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101 lines (80 loc) · 2.74 KB

File metadata and controls

101 lines (80 loc) · 2.74 KB

What's is Gobuf?

Gobuf is a binary serialization format like protobuf.

But it didn't need any DSL file to define messages.

It just needs you write down data format by Go structs.

It can analize Go struct and generate marshaller and unmarshaller code automaticlly.

And it not only supports generate Go code but also C#.

It has a good plugin mechanism, let you can add different programming language generation easily.


 +-----------+           +-----------------+        +----------+          +-------------------+
 |  Go code  <-----------+  Gobuf Command  +-------->  Plugin  +---------->  Target Language  |
 +-----------+  analyze  +-----------------+  JSON  +----------+  output  +-------------------+
  1. Gobuf command line tool analyze a Go source file.
  2. Gobuf output type informations to command line standard output.
  3. Plugin use type informations to generate target language source code.


gobuf protocol.go | gobuf-cs >


Gobuf supports almost all kinds of Go data type, but it has some limits.

This is all the data types that Gobuf supports:

  • Type = Scalar | Composite
  • Scalar = Numberic | "string" | "bool"
  • Numeric = "int" | "uint" | "int8" | "uint8" | "int16" | "uint16" | "int32" | "uint32" | "int64" | "uint64" | "float32" | "float64"
  • Composite = Pointer | Array | Map | Bytes | Struct
  • Pointer = "*" ( Scalar | Struct )
  • Array = "[" "]" Type
  • Bytes = "[" "]" "byte"
  • Map = "map" "[" Scalar "]" Type
  • Struct = "type" Name "struct" "{" Name Type [";" Name Type] "}"

Type Maping

Gobuf maping Go type to different programming languages.

This is the type maping rule:

Go C#
int long
uint ulong
int8 sbyte
uint8 byte
int16 short
uint16 ushort
int32 int
uint32 uint
int64 long
uint64 ulong
float32 float
float64 double
bool bool
string utf8 string
[]byte byte[]
[]Type List<Type>
map[Scalar]Type Dictionary<Scalar, Type>
*Scalar Nullable<Scalar>
*Struct Class
Struct Class

Wired Format

Type Format
int base128 varint + zig-zag
uint base128 varint
int8, uint8, bool 1byte
int16, uint16 2byte little-endian
int32, uint32 4byte little-endian
int64, uint64 8byte little-endian
float32 convert to uint32 bits
float64 convert to uint64 bits
string uint(utf8_length) + utf8_length
[]byte uint(length) + length
[]Type uint(count) + items
map[Scalar]Type uint(count) + items(key + value)
*Scalar is_null ? uint8(0) : uint8(1) + element
*Struct is_null ? uint8(0) : uint8(1) + fields
Struct fields