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Digital Day Camp, 2018 Syllabus

Repository of classes, teachers & resources shared at Eyebeam's youth summer program, [Digital Day Camp] ( 'DDC18', a two week long youth art and technology summer intensive. During DDC18, students worked alongside artist-educators engaging in hands-on workshops focusing on software, hardware, tools, careers in the field and social topics around this year’s theme of TRUST. The theme responds to Eyebeam’s current residency cohort and their focus examining relationships between power and technology.

We will challenge youth to apply creative thinking strategies across a range of tools and topics with the goal to develop critical, empowering and long-lasting relationships with technology encouraging youth to see their role in its future as agents of change.

Day 1, Monday July 16th

Welcome • by Taehee Whang

  • Overview, code of conduct, introduction
  • Walk through "Human Fax Machine"
  1. sample images, create ‘code’/instruction
  2. divide into encoders & decoders - no talking, new image
  3. look at image, modify code
  4. another round of an image

Gather back as group and share thoughts Share images and renderings How successful were your languages at approximating the original image? What did you learn while creating your language? What was frustrating or enjoyable about the process?

GIF Pecha Kucha

Students show 5min presentation utilizing GIFs to introduce themselves.

Day 2, Tuesday July 17th

In this workshop students will use their online personas to create art about themselves and their classmates. First we'll discuss appropriation versus privacy and artistic freedom versus social justice — looking at a recent art world controversy. Then we'll learn about zine culture and how it embraces and critiques appropriation. Students will create a self-portrait using a thread from their emails, texts, apps, or feeds. Finally, students will portray each other using the same material as a way to see one another differently. Trusting each other with their content.

Superhero Task Force and Coding • by Alice Sparkly Kat

Target Audience / Prerequisite & Pre-Assessment

Teens, ages 13-19. We will need computers with Sublime and a web browser, such as Google Chrome, installed.

Outcomes & Goals

In this workshop we will be creating website for superhero task forces with the mission to create more trust in our social, political, and economic institutions. Students will walk away with a deeper understanding of the institutions that create trust, HTML, and CSS. Materials Needed & Exercises To Do Before Class Computer, with Sublime and a web browser installed


Accountability, public good, power, super power, reinforcement, standards

Essential Questions

  • What public institutions create or design trust inside of society?
  • What do you think can be done better to encourage more trust?
  • What happens when these institutions are not reinforcing trust?
  • What kinds of actions promote more trust?


In this workshop, we will design a website for a superhero task force with the mission to create more trust in our social, political, and economic institutions.

Read Chapter 3 of Globalization and its Discontents by Joseph Stiglitz (30 minutes)
Discussion of Reading (30 minutes)

Design of superhero task force, mission statement, and story (30 minutes)

As students design their superhero task force, they will be asked to consider: What kind of power does the super hero have? What does that power affect the world around them? What the the super hero’s origin story? Why do they do the things they do? Can you make a name, mission statement, story, and an image to represent this character? When making their websites, students will make four sections: Image/Name, Mission Statement, and Origin Story. They will design and make websites with these four elements.

HTML and CSS introduction and making of website (60 minutes)

Student Reflections, Takeaways and Next Steps/Multiple Project Exit Points:

  • First Steps - finishing their website
  • Next Steps - making a comic for their super hero
  • Big Steps - promoting and publishing their comic online
  • Presentation: because students are making a website, they can be hosting online and shown to the public


What does making your superhero and telling their story do for anyone who sees your website? What are some issues you care about that you can make websites about? What are some actions one person can do to mobilize towards more trust in our institutions?

Post Session Globalization and its Discontents, Revisited by Joseph Stiglitz

Implementation Guidance & Teaching Reflection

Ask critical questions every five minutes during the superhero design phase so students don’t get off track from issues but still have fun

Day 3, Wednesday July 18th

In this course, students will be exploring ways that technology can be used to interpret data and facts into visual or audio interactive experiences.

Students will begin by taking a look at different examples of digital activism and how creatives have merged data and facts with visual and audio experiences.

After spending time exploring different data art creations, students will explore different datasets that we could possibly use in our own creations.We'll then be quickly introduced to p5.js and ways we can quickly build visualizations within it.

Students will spend time building our own data art and then use the last portion of class to share our work.

This workshop will allow students to understand the basic principles behind machine learning using live demos. It is also meant to serve as a high level introduction to topics related A.I. A friendly JavaScript web framework for machine learning, called ml5, will be used to show and demonstrate examples and concepts.

The ml5 JavaScript library is a tool for educators to integrate machine learning concepts into introductory coding classes. Together with examples, tutorials, and data sets, the library’s goal is to make machine learning accessible to a broad audience of artists, creative coders, and students (high school and university). The ml5 library provides access to machine learning algorithms and models in the browser with no other external dependencies.

Day 4, Thursday July 19th

I want to believe • by David Lee

What perpetuates myths? How is new media utilized to explore and/or distort an objective truth? Students will examine how systems of belief such as conspiracy theory and superstition are created and the means by which they are perpetuated and spread through various media. Drawing inspiration from these tenants, we will explore how anecdotal evidence is used to construct an instance of narrative that blends both fact and fiction. With 3D modeling software, Blender, students will be encouraged to be creative with where they find their sources, be it from a book, an online database, personal diary, Youtube, deviantArt, etc.

Class intro (15 min)

Screening of Guy Maddie’s “My Winnipeg” (excerpt) (7 min)

Reading and Discussion (45 min)

— Olin, Margaret. “Gaze”

  • What is a methodology?
  • What happens to information as it becomes archived?
  • What are the gazes of the archives that we access?

--Breakell, Sue. “Perspectives; Negotiating the Archive” (excerpt)

Group Activity (15 min)

Research (45 min)

  • Students will pick their sources and start creating their archives
  • Consider what happens to information as it is manipulated in the digital space

Blender Intro (1 hour)

  • Navigating Blender
  • Basic Transformations
  • Mesh Editing
  • Shortcuts
  • Texture and Surface Editing
  • Importing to Unity

Discuss Work and Group Reflection (30 min)

Students will -develop their own methodology, based on evidence and logic, in order to disseminate research and either construct or debunk a “truth”. -make a basic architectural structure in Blender -how to import textures and incorporate text and video into 3D models -Import Blender models into Unity to make a navigable virtual navigable space to present their digital archives

Day 5, Friday July 20th

Digital Fabrication at Eyebeam • by Adrian Rivera

On this all day field trip to Eyebeam Headquarters, students will learn about digital modelling and fabrication processes. Students will be exposed to the possibilities of these technologies from fashion to industrial functions. Students will have the opportunity to use fabrication equipment to design, create, and assemble their own fidget spinners.

Day 6, Monday July 23rd

BUFU Community Resource Sharing • by Jazmin Jones

In this workshop, students will learn how to plan an event BUFU style. Considering what community means, how to create a safe space, and where to find resources, students will create their own events. Each group of students will share their event’s name, community present, outreach tactics, and resources used.

This workshop will teach the basics of SuperCollider, and through that the basics of computer programming, as well as digital sound synthesis, and musical improvisation tactics. These skills, taught in tandem, will push students to think critically about how they themselves want to relate to digital technology, music, and where these two things meet. Play, exploration and a focus on non-musical activity will be encouraged during the class, and hopefully students will have a chance to capitalize on their impulse to make crazy sounds. Students will learn how to use SuperCollider to create sounds and play with a small ensemble to make meaningful work.

Day 7, Tuesday July 24th

Part 1

Introduction to Workshop (10-15 min)

  • What is Music?
  • What is Live Coding?
  • Group Discussion: Trust, Transparency, and Live Coding
  • Establishing Goals/Expectations

Introduction to Sonic Pi (15-20 min)

Discuss the following:

  • Commands - play, sleep, sample, live_loop, __.times
  • Parameters - amp, pan, rate, attack, sustain, decay
  • Intro to Traditional/Dance Music
  • Emphasis - Time, Repetition
  • Intro to Ambient Music
  • Emphasis - Randomness

Individual Work (35-50 min)

Pick from a prompt

Share to Neighbor/Constructive Criticism (10-15 min)

Part 2

Guests from Live Code NYC (45-60 min)

Guest Artists: Scorpion Mouse (May Cheung and Jason Levine)

Reflect on Performance (10-15 min)

Mini-Review and Open Q&A for techniques (5-10 min)

Focused Work (20-35 min)

before the end, optional share out (5-10 min)

Day 8, Wednesday July 25th

Part 1

Review/Introduction to Goals (10-15 min)

Tips on how to structure jam sessions (10-15 min)

Logistics/Jam (15-20 min)

  • Students break off into groups and decide performance guidelines together

Practice in Groups (45-60 min)

Part 2

Rehearse in Individual Groups (20-35 min)

Set-up for the performance (10-15 min)


Post-gig Hang (5-10 min)

Day 9, Thursday July 26th

In this workshop we will be creating a formal treatment for a current artist’s track using Keynote to gain a better understanding of what goes into the initial creative behind today’s top music videos.

Programming of Mini-Digital Day Camp by Taehee Whang and Digital Day Camp Students

In this preparatory workshop, students will develop their own workshops to teach in a mini DDC. The students will collectively agree on a theme for their mini-DDC and create a lesson plan.

Students picked "Community" for the theme for their 2018 mini-DDC.

Day 10, Friday July 27th

Mini-Digital Day Camp "Community" • by Digital Day Camp Students

Students will lead their own workshops using a combination of both previous knowledge and skills learned at Digital Day Camp. Each student will host a 20 minute lesson.


To celebrate the end of Digital Day Camp, the students will have an after party at Pier 2 Roller Rink.