Some examples inspired by
As a comparison with hand-written Michelson code, here are some examples of contracts, described on, rewritten in Lamtez.
This one is as striaghtforward in Lamtez as in Michelson: just take a unit and return it.
# id.ltz
fun p :: unit: p
Here again nothing fancy:
fun k :: key:
let contract = contract-get k;
contract-call contract () tz1.00
Here we'll use a sum case matching to encode an if/then/else. We also
introduce a stored variable minimum
@minimum :: tez = tz1.00 # with a default value
fun p :: unit: if self-amount < @minimum: fail; | else: () end
This one works exactly as the Michelson version (we only declare a
type alias for the elements in the queue, so that it's easily
changed). As you can see, options are handled like other sum types
with a ?...|...|...
type data = string
@i :: nat = 0
@j :: nat = 0
@map :: map nat data = map-empty
fun parameter :: option data:
case parameter
| Some data: @map <- map-update @j (Some data) @map;
@j <- @j + 1;
| None: case map-get @i @map
| None: None
| Some data: @map <- map-update @i None @map;
@i <- @i + 1;
Some data
There are no new concept introduced here. I've made the fee a stored
parameter, because it's not harder than keeping it hard-coded.
Compared to other ML dialects, this example shows that Lamtez still
lacks destructuring (irrefutable) patterns: instead of writing
Some signed_data: let sig = signed_data.0; let data = signed_data.1; ...
it would have been nice to write Some (sig, data): ...
type data = string
type operation = option (sig * data)
@key :: key
@data :: data
@fee :: tez
fun parameter :: operation:
case parameter
| None: case self-amount >= @fee
| False: fail
| True: @data
| Some signed_data: let sig = signed_data.0;
let data = signed_data.1;
case crypto-check @key sig data
| False: fail
| True: @data <- data; data
Nothing special about this contract either; it's made more readable than its Michelson counterpart thanks to named operations and operation fields, and thanks to the store update operations separated from result computation.
type withdrawal = Key: key * Amount: tez * Signature: signature
type operation = Deposit key + Withdrawal withdrawal
@accounts :: map key tez
fun operation :: operation:
case operation
| Deposit key:
let new_balance = case map-get key @accounts
| None: self-amount # Create new account
| Some balance: self-amount + balance # update existing account
@accounts <- map-update key (Some new_balance) @accounts;
| Withdrawal w: if not crypto-check w.Key w.Signature (crypto-hash w.Amount): fail end;
case map-get w.Key @accounts
| None: fail # withdrawal denied (no such account)
| Some balance:
if balance < w.Amount: fail end; # withdrawal denied (insufficient funds)
let new_balance = case balance = w.Amount
| True: None # Delete empty account
| False: Some (balance - w.Amount)); # update account
@accounts <- map-update w.Key new_balance @accounts;
contract-call (contract-get w.Key) () w.Amount))
A contract that's all about updating the store (plus a very simple condition checking).
@royal_key :: key
@enthronement_date :: time
@enthronement_cost :: tez
fun parameter :: key:
let one_week = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
if self-now < @enthronement_date + one_week and self-amount < @enthronement_cost: fail end;
@royal_key <- parameter;
@enthronement_date <- self-now;
@enthronement_cost <- self-amount;
# add1
fun p :: int: p + 1
# concat_string
@stored_string :: string
fun param: @stored_string ^ param
@release_date :: time
@amount :: tez
@destination :: contract unit unit
fun parameter :: unit:
if self-now < @release_date: fail | else: () end;
contract-call @destination () @amount)
First, mapping a function on a list:
fun param :: list int:
let f = (fun x: x + 1);
list-map f param
With the following example, something noteworthy is happening. When writing
the current contract, Lamtez handles the boilerplate related to storage access
and update. However, when a contract creates another contract, the later
doesn't benefit from those features. It is initialized with a function of type
∀ parameter storage result: (parameter×storage) → (result×storage)
, and the
manipulation of storage fields must be performed explicitly by the function
Here, within the lambda, x
is bound to a int×unit
pair, applies the map
operation on the first half x.0
, then pairs the result with a unit term
type t = (list int * unit)
fun param :: unit:
let map_add1 = fun x :: t: (list-map (fun y: y+1) x.0, ());
let key = tz1SuakBpFdG9b4twyfrSMqZzruxhpMeSrE5;
contract-create key None False False self-amount map_add1
This one is tedious to follow in Michelson, quite a bit of stack shuffling! With named variables and labelled types, here's my version:
type line = Title: string * Amount: tez * Destination: contract unit unit
type t_param = Register: line + Execute: nat
@approver :: contract nat (nat * bool)
@index :: nat
@map :: map nat line
fun p :: t_param:
case p
| Register line: @map <- map-update @index (Some line) @map;
@index <- @index + 1;
| Execute i: let response = contract-call @approver i tz0.00;
(if not response.1: fail);
case map-get i @map
| None: fail # This should not happen
| Some line: @map <- map-update i None @map;
contract-call line.Destination () line.Amount
My tz0.02
about this contract:
my guess is, the approving contract returns the index number because it would be too much hassle to give it a storage slot. Having that automated out, we could do it. The approver signature would then become
. -
when registering a line, the index number is allocated by the contract, and not returned to the caller. I'm not sure how the approver could decide anything with so little information, I think this number should be returned as the contract's result.
the strings in the registered lines don't seem to be used. Shouldn't we refer to lines by their name rather than by number? This would imply to check their unicity, and to use them as map keys.
Here's a sketch of what this different version would look like:
type t_param = Register: (string * account * tez) + Execute: string
@approver :: contract nat bool
@map :: map string (account * tez)
fun p :: t_param:
case p
| Register line: let id = line.0;
if map-mem id @map: fail end;
let entry = (line.1, line.2);
@map <- map-update @index (Some entry) @map;
| Execute id: if not (contract-call @approver id tz0.00): fail end;
case map-get id @map
| None: fail # This should not happen
| Some x: @map <- map-update i None @map;
contract-call x.0 () x.1
The official Michelson documentation also comes with some smart contract examples. The simplest non-trivial one is a reservoir contract (think of it as a simplified crowdfunding contract): there's a time limit and a money limit; if the contract gets more than the money threshold before the time threshold elapse, then the money goes to an account; otherwise it goes to another (presumably for refunds).
@time_threshold :: time
@amount_threshold :: tez
@when_threshold_reached :: account
@when_too_late :: account
\p :: unit:
( if self-now > @time_threshold:
contract-call @when_too_late () self-balance
| self-amount > @amount_threshold:
contract-call @when_threshold_reached () self-balance
| else: () )
For a crowdfunding contract, we should remember who contributed what; and if the money threshold faild to be reached within the time limit, then refunds should be sent to the original contributors. However, this would require a support for loops, since
This contract also introduces a broker, who gets a fee whether the
fundraising succeeds or not. Also, the contract keeps a status
, "success"
or "timeout"
, and keeps tz1.00
on its balance
so that the contract isn't destroyed and the status can be checked.
@status :: string
@time_threshold :: time
@amount_threshold :: tez
@when_threshold_reached :: account
@when_too_late :: account
@broker :: account
@broker_fee :: tez
fun p :: unit:
### If the contract is realized, don't call it again ###
| @status != "open": fail
### Open after timeout: let's cancel it, pay broker, send the rest to when_too_late ###
| self-now >= @time_threshold:
@status <- "timeout";
let available = self-balance - tz1.00;
let fee = if available < @broker_fee: available | else: @broker_fee end;
contract-call @broker () fee;
contract-call @when_too_late () (self-balance - tz1.00)
### Money threshold reached before timeout ###
| self-balance >= tz1.00 + @broker_fee + @amount_threshold:
@status <- "success";
contract-call @broker () @broker_fee;
contract-call @when_threshold_reached () @amount_threshold
### Before timeout, not enough money yet, wait ###
| else:
This is the largest contract example in the doc, and mimics a classic non-standardized financial contract. Here's its Lamtez transcription:
# Forward financial contract, following the sample given in
# The contract is signed on date `D`. Through it, seller `S` pledges to sell
# a quantity `Q` of goods to buyer `B`, at a future date `Z`, and at a price
# `K` established when the contract is signed.
# `B` and `S` have to lock up a collateral sum `C×Q` in the contract; if
# a stakeholder fails to fulfill their obligation, all of the money locked
# up in the contract is sent to the other party.
# Once the contract is created (`Z`), buyer and seller have to lockup their
# collaterals before `Z+24h`. If one of them fails to do so, the contract is
# voided, and any money sent to the contract is sent back to the owner(s).
# When the due date elapses (`T`), `B` has to pay the full agreed price, minus
# the collateral he already locked up, before `T+24h`. If he fails to do so,
# all the money is forfeited to `S`.
# If `B` paid the agreed price before `T+24h`, `S` has to provide the goods
# between `T+24h` and `T+48h`. To know whether this has been done, we expect
# a warehouse operator `W` to be connected to the blockchain, and to report
# good deliveries to the contract. If according to `W` the agreed quantity
# has been delivered, the
type parameter = Payment: string + Delivery: nat
@Q :: nat # quantity agreed upon (in tons)
@T :: time # delivery date
@Z :: time # agreement date
@K :: tez # strike price (per ton)
@C :: tez # collateral (per ton)
@B :: account # buyer
@S :: account # seller
@W :: account # warehouse
@paid_by_B :: tez
@paid_by_S :: tez
@delivered :: nat
fun parameter :: parameter:
let one_day = 24 * 60 * 60;
### Between Z and Z+24h, accept collaterals from B and S ###
| self-now < @Z + one_day:
case parameter
| Delivery _: fail # Too early for delivery
| Payment whom: if
| whom = "buyer": @paid_by_B <- @paid_by_B + self-amount; ()
| whom = "seller": @paid_by_S <- @paid_by_S + self-amount; ()
| else: fail
### After Z+24h, if collaterals haven't been sent, cancel and refund ###
| self-balance < 2*@Q*@C + tz1.00: # Refund
contract-call @B () @paid_by_B;
contract-call @S () @paid_by_S;
contract-call @W () self-balance # Destroys the account
### Between Z+24h and T, no interaction allowed ###
| self-now < @T:
### Between T and T+24h, accept payment by buyer from the full strike price ###
| self-now < @T + one_day:
case parameter
| Delivery _: fail
| Payment whom: if whom != "buyer": fail end;
@paid_by_B <- @paid_by_B + self-amount;
if @paid_by_B > @Q * @K: fail end # Don't accept too much
### B failed to pay after T+24h => all the money goes to S ###
| @paid_by_B != @Q * @K:
contract-call @S () self-balance
### Between T+24h and T+48h, accept Warehouse reports ###
| self-now < @T + 2*one_day:
let sender = contract-manager (self-source :: contract unit unit);
if sender != contract-manager @W: fail end;
case parameter
| Payment _: fail
| Delivery q: @delivered <- @delivered + q;
# Contract realized, pay S
if @delivered >= @Q: contract-call @S () self-balance end
### S failed to deliver after T+48h => all the money goes to B ###
| True:
contract-call @B () self-balance # Timeout, money goes to B