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File metadata and controls

138 lines (97 loc) · 3.99 KB

The Motion class constructs an object that represents a single Motion Detection sensor.

Supported Motion sensors:


  • pin A Number pin address for Motion sensor.

  • options An object of property parameters.

    Property Type Value/Description Default Required
    pin Number, String Analog or Digital Pin. Use for non-I2C sensors Yes (non-I2C)
    controller String PIR, HCSR501, GP2Y0D805Z0F, GP2Y0D810Z0F, GP2Y0D815Z0F. See aliases PIR No
    Controller Alias Table
    Controller Alias
    HC-SR501 PIR
    HCSR501 PIR
    GP2Y0D805Z0F 0D805
    GP2Y0D805Z0F 805
    GP2Y0D810Z0F 0D810
    GP2Y0D810Z0F 810
    GP2Y0D815Z0F 0D815
    GP2Y0D815Z0F 815


Property Name Description Read Only
id A user definable id value. Defaults to a generated uid No
pin The pin address that the Sensor is attached to No
value Sensor value. Yes
detectedMotion Boolean value. Yes
isCalibrated Boolean flag indicating calibration state. Yes

Component Initialization

Passive InfraRed Motion

This is the default controller.

// Pin only
new five.Motion(7);

// Options object with pin property
var motion = new five.Motion({
  pin: 7



var motion = new five.Motion({
  controller: "GP2Y0D805Z0F"


GP2Y0D810Z0F and GP2Y0D815Z0F

var motion = new five.Motion({
  controller: "GP2Y0D810Z0F", 
  pin: "A0"

var motion = new five.Motion({
  controller: "GP2Y0D815Z0F", 
  pin: "A0"



var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {

  // Create a new `motion` hardware instance.
  var motion = new five.Motion(7);

  // "calibrated" occurs once, at the beginning of a session,
  motion.on("calibrated", function() {

  // "motionstart" events are fired when the "calibrated"
  // proximal area is disrupted, generally by some form of movement
  motion.on("motionstart", function() {

  // "motionend" events are fired following a "motionstart" event
  // when no movement has occurred in X ms
  motion.on("motionend", function() {


  • data The "data" event is fired as frequently as the user defined freq will allow in milliseconds. ("data" replaced the "read" event)

  • change The "change" event is fired whenever a change within the motion detection field is observed.

  • motionstart The "motionstart" event is fired when motion occurs within the observable range of the PIR/Motion/IR.Proximity sensor

  • motionend The "motionend" event is fired when motion has ceased within the observable range of the PIR/Motion/IR.Proximity sensor.

  • calibrated The "calibrated" event is fired when PIR/Motion sensor is ready to detect movement/motion in observable range. (PIR/Motion ONLY)