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Module Guide

Please see modules/init.txt for how to load modules.

Lua Modules

-- Old setting from settings.lua: HOMEPOINT_HEAL
-- Set if you want Home Points to heal you like in single-player Final Fantasy games.
local m = Module:new("homepoint_heal")

m:addOverride("xi.homepoint.onTrigger", function(player, csid, index)
    super(player, csid, index)

return m

If you want to turn off NPCs at will, you can do this with any entity in the game:

  • Get their ID somehow: !exec print(target) etc.
    • [08/12/22 09:49:41:827][map][lua] CLuaBaseEntity(TYPE_NPC | 17639680 | DE_Horro | Horro) (lua_print:145)




You get given the NPC/Mob object when you create a dynamic entity, so you can attach that to the global object for easier access.

xi.custom = xi.custom or {}
xi.custom.Horro = zone:insertDynamicEntity({...

If you have a module that is applying things on onInitialize, like adding new NPCs, a module reload will override onInitialize, but onInitialize is only called during server start. So a custom NPC won't receive any changes.

If you wanted hot-reloadable onTrigger/onTrade logic for NPCs or Mobs, you'd have to get sneaky with how/when you define and apply that logic.

-- your_module.lua

local onTriggerFunc = function(player, npc)
    -- NOTE: We have to use getPacketName, because the regular name is modified and being used
    --     : for internal lookups
    player:PrintToPlayer("Welcome to New GM Home!", 0, npc:getPacketName())

m:addOverride("xi.zones.GM_Home.Zone.onInitialize", function(zone)
        objtype = xi.objType.NPC,
        name = "Horro",
        onTrigger = onTriggerFunc

-- Internally, the cache entry for Dynamic Entries is prepended with "DE_"
-- This might get upset on startup, since `xi.zones.GM_Home.npcs.DE_Horro` probably doesn't exist when this script is first run
xi.zones.GM_Home.npcs.DE_Horro.onTrigger = onTriggerFunc
[08/12/22 10:01:58:479][map][info] [FileWatcher] RE-RUNNING MODULE FILE modules/custom/lua/test_npcs_in_gm_home.lua (luautils::CacheLuaObjectFromFile:519)


CPP Modules

Place a .cpp file somewhere in the modules/ subfolder and enable it with init.txt. You'll then need to re-configure your build using CMake. Towards the end of configuration, it will log which module files have been added to the build:

-- Adding module files to build: C:/ffxi/server/modules/era/cpp/test.cpp

You can then continue your build as normal, and your module files will be compiled at the end.

#include "map/utils/moduleutils.h"

// CPP Modules are calls synchronously, so you have safe access to the main sql connection, the Lua state,
// logging, and anything else you might regularly use.
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "common/sql.h"
#include "lua/luautils.h"
#include "utils/itemutils.h"

    constexpr uint16 HOURGLASS_ID = 4237;

    uint32 currentEpoch()
        return static_cast<uint32>(time(nullptr));

//       |-- Name your module something unique.
//       v                    v-- You must inherit from CPPModule.
class TestModule : public CPPModule
    // In Lua, the ':' function calling syntax is just syntactic sugar for:
    //     function(object, param0, param1, ...)
    // This is what will be required if you want to inject your own bindings.
    //                         v----object----v           v-param0-v    v-param1-v
    void createHourglass(CLuaBaseEntity* PLuaBaseEntity, uint8 zoneID, uint32 token)

        CBaseEntity* PEntity = PLuaBaseEntity->GetBaseEntity();
        if (PEntity->objtype != TYPE_PC)

        auto ret = sql->Query("SELECT value FROM server_variables WHERE name = '[DYNA]Token' LIMIT 1;");
        if (ret != SQL_ERROR && sql->NumRows() && sql->NextRow())
            auto res = sql->GetUIntData(0);
            if (res == HOURGLASS_ID)
                CItem* PItem = itemutils::GetItem(HOURGLASS_ID);

                ref<uint8>(PItem->m_extra,  0x02) = 1;
                ref<uint32>(PItem->m_extra, 0x04) = PEntity->id;
                ref<uint32>(PItem->m_extra, 0x0C) = currentEpoch();
                ref<uint8>(PItem->m_extra,  0x10) = zoneID;
                ref<uint32>(PItem->m_extra, 0x14) = token;

    //     v-- OnInit is required for all CPP modules.
    void OnInit() override // Called just before the server is ready to run.
        // player:createHourglass(zoneID, token)
        lua["CBaseEntity"]["createHourglass"] = &TestModule::createHourglass;

        // You could also use lambdas, if you wish
        // mob:anotherFunction()
        lua["CBaseEntity"]["anotherFunction"] = [](CLuaBaseEntity* PLuaBaseEntity) -> void

            CBaseEntity* PEntity = PLuaBaseEntity->GetBaseEntity();
            if (PEntity->objtype != TYPE_PC)

            // ...

    // The following are optional:
    // void OnZoneTick(CZone* PZone){};           // Called at the end of Zone_Server's tick.
    // void OnTimeServerTick(){};                 // Called at the end of time_server's tick.
    // void OnCharZoneIn(CCharEntity* PChar){};   // Called just before a character finished zoning in.
    // void OnCharZoneOut(CCharEntity* PChar){};  // Called just before a character starts zoning out.
    // void OnPushPacket(CBasicPacket* packet){}; // Called just before a packet is added to the character's outgoing queue.

// You must call this to register your module with the program!

SQL Modules

SQL modules are additional SQL files that are run at the end of updates, after all the other SQL files. They still need to be enabled with init.txt.

-- Setting all 2HR abilities to 2HR cooldown
UPDATE abilities SET recastTime = "7200" WHERE name = "mighty_strikes";
UPDATE abilities SET recastTime = "7200" WHERE name = "hundred_fists";
-- ...