volkszaehler.org is a free smart meter implementation with focus on data privacy.
The easiest way to run volkszaehler is using Docker.
Start database server and create the database:
docker run --name db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=R00t+ mysql
docker run --link db mysql -u root -pR00t+ -h db -e "CREATE DATABASE volkszaehler;"
Create docker.conf.php
, mount into the volkszaehler container and initialize the database schema:
docker run --link db -v $(pwd)/etc/docker.conf.php:/vz/etc/volkszaehler.conf.php volkszaehler/volkszaehler /vz/bin/doctrine orm:schema-tool:create
Start the application:
docker run -p 8080:8080 --link db -v $(pwd)/etc/docker.conf.php:/vz/etc/volkszaehler.conf.php volkszaehler/volkszaehler
Run data aggregation:
docker run --link db -v $(pwd)/etc/docker.conf.php:/vz/etc/volkszaehler.conf.php volkszaehler/volkszaehler /vz/bin/aggregate run -l day -l hour
From the shell:
wget https://raw.github.com/volkszaehler/volkszaehler.org/master/bin/install.sh
bash install.sh
Or follow the detailed installation instructions at http://wiki.volkszaehler.org/software/middleware/installation
- Website: http://volkszaehler.org
- Wiki: http://wiki.volkszaehler.org
- Users mailing list: [email protected]
- Developers mailing list: [email protected]
|_ etc/ configuration files
|_ bin/ scripts for imports, installation etc.
|_ htdocs/ web UI
| \_ middleware.php middleware
|_ lib/ middleware libraries
|_ test/ unit tests
\_ misc/
|_ controller/ various logging tools, e.g. for mbus/messbus
|_ docs/ documentation
|_ graphics/ graphics for docs, etc.
\_ sql/ database schema dumps
\_ demo/ demo data
Copyright © 2011-2018 volkszaehler.org Licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 3 (https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0).