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fremag edited this page Nov 27, 2016 · 10 revisions

This module analyzes how some instances are refered: for a given set of instances, it will check all instances referencing them and do some stats about their type.

Let's have a look a this code: RefererScript.cs in MemoDummy

  private List<object> objectsList;
  private object[] objectsArray;
  private HashSet<object> objectsSet;
  public int NbObjects { get; set; } = 1000;

  public override void Run()
     objectsList = new List<object>();
     objectsArray = new object[NbObjects];
     objectsSet = new HashSet<object>();

     for(int i=0; i < NbObjects; i++)
       var o = new ComplexObject();
       switch (i%3) {
         case 0:
         case 1:
           objectsArray[i / 3] = o;
         case 2:

This piece of code will create NbObjects (=1000) instances of type ComplexObject, store one third of them in a List, one third in an Array and the rest in a HashSet.

This information is displayed in MemoScope:

Let's have a look at the result:

# Type Name # Instances # References References % Field Name
1 MemoDummy.ComplexObject 1,000 0 0.00 %
2 System.Object[] 9 667 66.70 % [ x ]
3 System.Collections.Generic.List< System.Object> 1 1 11.11 % _items
4 MemoDummy.RefererScript 1 1 11.11 % objectsArray
5 System.Collections.Generic.HashSet+Slot< System.Object> [ ] 7 333 33.30 % [ x ]
6 System.Collections.Generic.HashSet< System.Object> 1 1 14.29 % m_slots
7 MemoDummy.RefererScript 1 1 100.00 % objectsSet
  • Line #1: there are 1000 instances of type: ComplexObject
  • Line #2: there are 9 instances of type Object[] (array of object) referencing 667 instances of the previous line (1000) = 66.7 % of them. The "[ x ]" in the field column means that all ComplexObjects are members of the array but not with teh same index.
  • Line #3: There is one instance of type List referencing one of the 9 instances of type Object[]. 1 on 9 = 11.11 %.