** warning - work in progress **
the following instructions are not reliable, use them at your own risk
Make sure to fulfill the prerequisites before continuing.
Instructions to download SNAP and sentinel toolboxes 1-3 in a directory (assume it is called snap
), and build them. In details:
create a directory and cd into it:
aPath/ $ mkdir snap
aPath/ $ cd snap
aPath/snap/ $ git clone https://github.com/senbox-org/snap-engine
aPath/snap/ $ cd snap-engine
aPath/snap/ $ git fetch --all
aPath/snap/ $ git checkout tags/6.0.0
aPath/snap/snap-engine/ $ mvn clean install
aPath/snap/ $ git clone https://github.com/senbox-org/snap-desktop
aPath/snap/ $ cd snap-desktop
aPath/snap/ $ git fetch --all
aPath/snap/ $ git checkout tags/6.0.0
aPath/snap/snap-desktop/ $ mvn clean install
Clone the repositories of the toolboxes 1-3
aPath/snap/ $ git clone https://github.com/senbox-org/s1tbx.git
aPath/snap/ $ git clone https://github.com/senbox-org/s2tbx.git
aPath/snap/ $ git clone https://github.com/senbox-org/s3tbx.git
Then build the projects in the same order. The general procedure is:
aPath/snap/ $ cd s#tbx
aPath/snap/ $ git fetch --all
aPath/snap/ $ git checkout tags/6.0.0
aPath/snap/s#tbx/ $ mvn clean install
Just make sure to replace the character #
above with the appropriate digit, i.e, 1
, 2
, or 3
Note: according to the developers, builds may fail because of unit tests failing (in fact, that happened consistently in our tests). If that is case, just replace the build above command with
aPath/snap/s#tbx/ $ mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
to skip the tests (the latter worked smoothly in our tests): you're just going to use the toolboxes, not contributing to them. Also, please report the incident on the appropriate ESA's forum: s1tbx, s2tbx and s3tbx
Finally, install the PROBA-V toolbox:
aPath/snap/ $ git clone https://github.com/senbox-org/probavbox.git
aPath/snap/ $ cd probavox
aPath/snap/ $ git fetch --all
aPath/snap/ $ git checkout tags/2.0.0
aPath/snap/probavox/ $ mvn clean install
Download and install the SNAP desktop tool
You're done! Now go back and follow the instructions to setup your working environment.