- To reload vim configuration, you can use
:so ~/.vimrc
in .vimrc is mapped to\
by default- To find help/documentation, try
:help <plugin_name>
edit other files and stored in the buffer- vim patterns
:PluginSearch [keyword]
: Search vim plugins and install it, etc.:PluginInstall
: Install plugins written in .vimrcvundle#begin()
: Update installed plugins:PluginList
: List installed plugins.:PluginClean
: Remove plugins not in .vimrc but on the hard disk
:let b:ycm_largefile
: Equals 1 to disable, 0 to enable again
: TOC in a split & vertical window:Toch
: TOC in a split & horizontal window:Toct
: TOC in a new tab
:Tab /<symbol>
- https://devhints.io/tabular
: Toggle vim-gitgutter:GitGutterSignsToggle
: Togglegit diff
: Toggle highlight blocks:GitGutterAll
: Updategit diff
result in editted pane immediately- Hunks
:git status
:git add
:git commit
:git checkout -- <filename>
:git diff
:git log
:git mv
:git rm
:git grep
:git blame