Pipeline settings are stored in configuration files for convenience, see /confs folder for examples. A .config file can be passed to the nextflow executor via the -c
For starter, copy one of the example config files in /confs and modify it dependent on your analysis requirements. Then run the pipeline by including your config file.
nextflow run RNASeq-NF/main.nf -c </path/to/your/settings.config> --fastq_path <path/to/fastq/files> --out_dir </path/to/output_dir> -profile slurm -resume
Executors and logs
Nextflow's base configuration (executors, containerization etc.) should always be included in the analysis config. Set the cacheDir to a location with enough space to store your singularity images.
cacheDir = '/path/to/my/cache/dir
Pipeline parameters
Analysis parameters, such as specified in the params
section, can be stored either in the the config file (recommended) or appended on the command line, for example --singleEnd
Genome configuration
In it's most basic form, the pipeline requires the following resource parameters.
- path to genome sequence (.fasta).--genome_gtf
- path to genome annotation (.gtf)
Transcript quantification with Salmon requires transcript sequences in .fasta format to be supplied (In case no Salmon index is provided)
- path to transcript sequences (.fasta).
GATK requires a sequence dictionary (.dict) and fasta index (.fai) to be present in the same directionary as the reference sequence. Please prepare them before running the pipeline if applicable as described in step 2 and 3 of the GATK reference preparation guide
Known variants in vcf format (optional) should be included in the genome config as shown below.
genome_known_sites = ['/hpc/cog_bioinf/common_dbs/GATK_bundle/1000G_phase1.indels.b37.vcf',
All remaining files will be created at run-time and stored in the output folder (reference_resources). Since buidling the STAR index requires a significant amount of memory, ensure that sufficient memory is available on the host system and allocated in process.config.
Generating resource files at run-time should only be done upon running the pipeline for the first time with a specific genome build. Include the resource files in your genome config for subsequent analysis to avoid re-building and putting unnecessary strains on the host-system. Example genome configuration files can be found in ./resources/test_run
Process configuration
Runtime specific resources (memory, cpu's) should be sufficent for most jobs but can be always be altered if required.
withLabel : SortMeRNA_4_2_0 {
time = '24h'
penv = 'threaded'
cpus = 4
memory = '15G'
publishDir.path = "${params.out_dir}/QC/"
publishDir.mode = 'copy'
publishDir.saveAs = {filename ->
if (filename.indexOf("_rRNA_report.txt") > 0) "SorteMeRNA/$filename"
else if (filename.indexOf("_filtered_rRNA.fastq.gz") > 0) "SorteMeRNA/rRNA-reads/$filename"
else null }