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the literature is the time

凡一代有一代之文学:楚之骚,汉之赋,六代之骈语,唐之诗,宋之词,元之曲,皆所谓一代之文学,而后世莫能继焉者也。 (王国维 "人间词话")

mihoyo lines

rules,are made to be broken

memories,are the language of rosemary flowers

no sacrifice shall go unrewarded

solitary clouds shadow in the setting sun stirs the drifter's heart

if you ever miss me just close your eyes maybe i will appear in your dreams

one has hexagramatic position has always in flux. planning is paramount

i weap for the departed

dusk's rain... it too shall fall.

rain shall fall

stream forth, the gleam of old blades

Existence is fleeting as the dawn's dew, destined for oblivion.

On the still waters of oblivion, I guide the wandering souls.

Lone voyagers in the cosmos are driven by two desires: to tread in the trails of the past, and to forge their own way. But under THEIR scrutiny... most end up adhering to the former.

Our journey begins anew. Life passes like a fleeting rain, eventually merging with the ground. May our next encounter be... under a clear sky.

When I awoke from that place, the sea's horizon still held faint thunder, and the falling blood rain was easing — the sight of that moment lay strikingly clear before me.

Perhaps there's more than one right answer.


If you're not solving problems or writing up contributions, then don't blame me if your life is boring.

I'm perfect enough already. What else do I need to prove? Of course, I could write a few more books... but what would I get out of that? Why should I bother?






do have faith in what you are doing

world is powered by solitude

gravitated and spellbound

beautifully advance

english brain joke

There are three words in the English language that end in -gry. One is hungry and another is angry. What is the third word? Everyone uses this word every day; everyone knows what it means and what it stands for. If you've listened closely, I've already told you what the word is.

joker film line

ok.i'm waiting for the punchline.

there's no's not a joke.

playboy quotes

如果祂涉世未深,就带她见世间繁华. 如果祂历尽沧桑,就带她骑旋转木马.


有技兄这 迟 b 片 已 b 片 申鹤重云了

loli 有三好,身轻体柔易推倒


世界上没有什么事儿是一发 8088 不能解决的 如果有,那就两发 (亚洲骗氪天王,尼古拉斯.大伟哥)

djhs chenshiyu quote

陈时前说称 诗 书 生骂之曰 乃公凭数英而得之 安事诗书


djhs wangzhaohai quote


djhs jiangzhijun quote


chat with djhs jiangzhijun about future

f: 我们高一的老师会和我们一起升上去吗 jiang: 有些会,有些年轻的应该不会 f: 陈诗瑜会吗 gu: 陈诗瑜除了太傻逼了 人还挺好的 (f: better to be my waifu instead of our sensei) jiang: (...)尤其是作业 f: 陈诗瑜教过高三吧 jiang: 新老师应该不会(...)吧 f: 听说能来上海教书的 不是华师大的,就是上师大研究生 反例多吗? 陈诗瑜哪的,没见祂回答过 jiang: 祂 2016 年上海高考 (还提到过"上一届") 外地考进上师大还强点,祂本地的 时间不够,只能华师大了 f: 上师大咋样 jiang: 985,211,双一流都不是 出来教我们也太(...)了 上师大就比一本线高一点,(...)多就行了 是个人都能上,我们学校至少有一半人能上 gu: 那华师大呢 f: 那 nb 了 jiang: 985! 华师大出来的去个机构也很赚了 不过(这里是)铁饭碗 f: 也可以自己开个机构 (有很多机构都是这些人创始的) jiang: 啊? f: 你看 b 站上一数之类的 几百万几千万粉不会少赚的 jiang: 我看了一数的几个(视频) f: 太简单了是吧 jiang: 对,就讲概念,啥也不讲 不如去学而思,那些提高的 f: 我觉得我们可以一起,(带个 lvfuyuan) 趁暑假,就讲(导学先锋太简单了)华师大强基 讲义,目录都不用写 就一题一题讲,(现在也没人做这样的) (自负地)肯定火 jiang: 我觉得我能力还不够...(一如既往谦虚地)

(after school on the way back home in heavy rain) f: 你们班有多少能上华师大的? djhs grade 2 football friend: 你说按我们现在(的...)预测吗 f: 对 ff: 你排多少?年级前五到十? f: 我平均 a+,但这学期标准差减少了 标准差你知道吧 ff: 当然知道 f: 我初中学过 现在已经忘光了 ff: 没事 (高二)还会全捡起来的 还要学正态分布什么的 f: 我上学期差的时候到过 a 也拿过两次年一 这学期一直 a+,但最好就年三了 (其实我只学语数英...小学科没有及格的) ff: 那你这样华师大挺稳的 (?)

djhs g1t2 last day

a life at school.

陈: 我们商量好了,下班了 不上课了,这节课合影,say goodbye (放红楼梦) 陈: 我不收手机,你们也不说我没上课,怎么样. f: 我考哪个大学能和你做校友 陈: 我上师大的 jiang: 祂读研了吗 f: 肯定没有啊 祂说祂 2016 上海高考 还带过上一届 不然时间不够啊,毕业第一年就教我们. jiang: 我们学校嘎腊鸡辣? 上师大本科都能来了! 感觉有关系. 陈: 你看华师大的愿意来(此)当老师吗? 陈: 上师大分数低,资源还是不少的.

f:(->陈) 没准,十年后我们能做同事.

f:(->陈) 你有男朋友吗? 陈: (nothing to say...) jiang: 感觉没有.

f: 你选了啥啊 陈: 我那时候是 3+1 加了历史 ...: (无奈)(羡慕)

王:(导学选必一 p152) 12(3)至少要讲一刻钟,不讲了 f: 第三问超纲了吗 王: 不超纲

王: 还有问题吗? 没有问题了... 好,那高一的问题解决了. f: 那讲讲第三问吧 王: 如果你高考想考 135 以上 第三问一定要看会看懂 答案写得很详细.

nicholas wei bro



vocational high school feel


busy studying genshin

他说他暑假要奋发图强,弯道超车 然后一周后,他原神满探索了 据说是请了代肝

lciop retro memories


(-> lciop 黄成辉)

staying away from uee and laughing


anime hentais



mihoyo anime tragedy

是刀吗?不是糖!是糖! 好甜!好甜!好甜...


handwritten story differs from ai generated one

文章里有错别字,部分句子句末缺少句号,中英文括号混用,大小写不统一,综合这些来看应该不是 AI 生成




android 4.4 forever

我意识到,无论谷歌发布多么新的、文档完善的、功能强大的新 API,我们余生都将为安卓 4.4 编写代码。

tom and jerry

tom and jerry instead of foo and bar in programming

sr trailblazer with march and firefly


mihoyo food lover

小鲨鱼,你可以吃棒棒糖 云璃,你可以吃琼实鸟串

iphone os memories

iphone 5 最后一代拟物 iphone x 第一代全面屏

beyond foresight

天台的风真大. 我仿佛看到了异世界.

so much for this

so much for this have a nice day. 以上.祝你度过智识的,审美的一天.

in solitude and always be bold

勇敢去做, 有了就堕. (in solitude where we are least alone)

what i was called in djhs

"大哥" "少爷"

讲真,如果学校里丁真来说书,... 会很开心.

better translation of regex

regular expression (regex) -> 字符串规律匹配表达式 (正则)

trumen show line

And in case I don’t see you, good afternoon, good evening and good night!

school life

rise and fall

ebb and flow

wax and wane

djhs new ringtone

学校下课铃 "让我们荡起双桨" "吹来凉爽的风"

oier memories and observations

以前我总觉得自己讨厌矿井,恨矿井,恨它吞掉了自己的青春。 但现在才知道,我已同它融为一体了,恨也罢,爱也罢,它就是我的青春了。


时光荏苒,小 S 和小 Y 也会散去。而我们和一个人保持连接的方式就是记住,仅此而已。 时光走过,小 C 和小 Y 会再遇见。回首往事,大家都过上了各自想要的生活。

僕たちの前にはいまだ巨大すぎる人生が、茫漠とした時間が、どうしようもなく横たわっていた。 挡着在我们面前的是巨大庞然的人生、广阔无际的时间,令我们无能为力。


leaving a world without minato aqua

刚才听说阿夸毕业,迷迷糊糊开车撞飞个人,不知道还活着么,不想下车看了,打了 110,等着了,阿夸都没了这几把人生结束算了

爬完楼发现一点瓜都没 去翻了翻最近的直播 半天不说一句话纯摆烂 这毕业了还挺正常的


我从冲煌时间后就没怎么来过这个版面了,没想到还有在这发回复的一天。原来我真的是 CREW 吗愁还记得那天 Take Over 发布那天晚上溜了估计得有二三十遍

你也“take over 入坑,自此茶饭不思”?

第一她本来就赚了不少,那么假如不想太累,那么辞职给自己放松和充电是完全正常的 第二她在的公司是类似偶像公司,这类公司的一些法则跟正常公司不一样,她假如因为个人情感而辞职也......

我是挺难理解辞职放松的,特别是主播这种没后路的职业。我自己水平菜不提,我知道一个在美亚后端狂卷的哥看到这经济都快急疯了,人收入真不低。扇笑收入上去之后很多预支出是真的要你持续有高收入的。 可能樱花妹不用管房贷车贷家庭支出吧,也好。



她辞职以后天天在家随便播天天打想玩的游戏收入也很高,依然是行业前列,比绝大多数 v 都强,比你这后端哥们赚的多还十分轻松,


哭笑累个屁 一般主播累是因为人家天天直播,每天在保证节目效果的前提下高强度互动,下播了还要忙很多直播以外的事 圣皇这种人半月播不到十指之数照样有一大堆 crew 追的你跟我讲忙? 成功来得太容易所以不珍惜罢了

首先,大亏哥这几年差不多都财富自由了 其次,以她的基数,就算转生个人势和咩一样天天摆烂也不会比粽子他们差 不过我是真不希望她是为了转生才离开 holo 的,holo 是当 v 最好的平台,虽然没了个人势可以随心所欲的优点

adhensiontek last vid before graduate


大半内容都是 back to the future,回顾频道主以前对自己的期望,解构过去才能成为一个新的人。XD 打得什么我,看得懂么。。。




第一次看你的时候还是日科时期,真的很喜欢你的作品,正经的也好抽象的也好,都十分合我的胃口,后来你 b 站注销之后疯了一般的在各个平台找你的痕迹,虽然非常遗憾你大概率不会再制作类似的视频,但是真的让我对抽象这种(姑且算是艺术形式吧)产生了更深刻的思考,无论如何,祝你好运

aqua last mv before graduate

This MV is really cute, but the transparency is too harsh...

It's not "don't go"

"Go ahead."

acm is communication with different intuitions and gaining strength from others

我不喜欢个人英雄主义叙事的 ACM。没有人会在所有方面比所有人聪明。

我希望的 ACM 是这样的:



fucking chinese patriotic education

中国的仇恨教育是如何反噬自己的?从幼儿园就开始的仇日教育有多可怕? (老周横眉)


subscribe! humanity.


picking up study and start reading a book


desire big

如果你要造船,不要招揽人来搬木材,不要指 派人任务和工作,而是要教他们去渴望那无边无际 广袤的大海。

——Antoine de Saint-Exupery, 《小王子》作者

fucking berryberry cencership



vtuber lovers are laughters

快过年了,不要再讨论什么 v 圈,炒作,a 符号之类的了。你带你的破电脑回到家并不能给你带来任何实质性作用,朋友们兜里掏出一大把钱吃喝玩乐,你默默的在家里刷你的 v 吧。亲戚朋友吃饭问你收获了什么,你说我昨天刚拷打了一个 a 符号 ,用 30sc 钓了一下猫雷,亲戚们懵逼了,你还在心里默默嘲笑他们,笑他们不懂你的威风凛凛,不懂你的炒作手段、不懂你对 v 圈典故的烂熟于心,也笑他们连个 v 老嗨都不是。你父母的同事都在说自己的子女一年的收获,儿子买了个房,女儿买了个车,姑娘升职加薪了,你的父母默默无言,说我的儿子搞了个独轮车,开起来嗡嗡响、家里电表走得越来越快了人也越来越魔怔了。

neco nyan and alcohol

猫雷是富士康 3 号流水线的质检女工,平常会被工头欺负,女仆咖啡厅都是猫雷幻想出来的,下班回到家只能吃泡面和过期饭团,直播的网路是蹭室友的,直播到凌晨下播后还要赶去当陪酒女喝到第二天天亮,因为奶奶生病了所以打工和直播挣到的钱要给奶奶交医药费,小男友声音一直在变其实都是猫雷找的爸爸活,每个月的 15 号是猫雷哥哥的探监日,这一天是猫雷最开心的日子,猫雷会制作纸杯蛋糕带给哥哥。猫雷在现实里已经流干了眼泪,所以在直播中的猫雷希望可以一直笑下去,一直被爱着自己的喵喵露所爱,这大概是猫雷直播时最幸福的时刻了 😭😭😭

langrensha awkward first message

我这边一张狼人牌啊,全场唯一真狼.我昨晚摸了张 x(对面牌),x 查杀.警徽流边角位开吧,开张 a,开张 b.啊算了,还是 c,d 顺验吧.我很贪心!双押警下,两票我都要好吧.c,d,你们要是是狼,就给我上一票.不给我就把你当好人打.你们要是投给 y,z(前置位预言家,或者后置位没发言),那你们走远了啊,你们就跟着真预走吧,等过几轮看我刀几个人,你们就知道我是全场唯一真狼了!

a math problem and a dreamer


然后就彻底醒了。然后立即上网寻找答案。Branko Grünbaum 和 G. C. Shephard 在 1998 年的论文《Isohedra with Nonconvex Faces》中给出了一些例子。下图是我很喜欢的一个例子。整个多面体由 12 个全等的凹多边形组成。

djhs liuyuan class


"模型机我已经抓到 4 个了."


akt animation and his fellows

"好像当 topaz 的猪啊!或者 asta 的狗." ("我看你就是想傍富婆")

"老白别发这个,腿软了" ("这么经不起诱惑?")

"毕竟 topaz 你啊,也不想再多一笔坏账吧?"




"要不这样,135 你,236 她?"



"jm 搜不到啊"

"but we could never leave!"

being well routined

看看楼下的《自律的人怎样过暑假》[滑稽][滑稽][滑稽] 0 点:起床,洗漱

1-2 点:晨跑 500000000km

2-3 点:环东钱湖游泳 1000000 周

3-4 点:练习飞行,遁地,喷火等实用技能

4-5 点:学会一国语言

6-7 点:早饭时间,吃 100 斤馒头

7-11 点:举汽车深蹲 5000000 个,同时预习明天的他国语言

11-12 点:午饭时间吃 15000000 斤米饭

12-13 点:阅读 200000000 吨书籍

13-15 点:跟奥特曼单挑一次

16-17 点:跑步去叙利亚打仗

18-19 点:吃 800000 斤米饭

19-20 点:饭后散步 100 公里

20-22 点:回忆一天所做

22-23 点:洗澡刷牙

24 点:睡觉

fucking new developer tool apps

"next generation ..."

wtf. completely nonsense.

chinese vhs sleepy guys




chinese fictional names












mihoyo games

gi is like a fairy tale

sr is like a fable



djhs g1t1 memories


fucking goverment for startups

Mr 厉害 VM:


maimai dx


what is "these films"?


da mengzi

3000 元招不来一名农民工,但是能招来一名大学生。 人人都笑大猛子,人人皆是大猛子。 有的人生来就是牛马,有的人生来就在罗马 —大猛子


(某期 podcast)


"我现在 ping 一下 google..."



evanyou yyx twitter

孩子学校发邮件来说有家长给学校捐款 2000 万新币,心想谁这么大手笔,一看原来是 facebook co-founder / 新加坡首富 🤪

seele bronya

The Iron Flower and the Butterfly of the Storm

genshin impact life changing

Genshin is honestly life changing. I haven't played a game this fun in years

One of my favorite games has been World of Warcraft, and it has gotten increasingly lackluster over the years. Exploration is barely rewarded anymore, travel is incredibly fast and you can fly, so the sense of exploration is diminished rapidly, and worst of all, the story is just so memelike that it's hard to take seriously anymore. So I try a handful of other titles/franchises I'm familiar with, and it's all the same exact thing. Cookie cutter, boring, mediocre story. You name it, I've tried it, and got bored with it. Pokemon games, Final Fantasy, Destiny... All so boring, and low effort at least in my own experience. I find myself really craving adventure, so I tried Genshin, a game that game up on suggested games on Epic launcher, and...

Wow. This game is insane. The massive open world is gorgeous. It's like stepping into a whole brand new anime style world where you can just roam around, explore, chill, the quests and stories are really fun and lighthearted. Coming from WoW, it is refreshing to have a story that makes sense, and doesn't sound like some cringe fan fic.

In the more I play this game, I find myself wondering, why can't other games be more like this? Why can't other games have a coherent story, crisp and clean graphics, believable characters, and not feel like a meme 90% of the time? It just escapes me. This game is seriously life changing. I've really missed having something so simple and blissfully fun to play.


fav video games

购买,下载,只是我喜欢这个游戏而已, 或者这只是我对游戏内容的期待, 一如初婚,是幻想战胜理性

至于游玩 要流畅的硬件 要空闲的时间 更要不浮躁的心境

the common berryberry sponsors

拼多多 妙界 神奇小鹿 喵喵记账 圣杯 这几样实在太多了 加载视频中间,没法预料

lex fridman podcast thanks

Thank You I am forever grateful for the wisdom and love I've encountered in the meandering journey of doing these conversations. I can honestly say that I can die a happy man having had the chance to pause and witness so many moments of magic, at once fleeting and unforgettable. Thank you.

Note from 2023: The above was written in 2018, 5 years ago, and it is as true now as it ever was. Thank you again. I love you all!

fucking chinese education organizations

教培机构收钱无可厚非,跟饭店药店收钱一个道理 但是,互联网大班课应该把价格打下了,而不是疯狂捞金 花几十亿做广告、雇销售这不是烧家长血汗钱吗? 教师们都不研究和更新课程,一心想着把学生留下来续班继续赚钱

(石油 sensei)

math noskill

一切初等不等式都可以暴力配凑 一切欧式几何都可以暴力建系计算、机器证明 所以这些问题对于当代数学而言都是容易题


awkward success of chinese dingzhen

如果说 zood 是开山鼻祖,好似倾盆之雨,虽有缺漏确实实在在打开了这理塘盛世;igs 好似那烈酒,是技术力巅峰,体现主人公的放荡不羁,为大家带来一场真正的试听盛宴;烟 distance 是纯洁的冰雪从主客两面带给人这个时代的反思;那 丁花瓷 便是那高山流水,温润之玉,相较于前辈们的句句带刺,一针见血的主流,以 俗 著称,瓷却反其道而行之,在 雅 这个方面做到了极致,每一字每一句细细品味都好似一个激动人心的故事,其文笔之流畅,填词之自然,作者在描绘丁真上丝毫不吝惜文采,但要写 dz 就不能只写 dz,作者他还写了雪豹,阿嫲,写了他扶摇直上,写了他粘合国演讲,写了他双手沾满金钱的铜臭,写了那羡慕又嫉妒他却又不得不如那漫山牛羊匍匐苟活于世的芸芸众生,瓷它雅,但不仅仅是雅,它还有俗,它雅的那么俗,但又俗的那么雅,可谓雅俗共赏,在一句句妙语连珠中,那个策马扬鞭,抽着自己的心爱的瑞克五代,倾听雪豹低泣的少年如同青花瓷般清晰明了栩栩如生的出现在我们面前


a day in the life by beatles

In 1967 I was 13. I bought this LP and raced home to play it in my room on my old Zenith record player in my room. I listened to it 3-4 times. When my father a violinist came home from work. This song was playing. He came into my room and sat down on my bed and listened with me. When it ended , he said play it again. We sat there not speaking listening. When it ended he stood up and said creative instrumentals. Then left. That was one of the only times I shared a moment with my dad in our troubled relationship. I ended running away from home at 15, 1969. RIP dad

one math criticism

some solutions seem awkward




  1. 已知  𝐴={𝑥|𝑥=14𝑚+36𝑛,𝑚,𝑛∈𝑍} , 𝐵={𝑥|𝑥=2𝑘,𝑘∈𝑍} ,求证  𝐴=𝐵 。(考点精华---集合---集合相等的证明方法,新版合集 P9)


需证  𝐴⊆𝐵∧𝐵⊆𝐴 。

在证  𝐴⊆𝐵  中,需证  𝐴  中任意元素都在  𝐵  里,这只需在  𝐴  中令  𝑘=7𝑚+18𝑛 (注意,严格意义上这里应表述成令  7𝑚+18𝑛=𝑘 )即可,因为  7𝑚+18𝑛∈𝑍 ,满足  𝐵  的条件,所以可以这样令。(翻译:证  ∀𝑚,𝑛(∃𝑘((𝑚,𝑛,𝑘∈𝑍)∧(7𝑚+18𝑛=𝑘))) )

在证  𝐵⊆𝐴  中,需证  𝐵  中任意元素都在  𝐴  里,即证  ∀𝑘(∃𝑚,𝑛((𝑚,𝑛,𝑘∈𝑍)∧(𝑘=7𝑚+18𝑛))) (在线翻译),后面证法不是重点,略了。



① 在证  𝐴⊆𝐵  中,为什么可以令  𝑘 ?创造条件?② 在证  𝐵⊆𝐴  中,这不是回到证  𝐴⊆𝐵  了吗?"讨论的第一类中可以令   = 𝑘 = 7𝑚+18𝑛 ,为什么第二类中还要写成带  𝑘  的形式?直接令   = 𝑘 = 7𝑚+18𝑛  不行吗?"③ 为什么第一类就不用证明   = 𝑘 = 7𝑚+18𝑛 ?

没错,这就是逻辑硬伤,对于基础差逻辑不好的学生来说这是短时间内无法解决的,需要长时间的思考和领悟。由于课本逻辑用语的内容放在集合的后面,一数应该换一种通俗的讲法,并且不要用令  𝑘  的方法,这很容易引起混淆。

比如把  14𝑚+36𝑛  改写成  2(7𝑚+18𝑛) ,然后因为  𝑚,𝑛∈𝑍 ,所以显然  7𝑚+18𝑛∈𝑍 ,由于  𝐵={𝑥|𝑥=2𝑘,𝑘∈𝑍} ,对于  2(7𝑚+18𝑛)  来说,满足条件,所以所有的  14𝑚+36𝑛  都在  𝐵  里,即证  𝐴⊆𝐵 。证明  𝐵⊆𝐴  说法很多,不列举了。



已知  𝐴={𝑥|𝑥=2𝑘+1,𝑘∈𝑍} , 𝐵={𝑥|𝑥=4𝑘±1,𝑘∈𝑍} ,求证  𝐴=𝐵



  1. 求  𝑦=𝑥+414𝑥2-𝑥+2  的值域。(考点精华---函数概念与性质---值域考点完全解析(中档),新版合集 P38)


把解析式化为方程  3𝑥2+(2𝑦-16)𝑥-𝑦2+32=0


对于这个方程中的每一个  𝑥 ,是不都有对应的一个  𝑦 ?
那我们都有一个  (𝑥,𝑦)  不就是这个  𝑦  是可以取到吗?
此时我们是不只需要  Δ≥0  就可以啦?
我们利用  Δ≥0  可以得到  𝑦  的范围
而在这个  Δ≥0  得到的  𝑦  的范围内的每一个  𝑦 ,都有对应的  𝑥  与之对应
而我们的任何  𝑥  都是满足条件的,也就不会使得根号下不成立对不对?



在这题中首先必须要说明为什么解析式和方程是完全等价的。有的人说这不简单嘛?移项,然后两边平方化简不就可以了吗?但是这里有陷阱:平方后  𝑥  的取值范围真的不变吗?在解析式中,一部分关于  𝑥  的式子是放在根号里的,也就意味着  𝑥  的取值范围可能有限制;将平方后化简的方程左边设为新的函数  𝑓(𝑥)=3𝑥2+(2𝑦-16)𝑥-𝑦2+32 ,这个函数中  𝑥  的取值范围就没有限制了。原本使得解析式中根号内小于零的  𝑥 ,即取值范围之外的  𝑥 ,在  𝑓(𝑥)  中的  𝑥  却可以取到。解方程  𝑓(𝑥)=0  得到的根可能在原来的解析式取值范围之外,这就是所谓的增根。一数把增根问题放在最后讲不是很合适(不过同学前面没听懂更别谈这里了)当然,原题中根号下的式子  14𝑥2-𝑥+2  抛物线开口向上,而且  Δ<0 ,所以恒大于零,不用担心增根,解析式和方程完全等价。

接着要说明为什么要求  𝑓(𝑥)  的判别式  Δ≥0 ?一数确实说明了原因,但是他说" 𝑦  是可以取到的,所以  Δ≥0 ",y1s1 跳跃太大了,而且这不是简简单单只讲述  (𝑥,𝑦)  的对应关系就能说明白的原理,他只根据这个方程论  (𝑥,𝑦)  的关系,一张对应关系图都不画,导致弹幕一堆疑问。

要说明清楚原因,就要讨论一般情况,这就要谈到函数的定义了。这里我不严谨地讲:对于函数定义域中的每个  𝑥 ,在值域中都有唯一的  𝑦  与  𝑥  对应;相反,对于函数值域中的每一个  𝑦 ,在定义域中都至少有一个  𝑥 与  𝑦  对应。所以把函数中的这个  (𝑥,𝑦)  关系放在完全等价的方程  𝑓(𝑥)=0  中的意思就是对于所有的  𝑦 ,方程都有(至少有一个)实数根,也就是  Δ≥0 。

示例:y=x^2, x∈{-2, -1, 0, 1, 2}

比如解析式  𝑦=𝑥2  完全等价于方程  𝑥2-𝑦=0 ,假设函数定义域是  𝑅 ,利用  Δ=0-4×1×(-𝑦)=4𝑦≥0  得到值域  𝑦≥0 。


  1. 利用定义法讨论函数  𝑓(𝑥)=𝑥2+16𝑥  的单调性。(考点精华---函数概念与性质---函数单调性解法大全,新版合集 P39)


在定义域中任取  𝑥1,𝑥2 ,得  𝑓(𝑥1)-𝑓(𝑥2)=𝑥12-𝑥22+16(𝑥2-𝑥1𝑥1𝑥2) ,化简得  𝑓(𝑥1)-𝑓(𝑥2)=(𝑥1-𝑥2)(𝑥1+𝑥2-16𝑥1𝑥2)

等式右边中,如果我们规定了  𝑥1  和  𝑥2  之间的大小关系,因式  (𝑥1-𝑥2)  就容易判断正负,而因式  (𝑥1+𝑥2-16𝑥1𝑥2)  却不好判断,"虽然高考不会考但是遇到了也要学会做,我们令  𝑥1=𝑥2=𝑥 ,有  2𝑥-16𝑥2=0 ,所以  𝑥=2 "。这是因为我们要找到  (𝑥1+𝑥2-16𝑥1𝑥2)  的零点,在这个零点会有一个单调临界点,单调性会改变。后面在实数集中以 0, 2 为节点分别讨论区间单调性即可。



① 为什么要令  𝑥1=𝑥2=𝑥 ?② 为什么有  2𝑥-16𝑥2=0 ?当  𝑥1=𝑥2  时  𝑓(𝑥1)-𝑓(𝑥2)=0  并且  𝑥1-𝑥2=0 ,此时  2𝑥-16𝑥2  不是取任何数都可以吗,为什么等于零?③ 为什么会有一个单调临界点?......



为什么  2𝑥-16𝑥2=0 ,这里一数不应该写"有"这个字,应该归纳为"令"的范畴。由于  (𝑥1+𝑥2-16𝑥1𝑥2)  符号难以确定,我们可以找出这个因式何时为零。如果直接令  𝑥1+𝑥2-16𝑥1𝑥2=0  会得到一个描述  𝑥1  和  𝑥2  关系的方程,而我们需要一组最简单的二元解,不妨规定  𝑥1=𝑥2 ,这样两个未知数,两个方程,这样就解出来了, 𝑥1=𝑥2=2 ,这就是因式为零的临界情况:如果稍微更动  𝑥1  或者  𝑥2  的值,这个因式就必然会大于零或者小于零。


我发现 B 站视频的评论区大多数内容并不讨论问题本身,而是无脑吹捧,玩梗,反倒给一些人感觉虚伪、反感。弹幕水平参差不齐,有的互相讨论问题,但有的却在某些地方刷类似"哇,我不懂了,我是不是没救了"之类的弹幕、玩梗、吹捧"一哥",甚至有的初中生在里面吹牛逼。根据这个学习氛围,我认为认真看视频的也没几个,至少不占多数。


example problem killed uee

early days

发布于 2020-10-13 17:57 ,编辑于 2022-11-07 17:59

啊 不请自来

我是 2020 年高考生(而且是美术生)

最后几个月我在 b 站看到了一数 点了关注没有怎么看

最后三个月 疫情关系我们都晚开学了 我是 4 月 6 日开的学 那个时候正式开始在 b 站和一数系统性的学习数学


开始跟一哥学习了几天 深入的了解了整个高中数学的知识体系框架

迎接了一模 不出意外的蒙对了两道选择题 一模考了 190 数学 10 分

几乎放弃 但是依旧支撑了下来 制定了以数学和文综为主的学习计划

二模 刷完了整个高中知识体系 并且竭尽全力的尝试去理解其中的内容

要通过简单的基础题型来理解知识点 但是因为时间有限 直接上真题 结果自然是头皮发麻 但是幸好我命硬 扛下来了

二模 我取得了 65 分的成绩 狠狠地打了数学班主任的脸 她那句"你没救了 要么不要念了 要么留在这里混到高考"的话成为了过去式。

65 分其实并不算高 我把目光盯在了基础上

二刷之前并没弄太懂的基础知识 并且用了更多的题去巩固

提高了刷题的比例 把每一道题都和基础知识都做了深入的联系 并且思考其中的奥妙

(其实整个学习数学的过程中 我刷的题并不多 综合算下来其实也就是近 10 年的一二三卷而已)

三模 我考了 100+ 作为美术生 我成为了学霸 和曾经的数学第一不相上下

我学会了思考 开拓了思路 同时也爱上了数学。


最后高考 我考的二卷 难度很高 有很多题把我这个着重基础的菜鸡给挡住了。。。

根本写不完 高考没考好。就不说成绩了

但我花了三个月时间 从一个本该去专科垃圾,逆袭成为省内一本的学生。

这其中 一数他功不可没。


他思考问题和学习知识的方式 潜移默化让我学习效率和进步速度暴增 思维的提升也给我带来了很多应试教育之外的优势。

这个假期 我去武汉找到了一数 他也是一个非常暖的大哥哥 带我玩了几天武汉。

同时这个假期 我继续去学习数学 不是为了复读或者再考试 而是......因为爱好。

一个假期过去 我现在可以自测高考卷考到 130+ 。

感谢一哥 他是我的导师 是把我从深渊中拉出来的救命恩人

以上故事全部真实 如果有数学不好或者想更上一层楼的朋友 可以去 b 站跟一数学习数学!你们一定可以的!


(应一哥要求 我不放露脸照啦 ✓)

匿了匿了 私我的人太多但本质上我没有办法为你们提供太多帮助



最本质最有用的学习方法, 围绕这一句话展开就足够了:


india phone usage problem

The 4Gotten generation: An open letter to India's youth: Get off that smartphone. It can destroy you

October 24, 2020, 7:28 AM IST

Dear friends,

I don't know if this letter will even reach you, despite being published in a big newspaper. Many of you are so busy with your phones, watching videos, playing video games, chatting with your friends, commenting on social media, or just scrolling through the feeds of beautiful celebrities, reading an article falls way down on the priority list.

However, if you do happen to chance on this, please read this fully. This is important and this is about your life. You are wasting your life on your phone. Yes, you are the first young generation in India's history that has access to smartphones and cheap data, and you are spending hours on it, every day.

Check your screen time, which often averages 5-7 hours a day for young people. Retired or established people can spend so many hours on their devices. A young person, who has to build his/ her life, just can't.

Chad Crowe

Five hours is one-third of your productive waking hours, or one-third of your life. Like cigarettes or other drugs, this phone addiction is eating away a part of your life. It's damaging your career prospects and messing up your brain. If it stays this way, your entire generation will become a 4Gotten generation, an entire generation addicted to 4G, aimless in their life and clueless about the nation.

These are the top three negative effects of this phone addiction.

Number one, of course, is the absolute waste of time, which could be utilised on more productive things in life. Imagine saving three hours a day from your phone, and spending it on anything -- fitness, learning a skill, studying more, a more intense job search, opening a business. Imagine if you did this consistently, where it would take you.

Two, watching mindless stuff dulls your cognitive brain. Our brain has two areas -- cognitive and emotional. A good mind is where both work well. When you watch junk, the cognitive brain disengages and is used less. You soon lack the ability to think, reason or argue something logically. You can no longer see different points of view, process multiple scenarios, evaluate pros and cons or make the right decisions.

You function with your emotional brain alone as your cognitive brain is numb. The constant anger on social media, the polarisation, the intense fandom and intense hate for celebrities or politicians, the popularity of certain screaming TV anchors all point to a generation where the emotional brain is in control, and the reasoning mind is not engaged.

People who work only with an emotional brain don't do well in life. The only way out -- stop numbing your brain and engage your mind in more productive things.

Three, constant hours on the screen kill your motivation and energy. Success in life comes from setting goals, staying motivated and working hard towards your goals. However, watching a screen makes us lazy. Deep down, a fear of failure sets in as you're not sure if you can put in the work anymore.

To cope, you try to find a reason why you can't find success in life. You try to find an enemy -- bad current politicians, bad past politicians, Muslims, Bollywood nepotism, rich people, famous people, any villain to be made responsible for your life not being what it could be. Yes, the system is unfair and rigged. However, wasting time venting on social media won't help you. Working on yourself will.

Stop complaining. Start creating. Create a better life for yourself, and create a better person. Are you doing your maximum? Are you working as hard as you possibly can? Keep that wretched phone away until you make something of your life. Winners find a way out of the unfairness. You can too.

Unlike hard drugs, 4G phones are legal. Kids can keep one in their pocket. The phone is also immensely useful -- for information, shopping or online classes. It can be used to grow and learn. But it can also literally destroy a young person's life, and even an entire generation.

For it's up to the youth to take India where they want to take it. Imagine the generation that got us Independence. How cool were they? They were out there, fighting to make India free. I still remember the Mandal Commission protests, or the 2011 Anna protests. The youth cared about national issues. Today, does the youth actually care about what truly impacts us? Or do they emotionally react to news based on how sensational, entertaining or crazy it is?

The super important, urgent priority is to make our economy grow again. China is five times richer than us. Google pictures of Chinese cities on the Internet. We have to do so much to get there. Should we focus on that? Or should we outrage over harmless ads that show an inter-religious couple? Should you focus on your career, or should you waste your time on never ending historical Hindu-Muslim issues? You want to build a good life or solve Bollywood conspiracies?

You, the youth of today, will decide the answers to these questions. No leader, no actor, no celebrity will do it for you. Take yourself and this country where you want it to go. Don't aim to make India poor and proud. Aim to make India and yourself rich and humble. Get off that stupid phone, engage your mind in productive and creative things and make something of your life and country.

Be the generation that 4Ges India ahead. Don't end up as the 4Gotten generation.


Chetan Bhagat

being linux user is being mtf

根据我计算机竞赛的经验,沉迷 Linux 就是男娘的外在表现

linux user idle life


用 Linux 的人大多数时间花在折腾上了,不好好上班,不好好上学。就只能挣一点钱,买不起好的电脑,显示屏也配不起。于是就只能花 1000 多块买个二手笔记本 1366x768,这样就产生了。就比如你看,日常用 Linux 的人,很少有正经工作的都是那种游手好闲,身体还差,还没什么爱好,不打游戏不钓鱼,不谈恋爱,不看电视,不健身,只折腾 Linux。然后没什么爱好就导致他们普遍心理有什么问题,或者本来就有自闭等问题。 大学生日用 Linux 绩点必低,你看看大学生用 Linux 没一个绩点上 3 的,平时大学的志愿活动都不参加,团建也不去,上课也不听,就坐后排抱着笔记本摆弄 Linux。要考试了才依依不舍打开虚拟机里的 Windows,打开实验模拟软件做点题。没几分钟心思又跑 Linux 去了,又去弄 systemd services 去了,弄各种 wm 去了。虚拟机里的 Windows 都睡眠了还浑然不知。考试的时候什么也不会,勉强考上个 60 分不至于毕不了业,毕业了之后也不找正经工作,找那种工作时间短的,拿点基本工资吃泡面。省的 1000 多块钱用来买 thinkpad、各种开发板和单片机了。 别人 30 多岁都有孩子了,用 Linux 的 30 多了还没谈过恋爱。到以后老了 40 多岁,孩子都生不出来了。不过不用担心,没有孩子,Linux 用户会有更多时间沉浸在开源世界里。等 Linux 用户老了的时候,没有孩子照顾他们,只能去老人院,别的老人在一起下棋、唠家常,而他们只有一个笔记本。他们坐在轮椅上,没人和他们说话,唯一的社交就是在 irc, discourse, telegram 上和年轻人讨论技术。然而那时他们已经老了,思维和知识都比不上年轻人了,于是又是回去摆弄 Linux 到最后去世了,陪葬的只有 GitHub 帐号和 thinkpad 笔记本。 这就是 Linux 用户的一生,绝大多数 Linux 用户还是一天到晚无所是事那种的。将来你在公司里上班,别人想的下班跟情人办事,你想的是下班之后回家玩 Linux,然后重蹈覆辙

i love big boob loli


linux early days


Started using Ubuntu for the first time. What are some basic things I should NOT do?

(on reddit since 2011)

I'm pretty used to the ins and outs of what not to do in Windows or Mac, but the whole 'run pretty much everything via command line' thing is very new to me. What should I be wary of when installing software and are there any commands that I should avoid?

1 You don't have to use the command line that way, it is entirely optional in most cases. 2 If you do use command line be VERY careful with your commands, especially rm, chmod and chown (delete, change permissions, change ownership), and always be careful when using -r (usually means recursive) flags on commands, -f (usually means force), and wildcards such as *. Mistakes can be hard to undo. 3 Only add "ppa"s that you trust. If you add a PPA you are adding a new repository that your PC will look for packages in. If you add a malicious or shitty one you will get malicious or shitty software from it. Also, r/ubuntu exists.

btw i use arch and i'm mtf


(on r/MtF since 2021)

I use arch btw So I guess I'm a complete disappointment to my parents lol

Do you use arch?

adulting as lv 32 human


(on r/Adulting since 2024)

People who “grew up” later in life… when did it finally happen, and where are you now? I (32F) am honestly waking up from sleeping walking through life for… as long as I can remember?

I’m in the process of removing all the bad habits from my life that have been holding me back for ages. Namely, killing my daily weed habit and almost impressive ability to “this is fine” my finances.

I live in a HCOL area (Los Angeles) and frankly, I spend every dollar of every paycheck. Always have. I make more than six figures, but am constantly paycheck to paycheck and it’s so embarrassing. I’ve finally reached my own limits of my own bs… but now I’m facing the overwhelming feeling that I’m starting SO late and will never be caught up to where I should be in life.

I know 32 isn’t old, but it ain’t young either. Feeling pretty down about it, and would appreciate any words of wisdom or perspective from others who’ve been here before and turned things around.

TL;DR - I’ve been living immaturely for years and, at 32, am finally ready to “grow up”. But the shame of being this late to the game is real. Perspectives, wise words, or a swift kick in the rear all welcome. 😅

lost fun in modern age


(on r/Zillennials since 2024 written by a 1997 guy)

Feeling like the world I was excited live in as an adult is gone

As a 27 year old zillennial I literally feel like I’ve lived in like three different worlds. One rhat that broke apart in 2008. Then split again in 2020.

I’ve been watching a lot of content from my childhood and getting so many memories of how it used to feel back then and it straight up feels like the world we are in is an entirely different earth now.

For example, I remember listening to my mom on the cordless phone with her friends for hours and watching shows like that’s so raven and Lizzie McGuire, being excited to have my very own phone line like them. Excited to record my very own unique voicemail and add songs to it like a lot of people used to do. Hell I couldn’t wait to get a flip phone and close it shut with attitude like the girls on tv.

I wanted to be just like the teenage millennials who had an AIM and a MySpace with friends and burn my very own cds and play them in my car. I was literally so excited to grow up and do a lot of things that literally do not even exist now.

By the time I hit middle school, everything went completely digital and then Facebook was out and everyone moved past all these fun grown up exciting things I was waiting for.

But even besides the digital stuff, I feel like the world truly was bigger and more exciting back then and now it’s shrunk.

Back in 04 - 07 I used to be out all the time with family and friends going to birthday parties at bowling alleys, skating rinks, and Chuck E. Cheese. Even McDonald’s was fun as hell! They had a whole jungle gym and video games and now it’s all plain gray and corporate. I miss general third places you don’t have to fucking pay for. Like going to Borders and listening to records and chilling on the couches. The world used to be so big and fun.

Nowadays it just feels like no one ever wants to go to third places and hang out. I tried going to skating rink in my city and it was literally dead except a couple gen x - boomer men and some kids.

I just feel like this exciting big world full of fun and physical media and things to do has been replaced, and no one even remembers what it used to be like anymore. Like I feel like I died sometimes and woke up somewhere else.


it hurts a lot. I can't describe the loss of joy, wonder, happiness and love I've lost since 2020. I've felt like a dead man walking and my perspective of time is so warped every year since has felt like 2 months each. Just going through motions. I hate how hard I worked to reach happiness at 2019 for it die out like this. Trying to appreciate the small things

I relate to this so hard. I think it was 2018 when I felt like I had finally gotten to a healthy place mentally and physically and I was on my way up in life. Then I graduated college in 2019 and was floundering a bit, but I had plans. For grad school and the Disney college program. I got into a good grad school, and the DCP. But the Disney program started in January of 2020. I got 3 months out of it before the world basically ended. I spent two years in a small office in my hometown doing classes over zoom. I lost all my new friends. I lost my independence from my parents. All of my mental and physical improvements disappeared in the blink of an eye and I still can’t recover. Every day I realize it’s been 4 years since then and I’ve accomplished nothing. Im terrified my life is just going to keep speeding up and I will never feel healthy and successful again.

I graduated college in Dec. of 2019 and got my dream job overseas in March of 2020. I feel you so much. I saw all my dreams ripped away from me and ended up working at McDonald’s for a year instead. Nothing has been the same since

That’s seriously rough, I’m sorry that happened to you.

Me too. Got into a hotel to kickstart my career after I finished culinary school in 2019(i had other jobs during college as well). I started working at the hotel in 2020. Then went through 5 jobs that summer since I had trouble getting unemployment. The longest being Nothing Bunt Cakes. Horrible place to work, ruined my wrists, but they sent me to PT at least. I haven't really felt like my two longer term jobs since then have been good, really. Just slaving away and hurting every day to get chump change that barely covers the bills. And it's still the most money I've ever made in my life! I'm sick and tired of the struggle!!!!!

it's crazy how similar our experiences are. Same thing but except for college I was in a amazing spot for my music career getting attention and had an insane network, going to Hollywood studios, working with artists I dreamt of working with. Then 2020 happened and I'm living with my parents and nothing else is close to the same.

So sorry you're going through it too. I wish you the best sincerely

2013-2019 probably funnest times of my life, the joy felt so real and even pain etc, idk since 2020 everything feels extra dull

i relate to everything you just said like i was so ready for 2020/starting my career but it all fell apart just like that lmao

literally dude. i made huge connections and music, was literally working with artists I looked up to. shit felt like a dream. then COVID happened and everything is in shambles

big, big, BIG same. my mom was diagnosed with stage four cancer on christmas eve 2019 and passed july 2020. that summer before feels like the high water mark for me. it's felt like a nightmarish haze ever since and my life went from doing reasonably well and a bright outlook to shit.

I really feel this. I was so excited as a kid to be in my 20s and get to dress up and go get fancy cocktails with friends- but nobody ever wants to do that except my fiancé (at least I have somebody, lol, but I wanted the girly get ready together time too).

I also miss the internet from around when I was in high school. Before ads everywhere (I mean really, you look at peoples profile on Facebook now and get ads between their posts) and super short form content/rage bait content everywhere.

Omg yes i wanna be like the women on sex and the city always at restaurants and cute bars!! I literally couldn’t wait to be an adult to do that lol.

Same with the old internet. I’ve literally been playing myscene dress up and room decorating flash games cause I miss it so much.

All my friends moved away so I feel like I'm really missing out on fun girls nights 😭 I want my sex and the city Friday nights!! It really doesn't help that everyone is really truly scraping by, and drinks around here cost $14 minimum

I read this as cute bras and I was like, “wow, same!” But bars too, haha!

The ads in the middle of the Reddit comment sections kill me

Yes! Idk how I forgot to mention that too

On desktop at least, switching to the old layout and using adblockers(on Firefox) helps.

The constant advertising really is draining. You just can't fucking get away from it. It's on every website, every TV channel, radio station and streaming service, in apps, at gas pumps, at the beginings of phone trees when you call a store or restaurant, at the ends of orders you try to place on websites or kiosks encouraging you to buy even more... I've been realizing lately just how damned noisy the world has gotten. And yeah, when I go to Facebook, it's pretty much all ads. I have to specifically search people to see what they're up to. Facebook is no longer a social network, but an advertising platform. And short form videos are absolutely evil...I found a way to turn them off on YouTube because I realized how miserable they were making me feel, how much time I was wasting on the quick dopamine hits...

People had the time and money to do it back then. Not to mention social media and e-commerce isn’t what it is now. Instead of buying something online, we would go to the mall or just hang out with friends. Now it just feels like we’re working to make ends meet and too tired/broke to make plans outside of our daily routine

I agree. It only sucks more bc economically things are so hard nowadays, it feels like we were robbed of the life we were promised.

Only thing I can do is keep appreciating the blessings that I do have and the people I love, and to not lose sight of the fact that I’m working to be able to live out my life.

Too many changes in too short a time. Historically that doesn’t end well.

I agree with the soul of your post. There are so many things others before us took for granted, that are now gone or changed forever. I often wish I’d been born 20 or even 10 years before I was. Times were simpler, and arguably easier, back then.

Also 27 and have been feeling like this lately. Life doesn’t feel as exciting anymore. Ever since Covid it’s hard to look at how different life used to be. I think everyone is craving life before Covid but it will never be the same. Everything is so expensive and it’s hard to even afford fun things anymore. I mostly just do outdoor free things or meetups, but still things have definitely changed and I think I’m still mourning what was taken from everyone during Covid.

I totally get this.

The bright, colorful, friendly USA of my childhood is just gone. It’s all soulless now, with everyone at each other’s throats. Unless I can find a way out to a country that actually values a work/life balance, the rest of my life is going to be work, work, work until I die. Oh, joy… 😢

Literally I thought I imagined it with rose tinted glasses but shit was truly more colorful and lively back then! Like the lava lamps, the colorful room furniture, the custom phones that we used to be able to choose wallpapers and ringtones for. There was just a lot more variety, color and life

now it is all beige and landlord white because painting something a color or making it interestingly shaped means that there's less resale value. why make a taco bell look distinct if it means mcdonalds may not want to buy it later?

Tbf. You can still do the ringtones and wallpapers, its just buried in menus now

lol ik! I mean getting customs ones are so much harder. 😭 I had to follow like a 10 step tutorial to change my ringtone to a custom song on iPhone

To be fair, the bright colorful friendly USA that was portrayed from the 50s to 2010s was mostly intense astroturfing propaganda campaigns by heavily polluting and discriminating companies if you remove the actual countercultural movements of the time. Now we all know so they have to change their tactics.

But this is why ignorance is bliss. It really is. We’re too smart for our own good now, to where we see the “man behind the curtain” and now it makes everything “soulless” as OP pointed out.

There is definitely more tangibility to right now “feeling worse” even if this is what has been going on all along and we’re just privy to it now.

Part of the nostalgia we feel I think is just missing being a kid tbh. None of the real world shit matters much, politics is something adults do, and you dont really know enough to see through the acts people and companies put on

Yeah, like we were kids in the post 9/11 world. Which sucked. Freedoms were taken away and countries were bombed left and right as Americans became bloodthirsty savages wanting to bomb any Muslim person they wanted and anyone who opposes the US needs to be bombed next (it's why to this day Americans have this weird hatred of France, France said America's invasion of Iraq was unjust and Americans flocked like idiots to hage France). America was "united" but in all the wrong ways.

26F here.

I agree with you. It's a shame, the lack of third spaces. It's one of the reasons why everyone relies so heavily on computers.

The downfall of society started when fast food places got rid of their video game hub things. I'm surprised your roller rink isn't more popular; I feel like a few upgrades, like maybe a rentable space to play video games, would change all that.

I thought I'd have a house, or at least an apartment, or a trailer home of my own by now. Maybe have a dog... I want to be able to have friends over, and decorate an entire house space the way I decorate my bedroom, and grow a garden and plant the flowers I want...

Me too! I’m living this fantasy out in the sims 4 as I speak 😭

The downfall of society started because McDonald’s took away their PS2 and GameCube stations

Truly this was the beginning of the end

Same. From where I am standing, it's painfully obvious that the urban 20-something lifestyle (à la the sitcom Friends) that I dreamed of is unaffordable, unobtainable and otherwise obsolete.

Now, most people in my age group and area simply live wherever their parents live and suck it up, made more jarring for me since I went to a commuter college and therefore have friends scattered all over the province whom I hardly get to see in person again.

All that said, I've kinda moved past the point of being truly salty about it, since most of us are in the same boat anyways.

Hell the humble starter home in the Sims which as a kid I thought was what all I wanted as an adult and couldn't wait to have my own small place is a luxury now.

You can still do many of those things tbh. But yeah I totally agree, its changed. I collect records and have an mp3 player and in my experience ppl think its really cool so don't be afraid to go against the grain and get old tech. As for getting ppl to hang out.... yeah I feel that, it really sucks. I was an introvert as a kid and now I'm not but now no one can hang out, really sucks. So I just go places by myself usually (mistly to concerts, tbh I need to start going to 3rd places to hang out like the library more). Sometimes I make new acquaintances which is good.

My boyfriend and I got his grandpas DVD/VHS player when he passed away. We had both saved tapes from when we were kids. The first one I popped in, I sat on the floor in awe and cried just watching the commercials.

As a kid in a rural town in the bible/rust belt I was so excited to move to a big city and find my people. Then I got old enough to move there and educated enough to support myself but there was little community to be found since I wasn't from there. Everyone is addicted to their phones and at each others throats, including myself.

Sounds like me living in SF 😭 literally moving home again cause I quit my job and couldn’t take it anymore. I also grew up in a super small town so I feel

Omg I feel you. I moved to SF during Covid and being stuck there from 2020-2022 was HELL. The restrictions there were probably worse than anywhere in the US and I became so hermited and depressed.

I felt that too at your age but recently started to reinvest time into my hobbies and try to completely stop caring about my job when I’m not there (still working on this lol). Fortunately my hobby is somewhat social and requires me to be around a lot of people and it’s exciting so that’s just lucky for me.

I've felt the same way. I was excited to rent my own movies and games at Blockbusters. That's gone.

I was excited to go to high school with all the cool teenagers. They left.

I was interested in buying Blu-rays and DVDs from electronic stores once I started working and making money. They stopped selling them.

I was looking forward to adult life in the late 90s/early 2000s. That era's long gone and what replaced it feels depressing.

I feel cheated out of the adult life I expected to have.

Blockbuster- you felt that way because you were a kid. If we still rented movies from blockbuster now it would’ve lost its charm. That’s what adulthood does to things. It was still an event that brought you out of the house though, and physical media had a charm to it. Of course it just felt normal then, so the charm is in hindsight.

-You went to high school with the teenagers who were the same age as you. The ones who came before were only cool to you because you were a child. They probably felt the same way about the teens they saw as children, and children when you were a teen saw you that way, too.

-You can still buy physical media. There are lots at stores like Good Will. But really, this is only something you feel you lost out on because it’s over. We didn’t feel that DVDs were special until they were gone from stores. In fact, we were all so excited by streaming when it first came out.

-the early 2000s felt very depressing for adults due to 9/11 and the start of the Iraq war. The late 2000s felt depressing because of the recession. They said the same thing about the period from when they were kids “would’ve been so cool to be an adult in the 60s/70s”.

The world doesn’t look the same for any adult as it did when they were a kid. I know the changes have been drastic throughout our lives, but all of this negativity is what perpetuates a toxic society. We have to find what is special about the now to move forward and progress. I’ll bet when you were a kid you felt you’d always be open to change. Like when our grandparents saw us texting on our flip phones and said “texting is ruining society and the youth”, we probably rolled our eyes and thought “I’ll never be that way”. But here we are.

I’m not trying to downplay our reality. It sort of really sucks. But we have to pull ourselves out of this mass depression and move forward.

I agree with everything you said. It was all from the point of view of a child. I have to change my perspective to adulthood in the 2020s with what I know now.

Thank-you for this thoughtful reply. This is one of my favorite comments on Reddit. I definitely agree about the mass depression we have to escape from and live our lives the best we can.

It’s mass depression, but it also feels like a mass deception. I feel like my brain, even though horribly depressed and fucked up, is still waiting for that other shoe to drop. Like something has got to get better. At least one of the things we looked forward to is going to happen.

And it’s not. It’s actually actively getting worse. I especially feel like I lost my late teens/early twenties because I was an alcoholic and decided I was going to get sober in February 2020. And I did and it’s great because I’m not losing relationships now. But, I feel like the time I should have gotten back was stolen from me. I mean, y’know, I take absolute responsibility for having spent those early years drunk, but fuck. Sobriety was supposed to feel better.

You CANNOT tell me we’re living the same 24 hours as generations past. A lot of our parents had 2 kids at our age and both had FT jobs and houses to pay for. How tf did they do that

I was thinking exactly this only yesterday. It occurred to me that we're just not given the tools or the oppourtunity to build our own lives like recent generations. Many people in my country are still living with random flatmates in shitholes into their 30s with no real prospects of getting anywhere any time soon, yet are over-educated and working full jobs. It's not possible to do things or enjoy things.

I don't understand how there can be much of a society like this for very long, there's no incentive to participate, to start families, or any sense you're part of community. But there's every reason to want to tear it to shit. The rise of social instability has been more gradual than I expected but you can really see the rot setting in to western nations.

Financially speaking stuff is so weird now. My older sister ('85) was able to afford a car with part time job next to attending college. She also had a room of her own next to the uni. This was during the early 00's as I remember helping her move stuff as a child.

Fast forward to 2018-ish when I got to college ('97) and I could never dream of owning my own car. In fact most couples (that I know!) with full time jobs can hardly afford a single car. The age where people got their own car went from like 18 to 25 with the addition of having to share it with your partner. Even my brother ('88) went from having a car to having a scooter he still drives to this day because owning 2 cars as a couple is just too expensive.

Real! I’m moving back home with my parents for the second time in my 20s and my 26 year old brother also hasn’t moved in yet. I feel like this generation is taking the longest to truly grow up because it’s damn near impossible now. My goal is to save up for a car and get another remote job (my last one shut down) 😭 then move back out. But that is the only way I’ll be able to set myself up for success by 30.

I agree with this so hard. Like, every aspect of it- down to the CD burning in my future car. :( We’ve become so isolated, and capitalism has even more of stranglehold on the working class. Not to mention the state of the world triggers such anxiety that makes staying connected digitally rather than directly more appealing. Elder and middle millennials were sold the “work hard and you can achieve it” ideology. Media reflected it. Cribs, Pimp My Ride…excess. But I remember being on tumblr in junior high fantasizing about a one room, well-lit apartment. Even then we knew we’d never own homes. We knew the world was burning and college was expensive with atrocious job opportunities that couldn’t justify the price. Young millennials/Zillennial/Gen Z were the first to see and feel the futility of it all. And to also have to battle having our identities intertwined with social media—and how the comparison with others can destroy self-worth. Everything just seems bleak. And the younger you are, the worse the prognosis has been for as long as you can remember.

I 100% know what you mean. I was so eager to be old enough to dress like Sabrina and then by the time I was a teen the styles had completely changed.

I had a thought the other day, my children will never have the experiences I had. They won't have the tradition of the TV show they look forward to each week at the specific time. We're just going to stream.

We won't be going to blockbuster to pick out movies and candy.

They won't get the experience of calling a friend's house and talking to a parent for a little bit, or answering the phone and not knowing who it is. They're going to look forward to getting their own cellphone, not a phone line in their room.

They probably won't even be able to walk over to a friend's house after finishing their homework to ask if they can come outside and play. Playing outside with just a parent watching vaguely from a window just isn't a think anymore. And yeah it's safer but there was just something about being able to hang out without an adult hovering. Gathering everyone together into a huge group so everyone could walk down the street to the 99c store and spend all our allowance on water balloons and candy.

Or going to the mall! No one goes to the mall to go back to school clothes shopping anymore, or for that first bra, or for a prom dress, or for that holiday shopping trip! You can't go anymore and get a pretzel and throw a coin in the fountain. And don't even get me started on the vibes around the holidays lately.

It breaks my heart, I thought I would get to share all these experiences with my kids and I can't because they don't exist anymore.

It's too expensive to actually live a life worth living.

It's too expensive to actually live

I miss how grim and dark media was allowed to be without it having to be some obscure ass title. StarCraft Warcraft Diablo halo etc all just had these grim stories and just a genuine feeling when playing them that’s still there even to this day. I remember when SC2 came out I was excited to see it in 3D but was disappointed with how much the tone shifted even with the Zerg. They went from this gruesome menace to just being treated like some action flick monster. Even Star Trek has just become boring with its tones it’s no longer unique

Wow no, I can't relate at all. Maybe it's different in your part of the world (US? They always talk about this loss of third places) - but honestly I think you need a scene. Like, say, a music scene. What are you into? Metal? Jazz? Psy? Get involved! Go to all the gigs/events in your area. You'll soon start seeing the same people week after week.

There was definitely a culture shift in late 2008. I can't say I care for late 2008-present (especially late 2014-present).

1997-2007 (especially 1997-2004) FTW!

This my friend, is plain old nostalgia. But the times are so.on point ..,2000, 2008, 2020... So. OON POINT!

I feel the inverse. I feel like the early portion of my life was very boring but peaceful. It seems to be that the early 2000s was a cultural void. It seemed like we were in a decline and just most people don't care. Then things changed around 2012 or so. The world got way more vitriolic and pessimistic. Then we got true division around 2016, and then outright malice in 2020.

In early life I felt a bit alienated, now I feel everyone is alienated from each other.

I've found a community I fit in now, things are better. The only worry I have now is losing what I got.

otaku boys in anime games nsfw



男生小時候:電動玩具、遙控玩具、會發光會震動 女生小時候:洋娃娃、能換衣服、能互動、想像是自己的妹妹

男生長大後:洋娃娃、能換衣服、能互動、想像是自己的妹妹 女生長大後:電動玩具、遙控玩具、會發光會震動

otaku boys and girls nsfw




houkai gakuen second

berryberry vid: hg with mygo


你的意思是,让我在 2024 年入坑崩坏学院 2?

forever naive taffy wtf


forever naive taffy (切片喵!): 哥哥, 慢一点!



girl's scream. just close your eyes

in evangelion episode 1.



abstract internet commercial accounts






you should pay for my time wasted




such a lovely world... (without me)


chinese highhanded cencership have resulted

桐生 coco925 原视频


国内 V⭕ 历史转折点[呲牙]


你说的这话逻辑有问题,日语不是我们必修语言,一片蓝海市场最后居然被他国 Vtuber 统治,你不觉得很奇怪吗?现实情况是如果没有这些外 v 充当开拓者,国 v 市场压根就发育不起来。 另外国 v 其实是一个很自闭的说法,因为 B 站不是国际平台,他们跑不出去,但是粉丝是流动的。B 站赶跑 holo 的最大影响不在 holo,而是大批创作者对 B 站失去信心外流,导致国内外社区严重割裂,你难道没发现近几年其他二次元圈子都不愿意带 B 站玩了吗?

很多外国博主入驻这里是为了打击盗版你敢信??尤其很多 p 主从来没有在 B 站活动过,但是海盗他们稿件的人却火了,真别把 B 站想的太好了。[微笑]





lks berryberry early days



我看完了,表示好佩服作者能发现这些网站,肯定是很长的积累吧。而且手速快,英语水平不低,有耐心做视频。很有诚意,良心 up,关注已点~希望我们是看着你火起来的最早的一批小粉丝(。・ω・。)ノ ♡

lks 在恕瑞玛帝国的崛起时上首页,就吸引了很多人了(`・ω・´)

+1 回来考古,lks 已经百万粉啦[热词系列_吹爆][热词系列_三连]

那时候 lks 有多少粉丝呀

哎呀,忘记了,我记得好像是 10 万左右?还是 5 万左右的样子吧,这个不是我第一个看的他的视频,之前的也很有意思

哈哈哈大家也挺可爱的,每次 lks 更新这个系列,就会有一些小伙伴回来看之前的,然后我这条就会被赞,挺有意思的嘿[tv_调皮]

我靠,从 2020 过来,以前的 LKs  的声音这么奶的吗



abstract internet reduced




典:此老生常谈耳 急:恼羞成怒 孝:你为何老替他说话,他是你天王老子吗 绷:令人齿冷 赢:精神胜利法 麻:太阳底下没有新鲜事 批:看来是旧病复发也 乐:前倨后恭,思之令人发笑 下头:烦人

fu xuan quote


berryberry 南 i 下



符玄: 额, 不是, 你思春期吗!

f wishes thou without arguments

template ref important


f 多么愿望...

有一位你能信得过的人, 告诉你, 这是不好的, 去挑起关于信仰的争论.

the adventure or little warp metaphor



guide you to the beyond


sr characters: sunday


我要前往的那些星星, 太陌生了, 没有一颗是我熟悉的.



以此身躯, 与你同道, 护你左右, 领你远行.

wikipedia classical chinese

wikipedian User:Firavoyage




minato aqua game


Minato Aqua Ch.(偽物)

100 products in account

9 reviews


68.2 hrs on record (67.9 hrs at review time)


现在站在你面前的是 超级马力欧创作家 2S 段记录保持者 Hololive 第一届马力欧卡丁车 8 豪华版大赛冠军 Hololive 第二届马力欧卡丁车 8 豪华版大赛亚军 Bilibili 2019 Live Star 虛拟主播区第五名只狼:影逝二度一小时 RTA 通关(五周目存档) 只狼:影逝二度一周目修罗结局无邪道 1 小时 4 分 27 秒通关(2020 年 4 月 14 日) 只狼:影逝二度禁用回血道具通关 只狼:影逝二度二周目无伤击杀 boss 苇名一心(不计雷反损血) 黑暗之魂 3:薪火渐逝全 boss 通关 黑暗之魂:重制版 3 小时内通关[66] 英雄联盟铂金段位 24 小时直播达成主播 壶男金罐达成玩家 拥有一日五播的光荣战绩 SC 月收入曾是全社及所有虚拟主播区第一名 2019 年累计 SC 收入 Youtube 全频道第一名节奏天国全 AP 达成玩家. MC8 小时末影龙耐久直播 MC 末影龙 RTA3 小时 56 分 07 秒通关(2020 年 8 月 9 日)荣获“初代暗黑女子”称号 血源诅咒通关玩家 集合啦!动物森友会 21 小时达成鱼类全图鉴 Jump King 通关玩家 任天堂明星大乱斗特别版使用 Cloud 达到 VIP 门槛(7,793,502 战斗力) 桃太郎电铁 70 年达成全国制霸 Apex 英雄钻石段位(东京时间 2020 年 5 月 11 日 04:07 达成)单排上钻最终回长达 16 小时 Apex 英雄 S11 单排大师段位(东京时间 2022 年 2 月 4 日达成) 的天才游戏女仆湊あくあ!


codeforces goodbye 2024



(green): Well, I'm Just a children who has just learnt programming for a year.

(purple): Beware: you might end up becoming an actual software engineer in your adulthood.

an otaku belike

ref important


我做了首不存在的動漫 OP



他叫做 abc



他一天花 50 个小时在看动漫



前阵子他说他能讲出所有动漫 op 的歌名

in the rest of the world


laughter society

post: clash royale chinese server removed skeleton elements

(comment by a taiwanese)


playing df with good karma


watching random df live...


完了上把杀人了, 沾了因果了, 这把爆率好低啊!

old feiyu poor moments


on berryberry

2024年10月18日晚老飞宇在700万大红局因为被香槟吸引注意力忘拉闸导致迷失 2024年10月29日凌晨2:28老飞宇贪吃保险被火烧死转战卡拉彼丘发现被封号一小时后红温下播 2024年10月29日下午18:52老飞羽清图后被火箭砸死 2024年10月29日下午19:57分老飞羽清图后故意卡极限飞机撤离,飞的途中卡了一下导致撤离失败 2024年10月30日22:28老飞宇嘴硬说桌上有红卡的弹幕是假的骗的,回去查看发现是真的 2024年10月31日晚上22:29老飞宇因整理背包错过直升机撤离,狼狈丢包撤离损失300w 2024年11月2日晚上20:20老飞宇六套进图没有带子弹和药,达成绝密航天六套跑刀以及移动大红的成就 2024年11月3日晚上老飞宇从总裁室梯子一跃而下,试图攀爬失败摔死 2024年11月3日晚上老飞宇在服务器室忽略大红高速磁盘阵列 2024年11月4日晚上19:09老飞宇贪吃飞升电脑固态硬盘,来不及捡背包损失200W+ 2024年11月5日晚上老飞宇在总裁走廊跳拉双架,恰好四肢中弹满甲暴毙,红温破防 2024年11月6日下午18:55老飞宇在时间紧迫下阻止飞升队伍,倒计时最后3秒与该队麦晓雯纠缠不休,导致迷失,敌人安全撤离 2024年11月9日晚上22时23分老飞宇3红局于蓝室蹲闸,击杀一队舔包结束后,被当场封禁一小时 2024年11月23日19时18分老飞羽满状态被哈夫克士兵一枪两肘拿下 2024年11月24日凌晨2:04老飞羽和大哥二哥组队,期间大哥掉线,老飞羽和二哥两人因贪吃而完美错过直升机迷失了 2024年11月27日凌晨2:43老飞宇在绝密航天中编写剧本疯狂求偶,结束后求偶对象开麦男声一句飞宇哥让主播破防红温下播

memories memories


memories memories

at the day old feiyu's 1m fans milestone is around the corner





女装过, 之前女装那会, 直播间粉丝还没平时多呢.


之前有个大老板跟我说过, "不要做多余的事"

你不女装, 直播间有 100 个人.

你女装了, 想看你女装的 10 个人还在看你.

不想看的人走了, 然后直播间只剩 50 个人了.


"那 cos 乌鲁鲁"
