All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Changed the regular "build" command from package.json to work with the new build file
- released dotnet-legacy:2.0.0
- Move build artifacts to dist directory under BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR
- Zip artifacts
- MyGet feed added to npmrc
- Added build argument for node version to dockerfiles
- Added file which houses the app -> version mappings and container build logic
- utilized the package.json file with some script to build different containers for different pieces of software
- Also exported built-time NODEVERSION as a runtime ENV variable.
Ubuntu image version updated to kinetic. Mono-complete replaced with mono-runtime. Dockerfile changed to multistage build. Nodejs is installed and managed with nvm. globalquotebuild stage for global-quote builds. defaultbuild stage for building the rest of TF2 application. config copying fixed. artifact copying fixed. selects and starts appropriate nodejs.
First official version :)