- Increment the FlexDash version number in order not to clobber the previous release, then push FlexDash main to github, a build with the new version number will be triggered. Technically, this builds a FD release version, which is OK if FD is just used for Node-RED.
npm version patch && git push && git push --tags && npm run build
- after the build succeeds, in node-red-flexdash run ./release.sh -f [FD version]
- after the release completes, in node-red-corewidgets bump the version number carefully then npm publish to the @dev channel:
npm version patch && npm publish --tag dev
- to install, use npm i @flexdash/node-red-xyz@dev
- FlexDash is already a production build...
- in node-red-flexdash run
./release.sh -r -f [FD version]
- in node-red-corewidgets
git push --tags