Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
- AccessToken
- Android
- AppEventName
- AppEventParameterName
- AuthenticationToken
- Canvas
- ComponentFactory
- Constants
- CurrencyAmount
- CustomUpdateContent
- CustomUpdateContentBuilder
- CustomUpdateLocalizedText
- CustomUpdateMedia
- CustomUpdateMediaInfo
- FB
- AppId
- ClientToken
- GraphApiVersion
- IsInitialized
- IsLoggedIn
- LimitAppEventUsage
- API(query,method,callback,formData)
- API(query,method,callback,formData)
- ActivateApp()
- AppRequest(message,actionType,objectId,to,data,title,callback)
- AppRequest(message,actionType,objectId,filters,excludeIds,maxRecipients,data,title,callback)
- AppRequest(message,to,filters,excludeIds,maxRecipients,data,title,callback)
- ClearAppLink()
- FeedShare(toId,link,linkName,linkCaption,linkDescription,picture,mediaSource,callback)
- GetAppLink(callback)
- Init(onInitComplete,onHideUnity,authResponse)
- Init(appId,clientToken,cookie,logging,status,xfbml,frictionlessRequests,authResponse,javascriptSDKLocale,onHideUnity,onInitComplete)
- LogAppEvent(logEvent,valueToSum,parameters)
- LogInWithPublishPermissions(permissions,callback)
- LogInWithReadPermissions(permissions,callback)
- LogOut()
- LogPurchase(logPurchase,currency,parameters)
- LogPurchase(logPurchase,currency,parameters)
- ShareLink(contentURL,contentTitle,contentDescription,photoURL,callback)
- FBGamingServices
- FBInsightsFlushBehavior
- FBLocation
- FacebookDelegate`1
- FacebookSdkVersion
- FriendFinderInviation
- HideUnityDelegate
- HttpMethod
- IAccessTokenRefreshResult
- IAppLinkResult
- IAppRequestResult
- ICatalogResult
- IChooseGamingContextResult
- ICreateGamingContextResult
- IGamingServicesFriendFinderResult
- IGetCurrentGamingContextResult
- IGraphResult
- IGroupCreateResult
- IGroupJoinResult
- IHasLicenseResult
- IInternalResult
- ILoginResult
- ILoginStatusResult
- IMediaUploadResult
- IPayResult
- IPayloadResult
- IProfileResult
- IPurchaseResult
- IPurchasesResult
- IResult
- ISessionScoreResult
- IShareResult
- ISwitchGamingContextResult
- ITournamentResult
- ITournamentScoreResult
- InitDelegate
- Json
- Mobile
- ShareDialogMode
- UserID
- CurrentAuthenticationToken()
- CurrentProfile()
- CurrentProfile()
- EnableProfileUpdatesOnAccessTokenChange()
- FetchDeferredAppLinkData(callback)
- IsImplicitPurchaseLoggingEnabled()
- LoginWithTrackingPreference(loginTracking,permissions,nonce,callback)
- RefreshCurrentAccessToken(callback)
- SetAdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled(advertiserIDCollectionEnabled)
- SetAdvertiserTrackingEnabled(advertiserTrackingEnabled)
- SetAutoLogAppEventsEnabled(autoLogAppEventsEnabled)
- SetPushNotificationsDeviceTokenString(token)
- MobileFacebook
- OGActionType
- Product
- Profile
- Purchase
- ShareDialogMode
- UserAgeRange
Contains the access token and related information.
Initializes a new instance of the AccessToken class.
Name | Type | Description |
tokenString | System.String | Token string of the token. |
userId | System.String | User identifier of the token. |
expirationTime | System.DateTime | Expiration time of the token. |
permissions | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} | Permissions of the token. |
lastRefresh | System.Nullable{System.DateTime} | Last Refresh time of token. |
Gets the current access token.
Gets the expiration time.
Gets the domain this access token is valid for.
Gets the last refresh.
Gets the list of permissions.
Gets the token string.
Gets the user identifier.
Returns a String that represents the current AccessToken.
A String that represents the current AccessToken.
This method has no parameters.
Contains code specific to the Android Platform.
Gets the key hash.
Retrieves the login status for the user. This will return an access token for the app if a user is logged into the Facebook for Android app on the same device and that user had previously logged into the app.If an access token was retrieved then a toast will be shown telling the user that they have been logged in.
Name | Type | Description |
callback | Facebook.Unity.FacebookDelegate{Facebook.Unity.ILoginStatusResult} | The callback to be called when the request completes |
Contains the names used for standard App Events.
App Event for achieved level.
App Event for activated app.
App Event for added payment info.
App Event for added to cart.
App Event for added to wishlist.
App Event for completed registration.
App Event for completed tutorial.
App Event for initiated checkout.
App Event for purchased.
App Event for rated.
App Event for searched.
App Event for spent credits.
App Event for unlocked achievement.
App Event for content of the viewed.
Contains the parameter names used for standard App Events.
App Event parameter for content ID.
App Event parameter for type of the content.
App Event parameter for currency.
App Event parameter for description.
App Event parameter for level.
App Event parameter for max rating value.
App Event parameter for number items.
App Event parameter for payment info available.
App Event parameter for registration method.
App Event parameter for search string.
App Event parameter for success.
Initializes a new instance of the AuthenticationToken class.
Name | Type | Description |
tokenString | System.String | Token string of the token. |
nonce | System.String | Nonce of the token. |
Gets the nonce string.
Gets the token string.
Returns a String that represents the current AuthenticationToken.
A String that represents the current AuthenticationToken.
This method has no parameters.
Contains methods specific to the Facebook Games Canvas platform.
Pay(product,action,quantity,quantityMin,quantityMax,requestId,pricepointId,testCurrency,callback) method
Pay the specified product, action, quantity, quantityMin, quantityMax, requestId, pricepointId, testCurrency and callback.
Name | Type | Description |
product | System.String | The URL of your og:product object that the user is looking to purchase. |
action | System.String | Should always be purchaseitem. |
quantity | System.Int32 | The amount of this item the user is looking to purchase - typically used when implementing a virtual currency purchase. |
quantityMin | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The minimum quantity of the item the user is able to purchase. |
This parameter is important when handling price jumping to maximize the efficiency of the transaction. | ||
quantityMax | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The maximum quantity of the item the user is able to purchase. |
This parameter is important when handling price jumping to maximize the efficiency of the transaction. | ||
requestId | System.String | The developer defined unique identifier for this transaction, which becomes |
attached to the payment within the Graph API. | ||
pricepointId | System.String | Used to shortcut a mobile payer directly to the |
mobile purchase flow at a given price point. | ||
testCurrency | System.String | This parameter can be used during debugging and testing your implementation to force the dialog to |
use a specific currency rather than the current user's preferred currency. This allows you to | ||
rapidly prototype your payment experience for different currencies without having to repeatedly | ||
change your personal currency preference settings. This parameter is only available for admins, | ||
developers and testers associated with the app, in order to minimize the security risk of a | ||
malicious JavaScript injection. Provide the 3 letter currency code of the intended forced currency. | ||
callback | Facebook.Unity.FacebookDelegate{Facebook.Unity.IPayResult} | The callback to use upon completion. |
PayWithProductId(productId,action,quantity,quantityMin,quantityMax,requestId,pricepointId,testCurrency,callback) method
Pay the specified productId, action, quantity, quantityMin, quantityMax, requestId, pricepointId, testCurrency and callback.
Name | Type | Description |
productId | System.String | The product Id referencing the product managed by Facebook. |
action | System.String | Should always be purchaseiap. |
quantity | System.Int32 | The amount of this item the user is looking to purchase - typically used when implementing a virtual currency purchase. |
quantityMin | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The minimum quantity of the item the user is able to purchase. |
This parameter is important when handling price jumping to maximize the efficiency of the transaction. | ||
quantityMax | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The maximum quantity of the item the user is able to purchase. |
This parameter is important when handling price jumping to maximize the efficiency of the transaction. | ||
requestId | System.String | The developer defined unique identifier for this transaction, which becomes |
attached to the payment within the Graph API. | ||
pricepointId | System.String | Used to shortcut a mobile payer directly to the |
mobile purchase flow at a given price point. | ||
testCurrency | System.String | This parameter can be used during debugging and testing your implementation to force the dialog to |
use a specific currency rather than the current user's preferred currency. This allows you to | ||
rapidly prototype your payment experience for different currencies without having to repeatedly | ||
change your personal currency preference settings. This parameter is only available for admins, | ||
developers and testers associated with the app, in order to minimize the security risk of a | ||
malicious JavaScript injection. Provide the 3 letter currency code of the intended forced currency. | ||
callback | Facebook.Unity.FacebookDelegate{Facebook.Unity.IPayResult} | The callback to use upon completion. |
Pay the specified productId, action, developerPayload, testCurrency and callback.
Name | Type | Description |
productId | System.String | The product Id referencing the product managed by Facebook. |
action | System.String | Should always be purchaseiap. |
developerPayload | System.String | A string that can be used to provide supplemental information about an order. It can be |
used to uniquely identify the purchase request. | ||
testCurrency | System.String | This parameter can be used during debugging and testing your implementation to force the dialog to |
use a specific currency rather than the current user's preferred currency. This allows you to | ||
rapidly prototype your payment experience for different currencies without having to repeatedly | ||
change your personal currency preference settings. This parameter is only available for admins, | ||
developers and testers associated with the app, in order to minimize the security risk of a | ||
malicious JavaScript injection. Provide the 3 letter currency code of the intended forced currency. | ||
callback | Facebook.Unity.FacebookDelegate{Facebook.Unity.IPayResult} | The callback to use upon completion. |
This method has no parameters.
This method has no parameters.
Gets the graph URL.
Gets the Unity SDK user agent.
Gets the legacy user agent suffix that gets appended to graph requests on ios and android.
Contains an amount and currency associated with a purchase or transaction.
Initializes a new instance of the CurrencyAmount class.
Name | Type | Description |
amount | System.String | The associated amount. |
currency | System.String | The associated currency. |
Gets the amount, eg "0.99".
Gets the currency, represented by the ISO currency code, eg "USD".
Returns a String that represents a CurrencyAmount.
A String that represents a CurrencyAmount.
This method has no parameters.
Static class to hold Custom Update Content for FBGamingServices.PerformCustomUpdate.
Creates a CustomUpdateContent Builder
Name | Type | Description |
contextTokenId | System.String | A valid GamingContext to send the update to |
text | Facebook.Unity.CustomUpdateLocalizedText | The text that will be included in the update |
image | UnityEngine.Texture2D | An image that will be included in the update |
Creates a CustomUpdateContent Builder
Name | Type | Description |
contextTokenId | System.String | A valid GamingContext to send the update to |
text | Facebook.Unity.CustomUpdateLocalizedText | The text that will be included in the update |
media | Facebook.Unity.CustomUpdateMedia | A gif or video that will be included in the update |
Returns a CustomUpdateContent with the values defined in this builder
CustomUpdateContent instance to pass to FBGamingServices.PerformCustomUpdate()
This method has no parameters.
Sets the CTA (Call to Action) text in the update message
Name | Type | Description |
cta | Facebook.Unity.CustomUpdateLocalizedText | Custom CTA to use. If none is provided a localized version of 'play' is used. |
Sets a Data that will be sent back to the game when a user clicks on the message. When the game is launched from a Custom Update message the data here will be forwarded as a Payload.
Name | Type | Description |
data | System.String | A String that will be sent back to the game |
Represents a text string that can have different Locale values provided.
Creates a CustomUpdateLocalizedText instance
Name | Type | Description |
defaultText | System.String | Text that will be used if no matching locale is found |
localizations | System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.String} | Optional key-value Dictionary of Locale_Code: Locale String Value for this text. |
For a list of valid locale codes see: | || |
Represents a media that will be included in a Custom Update Message
Creates a CustomUpdateMedia instance. Note that gif and video are mutually exclusive
Name | Type | Description |
gif | Facebook.Unity.CustomUpdateMediaInfo | Gif that will be included in the Update Message |
video | Facebook.Unity.CustomUpdateMediaInfo | Video that will be included in the Update Message. Currently this is not yet |
supported but will be in a server side update so it is already included in the SDK. This | ||
disclaimer will be removed as soon as it is. |
Stores Information about a Media that will be part of a Custom Update
Static class for exposing the facebook integration.
Gets the app identifier. AppId might be different from FBSettings.AppId if using the programmatic version of FB.Init().
Gets the app client token. ClientToken might be different from FBSettings.ClientToken if using the programmatic version of FB.Init().
Gets or sets the graph API version. The Unity sdk is by default pegged to the lastest version of the graph api at the time of the SDKs release. To override this value to use a different version set this value.
Gets a value indicating whether is the SDK is initialized.
Gets a value indicating whether a user logged in.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this FB limit app event usage. If the player has set the limitEventUsage flag to YES, your app will continue to send this data to Facebook, but Facebook will not use the data to serve targeted ads. Facebook may continue to use the information for other purposes, including frequency capping, conversion events, estimating the number of unique users, security and fraud detection, and debugging.
Makes a call to the Facebook Graph API.
Name | Type | Description |
query | System.String | The Graph API endpoint to call. |
You may prefix this with a version string to call a particular version of the API. | ||
method | Facebook.Unity.HttpMethod | The HTTP method to use in the call. |
callback | Facebook.Unity.FacebookDelegate{Facebook.Unity.IGraphResult} | The callback to use upon completion. |
formData | System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.String} | The key/value pairs to be passed to the endpoint as arguments. |
Makes a call to the Facebook Graph API.
Name | Type | Description |
query | System.String | The Graph API endpoint to call. |
You may prefix this with a version string to call a particular version of the API. | ||
method | Facebook.Unity.HttpMethod | The HTTP method to use in the call. |
callback | Facebook.Unity.FacebookDelegate{Facebook.Unity.IGraphResult} | The callback to use upon completion. |
formData | UnityEngine.WWWForm | Form data for the request. |
Sends an app activation event to Facebook when your app is activated.
On iOS and Android, this event is logged automatically if you turn on AutoLogAppEventsEnabled flag. You may still need to call this event if you are running on web.
On iOS the activate event is fired when the app becomes active On Android the activate event is fired during FB.Init
This method has no parameters.
Apps the request.
Name | Type | Description |
message | System.String | The request string the recipient will see, maximum length 60 characters. |
actionType | Facebook.Unity.OGActionType | Request action type for structured request. |
objectId | System.String | Open Graph object ID for structured request. |
Note the type of object should belong to this app. | ||
to | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} | A list of Facebook IDs to which to send the request. |
data | System.String | Additional data stored with the request on Facebook, |
and handed back to the app when it reads the request back out. | ||
Maximum length 255 characters. | ||
title | System.String | The title for the platform multi-friend selector dialog. Max length 50 characters.. |
callback | Facebook.Unity.FacebookDelegate{Facebook.Unity.IAppRequestResult} | A callback for when the request completes. |
Apps the request.
Name | Type | Description |
message | System.String | The request string the recipient will see, maximum length 60 characters. |
actionType | Facebook.Unity.OGActionType | Request action type for structured request. |
objectId | System.String | Open Graph object ID for structured request. |
Note the type of object should belong to this app. | ||
filters | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Object} | The configuration of the platform multi-friend selector. |
It should be a List of filter strings. | ||
excludeIds | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} | A list of Facebook IDs to exclude from the platform multi-friend selector dialog. |
This list is currently not supported for mobile devices. | ||
maxRecipients | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | Platform-dependent The maximum number of recipients the sender should be able to |
choose in the platform multi-friend selector dialog. | ||
Only guaranteed to work in Unity Web Player app. | ||
data | System.String | Additional data stored with the request on Facebook, and handed |
back to the app when it reads the request back out. | ||
Maximum length 255 characters. | ||
title | System.String | The title for the platform multi-friend selector dialog. Max length 50 characters. |
callback | Facebook.Unity.FacebookDelegate{Facebook.Unity.IAppRequestResult} | A callback for when the request completes. |
Apps the request.
Name | Type | Description |
message | System.String | The request string the recipient will see, maximum length 60 characters. |
to | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} | A list of Facebook IDs to which to send the request. |
filters | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Object} | The configuration of the platform multi-friend selector. |
It should be a List of filter strings. | ||
excludeIds | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} | A list of Facebook IDs to exclude from the platform multi-friend selector dialog. |
This list is currently not supported for mobile devices. | ||
maxRecipients | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | Platform-dependent The maximum number of recipients the sender should be able to |
choose in the platform multi-friend selector dialog. | ||
Only guaranteed to work in Unity Web Player app. | ||
data | System.String | Additional data stored with the request on Facebook, and handed |
back to the app when it reads the request back out. | ||
Maximum length 255 characters. | ||
title | System.String | The title for the platform multi-friend selector dialog. Max length 50 characters. |
callback | Facebook.Unity.FacebookDelegate{Facebook.Unity.IAppRequestResult} | A callback for when the request completes. |
Clear app link.
Clear app link when app link has been handled, only works for Android, this function will do nothing in other platforms.
This method has no parameters.
Legacy feed share. Only use this dialog if you need the legacy parameters otherwiese use [](#!-FB-ShareLink-System-String, System-String, System-String, System-String, Facebook-FacebookDelegate- 'FB.ShareLink(System.String, System.String, System.String, System.String, Facebook.FacebookDelegate)').
Name | Type | Description |
toId | System.String | The ID of the profile that this story will be published to. |
If this is unspecified, it defaults to the value of from.
The ID must be a friend who also uses your app. |
| link | System.Uri | The link attached to this post. | | linkName | System.String | The name of the link attachment. | | linkCaption | System.String | The caption of the link (appears beneath the link name). If not specified, this field is automatically populated with the URL of the link. | | linkDescription | System.String | The description of the link (appears beneath the link caption). If not specified, this field is automatically populated by information scraped from the link, typically the title of the page. | | picture | System.Uri | The URL of a picture attached to this post. The picture must be at least 200px by 200px. See our documentation on sharing best practices for more information on sizes. | | mediaSource | System.String | The URL of a media file (either SWF or MP3) attached to this post. If SWF, you must also specify picture to provide a thumbnail for the video. | | callback | Facebook.Unity.FacebookDelegate{Facebook.Unity.IShareResult} | The callback to use upon completion. |
Gets the deep link if available.
Name | Type | Description |
callback | Facebook.Unity.FacebookDelegate{Facebook.Unity.IAppLinkResult} | The callback to use upon completion. |
This is the preferred way to call FB.Init(). It will take the facebook app id specified in your "Facebook" => "Edit Settings" menu when it is called.
Name | Type | Description |
onInitComplete | Facebook.Unity.InitDelegate | Delegate is called when FB.Init() finished initializing everything. By passing in a delegate you can find |
out when you can safely call the other methods. | ||
onHideUnity | Facebook.Unity.HideUnityDelegate | A delegate to invoke when unity is hidden. |
authResponse | System.String | Auth response. |
Init(appId,clientToken,cookie,logging,status,xfbml,frictionlessRequests,authResponse,javascriptSDKLocale,onHideUnity,onInitComplete) method
If you need a more programmatic way to set the facebook app id and other setting call this function. Useful for a build pipeline that requires no human input.
Name | Type | Description |
appId | System.String | App identifier. |
clientToken | System.String | App client token. |
cookie | System.Boolean | If set to true cookie. |
logging | System.Boolean | If set to true logging. |
status | System.Boolean | If set to true status. |
xfbml | System.Boolean | If set to true xfbml. |
frictionlessRequests | System.Boolean | If set to true frictionless requests. |
authResponse | System.String | Auth response. |
javascriptSDKLocale | System.String | The locale of the js sdk used see | | ||
onHideUnity | Facebook.Unity.HideUnityDelegate | A delegate to invoke when unity is hidden. |
onInitComplete | Facebook.Unity.InitDelegate | Delegate is called when FB.Init() finished initializing everything. By passing in a delegate you can find |
out when you can safely call the other methods. |
Logs an app event.
Name | Type | Description |
logEvent | System.String | The name of the event to log. |
valueToSum | System.Nullable{System.Single} | A number representing some value to be summed when reported. |
parameters | System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.Object} | Any parameters needed to describe the event. |
Logs the user in with the requested publish permissions.
Name | Type | Description |
permissions | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} | A list of requested permissions. |
callback | Facebook.Unity.FacebookDelegate{Facebook.Unity.ILoginResult} | Callback to be called when request completes. |
Name | Description |
System.NotSupportedException | Thrown when called on a TV device. |
Logs the user in with the requested read permissions.
Name | Type | Description |
permissions | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} | A list of requested permissions. |
callback | Facebook.Unity.FacebookDelegate{Facebook.Unity.ILoginResult} | Callback to be called when request completes. |
Name | Description |
System.NotSupportedException | Thrown when called on a TV device. |
Logs out the current user.
This method has no parameters.
Logs the purchase.
Name | Type | Description |
logPurchase | System.Decimal | The amount of currency the user spent. |
currency | System.String | The 3-letter ISO currency code. |
parameters | System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.Object} | Any parameters needed to describe the event. |
Elements included in this dictionary can't be null. |
Logs the purchase.
Name | Type | Description |
logPurchase | System.Single | The amount of currency the user spent. |
currency | System.String | The 3-letter ISO currency code. |
parameters | System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.Object} | Any parameters needed to describe the event. |
Elements included in this dictionary can't be null. |
Opens a share dialog for sharing a link.
Name | Type | Description |
contentURL | System.Uri | The URL or the link to share. |
contentTitle | System.String | The title to display for this link.. |
contentDescription | System.String | The description of the link. If not specified, this field is automatically populated by |
information scraped from the link, typically the title of the page. | ||
photoURL | System.Uri | The URL of a picture to attach to this content. |
callback | Facebook.Unity.FacebookDelegate{Facebook.Unity.IShareResult} | A callback for when the request completes. |
Static class for exposing the Facebook GamingServices Integration.
Opens the Friend Finder Dialog
Name | Type | Description |
callback | Facebook.Unity.FacebookDelegate{Facebook.Unity.IGamingServicesFriendFinderResult} | A callback for when the Dialog is closed. |
Informs facebook that the player has taken an action and will notify other players in the same GamingContext
Name | Type | Description |
content | Facebook.Unity.CustomUpdateContent | Please check CustomUpdateContent.Builder for details on all the fields that |
allow customizing the update. | ||
callback | Facebook.Unity.FacebookDelegate{Facebook.Unity.IGraphResult} | The callback to use upon completion. |
Uploads an Image to the player's Gaming Media Library
Name | Type | Description |
caption | System.String | Title for this image in the Media Library |
imageUri | System.Uri | Path to the image file in the local filesystem. On Android |
this can also be a content:// URI | ||
shouldLaunchMediaDialog | System.Boolean | If we should open the Media Dialog to allow |
the player to Share this image right away. | ||
callback | Facebook.Unity.FacebookDelegate{Facebook.Unity.IMediaUploadResult} | A callback for when the image upload is complete. |
Uploads a video to the player's Gaming Media Library
Name | Type | Description |
caption | System.String | Title for this video in the Media Library |
videoUri | System.Uri | Path to the video file in the local filesystem. On Android |
this can also be a content:// URI | ||
callback | System.Boolean | A callback for when the video upload is complete. |
Note that when the callback is fired, the video will still need to be encoded before it is available in the Media Library.
The FB insights flush behavior auto.
The FB insights flush behavior explicit only.
Gets the location's unique identifier
Gets the location's name.
Returns a String that represents the current FBLocation.
A String that represents the current FBLocation.
This method has no parameters.
Facebook delegate.
Name | Type | Description |
result | T:Facebook.Unity.FacebookDelegate`1 | The result. |
Name | Description |
T | The result type. |
Facebook sdk version.
Gets the SDK build version.
Contains a Inviation from Friend Finder.
Hide unity delegate.
Name | Type | Description |
isUnityShown | T:Facebook.Unity.HideUnityDelegate | When called with its sole argument set to false, |
your game should pause and prepare to lose focus. If it's called with its | ||
argument set to true, your game should prepare to regain focus and resume | ||
play. Your game should check whether it is in fullscreen mode when it resumes, | ||
and offer the player a chance to go to fullscreen mode if appropriate. |
Http method.
Indicates that the request is a DELETE request.
Indicates that the request is a GET request.
Indicates that the request is a POST request.
The access token refresh result.
Gets the refreshed access token.
A result containing an app link.
Gets the extras.
Gets the ref.
Gets the target URI.
Gets the URL. This is the url that was used to open the app on iOS or on Android the intent's data string. When handling deffered app links on Android this may not be available.
App request result.
Gets RequestID.
Gets the list of users who the request was sent to.
The catalog result.
Gets a list of products available for purchase.
The Choose Gaming Context API result.
The Create Gaming Context API result.
The result of a a FriendFinder Dialog. There is no data returned to the client.
The Get Current Gaming Context API result.
Gets Gaming Context ID.
The result of a graph api call.
Gets the result.
Gets the Texture.
The Graph API does not return textures directly, but a few endpoints can redirect to images when no 'redirect=false' parameter is specified. Ex: '/me/picture'.
The result of a group creation.
Gets the group identifier.
The result of a group join.
The license check for premium games result.
Gets if the user has a license to play the game.
Gets the callback identifier.
The result of a login request.
Gets the access token.
Gets the authentication token.
The result for getting the Login Status of a user.
Gets a value indicating whether the access token retrieval has failed
The result of a Media Upload
Gets the Media Identifier.
The result of a pay request.
Gets the error code.
The payload result.
Gets a dictionary of the payload items.
The result of a user profile request.
Gets the current user profile.
The purchase result.
Gets the purchase information of the item that was purchased.
The access token refresh result.
Gets a list of products available for purchase.
A class contiaing the result data.
Gets a value indicating whether this instance cancelled.
Gets the error.
Gets the error, as a Dictionary.
Gets the raw result.
Gets the result.
The post session score result.
The result of a share.
Gets the post identifier.
The Switch Gaming Context API result.
The instant tournament result.
The instant tournament score result.
Init delegate.
This class encodes and decodes JSON strings. Spec. details, see JSON uses Arrays and Objects. These correspond here to the datatypes IList and IDictionary. All numbers are parsed to doubles.
Parses the string json into a value.
An List, a Dictionary<string, object>, a double, an integer,a string, null, true, or false.
Name | Type | Description |
json | System.String | A JSON string. |
Converts a IDictionary / IList object or a simple type (string, int, etc.) into a JSON string.
A JSON encoded string, or null if object 'json' is not serializable.
Name | Type | Description |
obj | System.Object | A Dictionary<string, object> / List. |
A class containing the settings specific to the supported mobile platforms.
Gets or sets the share dialog mode.
Gets or sets the user ID.
Current Authentication Token.
This method has no parameters.
Current Profile.
This method has no parameters.
Current Profile via vallback.
This method has no parameters.
Call this function so that Profile will be automatically updated based on the changes to the access token.
This method has no parameters.
Fetchs the deferred app link data.
Name | Type | Description |
callback | Facebook.Unity.FacebookDelegate{Facebook.Unity.IAppLinkResult} | A callback for when the call is complete. |
Returns the setting for Automatic Purchase Logging
This method has no parameters.
Login with tracking experience.
Name | Type | Description |
loginTracking | Facebook.Unity.LoginTracking | The option for login tracking preference, "enabled" or "limited". |
permissions | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} | A list of permissions. |
nonce | System.String | An optional nonce to use for the login attempt. |
callback | Facebook.Unity.FacebookDelegate{Facebook.Unity.ILoginResult} | A callback for when the call is complete. |
Refreshs the current access to get a new access token if possible.
Name | Type | Description |
callback | Facebook.Unity.FacebookDelegate{Facebook.Unity.IAccessTokenRefreshResult} | A on refresh access token compelte callback. |
Sets the setting for Advertiser ID collection.
Name | Type | Description |
advertiserIDCollectionEnabled | System.Boolean | The setting for Advertiser ID collection |
Sets the setting for Advertiser Tracking Enabled.
Name | Type | Description |
advertiserTrackingEnabled | System.Boolean | The setting for Advertiser Tracking Enabled |
Sets the setting for Automatic App Events Logging.
Name | Type | Description |
autoLogAppEventsEnabled | System.Boolean | The setting for Automatic App Events Logging |
Sets device token in the purpose of uninstall tracking.
Name | Type | Description |
token | System.String | The device token from APNs |
Classes defined on the mobile sdks.
Gets or sets the dialog mode.
OG action type.
ASKFOR Action.
SEND Action.
TURN Action.
Contains a Instant Game Product.
Initializes a new instance of the Product class.
Name | Type | Description |
title | System.String | The title of the product. |
productID | System.String | The product's game-specified identifier. |
description | System.String | The product description. |
imageURI | System.String | A link to the product's associated image. |
price | System.String | The price of the product. |
priceAmount | System.Nullable{System.Double} | The numeric price of a product. |
priceCurrencyCode | System.String | The currency code for the product. |
Gets the description.
Gets the image uniform resource identifier.
Gets the price.
Gets the price amount.
Gets the price currency code.
Gets the product identifier.
Gets the title.
Returns a String that represents a Product.
A String that represents a Product.
This method has no parameters.
#ctor(userID,firstName,middleName,lastName,name,email,imageURL,linkURL,friendIDs,birthday,ageRange,hometown,location,gender) constructor
Initializes a new instance of the Profile class.
Name | Type | Description |
userID | System.String | User ID. |
firstName | System.String | First Name. |
middleName | System.String | Middle Name. |
lastName | System.String | Last Name. |
name | System.String | Name. |
System.String | Email. | |
imageURL | System.String | Image URL. |
linkURL | System.String | Link URL. |
friendIDs | System.String[] | A list of identifiers for the user's friends. |
birthday | System.String | User's birthday |
ageRange | Facebook.Unity.UserAgeRange | Age Range for the User |
hometown | Facebook.Unity.FBLocation | Home Town |
location | Facebook.Unity.FBLocation | Location |
gender | System.String | Gender |
Gets the user's age range.
Gets the user's birthday.
Gets the email.
Gets the fist name.
Gets the list of identifiers for the user's friends.
Gets the user's gender
Gets the user's hometown
Gets the image URL.
Gets the last name.
Gets the link URL.
Gets the user's location
Gets the middle name.
Gets the name.
Gets the user ID.
Returns a String that represents the current Profile.
A String that represents the current Profile.
This method has no parameters.
Contains a Instant Game Purchase.
#ctor(developerPayload,isConsumed,paymentActionType,paymentID,productID,purchasePlatform,purchasePrice,purchaseTime,purchaseToken,signedRequest) constructor
Initializes a new instance of the Purchase class.
Name | Type | Description |
developerPayload | System.String | A developer-specified string, provided during the purchase of the product. |
isConsumed | System.Boolean | Whether or not the purchase has been consumed. |
paymentActionType | System.String | The current status of the purchase. |
paymentID | System.String | The identifier for the purchase transaction. |
productID | System.String | The product's game-specified identifier. |
purchasePlatform | System.String | The purchase platform, such as "GOOGLE" or "FB". |
purchasePrice | System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.Object} | Contains the local amount and currency associated with the purchased item. |
purchaseTime | System.Int64 | Unix timestamp of when the purchase occurred. |
purchaseToken | System.String | A token representing the purchase that may be used to consume the purchase. |
signedRequest | System.String | Server-signed encoding of the purchase request. |
Gets the developer payload string.
Gets whether or not the purchase has been consumed.
Gets the purchase status.
Gets the purchase identifier.
Gets the product identifier.
Gets the platform associated with the purchase.
Gets the amount and currency fields associated with the purchase.
Gets the purchase time.
Gets the price.
Gets the price currency code.
Returns a String that represents a Purchase.
A String that represents a Purchase.
This method has no parameters.
Share dialog mode.
The sdk will choose which type of dialog to show See the Facebook SDKs for ios and android for specific details.
Uses the feed dialog.
Uses the dialog inside the native facebook applications. Note this will fail if the native applications are not installed.
Opens the facebook dialog in a webview.
Gets the user's maximun age, -1 if unspecified.
Gets the user's minimun age, -1 if unspecified.
Returns a String that represents the current UserAgeRange.
A String that represents the current UserAgeRange.
This method has no parameters.