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File metadata and controls

112 lines (93 loc) · 4.33 KB

Financial News Crawler

This is a generic news crawler built on the top of Scrapy framework.

  • This implementation is based on having same spider with different different rules. So to achieve this I have made which takes rules from the json file.

  • Another way to implement this is having multiple spiders for different sites and run these spiders simulatneously.

I don't know which one is better but I wanted to get same information from every sites and so I followed the first principle for crawling.


Try to create a seperate virtual environment

  $ pip install virtualenv         # look for documentation on setting up virtual environment
  $ pip install virtualenvwrapper  # setup the PATH variable

  # open ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile and add this
  export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
  export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_VIRTUALENV_ARGS='--no-site-packages'
  source /usr/local/bin/ # this might be different of other OS

  # now mkvirtualenv command will work and then type
  $ mkvirtualenv crawler
  (crawler) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Setup Process

  • Create a JSON file in sources folder with required fields. These are generally rules for extracting link from the sites. you can refer more on scrapy docs. For example you can Refer to sample.json which has seekingalpha configuration for INTUIT company in source folder.
  • For start_urls enter the urls of the pages from the site where you find the listing of the articles as links.
  • To add the AJAX pages (or hidden listing) you have to enter it in the start_urls. You can also add query for these.
  • Rules will define which pages to parse from, in other words, it will match the urls with the expressions before proceeding. If it matches it will accept the link for either parsing, following or both.
  • Paths define the XPATHs to the different fields of the pages to the parsed. As in sample.json, we have paths to Title, Date, Text.

Sample Rule in JSON

  • Sample rule file for several websites for crawling has been provided in the source folder.

Also look for scrapy docs for writing rules for link extractions to get more clear picture of what is happening here.

  "allowed_domains" : [""],
  "start_urls": [
  "rules": [
      "allow": ["/symbol/intu"],
      "follow": true
      "allow": ["/account/ajax_headlines_content.*page=\\d+.*"],
      "follow": true
      "allow": ["/news-article.*intuit.*", "/article.*intuit.*"],
      "follow": true,
      "use_content": true
      "allow": ["/symbol/intu.*"],
      "deny": ["/author.*", "/user.*", "/currents.*", "/instablog.*"],
      "restrict_xpaths": ["//div[@id='main_container']", "//div[@class='symbol_articles_list mini_category']"],
      "follow": false,
      "use_content": true
  "paths": {
    "title" : ["//title/text()"],
        "date" : ["//div[@class='datestamp']/text()", "//div[@class='article_info_pos']/span/text()"],
        "text" : ["//div[@id='article_content']", "//div[@id='article_body']"]
  "source": "Seeking Alpha",
    "company": "Intuit"


  • Once the json file for source setting is done, run the following in the terminal:

    $ scrapy crawl NewsSpider -a src_json=sources/<source_json_name>
  • Replace source_json_name with the given name to the json file like sample.json

  • Every json file has a rules for scrapping data. It is because everysites have a different DOM to make it more generic one can use Goose library. I have added one sample spider ( in spider folder.

To run the crawler on a list of files

$ bash list of files
$ bash sources/bloomberg*.json
  • This will run on all settings json named with bloomberg.


  • The scrapped information will be in the MongoDB / Output JSON file.
  • for any queries related to the project you can ping me on twitter RahulRRixe
