An app to help transformnd ingest legacy datasets using streamlit.
Conversions of the perviouly made RShiny app used to convert tabular data with some newly added functions.
If you have any problems while running this program(come across bugs or the program fails to work with your dataset) or have any questions please feel free to email [email protected] with your concerns.
Starting off, data sets tend to look like this:
Date Management Unit County Sex Age Status Weight Length Unnamed: 8 Unnamed: 9 Unnamed: 10
0 5/19/87 Mt Emily Umatilla F 4 A 105.0 75.0 NaN NaN NaN
1 8/12/87 Chetco Curry F 5 A 64.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 9/21/87 Santiam Clackamas M 2 A 116.0 76.0 NaN NaN NaN
3 9/28/87 Chetco Curry F 3 A 74.0 70.0 NaN NaN NaN
4 10/4/87 McKenzie Lane F 2 A 76.0 73.0 NaN NaN NaN
... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
7836 11/7/2019 Starkey Union F 0 A 25.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
7837 11/7/2019 Starkey Union M 0 A 28.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
7838 11/7/2019 Starkey Union M 0 A 28.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
7839 11/30/2019 Siuslaw Lane M 0 A 37.0 52.0 NaN NaN NaN
7840 11/30/2019 Siuslaw Lane M 0 A 43.0 58.0 NaN NaN NaN
However, with a couple of conversions, it can be transformed into something like this
Date Sex Age materialSampleType Weight Length verbatimLocality yearCollected
0 1987-05-19 female 4 whole organism 47627.19885 1905.0 Mt Emily, Umatilla 1987
1 1987-08-12 female 5 whole organism 29029.91168 NaN Chetco, Curry 1987
2 1987-09-21 male 2 whole organism 52616.71492 1930.4 Santiam, Clackamas 1987
3 1987-09-28 female 3 whole organism 33565.83538 1778.0 Chetco, Curry 1987
4 1987-10-04 female 2 whole organism 34473.02012 1854.2 McKenzie, Lane 1987
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
7836 2019-11-07 female 0 whole organism 11339.80925 NaN Starkey, Union 2019
7837 2019-11-07 male 0 whole organism 12700.58636 NaN Starkey, Union 2019
7838 2019-11-07 male 0 whole organism 12700.58636 NaN Starkey, Union 2019
7839 2019-11-30 male 0 whole organism 16782.91769 1320.8 Siuslaw, Lane 2019
7840 2019-11-30 male 0 whole organism 19504.47191 1473.2 Siuslaw, Lane 2019
The functions offered by this program are limited at this time. However, datasets can still be cleaned and transformed using various functions found in the program.
To achive best results it is asked that all eventDates are set to a "year, month, day" format. To do this, follow these steps:
1) Open up data in excel
2) Select the column heading in which your date values are listed
3) Right click and select "Format Cells"
4) Go to the "eventDate" category
5) Select the "year-month-day" format and click "OK"
Function presented above allows for the transformation from vague descriptions like A, B, and C to descriptors that give more insight onto the dataset.
Once you have finished using this program please send a pull request for the updated matSampType dictionary file.
The sex functions also provides for more description within datasets. It takes values like "F" and "M" and changes them into "female" and "male". This function also checks for values that it does not recognize and changes them into "not collected".
This function goes through all of the column names in the user inserted dataframe and figures out which column names do not match the FuTRES template and which of the required column names are missing.
The verbaitm locality function combines the existing columns which holds data regarding the location of the data into one column.
The year collected function extracts information from the modified date column in order to only present the year in which the data was collected.
If your dataframe has a "country" column this function will make sure that all of the countries listed on there are GENOME recognized.
This function creates a unique materialSampleID for the dataframe.
The dataMelt function combines the quantitative measurements(like weight and length) into one column. This reduces size of the data frame and makes it cleaner.
Unit Converstion Function: Allow for a universally understood format which increases accessibility of the data.
If you have a mix of measurement units for a type of measurement (e.g., weight in grams and pounds), please standardize before proceeding.
Function changes values presented in the length column with the inch unit to millimeters (1 inch = 1.54 millimeters).
Changes values centimeter values in the length column to millimeters.
If values in the length column are in meters this function will change them to millimeters.
Measurements in the weight column which are initially in pounds are changed to grams (1 pound = 453.59237 grams).
Kilogram to gram conversion for the weight column.
Conversion of milligrams to grams for the weight column.
Once users are done applying all of their desired functions they can proceed to download the cleaned version of their original dataframe onto their local drive.