diff --git a/wiki/Activities.md b/wiki/Activities.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1b869b7446 --- /dev/null +++ b/wiki/Activities.md @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +![Up to date as of 4.0.0](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=dnd5e&message=4.0.0&color=informational) + +The activities system is a new method for adding things that can be done by an item. It replaces the older method of defining a single action for an item with a much more flexible system. + + +## Creating Activities + +![Item Sheet - Activities Tab](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/activity-tab.jpg) + +Activities are created on items through the "Activities" tab, using the plus button. + +![Activity Creation Dialog](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/activity-creation.jpg) + +Clicking the plus button brings up the Create Activity dialog with a list of activity types that can be created. After selecting one of these options, optionally entering a name, and clicking "Create New Activity" the sheet for the new activity will be opened. + +### Activity Types + +There are a variety of activity types offered by the DnD5e system, and modules can contribute their own custom types. More details on each type can be found on their own pages: +- [Attack](Activity-Type-Attack.md): Make an attack roll and roll damage +- [Check](Activity-Type-Check.md): Perform an ability check +- [Damage](Activity-Type-Damage.md): Damage a creature without a check +- [Enchant](Activity-Type-Enchant.md): Apply an enchantment to an item +- [Heal](Activity-Type-Heal.md): Heal a creature +- [Save](Activity-Type-Save.md): Impose a saving throw roll and roll damage +- [Summon](Activity-Type-Summon.md): Summon a new creature to the scene +- [Utility](Activity-Type-Utility.md): Make an arbitrary roll or just indicate something happened + + +## Configuring Activities + +While parts of the activity sheet change based on the selected activity type, many parts are shared. + +### Identity + +![Activity Sheet - Identity Tab](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/activity-identity.jpg) + +The first tab that appears is the "Identity" tab which contains details on how the activity is present and how it behaves: +- *Name*: Name for the activity, will default to the name of the activity type if none is provided +- *Icon*: Icon used when the activity appears in the actor and item sheets +- *Chat Flavor*: Brief additional text used in the usage chat message +- *Measured Template Prompt*: If the activity defines an area of effect, should the player be prompted to place the template by default? If unchecked, then the player can still place the template using a button on the chat card + +### Activation + +The "Activation" tab contains three sub-tabs: "Time", "Consumption", and "Targeting". + +#### Time + +![Activity Sheet - Time Tab](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/activity-time.jpg) + +The "Activation" section contains details on how long it takes to use the activity and under what conditions it can be used. If activation data is provided by the item (such as on spells), this will default to the details from the item but can be overridden using a checkbox next to the name. + +The "Duration" section contains details on how long the usage of the activity lasts. This can also be derived from the item’s data if present. + +#### Consumption + +![Activity Sheet - Consumption Tab](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/activity-consumption.jpg) + +The "Consumption" section contains a list of consumption targets with details on what is consumed, how much, and how the consumption scales if scaling is permitted. Multiple consumption targets can be defined and used separately in the usage dialog. + +The "Consumption Scaling" section indicates whether scaling is allowed and how much scaling can occur. This section will not appear for spells, because the spell’s level determines how it scales. + +The "Usage" and "Recovery" sections contain details on a limited pool of uses that can be defined for the activity and how they are recovered. Unlike uses defined on an item, which are accessible to any activity on the item as well as any other item on the same actor, these uses are only consumable from this activity. In order to use these uses, a consumption target with the type "Activity Uses" must be set up. + +#### Targeting + +![Activity Sheet - Targeting Tab](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/activity-targeting.jpg) + +The "Range", "Targets", and "Area" sections contain details on where and who the activity can affect. These three fields can also be derived from the item data if present. + +### Effect + +![Activity Sheet - Effect Tab](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/activity-effect.jpg) + +The final tab will vary the most between different activity types. Most activity types contain an "Applied Effects" list which specifies what Active Effects present on the item will be available to apply to targets through the chat card. The dropdown allows for selecting existing effects on the item, or the plus button can be used to create a new Active Effect. diff --git a/wiki/Activity-Type-Attack.md b/wiki/Activity-Type-Attack.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6919b26f90 --- /dev/null +++ b/wiki/Activity-Type-Attack.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +![Up to date as of 4.0.0](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=dnd5e&message=4.0.0&color=informational) + +The Attack activity allows for making attacks and rolling damage. + + +## Performing Attacks + +Using the attack activity will place an attack card into the chat log, with "Attack" and "Damage" buttons (assuming damage has been defined for the attack, otherwise only the "Attack" button will appear). Clicking on these buttons will open the standard rolling prompts. + +![Attack Card & Dialogs](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/enchantment/attack-chat-dialog.jpg) + +When making an attack with a weapon, a few additional options may appear in the attack roll dialog: +- *Ammunition*: For weapons with the Ammunition property, the ammunition used with the attack will be selectable. This ammo will add a bonus to the attack roll if it has a magical bonus and bonuses to the subsequent damage rolled using the same attack card +- *Attack Mode*: Allows for choosing between one-handed and two-handed attacks on weapons with the "Versatile" property, between melee and thrown attacks on weapons with the "Thrown" property, or making an offhand attack for weapons with the "Light" property. Subsequent damage rolls from the same attack card will be adjusted based on the attack mode chosen +- *Weapon Mastery*: If the weapon has a defined "Mastery" and the character has alternate mastery options, when the player will able to choose which of the available masteries to use + + +## Configuring Attacks + +After creating the Attack activity the configuration sheet will open on the "Identity" tab. In addition to the standard activity options (see the [Activities Overview](Activities.md) for more details), Attack also includes a pair of properties for defining the attack type. *Attack Type* indicates whether this is a melee or ranged attack, and *Attack Classification* indicates whether it is a weapon, spell, or unarmed attack. These values affect what bonuses are applied to attack and damage rolls from the actor. If possible, these values will be populated by default values from the containing item. + +![Attack Sheet - Identity Tab](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/attack-identity.jpg) + +### Attack Details & Damage + +The "Effect" tab contains the rest of the unique properties for the Attack activity, split into sections defining attack and damage details. + +![Attack Sheet - Effect Tab](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/attack-effect.jpg) + +The "Attack Details" section contains values used to calculate the attack roll itself: +- *Attack Ability*: Ability used to make the attack and available as `@mod` in damage formulas +- *To Hit Bonus*: Additional bonus added to the To Hit roll +- *Flat To Hit*: Use only the *To Hit Bonus* when performing the attack roll, not the attacker’s proficiency or ability modifier +- *Critical Threshold*: Minimum value needed on the attack die to determine if an attack is a critical hit + +The "Attack Damage" section contains some configuration details for damage and the actual damage parts: +- *Include Base Damage*: Available on weapons and ammunition, this controls whether the item’s intrinsic damage is included in this attack +- *Extra Critical Damage*: Extra damage formula that will be added to the first damage part if critical damage is rolled. This extra damage is not multiplied like the rest of the damage diff --git a/wiki/Activity-Type-Check.md b/wiki/Activity-Type-Check.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d5803fdd03 --- /dev/null +++ b/wiki/Activity-Type-Check.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +![Up to date as of 4.0.0](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=dnd5e&message=4.0.0&color=informational) + +The Check activity allows for calling for ability checks including those that use skill or tool proficiency. + + +## Performing Checks + +When the check activity is used it will place buttons in chat for each of the checks defined in the activity. + +![Check Chat Card](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/check-card.jpg) + +## Configuring Checks + +After creating the Check activity the configuration sheet will open. Navigate over to the "Effect" tab to see options specific to the Check activity. + +![Check Sheet - Effect Tab](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/check-effect.jpg) + +The "Check Details" section contains values used to determine what kind of checks are rolled and what the target DC is: +- *Associated Skills or Tools*: One or more skills or tools to create checks for. If left blank, then a single ability check will be created instead +- *Check Ability*: Specify the ability to be used with the check. If skills or tools are set then this will be used in place of the default ability associated with each skill or tool +- *DC Calculation*: Determines how the check DC is calculated, either using the default DC for an ability, the relevant spellcasting DC, or using a custom formula +- *DC Formula*: Place for defining the custom DC formula + +When creating a Check activity on a tool item, then nothing more needs to be filled in. When using the activity from a tool it will automatically create the check based on the type of tool selected. diff --git a/wiki/Activity-Type-Damage.md b/wiki/Activity-Type-Damage.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..afff140228 --- /dev/null +++ b/wiki/Activity-Type-Damage.md @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +![Up to date as of 4.0.0](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=dnd5e&message=4.0.0&color=informational) + +The Damage activity allows for rolling damage. + + +## Configuring Damage + +![Damage Sheet - Effect Tab](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/damage-effect.jpg) + +After creating the Damage activity the configuration sheet will open. Navigate over to the "Effect" tab to see the Damage-specific details plus the actual damage parts: +- *Allow Critical*: Allow critical damage to be rolled +- *Extra Critical Damage*: Extra damage formula that will be added to the first damage part if critical damage is rolled (only visible if "Allow Critical" is checked). This extra damage is not multiplied like the rest of the damage diff --git a/wiki/Activity-Type-Enchant.md b/wiki/Activity-Type-Enchant.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..515a688804 --- /dev/null +++ b/wiki/Activity-Type-Enchant.md @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +![Up to date as of 4.0.0](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=dnd5e&message=4.0.0&color=informational) + +The Enchant activity allows for applying [enchantments](Enchantment.md) to items. These enchantments can modify the stats of an item (such as *Magic Weapon* giving a mundane weapon a +1 magical bonus), carry effects that apply to an actor (such as the *Fire Rune* granting a player double proficiency on tool checks), and carry items that are added to the actor (such as the *Arcane Propulsive Armor* give the player a set of gauntlets that can be used to attack). + +![Enchantment Summary](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/enchantment/enchantment-summary.jpg) + + +## Performing Enchanting + +When the Enchant activity is used it will display the usage prompt allowing for selecting a specific enchanting profile if more than one is available. The Enchant chat card will then appear in the log with an area to drop the item that should be enchanted. + +![Enchantment Chat Message](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/enchantment/enchantment-chat-message.jpg) + +Any player may drop an item in this area to enchant that item and the enchanted items will be listed. GMs or the player who owns the item will have access to the "Remove Enchantment" button in the chat card which will quickly remove the enchantment. Enchantments can also be removed by breaking concentration if they are from a concentration effect, or by enter the "Effects" tab on the item and manually deleting the enchantment. + +The chat card tracks how many items have been enchanted out of the maximum allowed (though the maximum is not enforced). This maximum item count can be defined on the Enchant activity by specifying the targets in the "Targeting" tab. + + +## Configuring Enchanting + +After creating the Enchant activity the configuration sheet will open. In addition to the standard activity options (see the [Activities Overview](Activities.md) for more details), Enchant also includes the "Enchanting" tab with details on enchantments and restrictions. + +### Enchantments + +The "Enchantments" tab contains a list of potential enchantments that can be applied by the activity. The plus button can be used to create new enchantments, or the dropdown can be used to select enchantments that are already on the item, but not yet on the Enchant activity. Clicking on the name of an enchantment will open up the configuration sheet for it. More details on configuring the enchantments themselves can be found in the [enchantment guide](Enchantment.md). + +#### Enchantment Level + +When enchantment occurs the process always has an associated level. For spells, this is based on the level at which the spell is cast. For other items this varies depending on whether the *Class Identifier* is populated. If provided, then the summoning level will be based on the character’s level in that specific class, otherwise it will use the character’s overall level. + +![Enchant Sheet - Enchantments Tab, Multiple with Level Limits](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/enchantment/enchant-enchantments-multiple.jpg) + +This enchantment level can be used to restrict certain profiles to pnly certain levels using the *Level Limits* fields in the "Additional Settings" dropdown. In the above example, the "Magic Weapon" spell from the *Player’s Handbook*, the level limit is set so the "Magic Weapon, +1" enchantment is applied if the spell is cast at 3rd level or lower, and the other two enchantments are available at higher casting levels. + +#### Additional Effects & Items + +When enchanting profiles can be given additional effects and items that are added alongside the enchantment. Because enchantments can only affect the item to which they are applied, these *Additional Effects* can be used to give the item and Active Effect that changes the actor. The *Additional Items* can be used to specify additional items that are given to the actor when this enchantment is applied. Both the effects and items will be removed from the actor when the enchantment is removed. + +![Enchant Sheet - Enchantments Tab, Additional Effects & Items](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/enchantment/enchant-enchantments-riders.jpg) + +In the above example, the "Arcane Propulsive Armor" infusion from *Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything*, the profile includes a "Arcane Propulsive Armor" active effect to grant the player a boost to their walking speed and an "Arcane Propulsion Gauntlets" item that gives the player a way to attack using the armor. + +### Restrictions + +The "Restrictions" tab contains settings for what kind of items the enchanting can be performed upon: +- *Allow Magical*: Normally enchantments cannot be applied to items that are already magical, but this allows applying them to any item +- *Item Type*: Restrict application to certain types of items (e.g. "Weapon", "Equipment") +- *Valid Categories*: Further restrict the type of item to only those in this list (e.g. "Simple Melee Weapon") +- *Valid Properties*: Items must contain all of the provided properties to be enchanted (e.g. "Light", "Thrown") + +![Enchant Sheet - Restrictions Tab](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/enchantment/enchant-restrictions.jpg) + +In the above example, still "Arcane Propulsive Armor", the restrictions indicate that this can only be applied to non-magical equipment that is light, medium, or heavy armor. diff --git a/wiki/Activity-Type-Heal.md b/wiki/Activity-Type-Heal.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f9fc17c20f --- /dev/null +++ b/wiki/Activity-Type-Heal.md @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +![Up to date as of 4.0.0](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=dnd5e&message=4.0.0&color=informational) + +The Heal activity allows for rolling healing. + + +## Configuring Heal + +![Heal Sheet - Effect Tab](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/heal-effect.jpg) + +After creating the Heal activity the configuration sheet will open. Navigate over to the "Effect" tab to see the healing formula, type, and scaling details. diff --git a/wiki/Activity-Type-Save.md b/wiki/Activity-Type-Save.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1d55eed099 --- /dev/null +++ b/wiki/Activity-Type-Save.md @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +![Up to date as of 4.0.0](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=dnd5e&message=4.0.0&color=informational) + +The Save activity allows for calling for saving throws and rolling damage. + + +## Configuring Saves + +After creating the Save activity the configuration sheet will open. Navigate over to the "Effect" tab to see options specific to the Save activity. + +![Save Sheet - Effect Tab](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/save-effect.jpg) + +The "Save Details" section contains values used to determine what kind of save is rolled and what the target DC is: +- *Challenge Ability*: Controls what ability must be used when rolling the saving throw +- *DC Calculation*: Determines how the saving throw DC is calculated, either using the default DC for an ability, the relevant spellcasting DC, or using a custom formula +- *DC Formula*: Place for defining the custom DC formula + +The "Save Damage" section contains some configuration details for damage and the actual damage parts: +- *Damage on Save*: Option that added informative text on how much damage should be applied when a creature succeeds on its saving throw diff --git a/wiki/Activity-Type-Summon.md b/wiki/Activity-Type-Summon.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..25b1bd45c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/wiki/Activity-Type-Summon.md @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +![Up to date as of 4.0.0](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=dnd5e&message=4.0.0&color=informational) + +The Summon activity is designed to automatically bring summoned creatures into your world. This allows for summoning based on a pre-determined list of creatures or allowing the player to select a creature to summon based on CR and creature type. This activity can modify the summoned creatures before they are brought into the world and includes an interface for players to place them as desired in the scene. + +![Summoning Summary](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/summoning-summary.jpg) + + +## Permissions + +While GMs can always take advantage of summoning, this feature requires certain permissions to be set in order for it to be used by players. First the system setting "Allow Summoning" must be enabled: + +![Summoning Permission](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/summoning-permission.jpg) + +Then a few core Foundry permissions may need to be changed depending on how users will be using the feature. + +- *Create New Tokens* (**required**): Players must always have permission to create new tokens for summoning to work. +- *Create New Actors*: Permission to create new actors must be set if summoning spells are configured to pull actors from compendiums. In order to use summoning without this then the GM can import actors and adjust the spells to pull from world actors rather than compendium actors. The player doing the summoning must have ownership permission on the world actor they are summoning. +- *Use File Browser*: If the token being summoned uses wildcard artwork, then players must have access to the file browser so the system can correctly set the artwork. + + +## Performing Summoning + +To perform summoning, simply use the feature or spell as you would normally and the summoning options will appear in the usage prompt if available. + +![Summon Prompt](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/summoning-prompt.jpg) + +The *Place Summons* checkbox controls whether a summoned creature will be placed automatically and if there is more than one summoning profile the *Summons Profile* dropdown will allow player to select what type to summon. After this screen the character sheet will be minimized and they will be able to place the summon in the current scene. + +![Summon Prompt - Compendium Browser](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/summoning-cr-prompt.jpg) + +When summoning in *Challenge Rating & Type* mode, the compendium browser will be brought up after the profile is selected allowing the player to choose which specific creature they wish to summon. + +![Summon Chat Message](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/summoning-chat-message.jpg) + +If the summoned creature needs to be placed again, or the initial prompt was skipped, a "Summon" button will appear in the chat card. + + +## Configuring Summoning + +After creating the Summon activity the configuration sheet will open to the "Identity" tab. In addition to the standard activity identity options (see the [Activities Overview](Activities.md) for more details), Summon also includes a *Summon Prompt* option. If this is unchecked, then the usage dialog will not attempt to summon by default, but summoning can always be performed from the chat card after the initial usage. + +![Summon Sheet - Identity Tab](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/summoning-identity.jpg) + +### Summoning Profiles + +Moving over to the Summoning tab reveals the core details of the Summon activity. The Profiles sub-tab contains the configuration for the creatures that will be summoned. It begins with "Mode", which determines whether a specific set of creatures can be summoned using the **"By Direct Link"** option, or whether the player can choose the creatures using the **"By Challenge Rating and Type"** option. + +![Summon Sheet - Profiles Tab, Empty](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/summoning-profiles-empty.jpg) + +Each profile can have a *Count* for how many of that profile will be summoned. This count can take formulas based on the summoning item’s roll data, allowing the count to scale based on the level at which the summoning occurs. + +Profiles also have a *Display Name* which affects how that profile will be displayed in the summoning dialog. Changing this name will not modify the summoned creature’s name, only how it displays in the usage prompt. + +#### By Direct Link + +In **Direct Link** mode it is easy to add creatures by dragging and dropping them from the world or a compendium only the sheet. Dropping it directly onto an existing profile will associated that creature with that profile and dropping elsewhere will create a new profile for that creature. + +![Summon Sheet - Profiles Tab, Direct Link](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/summoning-profiles-direct-link.jpg) + +In the example above, the spell "Summon Beast" from *Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything*, there are three profiles created to match with the three variants of Bestial Spirit that can be created: Air, Land, and Water. Custom labels have been added to make the usage window more legible to players. + +#### By Challenge Rating and Type + +In **Challenge Rating & Type** mode the profile contains a *CR* field for setting the maximum CR of creature that can be summoned for that profile. Beneath the "Additional Settings" dropdown is the *Creature Types* field which allows for setting one or more creature types to allow for selection. + +![Summon Sheet - Profiles Tab, Challenge Rating & Type](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/summoning-profiles-challenge-rating.jpg) + +In the first example above, the spell "Conjure Animals" from the Player’s Handbook, there are four profiles with descending CRs and increasing quantities (the complex formula in the count field allows for the count to double at certain spell levels). The *Display Name* field is left blank allowing the summoning to automatically generate the appropriate label. + +The second example shows the spell "Conjure Element", also from the Player’s Handbook. This only has a single summoning profile with a CR that scales based on the spell level (starting at CR 5 because it is a 5th level spell, and increasing CR by 1 for each level cast above 5th). The dropdown shows that that spell can only summon creatures with the "Elemental" type. + +#### Summoning Level + +When summoning occurs the process always has an associated level. For spells, this is based on the level at which the spell is cast, but for Summon activities on other items it varies depending on whether the *Class Identifier* is populated. If provided, then the summoning level will be based on the character’s level in that specific class, otherwise it will use the character’s overall level. + +![Summon Sheet - Profiles Tab, Level Limits](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/summoning-profiles-level-limits.jpg) + +This summoning level can be used to restrict certain profiles to only certain levels using the *Level Limits* fields in the "Additional Settings" dropdown. In the above example, the "Create Undead" spell from the Player’s Handbook, the level limit is set for the various undead creatures allowing only Ghouls to be summoned at 6th level, but allowing Ghasts and Wights at 8th level and Mummies at 9th level. + +### Changes + +The next tab defines changes to the creature and its items when summoned. Any fields that accept formulas will be resolved at time of summoning using `@` references from the item performing the summoning (allowing the use of `@item.level` or `@scaling` to adjust details based on the level cast) with details of the summoned creature available using `@summon` (so `@summon.attributes.hd` will give access to the HD size of a summoned NPC). + +![Summon Sheet - Changes Tab](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/summoning-changes.jpg) + +#### Creature Changes + +The "Creature Changes" section defines changes to the creature itself: +- *Match Proficiency*: Changes the summoned creature’s proficiency to match that of the summoner +- *Bonus Armor Class*: Bonus to the armor class on top of what is specified in the stat block +- *Bonus Hit Dice*: Number of hit dice to add to those on the summoned creature, based on the hit dice details inferred from the HP formula or creature size +- *Bonus Hit Points*: Additional hit points on top of those specified in the stat block +- *Creature Sizes* & *Creature Types*: Change the summoned creature’s size and type when summoning. If more than one option is selected, then the player will be able to choose in the summoning dialog + +The example above shows the "Summon Beast" spell from *Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything* which matches the caster’s proficiency, gives a bonus to armor class based on spell level, and an extra 5 hit points for each level cast above the base level. + +#### Item Changes + +the "Item Changes" section defines changes make to the items (features, attacks, and other items) on the creature: +- *Match Attacks*: The To Hit on Attack activities will match that of the summoner +- *Match Saves*: The Save DC on Save activities will match that of the summoner +- *Bonus Attack Damage*, *Bonus Save Damage*, *Bonus Healing*: Additional damage when using the Attack or Save activities or additional healing when using the Heal activity + +In the example above the *Match Attacks* checkbox is checked to ensure the attacks rolls match that of the caster, and the *Bonus Attack Damage* contains `@item.level` giving a bonus of the spell’s level to attack damage rolls. The other fields are left unchanged because the summoned creature doesn’t have any of those. diff --git a/wiki/Activity-Type-Utility.md b/wiki/Activity-Type-Utility.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..861a816e28 --- /dev/null +++ b/wiki/Activity-Type-Utility.md @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +![Up to date as of 4.0.0](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=dnd5e&message=4.0.0&color=informational) + +The Utility activity allows for rolling an arbitrary formula, adding effects, or simply indicating something occurs without specific functionality. It acts as a catch-all activity for any case where a more specific activity doesn’t make sense. + + +## Configuring Utility + +After creating the Utility activity the configuration sheet will open to the "Identity" tab. In addition to the standard activity identity options (see the [Activities Overview](Activities.md) for more details), Utility also includes a *Utility Roll Prompt* option. This controls whether the rolling dialog is shown when rolling the utility roll (if present). + +![Utility Sheet - Identity Tab](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/utility-identity.jpg) + +### Utility Roll + +![Utility Sheet - Effect Tab](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/utility-effect.jpg) + +The "Effect" tab contains the configuration information for the utility roll: +- *Roll Label*: Label used for the rolling button in place of the default "Roll" label +- *Roll Formula*: Formula used for the utility roll +- *Visible to All*: Determines whether the rolling button be visible to all players, or only to the player who used the activity and the GM diff --git a/wiki/Enchantment.md b/wiki/Enchantment.md index 8dbc3f4a62..43604d607b 100644 --- a/wiki/Enchantment.md +++ b/wiki/Enchantment.md @@ -1,46 +1,13 @@ -![Up to date as of 3.3.0](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=dnd5e&message=3.3.0&color=informational) +![Up to date as of 4.0.0](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=dnd5e&message=4.0.0&color=informational) -The D&D system includes an item activation method that allows for adding enchantments to items. These enchantments can modify the stats of an item (such as *Magic Weapon* giving a mundane weapon a +1 magical bonus), carry effects that apply to an actor (such as the *Fire Rune* granting a player double proficiency on tool checks), and carry items that are added to the actor (such as the *Arcane Propulsive Armor* give the player a set of gauntlets that can be used to attack). - -![Enchantment Summary](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/enchantment/enchantment-summary.jpg) - -## Configuring Enchantment - -To set up a feature or spell to perform enchantment, it first must have the "Action Type" of "Enchant". This is configured on the details tab of the item beneath the header "Spell Effects" or "Feature Attack", depending on item type. Once that is selected a new enchantment line will appear below. The "Configure Enchantment" button will allow for further configuration and the area below will display any other items that have been enchanted by this one. - -![Item Details Tab](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/enchantment/enchantment-item-details.jpg) - -Clicking the "Configure Enchantment" button will open the enchantment configuration screen. This screen contains all of the controls needed to configure what enchantments can be applied and what items can be enchanted. - -![Enchantment Configuration](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/enchantment/enchantment-configuration.jpg) - -### Enchantments - -The top section contains a list of Enchantments that can be applied by this item. The "Create Enchantment" button can be used to create one which will open up the setup window for that specific enchantment. These enchantments are special active effects that target the item to which they are added rather than the actor, and thus they are configured in much the same way as normal active effects. +Enchantments are a special type of Active Effect that makes changes on the item to which they are added, rather than the actor like normal Active Effects. They are configured in much the same way as normal Active Effects, but rely on different attribute keys that are documented below. ![Enchantment Effect Changes](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/enchantment/enchantment-changes.jpg) In the example above, the spell "Magic Weapon" is configured to modify the name of the item to add `+1` to the end, add the magical property, and set the magical bonus. The name is set using a change format that allows for referencing the original name using a pair of curly brackets (`{}`) and the `override` change mode. This allows for more complex changes to the item's name than would normally be possible with active effects. -Within the "Additional Settings" dropdown for each enchantment there are more controls for each individual enchantment. The Level Limit defines what levels an enchantment can be used. Since "Magic Weapon" shown above is a spell, these levels correspond to the level at which the spell is cast. If this were on a feature, then these numbers would reference either the character level or a class level if the "Class Identifier" field is filled in (not visible in the above screenshots). - -The other two options define what effects and items are added whenever the enchantment is added. The effects must be normal active effects defined on the same item as the enchantment. The items can be any item, but it is generally good practice to create links only to items in compendiums. - -**Note:** The "Additional Items" can only be configured when running Foundry V12 or later, on V11 the items will be read-only. - -### Restrictions - -The next section defines what types of items can be enchanted. Checking "Allow Magical" will allow the enchantment to be applied to items that are already magical, and the "Item Type" will restrict the enchantment to certain broad item categories (e.g. Equipment, Weapon). - -## Performing Enchantment - -Once configuration is complete, enchantment is very easy. Simply activate the feature or spell as you would normally and the enchantment options will appear in the usage prompt if these is more than one enchantment profile available, otherwise the enchantment will go straight to chat. - -![Enchantment Chat Message](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/enchantment/enchantment-chat-message.jpg) - -In the activation chat message a drop area will appear. Any player may drop an item in this area to enchant that item and the enchanted items will be listed. GMs or the player who owns the item will have access to the "Remove Enchantment" button in the chat card which will quickly remove the enchantment. Enchantments can also be removed by breaking concentration if they are from a concentration effect, or by enter the "Effects" tab on the item and manually deleting the enchantment. -## Enchantment Active Effects +## Enchantment Changes This describes how to create Active Effects used as Enchantments. This differs from the [Active Effect Guide](Active-Effect-Guide) in that these are changes to items instead of the actors. If you're creating an Active Effect to add to the Additional Effects section when configuring an Enchantment, then use that guide. diff --git a/wiki/Home.md b/wiki/Home.md index 2454b6735e..3085a840b6 100644 --- a/wiki/Home.md +++ b/wiki/Home.md @@ -1,6 +1,16 @@ # Welcome to the DnD5e FoundryVTT Wiki - [Active Effects Guide](Active-Effect-Guide.md) +- [Activities Overview](Activities.md) + - Activity Types + - [Activity Type: Attack](Activity-Type-Attack.md) + - [Activity Type: Check](Activity-Type-Check.md) + - [Activity Type: Damage](Activity-Type-Damage.md) + - [Activity Type: Enchant](Activity-Type-Enchant.md) + - [Activity Type: Heal](Activity-Type-Heal.md) + - [Activity Type: Save](Activity-Type-Save.md) + - [Activity Type: Summon](Activity-Type-Summon.md) + - [Activity Type: Utility](Activity-Type-Utility.md) - [Advancement Overview](Advancement.md) - [Advancement User Guide](Advancement-User-Guide.md) - Advancement Types @@ -20,7 +30,6 @@ - [Hooks](Hooks.md) - [Journal Pages](Journal-Pages.md) - [Roll Formulas](Roll-Formulas.md) -- [Summoning](Summoning.md) - [System HTML](System-HTML.md) - Tutorials - [Custom Classes](Custom-Class-Advancement.md) diff --git a/wiki/Summoning.md b/wiki/Summoning.md index b149dbb4aa..bc971b3629 100644 --- a/wiki/Summoning.md +++ b/wiki/Summoning.md @@ -1,80 +1 @@ -![Up to date as of 3.3.0](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=dnd5e&message=3.2.0&color=informational) - -The D&D system includes a system for automatically bringing summoned creatures into your world. This allows you to reference a list of creatures to be summoned from a feature or spell, modify the actors before they are brought into the world, and place them where you wish in the scene. - -![Summoning Summary](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/summoning-summary.jpg) - -## Permissions - -While GMs can always take advantage of summoning, this feature requires certain permissions to be set in order for it to be used by players. First the system setting "Allow Summoning" must be enabled: - -![Summoning Permission](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/summoning-permission.jpg) - -Then a few core Foundry permissions may need to be changed depending on how users will be using the feature. - -- *Create New Tokens* (**required**): Players must always have permission to create new tokens for summoning to work. -- *Create New Actors*: Permission to create new actors must be set if summoning spells are configured to pull actors from compendiums. In order to use summoning without this then the GM can import actors and adjust the spells to pull from world actors rather than compendium actors. The player doing the summoning must have ownership permission on the world actor they are summoning. -- *Use File Browser*: If the token being summoned uses wildcard artwork, then players must have access to the file browser so the system can correctly set the artwork. - -## Configuring Summoning - -To set up a feature or spell to perform summoning, it first must have the "Action Type" of "Summon". This is configured on the details tab of the item beneath the header "Spell Effects" or "Feature Attack", depending on item type. Once that is selected a new summoning line will appear below. The "Configure Summons" button will allow for further configuration and the "Summon Prompt" checkbox will allow players to bypass the activation prompt when using the feature. - -![Item Details Tab](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/summoning-item-details.jpg) - -Clicking the "Configure Summons" button will open the summoning configuration screen. This screen contains all of the controls needed to configure what is summoned and how it is modified when summoned. - -![Summoning Configuration](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/summoning-configuration.jpg) - -### Summoning Profiles - -The top section that reads "Summoning Profiles" is where the actors that will be summoned are set up. There are two different modes that can be configured: -- **By Direct Link**: Each profile links to a specific actor that will be summoned -- **By Challenge Rating & Type**: Each profile specifies a maximum challenge rating and optional creature types - -In *Direct Link* mode it is easy to add actors here by dragging and dropping them from the world or a compendium into the app. By default the name displayed to users will match the actor name, but that can be changed by entering a custom label in the box to the right of the link. Any extra entries can be deleted using the delete button. - -In the example above, the spell "Summon Beast" from *Tasha's Cauldron of Everything*, there are three profiles created to match with the three variants of Bestial Spirit that can be created: Air, Land, and Water. Custom labels have been added to make the usage window more legible to players. - -![Summoning by Challenge Rating & Type](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/summoning-cr-configuration.jpg) - -In *Challenge Rating & Type* mode the actor drop area is replaced with a formula for the maximum CR that can be summoned for that profile. The above example of "Conjure Animals" in the SRD specifies four profiles with descending CRs and increasing quantities (with a complex formula to handle the spell's doubling at certain levels). - -In the other example of "Conjure Elemental" in the SRD, only a single profile is specified but its CR scales based on the level at which the spell is cast. Within the "Additional Settings" dropdown is a "Creature Types" input for restricting the selection to certain types, in this case "Elemental". - -![Summoning Quantity & Level](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/summoning-quantity-level.jpg) - -The field before the actor link in a profile is a formula that defines how many creatures will be summoned. This takes roll data from the summoning item so it can easily scale with spell level. Hidden behind the "Additional Settings" dropdown is the level limit, which defines the levels at which the summoning will be available. For summoning on spells this will be based on the level at which the spell is cast, and for other item types it will use the character level or class level, so long as the "Class Identifier" field is filled with a valid class. - -### Creature Changes - -The next section lists changes that will be made to the creature being summoned. The "Match Proficiency" checkbox will cause the summoned creature's proficiency to match that of the actor doing the summoning. "Bonus Armor Class", "Bonus Hit Dice", "Bonus Hit Points" are bonus formulas added on top of their respective values. Any `@` references in these formulas will be resolved at summoning time relative to the summoning item, so a value such as `@item.level` can be used to reference the level of the spell performing the summoning. They can also reference details from the summoned creature, so `@summon.attributes.hd.max` will contain the maximum number of hit dice on the summoned creature (before the bonus is applied). - -The "Creature Sizes" and "Creature Types" controls allow defining one or more size or type. The summoned creature will be modified to be this size or type when summoned, and if more than one option is selected then the player will be presented with a list of choices when summoning. - -In the example above the match proficiency box is checked because the summoned spirits have the same proficiency as their summoner. In the AC bonus field it has `@item.level`, which increases the summoned creature's AC by the level at which the spell is cast. In the HP bonus field it has `5 * (@item.level - 2)`, which adds `5` to the creature's HP for every level the spell is cast above its base level (in this case `2`). - -### Item Changes - -The final section details changes that will be made to the various items on the summoned actor. "Match Attacks" ensures that the To Hit value for any attacks made by the creature match that of the summoner, and "Match Saves" does the same thing for saving throw DCs imposed by the creature's abilities. The following fields include formulas for bonuses added to all of the creature's damage from attacks, abilities that provoke saves, and healing. - -In the example above both of the match attacks and saves checkboxes are checked because those values should match the summoner. In the attack damage bonus field it has the formula `@item.level` because there is a bonus to the attack damage matching the level at which the spell was cast. The save & healing bonus fields are left blank because the summoned creature doesn't have either of those. - -## Performing Summoning - -Once configuration is complete, summoning is very easy. Simply activate the feature or spell as you would normally and the summoning options will appear in the usage prompt. - -![Summoning Prompt](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/summoning-prompt.jpg) - -The "Place Summons" checkbox controls whether a summoned creature will be placed automatically and if there is more than one summoning profile the dropdown will allow player to select what type to summon. After this screen the player's sheet will be minimized and they will be able to place the summon in the current scene. - -![Summoning Prompt for CR Mode](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/summoning-cr-prompt.jpg) - -When summoning in *Challenge Rating & Type* mode, the compendium browser will be brought up after the profile is selected allowing the player to choose which specific creature they wish to summon. - -> [!IMPORTANT] -> Summoning based on challenge rating can only be used when running Foundry V12 or later due to its reliance on the compendium browser. This type of summoning can still be configured in Foundry V11, but no actor will actually be summoned. - -![Summoning Chat Message](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/publish-wiki/wiki/images/summoning/summoning-chat-message.jpg) - -If the summoned creature needs to be placed again, or the initial prompt was skipped, a "Summon" button will appear in the chat card. +See the [Summon Activity](Activity-Type-Summon.md) for details on summoning. diff --git a/wiki/images/activities/activity-consumption.jpg b/wiki/images/activities/activity-consumption.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..af89969a8c Binary files /dev/null and b/wiki/images/activities/activity-consumption.jpg differ diff --git a/wiki/images/activities/activity-creation.jpg b/wiki/images/activities/activity-creation.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8bd348a540 Binary files /dev/null and b/wiki/images/activities/activity-creation.jpg differ diff --git a/wiki/images/activities/activity-effect.jpg 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