diff --git a/src/Website/docs/Blazor.md b/src/Website/docs/Blazor.md
index 5a8a9dd..56f9ac5 100644
--- a/src/Website/docs/Blazor.md
+++ b/src/Website/docs/Blazor.md
@@ -266,6 +266,68 @@ let cmd =
[| data |] CalledMyJSFunc Error
+#### Invoke instance method from JS
+First define some javascript. Notice the `onResize` will be provided to the JS environment, Blazor will create the machinery for us.
+window.generalFunctions = {
+ getSize: function(){
+ var size = { "height": window.innerHeight, "width" : window.innerWidth };
+ return size;
+ },
+ initResizeCallback: function(onResize) {
+ window.addEventListener('resize', (ev) => {
+ this.resizeCallbackJS(onResize);
+ });
+ },
+ resizeCallbackJS: function(callback) {
+ var size = this.getSize();
+ callback.invokeMethodAsync('Invoke', size.height, size.width);
+ }
+ };
+This should be loaded after the blazor WASM framework initialization.
+Use [DotNetObjectReference.Create()](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/blazor/call-dotnet-from-javascript?view=aspnetcore-3.1#instance-method-call) to create a DotNet JS interop object, this is passed to the Javascript environment. A helper `Callback` type, which when decorated with `JSInvokable`, allows the blazor framework to correctly identify & call the instance method. Create a `Cmd.ofSub` subscription during initialization, where the Javascript is instructed to call the `Invoke()` method on the .NET object. With this mechanism, a `WindowResize` message will be dispatched within Bolero on each `window.resize` DOM event.
+type Size(h:int, w:int) =
+ member this.Height with get() = h
+ member this.Width with get() = w
+ new() = Size(0,0)
+type Callback =
+ static member OfSize(f) =
+ DotNetObjectReference.Create(SizeCallback(f))
+and SizeCallback(f: Size -> unit) =
+ []
+ member this.Invoke(arg1, arg2) =
+ f (Size(arg1, arg2))
+type Message =
+ | Initialize
+ | WindowResize of Size
+let update (jsRuntime:IJSRuntime) message model =
+ let setupJSCallback =
+ Cmd.ofSub (fun dispatch ->
+ // given a size, dispatch a message
+ let onResize = dispatch << WindowResize
+ jsRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("generalFunctions.initResizeCallback", Callback.OfSize onResize).AsTask() |> ignore
+ )
+ match message with
+ | Initialize -> model, setupJSCallback
+ | WindowResize size ->
+ // handle window resize message
+ model, Cmd.none
#### HTML element references
[Blazor's type `ElementReference`](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/blazor/call-javascript-from-dotnet?view=aspnetcore-3.1#capture-references-to-elements) allows passing a reference to a rendered HTML element to JavaScript.