για να συνεχίσετε."
- # Password changes
- password_changed: "Ο κωδικός πρόσβασής σας άλλαξε με επιτυχία."
- incorrect_password: "Ο τρέχων κωδικός πρόσβασής σας είναι λανθασμένος. Παρακαλώ δοκιμάστε ξανά."
- # Email confirmations
- email_confirmed: "Η διεύθυνση email σας επιβεβαιώθηκε επιτυχώς."
- email_confirm_failed: "Δεν είναι δυνατή η επιβεβαίωση της διεύθυνσης email."
- confirmation_email_sent: "Ένα email επιβεβαίωσης έχει σταλεί στο %{email}."
+ email:
+ show:
+ email_confirm_failed: Δεν είναι δυνατή η επιβεβαίωση της διεύθυνσης email.
+ email_confirmed: Η διεύθυνση email σας επιβεβαιώθηκε επιτυχώς.
+ update:
+ confirmation_email_sent: Ένα email επιβεβαίωσης έχει σταλεί στο %{email}.
+ mailer:
+ confirm_email:
+ confirm: Confirm my account
+ confirm_below: 'You can confirm your account email through the link below:'
+ expiration_notice: This link will expire in 24 hours.
+ welcome: Welcome %{email}!
+ password_reset:
+ expiration_notice: This link will expire in 1 hour.
+ reset_password: Reset my password
+ reset_password_below: We've received a password reset request for your login. If this was you just visit the link below to finish up. If it wasn't you, you can simply ignore this email.
+ password:
+ update:
+ incorrect_password: Ο τρέχων κωδικός πρόσβασής σας είναι λανθασμένος. Παρακαλώ δοκιμάστε ξανά.
+ password_changed: Ο κωδικός πρόσβασής σας άλλαξε με επιτυχία.
+ password_resets:
+ create:
+ password_reset_sent: An email with password reset instructions has been sent if that account exists.
+ edit:
+ invalid_password_link: The provided password reset link is invalid.
+ reset_password: Reset password
+ new:
+ send_password_reset_instructions: Send Password Reset Instructions
+ registrations:
+ destroy:
+ account_deleted: Ο λογαριασμός σας έχει διαγραφεί.
+ edit:
+ change_email_address: Change Email Address
+ change_password: Change Password
+ confirm: Are you sure?
+ confirmation_instructions: To change your email, we will send a confirmation email to your new address to complete the change.
+ current_email_address: 'Your email address is: %{email}.'
+ delete_account: Delete my account
+ new_email: New Email
+ new_password: New password
+ profile: Profile
+ save: Save Changes
+ waiting_confirmation: Waiting for confirmation of %{email}.
+ new:
+ sign_up: Sign up
+ update:
+ account_updated: Ο λογαριασμός σας έχει ενημερωθεί επιτυχώς.
+ sessions:
+ create:
+ invalid_email_or_password: Μη έγκυρο email ή κωδικός πρόσβασης.
+ new:
+ log_in: Log in
+ reset_password: Reset your password
+ sign_up_or_login: Εγγραφείτε ή συνδεθείτε για να συνεχίσετε.
diff --git a/config/locales/en.yml b/config/locales/en.yml
index 5046c9c..2aab58f 100644
--- a/config/locales/en.yml
+++ b/config/locales/en.yml
@@ -1,18 +1,64 @@
+ activerecord:
+ attributes:
+ user:
+ email: Email
+ password: Password
+ password_challenge: Current password
+ password_confirmation: Password confirmation
- account_deleted: "Your account has been deleted."
- account_updated: "Account updated successfully."
- invalid_email_or_password: "Invalid email or password."
- sign_up_or_login: "Sign up or log in to continue."
- # Password changes
- password_changed: "Your password has been changed successfully."
- incorrect_password: "Your current password is incorrect. Please try again."
- password_link_invalid: "The provided password reset link is invalid."
- password_reset_sent: "An email with password reset instructions has been sent if that account exists."
- # Email confirmations
- email_confirmed: "Your email address has been successfully confirmed."
- email_confirm_failed: "Unable to confirm email address."
- confirmation_email_sent: "A confirmation email has been sent to %{email}."
+ email:
+ show:
+ email_confirm_failed: Unable to confirm email address.
+ email_confirmed: Your email address has been successfully confirmed.
+ update:
+ confirmation_email_sent: A confirmation email has been sent to %{email}.
+ mailer:
+ confirm_email:
+ confirm: Confirm my account
+ confirm_below: 'You can confirm your account email through the link below:'
+ expiration_notice: This link will expire in 24 hours.
+ welcome: Welcome %{email}!
+ password_reset:
+ expiration_notice: This link will expire in 1 hour.
+ reset_password: Reset my password
+ reset_password_below: We've received a password reset request for your login. If this was you just visit the link below to finish up. If it wasn't you, you can simply ignore this email.
+ password:
+ update:
+ incorrect_password: Your current password is incorrect. Please try again.
+ password_changed: Your password has been changed successfully.
+ password_resets:
+ create:
+ password_reset_sent: An email with password reset instructions has been sent if that account exists.
+ edit:
+ invalid_password_link: The provided password reset link is invalid.
+ reset_password: Reset password
+ new:
+ send_password_reset_instructions: Send Password Reset Instructions
+ registrations:
+ destroy:
+ account_deleted: Your account has been deleted.
+ edit:
+ change_email_address: Change Email Address
+ change_password: Change Password
+ confirm: Are you sure?
+ confirmation_instructions: To change your email, we will send a confirmation email to your new address to complete the change.
+ current_email_address: 'Your email address is: %{email}.'
+ delete_account: Delete my account
+ new_email: New Email
+ new_password: New password
+ profile: Profile
+ save: Save Changes
+ waiting_confirmation: Waiting for confirmation of %{email}.
+ new:
+ sign_up: Sign up
+ update:
+ account_updated: Account updated successfully.
+ sessions:
+ create:
+ invalid_email_or_password: Invalid email or password.
+ new:
+ log_in: Log in
+ reset_password: Reset your password
+ sign_up_or_login: Sign up or log in to continue.
diff --git a/config/locales/es.yml b/config/locales/es.yml
index 89ff576..e9f7436 100644
--- a/config/locales/es.yml
+++ b/config/locales/es.yml
@@ -1,18 +1,64 @@
+ activerecord:
+ attributes:
+ user:
+ email: Email
+ password: Contraseña
+ password_challenge: Contraseña actual
+ password_confirmation: Confirmar contraseña
- account_deleted: "Tu cuenta ha sido eliminada."
- account_updated: "Cuenta actualizada exitosamente."
- invalid_email_or_password: "Email o contraseña inválidas."
- sign_up_or_login: "Registrate o inicia sesión para continuar."
- # Password changes
- password_changed: "Tu contraseña ha sido actualizada exitosamente."
- incorrect_password: "Tu contraseña actual es incorrecta. Por favor intenta nuevamente."
- password_link_invalid: "El enlace de reseteo de contraseña es inválido."
- password_reset_sent: "Ha sido enviado un email de reseteo de contraseña si esa cuenta existe."
- # Email confirmations
- email_confirmed: "Tu dirección de email ha sido confirmada exitosamente."
- email_confirm_failed: "No es posible confirmar la dirección de email."
- confirmation_email_sent: "Un email de confirmación ha sido enviado a %{email}."
+ email:
+ show:
+ email_confirm_failed: No es posible confirmar la dirección de email.
+ email_confirmed: Tu dirección de email ha sido confirmada exitosamente.
+ update:
+ confirmation_email_sent: Un email de confirmación ha sido enviado a %{email}.
+ mailer:
+ confirm_email:
+ confirm: Confirmar mi cuenta
+ confirm_below: 'Podés confirmar el email de tu cuenta mediante el siguiente enlace:'
+ expiration_notice: Este enlace expirará en 24 horas.
+ welcome: Bienvenido %{email}!
+ password_reset:
+ expiration_notice: Este enlace expirará en 1 hora.
+ reset_password: Resetear mi contraseña
+ reset_password_below: Recibimos una solicitud de reseteo de contraseña para tu cuenta. Si fuiste vos, visitá el siguiente enlace para finalizar. Si no fuiste vos, podés ignorar este correo.
+ password:
+ update:
+ incorrect_password: Tu contraseña actual es incorrecta. Por favor intenta nuevamente.
+ password_changed: Tu contraseña ha sido actualizada exitosamente.
+ password_resets:
+ create:
+ password_reset_sent: Ha sido enviado un email de reseteo de contraseña si esa cuenta existe.
+ edit:
+ invalid_password_link: El enlace de reseteo de contraseña es inválido.
+ reset_password: Resetear contraseña
+ new:
+ send_password_reset_instructions: Enviar instrucciones para resetear la contraseña
+ registrations:
+ destroy:
+ account_deleted: Tu cuenta ha sido eliminada.
+ edit:
+ change_email_address: Cambiar dirección de correo
+ change_password: Cambiar contraseña
+ confirm: Estás seguro?
+ confirmation_instructions: Para cambiar tu dirección de email, enviaremos un email de confirmación a tu nueva dirección para completar el cambio.
+ current_email_address: 'Tu dirección de correo es: %{email}.'
+ delete_account: Eliminar mi cuenta
+ new_email: Nuevo email
+ new_password: Nueva contraseño
+ profile: Perfil
+ save: Guardar cambios
+ waiting_confirmation: Esperando confirmación de %{email}.
+ new:
+ sign_up: Registrate
+ update:
+ account_updated: Cuenta actualizada exitosamente.
+ sessions:
+ create:
+ invalid_email_or_password: Email o contraseña inválidas.
+ new:
+ log_in: Iniciar sesión
+ reset_password: Resetear contraseña
+ sign_up_or_login: Registrate o inicia sesión para continuar.
diff --git a/config/locales/fr.yml b/config/locales/fr.yml
index fead973..52cba44 100644
--- a/config/locales/fr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/fr.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,64 @@
+ activerecord:
+ attributes:
+ user:
+ email: Email
+ password: Password
+ password_challenge: Current password
+ password_confirmation: Password confirmation
- account_deleted: "Votre compte a été supprimé."
- account_updated: "Votre compte a été mis à jour."
- invalid_email_or_password: "Email ou mot de passe incorrect."
- sign_up_or_login: "Vous devez être connecté ou vous enregistrer pour continuer."
- # Password changes
- password_changed: "Votre mot de passe a été mis à jour avec succès."
- incorrect_password: "Mot de passe incorrect. Merci de réessayer"
- # Email confirmations
- email_confirmed: "Votre adresse email vient d'être confirmé."
- email_confirm_failed: "Impossible de confirmer votre adresse email."
- confirmation_email_sent: "Un email de confirmation vient d'être envoyé à %{email}."
+ email:
+ show:
+ email_confirm_failed: Impossible de confirmer votre adresse email.
+ email_confirmed: Votre adresse email vient d'être confirmé.
+ update:
+ confirmation_email_sent: Un email de confirmation vient d'être envoyé à %{email}.
+ mailer:
+ confirm_email:
+ confirm: Confirm my account
+ confirm_below: 'You can confirm your account email through the link below:'
+ expiration_notice: This link will expire in 24 hours.
+ welcome: Welcome %{email}!
+ password_reset:
+ expiration_notice: This link will expire in 1 hour.
+ reset_password: Reset my password
+ reset_password_below: We've received a password reset request for your login. If this was you just visit the link below to finish up. If it wasn't you, you can simply ignore this email.
+ password:
+ update:
+ incorrect_password: Mot de passe incorrect. Merci de réessayer
+ password_changed: Votre mot de passe a été mis à jour avec succès.
+ password_resets:
+ create:
+ password_reset_sent: An email with password reset instructions has been sent if that account exists.
+ edit:
+ invalid_password_link: The provided password reset link is invalid.
+ reset_password: Reset password
+ new:
+ send_password_reset_instructions: Send Password Reset Instructions
+ registrations:
+ destroy:
+ account_deleted: Votre compte a été supprimé.
+ edit:
+ change_email_address: Change Email Address
+ change_password: Change Password
+ confirm: Are you sure?
+ confirmation_instructions: To change your email, we will send a confirmation email to your new address to complete the change.
+ current_email_address: 'Your email address is: %{email}.'
+ delete_account: Delete my account
+ new_email: New Email
+ new_password: New password
+ profile: Profile
+ save: Save Changes
+ waiting_confirmation: Waiting for confirmation of %{email}.
+ new:
+ sign_up: Sign up
+ update:
+ account_updated: Votre compte a été mis à jour.
+ sessions:
+ create:
+ invalid_email_or_password: Email ou mot de passe incorrect.
+ new:
+ log_in: Log in
+ reset_password: Reset your password
+ sign_up_or_login: Vous devez être connecté ou vous enregistrer pour continuer.
diff --git a/config/locales/nl.yml b/config/locales/nl.yml
index 3daed4d..d02b3e3 100644
--- a/config/locales/nl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/nl.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,64 @@
- revise_auth:
- account_deleted: "Uw account is verwijderd."
- account_updated: "Account succesvol bijgewerkt."
- invalid_email_of_password: "Ongeldige e-mail of wachtwoord."
- sign_up_or_login: "Aanmelden of inloggen om door te gaan."
- # Password changes
- password_changed: "Uw wachtwoord is succesvol gewijzigd."
- incorrect_password: "Uw huidige wachtwoord is onjuist. Probeer het opnieuw."
- # E-mail confirmations
- email_confirmed: "Uw e-mailadres is succesvol bevestigd."
- email_confirm_failed: "E-mailadres bevestigen niet mogelijk."
- confirmation_email_sent: "Er is een bevestigingsmail verzonden naar %{email}."
+ activerecord:
+ attributes:
+ user:
+ email: Email
+ password: Password
+ password_challenge: Current password
+ password_confirmation: Password confirmation
+ revise_auth:
+ email:
+ show:
+ email_confirm_failed: E-mailadres bevestigen niet mogelijk.
+ email_confirmed: Uw e-mailadres is succesvol bevestigd.
+ update:
+ confirmation_email_sent: Er is een bevestigingsmail verzonden naar %{email}.
+ mailer:
+ confirm_email:
+ confirm: Confirm my account
+ confirm_below: 'You can confirm your account email through the link below:'
+ expiration_notice: This link will expire in 24 hours.
+ welcome: Welcome %{email}!
+ password_reset:
+ expiration_notice: This link will expire in 1 hour.
+ reset_password: Reset my password
+ reset_password_below: We've received a password reset request for your login. If this was you just visit the link below to finish up. If it wasn't you, you can simply ignore this email.
+ password:
+ update:
+ incorrect_password: Uw huidige wachtwoord is onjuist. Probeer het opnieuw.
+ password_changed: Uw wachtwoord is succesvol gewijzigd.
+ password_resets:
+ create:
+ password_reset_sent: An email with password reset instructions has been sent if that account exists.
+ edit:
+ invalid_password_link: The provided password reset link is invalid.
+ reset_password: Reset password
+ new:
+ send_password_reset_instructions: Send Password Reset Instructions
+ registrations:
+ destroy:
+ account_deleted: Uw account is verwijderd.
+ edit:
+ change_email_address: Change Email Address
+ change_password: Change Password
+ confirm: Are you sure?
+ confirmation_instructions: To change your email, we will send a confirmation email to your new address to complete the change.
+ current_email_address: 'Your email address is: %{email}.'
+ delete_account: Delete my account
+ new_email: New Email
+ new_password: New password
+ profile: Profile
+ save: Save Changes
+ waiting_confirmation: Waiting for confirmation of %{email}.
+ new:
+ sign_up: Sign up
+ update:
+ account_updated: Account succesvol bijgewerkt.
+ sessions:
+ create:
+ invalid_email_or_password: Ongeldige e-mail of wachtwoord.
+ new:
+ log_in: Log in
+ reset_password: Reset your password
+ sign_up_or_login: Aanmelden of inloggen om door te gaan.
diff --git a/config/locales/pt.yml b/config/locales/pt.yml
index 567260d..c63287e 100644
--- a/config/locales/pt.yml
+++ b/config/locales/pt.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,64 @@
+ activerecord:
+ attributes:
+ user:
+ email: Email
+ password: Password
+ password_challenge: Current password
+ password_confirmation: Password confirmation
- account_deleted: "A sua conta foi removida."
- account_updated: "Conta atualizada com sucesso."
- invalid_email_or_password: "Email ou password inválidos."
- sign_up_or_login: "Registe-se ou clique em entrar para continuar."
- # Password changes
- password_changed: "A sua password foi alterada com sucesso."
- incorrect_password: "A sua password atual está incorreta. Por favor tente de novo."
- # Email confirmations
- email_confirmed: "O seu endereço de email foi modificado com sucesso."
- email_confirm_failed: "Não foi possível confirmar o endereço de email."
- confirmation_email_sent: "Um email de confirmação foi enviado para %{email}."
+ email:
+ show:
+ email_confirm_failed: Não foi possível confirmar o endereço de email.
+ email_confirmed: O seu endereço de email foi modificado com sucesso.
+ update:
+ confirmation_email_sent: Um email de confirmação foi enviado para %{email}.
+ mailer:
+ confirm_email:
+ confirm: Confirm my account
+ confirm_below: 'You can confirm your account email through the link below:'
+ expiration_notice: This link will expire in 24 hours.
+ welcome: Welcome %{email}!
+ password_reset:
+ expiration_notice: This link will expire in 1 hour.
+ reset_password: Reset my password
+ reset_password_below: We've received a password reset request for your login. If this was you just visit the link below to finish up. If it wasn't you, you can simply ignore this email.
+ password:
+ update:
+ incorrect_password: A sua password atual está incorreta. Por favor tente de novo.
+ password_changed: A sua password foi alterada com sucesso.
+ password_resets:
+ create:
+ password_reset_sent: An email with password reset instructions has been sent if that account exists.
+ edit:
+ invalid_password_link: The provided password reset link is invalid.
+ reset_password: Reset password
+ new:
+ send_password_reset_instructions: Send Password Reset Instructions
+ registrations:
+ destroy:
+ account_deleted: A sua conta foi removida.
+ edit:
+ change_email_address: Change Email Address
+ change_password: Change Password
+ confirm: Are you sure?
+ confirmation_instructions: To change your email, we will send a confirmation email to your new address to complete the change.
+ current_email_address: 'Your email address is: %{email}.'
+ delete_account: Delete my account
+ new_email: New Email
+ new_password: New password
+ profile: Profile
+ save: Save Changes
+ waiting_confirmation: Waiting for confirmation of %{email}.
+ new:
+ sign_up: Sign up
+ update:
+ account_updated: Conta atualizada com sucesso.
+ sessions:
+ create:
+ invalid_email_or_password: Email ou password inválidos.
+ new:
+ log_in: Log in
+ reset_password: Reset your password
+ sign_up_or_login: Registe-se ou clique em entrar para continuar.
diff --git a/config/locales/tr.yml b/config/locales/tr.yml
index 36b2abc..f010604 100644
--- a/config/locales/tr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/tr.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,64 @@
+ activerecord:
+ attributes:
+ user:
+ email: Email
+ password: Password
+ password_challenge: Current password
+ password_confirmation: Password confirmation
- account_deleted: "Hesabınız silindi."
- account_updated: "Hesap başarıyla güncellendi."
- invalid_email_or_password: "Geçersiz e-posta veya şifre."
- sign_up_or_login: "Devam etmek için kaydol veya giriş yap."
- # Password changes
- password_changed: "Şifreniz başarıyla güncellendi."
- incorrect_password: "Şu anki şifreniz yanlış. Lütfen tekrar deneyiniz."
- # Email confirmations
- email_confirmed: "E-posta adresiniz başarıyla onaylandı."
- email_confirm_failed: "E-posta adresi doğrulanamıyor."
- confirmation_email_sent: "%{email} adresine onay e-postası gönderildi."
+ email:
+ show:
+ email_confirm_failed: E-posta adresi doğrulanamıyor.
+ email_confirmed: E-posta adresiniz başarıyla onaylandı.
+ update:
+ confirmation_email_sent: "%{email} adresine onay e-postası gönderildi."
+ mailer:
+ confirm_email:
+ confirm: Confirm my account
+ confirm_below: 'You can confirm your account email through the link below:'
+ expiration_notice: This link will expire in 24 hours.
+ welcome: Welcome %{email}!
+ password_reset:
+ expiration_notice: This link will expire in 1 hour.
+ reset_password: Reset my password
+ reset_password_below: We've received a password reset request for your login. If this was you just visit the link below to finish up. If it wasn't you, you can simply ignore this email.
+ password:
+ update:
+ incorrect_password: Şu anki şifreniz yanlış. Lütfen tekrar deneyiniz.
+ password_changed: Şifreniz başarıyla güncellendi.
+ password_resets:
+ create:
+ password_reset_sent: An email with password reset instructions has been sent if that account exists.
+ edit:
+ invalid_password_link: The provided password reset link is invalid.
+ reset_password: Reset password
+ new:
+ send_password_reset_instructions: Send Password Reset Instructions
+ registrations:
+ destroy:
+ account_deleted: Hesabınız silindi.
+ edit:
+ change_email_address: Change Email Address
+ change_password: Change Password
+ confirm: Are you sure?
+ confirmation_instructions: To change your email, we will send a confirmation email to your new address to complete the change.
+ current_email_address: 'Your email address is: %{email}.'
+ delete_account: Delete my account
+ new_email: New Email
+ new_password: New password
+ profile: Profile
+ save: Save Changes
+ waiting_confirmation: Waiting for confirmation of %{email}.
+ new:
+ sign_up: Sign up
+ update:
+ account_updated: Hesap başarıyla güncellendi.
+ sessions:
+ create:
+ invalid_email_or_password: Geçersiz e-posta veya şifre.
+ new:
+ log_in: Log in
+ reset_password: Reset your password
+ sign_up_or_login: Devam etmek için kaydol veya giriş yap.
diff --git a/config/locales/zh-TW.yml b/config/locales/zh-TW.yml
index 82ea80e..7068a2b 100644
--- a/config/locales/zh-TW.yml
+++ b/config/locales/zh-TW.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,64 @@
+ activerecord:
+ attributes:
+ user:
+ email: Email
+ password: Password
+ password_challenge: Current password
+ password_confirmation: Password confirmation
- account_deleted: "您的帳號已經被刪除"
- account_updated: "帳號更新成功"
- invalid_email_or_password: "錯誤的信箱或是密碼"
- sign_up_or_login: "需要註冊或是登入才能進行"
- # Password changes
- password_changed: "您的密碼已經成功地更新"
- incorrect_password: "您現在輸入的密碼不正確, 請重新嘗試"
- # Email confirmations
- email_confirmed: "您的電子信箱已經成功地通過驗證"
- email_confirm_failed: "無法驗證您的電子信箱"
- confirmation_email_sent: "電子信箱驗證信已寄往 %{email}"
+ email:
+ show:
+ email_confirm_failed: 無法驗證您的電子信箱
+ email_confirmed: 您的電子信箱已經成功地通過驗證
+ update:
+ confirmation_email_sent: 電子信箱驗證信已寄往 %{email}
+ mailer:
+ confirm_email:
+ confirm: Confirm my account
+ confirm_below: 'You can confirm your account email through the link below:'
+ expiration_notice: This link will expire in 24 hours.
+ welcome: Welcome %{email}!
+ password_reset:
+ expiration_notice: This link will expire in 1 hour.
+ reset_password: Reset my password
+ reset_password_below: We've received a password reset request for your login. If this was you just visit the link below to finish up. If it wasn't you, you can simply ignore this email.
+ password:
+ update:
+ incorrect_password: 您現在輸入的密碼不正確, 請重新嘗試
+ password_changed: 您的密碼已經成功地更新
+ password_resets:
+ create:
+ password_reset_sent: An email with password reset instructions has been sent if that account exists.
+ edit:
+ invalid_password_link: The provided password reset link is invalid.
+ reset_password: Reset password
+ new:
+ send_password_reset_instructions: Send Password Reset Instructions
+ registrations:
+ destroy:
+ account_deleted: 您的帳號已經被刪除
+ edit:
+ change_email_address: Change Email Address
+ change_password: Change Password
+ confirm: Are you sure?
+ confirmation_instructions: To change your email, we will send a confirmation email to your new address to complete the change.
+ current_email_address: 'Your email address is: %{email}.'
+ delete_account: Delete my account
+ new_email: New Email
+ new_password: New password
+ profile: Profile
+ save: Save Changes
+ waiting_confirmation: Waiting for confirmation of %{email}.
+ new:
+ sign_up: Sign up
+ update:
+ account_updated: 帳號更新成功
+ sessions:
+ create:
+ invalid_email_or_password: 錯誤的信箱或是密碼
+ new:
+ log_in: Log in
+ reset_password: Reset your password
+ sign_up_or_login: 需要註冊或是登入才能進行
diff --git a/test/i18n_test.rb b/test/i18n_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1b83ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/i18n_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "i18n/tasks"
+class I18nTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @i18n = I18n::Tasks::BaseTask.new
+ end
+ def test_no_missing_keys
+ missing_keys = @i18n.missing_keys
+ assert_empty missing_keys,
+ "Missing #{missing_keys.leaves.count} i18n keys, run `i18n-tasks missing' to show them"
+ end
+ def test_no_unused_keys
+ unused_keys = @i18n.unused_keys
+ assert_empty unused_keys,
+ "#{unused_keys.leaves.count} unused i18n keys, run `i18n-tasks unused' to show them"
+ end
+ def test_files_are_normalized
+ non_normalized = @i18n.non_normalized_paths
+ error_message = "The following files need to be normalized:\n" \
+ "#{non_normalized.map { |path| " #{path}" }.join("\n")}\n" \
+ "Please run `i18n-tasks normalize' to fix"
+ assert_empty non_normalized, error_message
+ end
+ def test_no_inconsistent_interpolations
+ inconsistent_interpolations = @i18n.inconsistent_interpolations
+ error_message = "#{inconsistent_interpolations.leaves.count} i18n keys have inconsistent interpolations.\n" \
+ "Please run `i18n-tasks check-consistent-interpolations' to show them"
+ assert_empty inconsistent_interpolations, error_message
+ end