$welcome \space to \space hotel \space california$
🍅 ⏲️
🌕 💤
- make tools elegant
- make knowledge pure
- write chemistry wiki on pure project
- write voyagejs & design component libraries
- create project badges
- summarize project leverages
- watch lucky star
- sync phone
- return digital homes at al sr hi
- learn japanese at duolingo
- memorize tem 8 vocabulary at leisure
- play df hunt
- watch lucky star
- watch evangelion
- watch sword art online
- watch bocchi the rock
- watch the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya
weekend endeavour
- write chemistry wiki on pure project
- create project badges
- write voyagejs styling like tailwind
- write svelte examples with voyagejs
- write hi component library like chakra ui
- create intuitive cpp wiki
- create pure math wiki & categorize math strategy cards
weekend diversion
- read stories in sr hi hg
- play senrenbanka
- play sabbat of the witch
- create origami works
weekend enlightenment
- read & categorize ruanyf weekly
- summarize project leverages
- design pure & intuitive foresights
- write web apps like pre material para
- design apps interface of leisure float
- read notes of physics chemistry geography
- solve problems on math challenger
- listen to podcasts
- watch simplelive
- sync phone
- write chemistry wiki on pure project
- write voyagejs styling feature
- design a component library with voyage
- create a badge for each project
- summarize projects leverage
- watch lucky star
- sync phone
- return digital homes at al sr hi
- learn japanese at duolingo
- play df hunt
- watch lucky star
- watch evangelion
- watch bocchi the rock
- watch the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya
weekend endeavour
- create a badge for each project
- write chemistry wiki on pure project
- write voyagejs styling & learn from tailwind
- write svelte examples with voyagejs
- learn component library from chakra ui
- write cpp syntax guide & create intuitive cpp episodes
- write list of contents & create pure math wiki & categorize math trick cards
weekend diversion
- play senrenbanka
- play sabbat of the witch
- read hi sr stories
weekend enlightenment
- read & categorize ruanyf weekly
- summarize projects leverage
- design pure & intuitive foresights
- write para app
- write pre app
- write leisure app
- write float app
- write material app
- read physics & chemistry & geography notes
- write math challenger & english papers
- memorize tem 8 vocabulary at leisure
- listen to podcasts
- watch simplelive
- create origami works
- sync phone
- write chemistry wiki on pure project
- write voyagejs & learn styling from stylus sass less tailwind
- design hi component library with voyage
- watch lucky star
- sync phone
- return digital homes at al sr hi
- watch lucky star
- watch evangelion
- watch the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya
- watch bocchi the rock
weekend endeavour
- write svelte examples with voyagejs
- design component libraries with voyagejs & learn from chakra ui
- write syntax guide & generate intuitive cpp episodes
- write table of contents & generate pure math wiki & categorize math trick cards
weekend diversion
- play senrenbanka
- play sabbat of the witch
- read hi sr stories
- play df
weekend enlightenment
- read & categorize ruanyf weekly
- summarize projects leverage
- design pure & intuitive foresights
- write para app
- write pre app
- write leisure app
- write float app
- write material app
- write math challenger & english papers
- read physics & chemistry & geography notes
- memorize tem 8 vocabulary
school life
- play football
- listen to podcasts
- watch simplelive
- create origami works
- read one hundred years of solitude
- sync phone
- write chemistry wiki on pure project
- add styling feature to voyagejs & learn from stylus sass less tailwind
- write hi component library with voyage
- watch lucky star
- sync phone
- return digital homes in al & sr
- push df warzone rank
evening happy hours
- watch lucky star
- watch evangelion
- watch the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya
- watch bocchi the rock
weekend endeavour
- work on voyagejs project
- write svelte examples with voyagejs
- design component libraries & learn from chakra ui
- write table of contents & generate pure project wiki
- generate intuitive cpp episodes
- categorize math trick cards
weekend diversion
- play senrenbanka
- play sabbat of the witch
- read hi sr stories
weekend enlightenment
- read & categorize ruanyf weekly
- summarize projects leverage
- design pure & intuitive foresights
- write para app
- write pre app
- write leisure app
- write float app
- write math challenger & english papers
- read physics & chemistry & geography notes
- memorize tem 8 vocabulary
school life
- play football
- listen to podcasts
- watch simplelive
- create origami works
- read one hundred years of solitude
- sync phone
- learn from stylus sass less tailwind
- write voyagejs
- write hi component library with voyage
- summarize projects leverage
- write pre app
- design pure & intuitive foresights
- watch lucky star
- play df
- learn math & english
- sync phone
- return homes in al & sr
weekend endeavour
- complete voyagejs todos & add new ones
- write svelte examples with voyagejs
- design component libraries based on chakra ui
- create web apps
- write foresights
- generate intuitive cpp episodes
- generate pure math episodes
- categorize math trick cards
- create origami works
weekend diversion
- read hi stories
- play sr events
- play df war mode
- watch lucky star
- watch evangelion
- watch the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya
- play senrenbanka
- create design systems
weekend enlightenment
- read & categorize ruanyf weekly
- play football
- write math challenger
- write english papers
- read one hundred years of solitude
after school
- memorize tem 8 vocabulary
- read physics & chemistry notes
- listen to podcasts
- watch simplelive
- sync phone
- write svelte examples with voyagejs
- write component libraries with voyagejs
- summarize projects as leverage
- write pre app
- design pure & intuitive foresight
- watch lucky star
- play df war mode
- learn math & english
- sync phone
- archive lucky star screenshots
- return home in al & sr
weekend endeavour
- write voyagejs
- impl svelte examples in voyagejs
- create sr styled chakra component library
- create pre app
- generate intuitive cpp episodes
- generate pure math episodes
- categorize math trick cards
- create origami works
weekend diversion
- play sr
- play df war mode
- watch lucky star
- watch evangelion
- play senrenbanka
- choose the next project
weekend enlightenment
- read & categorize ruanyf weekly
- play football
- write math challenger & learn from solutions
- write english papers & check the answer
- read one hundred years of solitude
after school
- memorize tem 8 vocabulary
- read physics notes & chemistry notes
mind wandering
- design system
- component library
- project leverage
- pure math editorial
- intuitive cpp editorial
- aventurine's trick cards
- herta's math puzzles
- listen to podcasts
- watch simplelive
- sync phone
- write svelte examples with voyagejs
- think chakra ui & sr component library
- revise projects and add leverage
- write pre app
- design pure & intuitive foresight
- watch lucky star
- learn math & english
- sync phone
- return homes al sr
weekend endeavour
- write voyagejs
- think svelte examples in voyage
- think chakra components in sr
- think slidev in pre
- write pre app
- design intuitive cpp vid
- design pure math vid
weekend diversion
- play sr
- watch lucky star
- watch evangelion
- play senrenbanka
- play df war mode
- watch simplelive
weekend enlightenment
- read ruanyf weekly & categorize
- play football
- write math challenger & learn from answer
- write english papers & check answer
- read one hundred years of solitude
after school
- memorize tem 8 vocabulary
- read physics & chemistry notes
mind wandering
- eat leisure float material
- app design system
- component library
- project leverage
- aventurine's trick cards
- pure math contents
- intuitive cpp contents
- math challenges
- sync phone
- do origami
- listen to podcasts
- write voyagejs with svelte examples
- think chakra & sr component library
- write pre app
- design pure & intuitive foresight
- watch lucky star
- learn math & english
- add project comparison
- sync phone
- return to digital homes al sr
mind wandering
- eat app
- leisure app
- float app
- pure math contents
- intuitive cpp contents
- design system
- why project
weekend endeavour
- write voyagejs
- think svelte examples in voyage
- think chakra components in sr
- think slidev in pre
- write pre app
- design intuitive cpp vid
- design pure math vid
weekend diversion
- watch lucky star
- watch evangelion
- play senrenbanka
- play sr
weekend enlightenment
- read ruanyf weekly & classify with tags
- make reflections markdown
- read one hundred years of solitude
- write english papers
- write math challenger
after school
- memorize tem 8 vocabulary
- play df
- sync phone
- learn origami
- listen to podcasts
- watch simplelive
- write voyagejs
- think svelte examples
- think chakra & sr
- write pre app
- design pure & intuitive foresight
- watch lucky star
- play df
- learn math & english
- sync phone
- visit digital homes (al sr)
mind wandering
- pre app
- leisure app
- pure math contents
- intuitive cpp contents
- design system
weekend endeavour
- write voyagejs
- think svelte examples in voyage
- think chakra components in sr
- think slidev in pre
- write pre app
- design intuitive cpp vid
- design pure math vid
weekend diversion
- play sr
- watch lucky star
- watch evangelion
- play senrenbanka
weekend enlightenment
- read ruanyf weekly & classify with tags
- make reflections markdown
- read one hundred years of solitude
- write english papers
- write math challenger
after school
- play df
- memorize tem 8 vocabulary
- read physics guide
- sync phone
- learn origami
- listen to podcasts
- watch simplelive
- write voyagejs
- think svelte examples
- create google reader component library
- write pre app
- design intuitive cpp
- design pure math
- watch lucky star
- learn math & english
- visit digital homes (al sr)
mind wandering
- design library
- pre ui
- leisure ui
- float ui
- eat ui
- pure math contents
- intuitive cpp contents
weekend endeavour
- write voyagejs
- think svelte examples in voyage
- think chakra components in sr
- think slidev in pre
- write pre app
- design intuitive cpp
- design pure math
- create video guide
weekend diversion
- play sr
- watch lucky star
- watch evangelion
- play senrenbanka
weekend enlightenment
- learn origami
- read ruanyf weekly & classify with tags
- make reflections markdown
- read one hundred years of solitude
- write math challenger
- write english papers
after school
- memorize tem 8 vocabulary
- read physics guide
- sync phone
- listen to podcasts
- eat berryberry
- write voyagejs
- think svelte examples in voyage
- create sr component library
- write pre app
- design intuitive cpp
- design pure math
- watch lucky star
- sync phone
- learn math & english
- visit digital homes (al sr)
weekend endeavour
- write voyagejs
- think svelte examples in voyage
- think chakra components in voyage
- think chakra ui in sr
- think slidev in pre
- write pre app
- design intuitive cpp
- design pure math
- create fira channel
- design leisure app
- design float app
- design eat app
weekend diversion
- play sr
- watch lucky star
- watch evangelion
- play senrenbanka
weekend enlightenment
- learn origami
- classify ruanyf with tags
- read ruanyf weekly
- make reflections markdown
- write english papers
- write math challenger
- read one hundred years of solitude
after school
- memorize tem 8 vocabulary
- write physics challenger
- sync phone
- categorize laptop screenshots
- listen to podcasts
- eat berryberry
- think svelte examples in voyage
- write voyagejs
- write pre app
- design intuitive cpp
- design pure math
- watch bangumis
- listen to podcasts
- sync phone
- learn math & english
- visit digital homes (al sr)
weekend endeavour
- think svelte examples in voyage
- write voyagejs
- think chakra components in voyage
- think chakra ui in sr
- think slidev in pre
- write pre app
- design intuitive cpp
- design pure math
- write leisure app
- write eat app
- write float app
weekend diversion
- play sr
- watch lucky star
- watch evangelion
- play senrenbanka
weekend enlightenment
- learn origami
- make reflections markdown
- read ruanyf weekly
- classify ruanyf with tags
- write english papers translation
- write math challenger
- read one hundred years of solitude
after school
- memorize tem 8 vocabulary
- write physics challenger
- sync phone
- categorize laptop screenshots
- change filename underslashes to spaces
- listen to podcasts
- eat berryberry
- watch simplelive
- think svelte examples in voyage
- think chakra components in voyage
- think chakra in sr
- write voyagejs
- think slidev in pre
- write pre app
- design intuitive cpp
- design pure math
- watch bangumis
- listen to podcasts
- sync phone
- learn math & english
- visit digital homes (al sr)
weekend endeavour
- write voyagejs
- think chakra in sr
- write pre app
- design intuitive cpp
- design pure math
weekend diversion
- play sr
- watch 5 centimeters per second
- watch evangelion
- play senrenbanka
weekend enlightenment
- learn origami
- read ruanyf weekly
- classify ruanyf into tags
- make reflections markdown
- listen to podcasts
- write english papers translation
- write math challenger
- read one hundred years of solitude
after school
- memorize tem 8 vocabulary
- write physics challenger
- sync phone
- eat berryberry
- watch simplelive
- read react learn docs
- write voyagejs
- write pre app
- design intuitive cpp
- design pure math
- watch bangumis
- listen to podcasts
- sync phone
- learn math & english
- visit digital homes (al sr)
weekend endeavour
- read react learn docs
- think react in vanilla js
- write voyagejs
- think ant design in sr
- write pre app
- design intuitive cpp
- design pure math
weekend diversion
- play sr
- watch 5 centimeters per second
- watch evangelion
- play senrenbanka
weekend enlightenment
- learn origami
- read ruanyf weekly
- classify ruanyf into tags
- make reflections markdown
- listen to podcasts
- write english papers translation
- write math challenger
- read one hundred years of solitude
after school
- memorize tem 8 vocabulary
- write physics challenger
- write chemistry challenger
- sync phone
- eat berryberry
- watch simplelive
- visit digital homes (al sr)
weekend endeavour
- read react learn docs
- think react in vanilla js
- write voyagejs
- think ant design in sr
- write pre app
- design intuitive cpp
- design pure math
weekend diversion
- play sr
- watch 5 centimeters per second
- watch evangelion
- rewatch yosuga no sora
- play senrenbanka
weekend enlightenment
- learn origami
- read ruanyf weekly
- classify ruanyf into tags
- make reflections markdown
- categorize yinming
- listen to podcasts
- write english papers translation
- write math challenger
- read one hundred years of solitude
after school
- memorize tem 8 vocabulary
- write physics challenger
- write chemistry challenger
- sync phone
- eat berryberry
- watch simplelive
- visit digital homes (al sr)
weekend endeavour
- read react learn docs
- think react in vanilla js
- write voyagejs
- think ant design in sr
- write pre app
- design intuitive cpp
- design pure math
weekend diversion
- play sr
- watch 5 centimeters per second
- watch evangelion
- rewatch yosuga no sora
- play senrenbanka
weekend enlightenment
- learn origami
- read ruanyf weekly
- classify ruanyf into tags
- make reflections markdown
- categorize yinming
- write english papers translation
- write math challenger
- recite literary chinese stories
- read one hundred years of solitude
after school
- memorize tem 8 vocabulary
- write physics challenger
- write chemistry challenger
- sync phone
- eat berryberry
- watch simplelive
- visit virtual homes (al sr)
weekend afternoon
- read react learn docs
- think react in vanilla js
- write voyagejs
- think ant design in sr
- create pre app
- design pure math
- design intuitive cpp
weekend night
- watch 5 centimeters per second
- watch evangelion
- rewatch yosuga no sora
- play senrenbanka
- play sr
- write math challenger
- write english papers
- read one hundred years of solitude
after school
- memorize tem 8 vocabulary
- write physics challenger
- write chemistry challenger
spare time
- learn origami
- read ruanyf weekly
- classify ruanyf with tags
- classify idioms with headers
- make reflections markdown
- sync phone
- eat berryberry
- watch simplelive
- visit digital homes (al sr)
- eat berryberry (bilimiao)
- read react learn docs
- think react in vanillajs
- write voyagejs
- think ant design in sr
- create pre project
- design pure project
- design intuitive project
weekend night
- learn origami
- read ruanyf weekly
- watch 5 centimeters per second
- watch evangelion
- watch mygo
- read sr story
- play senrenbanka
spare time
- make webpages markdown
- sync phone
- read math textbooks
- write math challenger
- read physics textbooks
- learn english vocabulary
- read one hundred years of solitude
- visit digital homes (al sr)
- eat berryberry (bilimiao)
- read react learn docs
- think react in vanillajs
- write voyagejs
- think ant design in sr
- create pre project
- design pure project contents
- design intuitive project contents
weekend night
- learn origami
- read ruanyf weekly
- watch evangelion
- watch mygo
- watch 5 centimeters per second
- read sr story
- play senrenbanka
spare time
- make pages markdown
- sync phone
- read one hundred years of solitude
- write math challenger
- learn math & english
- visit digital homes (al sr)
- eat berryberry (bilimiao)
- read react learn docs
- think react in vanillajs abstract
- think react in voyagejs
- write voyagejs
- think ant design in sr
- create pre project
- design intuitive project contents
- design pure project contents
weekend night
- learn origami
- read ruanyf weekly
- read sr story
- watch mygo
- rewatch yosuga no sora
- play senrenbanka
spare time
- move web to blogging
- sync phone
- read one hundred years of solitude
- learn math & english
- visit digital homes (al sr)
- eat berryberry (bilimiao)
- read react learn docs
- think react in vanillajs abstract
- think react in voyagejs
- write voyagejs
- think ant design in sr
- create pre project
- design pure project contents
- design intuitive project contents
weekend night
- read ruanyf weekly
- read sr
- watch mygo & yosuga no sora
- play senrenbanka
- learn origami from chenxiao
spare time
- categorize web by tag
- sync phone
- read one hundred years of solitude
- write summer holidays math papers
- learn math & english
- visit digital homes (al sr)
- eat (bilimiao)
- read react learn docs
- think voyage in react
- write voyage
- think antd in sr
- design pre pages
- create pure project
- create intuitive project
weekend night
- read ruanyf weekly
- read sr story
- watch mygo
- rewatch yosuga no sora
- play senrenbanka
spare time
- classify web by tag
- sync phone memories
- read one hundred years of solitude
- learn math & english
- visit digital homes (al sr)
- eat (bilimiao)
- read react learn docs
- read ruanyf weekly
- think voyage in react
- write voyage
- create sr component library
- design pre project
- pure project
- intuitive project
weekend night
- watch sr story
- watch mygo
- rewatch yosuga no sora
- watch simplelive
- play senrenbanka
- play antennapod
spare time
- classify web by tag
- rethink berryberry fav
- revise projects
- sync phone memories
- read one hundred years of solitude
- learn math & english
- visit digital homes (al sr)
- eat (bilimiao)
- read react learn docs
- read ruanyf weekly
weekend day
- rewrite react docs in voyage
- program voyage
- make sr component library
- pre project
- pure math project for hs g1t1
- intuitive project contents
weekend night
- install windows and mac on gnome boxes
- play rpg (sr)
- watch bangumis (mygo or bocchi or yosuga no sora)
- watch simplelive
- play galgames (senrenbanka)
- play pod (antennapod)
- classify web (by tag)
- rethink berryberry fav (rm and mv)
- revise projects
- sync phone
- read "one hundred years of solitude"
- learn math & english
summer vacation daily
- visit digital homes (al sr)
- eat (bilimiao)
summer vacation day
- rewrite react docs in voyage
- program voyage
- make sr component library
- pre project
- float project
- pure math project for hs g1t1
- intuitive project quick start
summer vacation night
- read react learn docs
- read ruanyf weekly
- read hello algo
- classify web (by tag)
- rethink fav (rm and mv)
- revise quotes (rm and edit)
summer vacation spare time
- play rpg (sr)
- watch bangumis (mygo or bocchi or yosuga no sora)
- watch simplelive
- play galgames (senrenbanka)
- play pod (antennapod)
school life
- read book (one hundred years of solitude)
- learn math & english
summer vacation daily
- visit digital homes (al sr)
- eat (bilimiao)
summer vacation day
- write react docs quick start in voyagejs
- program voyage create and run
- create voyage unit test (ref react docs examples)
- make sr styled component library in voyagejs (-> /voyagejs)
- implement pre project with sr components (-> /pre)
- make pure math videos for highschool grade 1 term 1 (-> /pure)
- write intuitive web dev guide (-> /intuitive)
summer vacation without internet
- program voyagejs (0.5)
- read books (one hundred years of solitude)
- watch bangumis (mygo or bocchi or yosuga no sora)
summer vacation night
- sync phone and handle g.zip
- reclassify memories
- play rpg (sr)
- read ruanyf weekly (-> ruanyf)
- watch simplelive
- sleep before 1:00
- play galgames (senrenbanka)
- listen to podcasts (antennapod)
summer vacation spare time
- classify web (by tag)
- redesign fav (trim and move)
school life
- read book (one hundred years of solitude)
- learn english & math
summer vacation daily
- visit digital homes (al sr)
- eat (bilimiao)
summer vacation day
- add features to voyagejs (-> /voyagejs)
- make sr styled component library in voyagejs (-> /voyagejs)
- implement pre project with sr components (-> /pre)
- make pure math videos for highschool grade 1 term 1 (-> /pure)
- write intuitive web dev guide (-> /intuitive)
summer vacation without internet
- program voyagejs (0.5)
- read books (one hundred years of solitude)
- watch bangumis (mygo or bocchi or yosuga no sora)
- play galgames (sabbat or senrenbanka)
- listen to podcasts (antennapod)
summer vacation night
- read ruanyf weekly (-> ruanyf)
- play rpg (sr)
- watch simplelive
- sleep before 1:00
summer vacation spare time
- classify web (by tag)
- classify memories (by tag)
- redesign fav (trim and move)
school life
- read book (philosophy of life or one hundred years of solitude)
- learn english & math
summer vacation daily
- visit digital homes (al)
- eat (bilimiao)
summer vacation day
- add features to voyagejs (-> /voyagejs)
- make sr styled component library in voyagejs (-> /voyagejs)
- implement pre project with sr components (-> /pre)
- make pure math videos for hs g1t1 (-> /pure)
- write intuitive web dev guide (-> /intuitive)
summer vacation night
- read ruanyf weekly (-> ruanyf)
- watch bangumis ("yosuga no sora" "mygo")
- watch simplelive
- sleep before 1:00
summer vacation spare time
- revise projects (structured & detailed & inspired by)
- classify web (by tag)
- classify memories (by tag)
- redesign fav (trim and move)
school life
- read book "人生哲思录"
- learn english & math
summer vacation daily
- visit digital homes (al)
- eat (bilimiao)
summer vacation day
- extend voyage lib from vue svelte alpine (-> /voyagejs)
- make sr styled component library with voyagejs (-> /voyagejs)
- implement pre project (-> /pre)
- make pure math videos for hs g1t1 (-> /pure)
- write intuitive web dev guide (-> /intuitive)
summer vacation night
- revise projects (structured & detailed & inspired by)
- classify web (by tag)
- classify memories (by tag)
- redesign fav (trim and move)
- read ruanyf weekly (-> ruanyf)
- play rpgs (hg)
- watch bangumis ("yosuga no sora" "mygo")
- watch simplelive
school life
- read book "人生哲思录"
- learn english & math
summer vacation daily
- visit digital homes (al)
- eat (bilimiao)
summer vacation day
- write voyage.js (-> /voyagejs)
- make voyage sr styled component library (-> /voyage)
- implement pre project (-> /pre)
- make pure math videos (-> /pure)
- write intuitive web dev guide (-> /intuitive)
summer vacation night
- revise projects (structured & detailed & inspired by)
- classify web (by tag)
- redesign fav (trim and move)
- read ruanyf weekly (-> ruanyf)
- play rpgs (hg)
- watch bangumis ("yosuga no sora" "mygo")
- watch simplelive
school life
- read book "人生哲思录"
- learn english & math
summer vacation daily
- visit digital homes (al)
- eat (bilimiao)
summer vacation day
- read ruanyf weekly (-> ruanyf)
- write voyage.js (-> /voyagejs)
- make voyage sr-styled component library (-> /voyage)
- implement pre project (-> /pre)
- make pure math noskill videos (-> /pure)
summer vacation night
- revise projects (structured & detailed & inspired by)
- classify web (by tag)
- redesign fav (trim and move)
- play rpgs (hg)
- watch bangumis ("yosuga no sora" "mygo")
- watch simplelive
school life
- read book "人生哲思录"
- learn english & math
summer vacation daily
- visit digital homes (al sr)
- eat (bilimiao)
summer vacation day
- read ruanyf weekly (-> ruanyf)
- write voyage.js (-> /voyagejs)
- make pure math noskill videos (-> /pure)
summer vacation night
- revise projects (structured & detailed & inspired by)
- classify web (by tag)
- redesign fav (trim and move)
- play rpgs (sr hg)
- watch bangumis ("yosuga no sora" "mygo")
- watch simplelive
school life
- read book "人生哲思录"
- learn english & math
summer vacation daily
- visit digital homes (al sr)
- eat (bilimiao)
summer vacation day
- read ruanyf weekly & save quotes(-> ruanyf)
- implement voyage.js (-> /voyagejs)
- read "math challenger" & design pure math (-> /pure)
- design intuitive.fresh (-> /intuitive)
summer vacation night
- revise projects (structured details & inspired by)
- redesign fav (trim and move)
- classify web (tags)
- classify memories (comments & discoveries | tags)
- play rpgs (sr hg)
- watch simplelive
- watch bangumis ("yosuga no sora" "mygo")
school life
- read book "人生哲思录"
- write math (4 papers)
- write english (translation)
summer vacation daily
- visit digital homes (al hg sr)
- eat (bilimiao)
summer vacation day
- read ruanyf weekly & save quotes(-> ruanyf)
- read "math challenger" & design pure math (-> /pure.dailyab)
- read "javascript tut" & design intuitive (-> /intuitive.voyage.fresh)
- revise projects.md (detail & elegance & inspired by)
- implement voyage.js (-> /voyagejs)
summer vacation night
- add details to projects (inspired by)
- classify web (tags)
- classify memories (comments & discoveries | tags)
- move some idioms to quotes (-> quotes)
- redesign fav (trim and move)
- play rpgs (hg sr)
- watch simplelive
- watch bangumis ("yosuga no sora" "mygo")
school life
- read book "人生哲思录"
- write math papers (4 subjects)
- write english papers (translation)
summer vacation daily
- visit digital homes (al hg sr)
- eat (bilimiao)
summer vacation day
- read ruanyf weekly & save quotes(-> ruanyf)
- read "math challenger" & design pure math (-> /pure)
- read "javascript tut" & design intuitive (-> /intuitive)
- watch "new national debation" & summarize (-> /debation)
summer vacation night
- reclassify memories (comments discoveries memes)
- classify web (tech society retro learning...)
- redesign fav
- play rpgs (hg sr)
- watch simplelive
- watch bangumis ("yosuga no sora" "mygo")
school life
- read book "人生哲思录"
- write math papers (4 subjects)
- write english papers (translation)
summer vacation daily
- visit digital homes (al hg sr)
- eat (bilimiao)
summer vacation day
- read ruanyf weekly & save quotes(-> ruanyf)
- read "math challenger" & summarize (-> /pure)
- read "javascript tut" & summarize (-> /intuitive)
- watch "new national debation" & summarize (-> /debation)
summer vacation night
- classify web (tech society retro...)
- reclassify memories (comments discoveries memes)
- play rpgs (hg sr)
- watch simplelive
- watch bangumis ("yosuga no sora" "mygo")
- write swimming guide
school life
- read book "人生哲思录"
- write math papers (4 subjects)
- write english papers (cloze reading translation)
- watch "air course"
summer vacation daily
- visit digital homes (al hg sr)
- eat (bilimiao)
summer vacation day
- read ruanyf archive & save ideas(-> projects) and quotes(-> ruanyf)
- read "math challenger" & summarize (-> /pure)
- read "javascript tut" & summarize (-> /intuitive)
- watch "new national debation" & summarize (-> /debation)
summer vacation night
- organize fav
- play rpgs (hg sr)
- watch simplelive
- watch bangumis ("yosuga no sora" "mygo")
school life
- read book "人生哲思录"
- write math papers (4 subjects)
- write english papers (cloze reading translation)
- watch "air course"
summer vacation daily
- visit digital homes (al ba hi hg sr zzz)
- eat (bilimiao)
summer vacation day
- read "math challenger" & summarize (-> /pure)
- read "javascript tut" "js20" "js50" & summarize (-> /intuitive)
- watch "new national debation" & summarize (-> /debation/rat race)
- read ruanyf archive & save ideas(-> projects) and quotes(-> ruanyf)
summer vacation night
- play rpgs (hg sr)
- watch bangumis (-> /../../videos/yosuga no sora)
- watch simplelive
- organize fav
school life
- watch "air course"
- write math papers (4 subjects)
- write english papers (cloze reading translation)
- read book "人生哲思录"
summer vacation daily
- visit digital homes (al ba hi hg sr zzz)
- eat (bilimiao)
summer vacation day
- read "math challenger" & summarize (-> /pure)
- read "javascript tut" "js20" "js50" & summarize (-> /intuitive)
- watch "new national debation" & summarize (-> /debation/rat race)
- read ruanyf archive & save ideas(-> projects) and quotes(-> ruanyf)
summer vacation night
- play rpgs (hg sr)
- watch bangumis (-> /../../videos/yosuga no sora)
- watch simplelive
- trim readme
- trim memories
- organize fav
- dl "one room"
school life
- watch "air course"
- write math papers (4 subjects)
- write english papers (cloze reading translation)
- read book "人生哲思录"
summer vacation daily
- visit digital homes (al ba hi hg sr zzz)
- eat (bilimiao)
summer vacation day
- read "math challenger" & design "pure math" (-> /pure)
- read "javascript tut" "js20" "js50" & summarize (-> /intuitive)
- design firascript (-> /firascript)
- watch "new national debation" & summarize (-> /debation/rat race)
- read ruanyf weekly archive & save ideas(-> projects) and quotes(-> ruanyf)
summer vacation night
- read visual novels (rpgs)
- watch bangumis (-> /../../videos/yosuga no sora)
- watch simplelive (bs cr)
school life
- watch "air courses" & take notes
- read books "人生哲思录"
- read "math challenger"
- write english papers (cloze reading translation)
summer vacation daily
- visit digital homes (al ba hi sr)
- eat (bilimiao)
summer vacation day
- read "math challenger" & design "pure math"
- read "javascript tut" "js20" "js50" & design firascript
- watch "new national debation" & summarize (-> rat race)
- trim git/memories and git/web
- read ruanyf weekly archive & save ideas(-> projects) and quotes(-> ruanyfarchive)
- add projects.md > apps
summer vacation night
- read visual novels (rpgs)
- watch bangumis ("yosuga no sora" "mygo" "frieren")
- watch simplelive
- sync laptop,phone and git
school life
- watch "air courses" & take notes
- read books "人生哲思录"
- english papers (cloze reading translation)
- read "math challenger"
summer vacation daily
- visit digital homes (al ba hi sr)
- eat (bilimiao)
summer vacation day
- read "math challenger tut" "one math tut" & design "pure math"
- read "javascript tut" "js20" "js30" "js50" & design firascript
- watch debations (new national debation) & write summaries
- revise projects
summer vacation night
- read visual novels (in role-playing games)
- watch bangumis ("yosuga no sora" "mygo" "frieren")
- watch game lives (in simplelive)
school life
- watch "air courses" & take notes
- read books "人生哲思录"
- english papers (cloze reading translation)
- read "math challenger tut"
summer vacation daily
- visit my digital homes (al hi sr)
- eat (bilimiao)
summer vacation day
- read "math challenger tut" & design "pure math" (visit "courses through the air" "one math tut")
- read "javascript tut" "js20" "js30" "js50" & design firascript
- watch & conclude debations (new national debation)
- revise projects
summer vacation night
- read sr stories
- watch & rewatch bangumis ("yosuga no sora" "mygo" "frieren")
- watch game lives (simplelive)
school life
- read books "人生哲思录"
- english papers (cloze reading translation)
- math papers
summer vacation daily
- visit my digital homes (al hi sr)
- eat (bilimiao)
summer vacation day
- read "javascript tut" "js20 js30 js50" & design firascript
- read "math challenger tut" & design "pure math" (visit "courses through the air" "one math tut")
- watch & conclude debations (new national debation)
- organize discoveries ("fav")
- revise projects
summer vacation night
- read sr stories
- watch & rewatch bangumis ("yosuga no sora" "mygo" "frieren")
- watch game lives (simplelive)
school life
- read books "人生哲思录"
- english papers (cloze reading translation)
- math papers
summer vacation daily
- visit my digital homes (al hi sr)
- eat (bilimiao)
summer vacation day
- read "javascript tut" "js20 js30 js50" & design firascript
- read "math challenger tut" & design "pure math" (visit "courses through the air" "one math tut")
- watch & conclude debations (new national debation)
- organize discoveries ("memories > comments" "fav")
- revise projects
summer vacation night
- read sr stories
- watch & rewatch bangumis ("yosuga no sora" "mygo" "frieren")
- watch game lives (simplelive)
school life
- read books "人生哲思录"
- english papers (cloze reading translation)
- math papers (weekly exam)
summer vacation daily
- complete mobile games daily assignments
- learn/review 60 words
- eat (bilimiao)
summer vacation day
- read "javascript tut" "js20 js30 js50" & design firascript
- read "math advanced" & design "purity"
- revise projects ("projects > love -> readme")
- watch & conclude debations (selected few from "fav > new national debation")
- organize discoveries ("web > blogs" "memories > comments" "fav")
summer vacation night
- read sr stories
- watch & rewatch bangumis ("yosuga no sora" "mygo" "frieren")
- watch game streams (simplelive)
- 英语一模 grammar cloze reading:a&c translation
- 思辨阅读 "刘擎西方现代思想讲义" "人生哲思录"
after school
- al 10min
- hi 5min
- leisure 30min
- ba&eat 20min
- conclude debation videos
- watch mygo
- rewatch yosuga no sora
- (watch frieren)
- download series(debation and bangumi) and movies(imdb and douban sel few)
- organize web > blogs
- organize memories > comments
- revise fav...
- revise projects
- revise projects > love
- watch lives
- sync
- (play rpgs)
- (rewatch yosuga no sora)
summer vacation
- conclude js tut
- design fs
- revise projects.md
- (think about projects implementation details, write passages
and videoify them) - (create memories beautifully advance)
- 英语一模 grammar cloze reading:a&c translation
- 思辨阅读 "观念的水位"
after school
- al 10min
- hi 5min
- leisure 30min
- ba&eat 20min
- conclude debation videos
- watch mygo
- rewatch yosuga no sora
- (watch bocci the rock)
- (watch fulilian)
- (watch wotuidehaizi)
- trim web > blogs
- trim memories > comments
- revise fav > nsfw art design...
- revise projects.md
- watch lives
- sync
- (play rpgs)
- (rewatch yosuga no sora)
summer vacation
- conclude js tut
- design fs
- revise projects.md
- (think about projects implementation details, write passages
and videoify them) - (create memories beautifully advance)
reduce time for
as most great contents aint published today
- 英语一模 grammar cloze reading:a&c translation
- 思辨阅读 "观念的水位"
after school
- al 10min
- voca 30min
- eat 20min
- conclude debation videos
- (rewatch yosuga no sora)
- revise projects.md
- (play rpgs)
- (watch lives)
- (rewatch yosuga no sora)
summer vacation
- conclude js tut
- design fs
- revise projects.md
- (think about projects implementation details, write passages
and videoify them) - (create memories beautifully advance)
- conclude 新国辩
- design firascript
- revise project.md
- conclude javascript tut
- work out 华师大数学强基
- tackle english vocabulary
- watch live (forever naive taffy,lciop)
- rewatch yosuga no sora
- play role-playing games
- eat
- tackle g.zip
school computer class
- 红楼梦 木鱼水心
- 新国辩
- gi story gameplay
- deadshot.io
goodnight 23:00
- al
- vocabulary
- bilimiao | js tut | tasks
at school
- conclude "观念的水位"
goodnight 23:00
- eat feed 10min bilimiao
- al 10min without battle
- words30 40min and review
spare time
- read js tut conclude
- read books and take notes
- words100 120min and review
- watch gaming live in the evening
- read gal in solitude senrenbanka
- play video games sr bs cr ...
- design fs dl popular js libraries on github read main code
- complete tasks endeavour
- feed 10min
- al 10min without battle
- words30 30min and review
spare time
- read js tut
- design fs compiler implemenation
- words100 120min and review
- watch gaming live in the evening
- play gal in solitude senrenbanka
- design fs currently paper work