do odniesienia do odpowiednich sekcji, zamiast adresu HTTP. Lokalne XLink są zazwyczaj szybsze niż HTTP XLink.",
+ "system/xlinkResolver/ignore": "Elementy ignorowane przy rozdzielczości XLink",
+ "system/xlinkResolver/ignore-help": "Oddzielona przecinkami lista elementów ignorowanych przez rozdzielczość XLink",
+ "system/banner": "Application banner",
+ "system/banner/enable": "Aktywny",
+ "system/banner/enable-help": "If set, an application banner is displayed with the message configured. To configure the message, go to Language and translations and configure a translation with the key application-banner",
+ "system/auditable": "Audit changes",
+ "system/auditable/enable": "Allow auditing changes",
+ "system/auditable/enable-help": "When enabled, audits changes in users configuration",
+ "metadata/workflow": "Przepływ metadanych",
+ "metadata/workflow/automaticUnpublishInvalidMd": "Automatyczne wyłączenie upublicznienia nieprawidłowych metadanych",
+ "metadata/workflow/automaticUnpublishInvalidMd-help": "Automatically unpublishes metadata that is edited that becomes not valid according to xsd or schematron rules.",
+ "metadata/workflow/allowSubmitApproveInvalidMd": "Allow submission/approval of invalid metadata",
+ "metadata/workflow/allowSubmitApproveInvalidMd-help": "Allows the submission/approval of metadata that is not valid according to xsd or schematron rules.",
+ "metadata/workflow/allowPublishNonApprovedMd": "Allow publication of non-approved metadata",
+ "metadata/workflow/allowPublishNonApprovedMd-help": "Allows the publication of metadata that is not approved.",
+ "metadata/workflow/allowPublishInvalidMd": "Zezwalaj na publikowanie nieprawidłowych metadanych",
+ "metadata/workflow/allowPublishInvalidMd-help": "Umożliwia publikowanie metadanych, które nie są zgodne z regułami xsd lub schematronami.",
+ "metadata/workflow/draftWhenInGroup": "Activate workflow for record created in",
+ "metadata/workflow/enable": "Włączenie przepływu",
+ "draftWhenInGroup-all": "Any group",
+ "draftWhenInGroup-selection": "Selected groups",
+ "metadata/workflow/draftWhenInGroup-help": "Wyrażenie regularne w celu dopasowania grup, w których rekord musi być ustawiony automatycznie z projektem. na przykład. MYOCEAN-.* Aby dopasować wszystkie grupy zaczynające się od MYOCEAN-, GROUP1|GROUP2 w celu dopasowania GROUP1 lub GROUP2.",
+ "metadata/workflow/forceValidationOnMdSave": "Wymuś sprawdzanie poprawności w metadanych",
+ "metadata/workflow/forceValidationOnMdSave-help": "Gdy metadane są zapisywane, wymuś sprawdzenie poprawności",
+ "metadata/import": "Metadata import",
+ "metadata/import/restrict": "Restrict import to schemas",
+ "metadata/import/restrict-help": "Comma separated list of all allowed schemas for metadata to be imported. If the metadata schema is not allowed, then the import is not done. No value means all schemas allowed.",
+ "metadata/import/userprofile": "Minimum user profile allowed to import metadata",
+ "metadata/import/userprofile-help": "Minimum user profile allowed to import metadata (Editor, Reviewer or Administrator). The default value is Editor.",
+ "metadata/delete": "Metadata delete",
+ "metadata/delete/profilePublishedMetadata": "Minimum user profile allowed to delete published metadata",
+ "metadata/delete/profilePublishedMetadata-help": "Minimum user profile allowed to delete published metadata (Editor, Reviewer or Administrator). The default value is Editor.",
+ "metadata/batchediting": "Metadata Batch Editing",
+ "metadata/batchediting/accesslevel": "Select the minimum user profile allowed to access batch editing",
+ "metadata/batchediting/accesslevel-help": "Select the minimum user profile allowed to access batch editing (Editor, Reviewer or Administrator). The default value is Editor.",
+ "metadata/publication": "Metadata publication",
+ "metadata/publication/profilePublishMetadata": "Minimum user profile allowed to publish metadata",
+ "metadata/publication/profilePublishMetadata-help": "Minimum user profile allowed to publish metadata (Reviewer or Administrator). The default value is Reviewer.",
+ "metadata/publication/profileUnpublishMetadata": "Minimum user profile allowed to un-publish metadata",
+ "metadata/publication/profileUnpublishMetadata-help": "Minimum user profile allowed to un-publish metadata (Reviewer or Administrator). The default value is Reviewer.",
+ "metadata/history": "Metadata History",
+ "metadata/history/accesslevel": "Select the minimum user profile allowed to view metadata history",
+ "metadata/history/accesslevel-help": "Select the user profile allowed to view metadata history (Registered User, Editor or Administrator). The Registered User configuration can view the history with view permission granted to the metadata record. The Editor configuration can view the history with editing permission granted to the metadata record. The default value is Editor.",
+ "minimumProfileForPrivileges": "Minimum user profile allowed to set privileges",
+ "minimumProfileForPrivilegesHelp": "Specifies the lowest user profile needed within a group to assign privileges for that group on a record. Users below this profile cannot set privileges for the group, and the group will be disabled in the privilege assignment interface. Default: No Restrictions (any editor for a record can set privileges for this group).",
+ "filterStatusByAuthor": "Status author",
+ "filterStatusByOwner": "Status owner",
+ "filterStatusByRecordId": "Record identifier",
+ "filterStatusFromDate": "Status after date",
+ "filterStatusToDate": "Status before date",
+ "systemInformation": "Informacja o systemie",
+ "criticalSystemStatus": "Krytyczne kontrole systemu",
+ "warningSystemStatus": "Nie-krytyczne kontrole systemu",
+ "CswGetCapabilitiesHealthCheck": "CSW GetCapabilities operation",
+ "DashboardAppHealthCheck": "Dashboard application",
+ "CswGetRecordsHealthCheck": "CSW GetRecords operation",
+ "DatabaseHealthCheck": "Połączenie bazy danych",
+ "DeadlockedThreadsHealthCheck": "Dead locked threads",
+ "IndexHealthCheck": "Remote index",
+ "NoIndexErrorsHealthCheck": "Metadata index errors",
+ "FreeConnectionsHealthCheck": "Dostępne połączenia w bazie danych",
+ "Free file handles": "Wystarczające wolne uchwyty plików",
+ "HarvestersHealthCheck": "No harvesting errors",
+ "targetEditor": "Edytor celu",
+ "targetGroup": "Grupa celu i edytor",
+ "testCSW": "Test CSW",
+ "testFormatter": "Test formatera",
+ "testProcess": "Test",
+ "thesaurus": "Słownik",
+ "thesaurusClass": "Typ słownika",
+ "thesaurusExternalHelp": "External thesauri are in read only mode.",
+ "thesaurusIdentifier": "File name",
+ "thesaurusNamespace": "Przestrzeń nazw",
+ "thesaurusPlaceHelp": "Thesauri of type place contain bounding boxes of each concept. They could be used to automatically compute record extent from keywords.",
+ "thesaurusTitle": "Tytuł",
+ "thesaurusDescription": "Opis",
+ "customizeNamespace": "Customize namespace",
+ "thesaurusUploadHelp": "Thesauri in SKOS format are supported. File could have xml or rdf extensions.",
+ "thesaurusUrl": "URL",
+ "recordsRemoved": "rekord(ów) zostały usunięte",
+ "recordsTransfered": "record(s) transferred",
+ "recordsHarvestedIn": "rekord(y) zebrane w",
+ "themesCssProps": "Schemas and Themes",
+ "thredds-serviceUrlHelp": "Thredds catalog URL - must end in catalog.xml",
+ "thredds-createServiceMd": "Create ISO19119 metadata for all services in the thredds catalog",
+ "thredds-createServiceMdHelp": "Create ISO19119 metadata for all services in the thredds catalog. Typically these are opendap, OGC WMS and the thredds Netcdf subset service. All files in the catalog will be inserted in the operatesOn section of the service record.",
+ "thredds-metadataLanguage": "Język",
+ "thredds-outputSchema": "Wybierz schemat dla wyjściowych rekordów metadanych",
+ "thredds-datasetTitle": "Dataset Title",
+ "thredds-datasetTitleHelp": "Enter the Title for the dataset. Default is catalog url.",
+ "thredds-datasetAbstract": "Dataset Abstract",
+ "thredds-datasetAbstractHelp": "Enter the Abstract for the dataset. Default is 'Thredds Dataset'.",
+ "thredds-serviceTypeHelp": "Choose WMS, NetcdfSubset, dods",
+ "thredds-topic": "ISO19115 Topic category for output metadata records",
+ "thredds-serviceCategory": "Geonetwork category to assign to service metadata records",
+ "thredds-datasetCategory": "Geonetwork category to assign to dataset metadata records",
+ "time": "Czas",
+ "totalNumberOfRecords": "rekordów w katalogu",
+ "totalNumberOfRecordsHelp": "Całkowita ilość rekordów widocznych dla ciebie.",
+ "totalSearches": "Całkowita ilość wyszukań",
+ "searchesWithNoHits": "Całkowita ilość wyszukań bez rezultatu",
+ "transfertPriv": "Prześlij",
+ "transfertPrivs": "Przenoszenie własności",
+ "translationForCategory": "Tłumaczenia dla",
+ "translationForGroup": "Tłumaczenia dla",
+ "typeOfServiceUsed": "Typ usług używanych do wyszukiwania",
+ "unchecked": "Niesprawdzone",
+ "updateCategory": "Aktualizuj",
+ "updateGroup": "Aktualizuj grupę",
+ "updateHarvester": "Aktualizuj zbieracza",
+ "updateKeyword": "Zapisz",
+ "updateMapServer": "Aktualizuj",
+ "updateStandard": "Aktualizuj",
+ "updateUser": "Aktualizuj użytkownika",
+ "uploadThesaurus": "Wgraj",
+ "useCtrlClickToUnselect": "Użyj CTRL + kliknij, aby usunąć zaznaczenie grupy",
+ "aReviewerInAGroupIsAlsoAnEditor": "Recenzent w grupie będzie również ustawić edytor tej grupy",
+ "url-host-relocator": "URL zamiennika",
+ "urlPrefix": "Prefiks adresu URL do wyszukiwania",
+ "urlUpdater": "Zaktualizuj adresy URL w rekordach metadanych",
+ "use": "Użyj",
+ "useAccount": "Zdalne uwierzytelnienie",
+ "useLogoForCatalog": "Użyj go dla węzła",
+ "useLogoForCatalogFavicon": "Użyj go do węzła ulubionych ikony",
+ "userRecord": "wpis znaleziony dla",
+ "userRecords": "wpisy znalezione dla",
+ "userUpdateError": "Nie można utworzyć lub zaktualizować użytkownika",
+ "userUpdated": "Użytkownik zaktualizowany",
+ "users": "Użytkownicy",
+ "valid": "Poprawny",
+ "value": "Wartość",
+ "history": "Record history (events, workflow and tasks)",
+ "versionHistory": "Log wersjonowania",
+ "vcshistory": "Versioning control system history",
+ "versioning": "Wersjonowanie",
+ "viewDEBUG": "Zobacz debugowanie",
+ "viewHTML": "Zobacz HTML",
+ "viewXML": "Zobacz XML",
+ "visibleToAll": "Publiczny",
+ "visibleToNobody": "Prywatny",
+ "wcsurl": "Adres usługi WCS",
+ "webdav-recurse": "Albo szukaj w podfolderach",
+ "webdav-recurseHelp": "Szukaj metadanych w podkatalogach Webdav.",
+ "webdav-subtype": "Typ protokołu",
+ "webdav-subtypeHelp": "Typ protokołu",
+ "webdav-url": "URL",
+ "webdav-urlHelp": "Adres serwera Webdav",
+ "wfsfeature-recordsCategory": "Kategoria danych wyjściowych metadanych",
+ "wfsfeature-subtemplateCategory": "Kategoria dla wpisów w katalogu",
+ "wfsfeatures-createSubtemplates": "Utwórz sub-szablon",
+ "wfsfeatures-createSubtemplatesHelp": "Utwórz sub-szablon dla każdej funkcji WFS",
+ "wfsfeatures-metadataLanguage": "Język",
+ "wfsfeatures-metadataLanguageHelp": "Język metadanych",
+ "wfsfeatures-outputSchema": "Standard metadanych",
+ "wfsfeatures-outputSchemaHelp": "Schemat wyjściowy do żądania ze schematu wyjściowego",
+ "wfsfeatures-query": "Zapytanie OGC WFS GetFeature",
+ "wfsfeatures-queryHelp": "Zapytanie WFS GetFeature umożliwiające pobieranie tych funkcji",
+ "wfsfeatures-streamFeatures": "Zapisz dużą odpowiedź na dysk",
+ "wfsfeatures-streamFeaturesHelp": "If the response is large, save it to disk instead of keeping it in memory",
+ "wfsfeatures-stylesheet": "Arkusz stylów do tworzenia fragmentów",
+ "wfsfeatures-stylesheetHelp": "Arkusz stylów do zastosowania do każdej funkcji do tworzenia metadanych z każdej z nich",
+ "wfsfeatures-templateId": "Wybierz szablon do złączenia z fragmentami",
+ "wfsfeatures-templateIdHelp": "Wybierz szablon do złączenia z fragmentami",
+ "wfsurl": "Adres usługi WFS",
+ "wmsurl": "Adres usługi WMS",
+ "workspace": "Przestrzeń robocza",
+ "workspace-help": "Namespace prefix and namespace URL corresponding to the workspace data has to be published in.",
+ "xlinkCacheHelp": "Pamięć podręczna XLink do wstawiania wpisów do katalogu w plikach metadanych. Aktualizując katalogi, może zajść konieczność wyczyszczenia buforu XLink w przypadku, gdy wpisy nie są aktualizowane w powiązanych dokumentach.",
+ "xlinkCacheCleared": "Bufor XLink został opróżniony",
+ "xml.relation": "Połącz zapytanie",
+ "system.xslt.factory": "Fabryka systemu XSLT",
+ "xslt.factory": "Fabryka XSLT",
+ "z3950-clearConfig": "Wyczyść konfigurację serwera Z3950",
+ "z3950-clearConfigHelp": "Wyczyść konfigurację serwera Z3950",
+ "z3950-host": "Adres serwera",
+ "z3950-hostHelp": "Adres serwera z3950",
+ "z3950-port": "Port",
+ "z3950-portPort": "port serwera z3950",
+ "NOVALIDATION": "Zaakceptuj wszystkie metadane bez sprawdzania poprawności",
+ "XSDVALIDATION": "Zaakceptuj metadane, które są zgodne z XSD",
+ "SCHEMATRONVALIDATION": "Zaakceptuj metadane XSD i poprawność schematronu",
+ "production": "Produkcyjny",
+ "development": "Rozwojowy",
+ "logoRemoved": "Logo usunięte",
+ "testing": "Testowy",
+ "profileUpdated": "Profil systemu został zaktualizowany",
+ "profileUpdatedFailed": "Błąd przy aktualizacji profilu systemu",
+ "GNIDX-XSL": "Błąd transformacji XSLT",
+ "GNIDX-GEOWRITE": "Wystąpił błąd podczas zapisywania geometrii w indeksie przestrzennym",
+ "GNIDX-GEO": "Błąd przy indeksowaniu geometrii",
+ "GNIDX-BADNUMVALUE": "Błąd podczas przetwarzania wartości indeksu lucene na liczbę",
+ "indexingErrors": "Błąd indeksowania",
+ "indexingError-warning": "Indexing Warning",
+ "indexingError-error": "Indexing Error",
+ "manageSources": "Źródła",
+ "threadStatus": "Status wątku",
+ "doSaveConfirm": "Czy chcesz zapisać zmiany?",
+ "unsavedChangesWarning": "Masz niezapisane zmiany\n\n\nCzy nadal chcesz opuścić stronę i stracić zmiany?",
+ "uiConfigUpdateError": "Error saving user interface configuration",
+ "selectForError": "Naciśnij, aby wyświetlić informację o błędzie",
+ "map/config": "Konfiguracja map",
+ "map/proj4js": "Lista CRS",
+ "region": "Region API",
+ "region/getmap": "Żądanie GetMap",
+ "region/getmap/background": "Mapa podkładowa, adres URL or ID Nazwanej Warstwy",
+ "region/getmap/mapproj": "Układ współrzędnych mapy",
+ "region/getmap/summaryWidth": "Sumaryczna długość",
+ "region/getmap/useGeodesicExtents": "Display geodesic extents",
+ "region/getmap/useGeodesicExtents-help": "By default, the displayed metadata extents are planar (i.e. rectangular). If you enable this option, the metadata extents will become geodesic. If the map uses a projected coordinate system, this may lead to non-rectangular extents (e.g. trapezoid).",
+ "region/getmap/width": "Wługość",
+ "metadata/editor": "Edytor konfiguracji metadanych",
+ "metadata/editor/schemaConfig": "Standardowa konfiguracja",
+ "metadata/backuparchive": "Backup archive",
+ "metadata/backuparchive/enable": "Aktywny",
+ "metadata/backuparchive/enable-help": "Activate nightly backup archive on server. Add a download archive button in admin/tools interface.",
+ "downloadBackupArchive": "Download backup archive",
+ "downloadBackupArchiveHelp": "Download a MEF file containing all inner metadatas of the catalog (non harvested including templates).",
+ "APITest": "API doc & test",
+ "APIHelp": "Documentation and testing page for the GeoNetwork API. Learn how to use the REST API.",
+ "triggerBackupArchive": "Generate backup archive",
+ "triggerBackupArchiveHelp": "Backup archive are done nightly but you can trigger it manually.",
+ "generatingArchiveBackup": "The generation of a backup archive has started.",
+ "ui/config": "Znajdź konfigurację aplikacji",
+ "ui/config-help": "Configure the search application. Define main options of the layout and modules of the search interface.",
+ "ui": "Interfejs użytkownika",
+ "logActivity": "Aktywność",
+ "serviceUrlHelp": "Adres usługi bez parametru GetCapabilities",
+ "serviceTypeHelp": "Typ usługi",
+ "selectExistingLogo": "Wybierz z istniejących ikon",
+ "versionInformation": "Version Information",
+ "git.tags": "Current git tag (if any)",
+ "": "Commit hash",
+ "git.branch": "Branch base for the build",
+ "": "Inferred version",
+ "": "Timestamp of the build",
+ "testClientConfig": "Testuj konfigurację klienta",
+ "resetDefaultConfig": "Resetuj konfigurację",
+ "ui-workflowSearchRecordTypes": "Workflow / Search / Display draft, approved or both",
+ "ui-workflowSearchRecordTypes-help": "Define what to display in editor board search panel:- [\"n\", \"e\"] display approved version (default)
- [\"n\", \"y\"] will show draft
- [\"n\", \"e\", \"y\"] will show both draft and approved
. \"n\" is for record without draft, \"e\" for approved record and \"y\" for draft record.",
+ "ui-mod-header": "Górny pasek narzędziowy",
+ "ui-mod-footer": "Footer",
+ "ui-mod-cookieWarning": "Cookie warning",
+ "ui-mod-directory": "Katalog/ścieżka",
+ "ui-createPageTpl": "New metadata page layout",
+ "ui-createPageTpl-horizontal": "Horizontal",
+ "ui-createPageTpl-vertical": "Vertical",
+ "ui-createPageTpl-other": "Custom",
+ "ui-resultViewTpls-icon": "Icon",
+ "ui-resultViewTpls-tplUrl": "HTML template URL",
+ "ui-resultViewTpls-tooltip": "Tooltip",
+ "ui-resultViewTpls-relatedTypes": "(optional) Related types to load",
+ "ui-resultViewTpls-source": "(optional) Fields to exclude",
+ "ui-languages": "Lista języków",
+ "ui-filters": "Filtry",
+ "ui-minUserProfileToCreateTemplate": "Which minimum profile is required to manage/create template?",
+ "ui-minUserProfileToCreateTemplate-help": "Can be one of: '', 'Editor', 'Reviewer', 'UserAdmin', 'Administrator'. Depending on the user highest profile, user may not be able to import a record as a template or subtemplate, save a record as a template in the editor or manage directory templates. This applies only to the user interface, not to the API. '' means that all users can create template.",
+ "ui-facetTabField": "Pole aspektu do wyświetlania przy użyciu kart",
+ "ui-facetTabField-help": "Pole etykiety zostanie wyświetlone nad wynikami wyszukiwania.",
+ "ui-filters-help": "Add extra filters to add to any search queries. See the documentation for more information.",
+ "ui-languages-help": "Define the list of languages in the language selector",
+ "ui-mod-home": "Strona główna",
+ "ui-appUrl": "Adres URL aplikacji",
+ "ui-appUrl-help": "URL which can contain the following variables between '{' and '}': - node for the current portal
- lang for 3 letters language code
- isoLang for 2 letters language code.
+ "ui-advancedSearchTemplate": "Template for advanced search form",
+ "ui-advancedSearchTemplate-help": "Allows the customization of the advanced search form with a custom template.",
+ "ui-mod-search": "Aplikacja wyszukiwania",
+ "ui-hitsperpageValues": "Ilość pozycji na stronie",
+ "ui-paginationInfo": "Domyślna ilość pozycji na stronie",
+ "ui-sortbyValues": "Rodzaj opcji sortowania",
+ "ui-sortBy": "Domyślne sortowanie według opcji",
+ "ui-sortbyValues-help": "For sort fields that can be multilingual, can be used the placeholder ${searchLang}. For example: resourceTitleObject.${searchLang}.keyword, to use the sort field based on the user interface language.",
+ "ui-facetsSummaryType": "Rodzaj aspektu",
+ "ui-facetsSummaryType-help": "List of facets is defined in the config-summary.xml file but the user can select a different set of facets. Default is 'details'. Other options: 'manager'.",
+ "ui-resultViewTpls": "Lista szablonów wyników wyszukiwania",
+ "ui-resultTemplate": "Domyślny szablon używany do wyników wyszukiwania",
+ "ui-formatter": "Lista formaterów dla widoku rekordu",
+ "ui-formatter-conditional-views": "Conditional views",
+ "ui-formatter-help": "Configure which formatter to use and optionally add conditional views to load formatter depending on record properties. eg. [\n {\n \"if\": {\n \"standardName\": [\n \"ISO 19115:2003/19139 - EMODNET - BATHYMETRY\",\n \"ISO 19115:2003/19139 - EMODNET - HYDROGRAPHY\"\n ]\n },\n \"url\": \"/formatters/xsl-view?root=div&view=emodnetHydrography\"}]",
+ "ui-downloadFormatter": "List of formatter for record export",
+ "ui-linkTypes": "Lista typów łączy",
+ "ui-mod-map": "Aplikacja mapy",
+ "ui-map": "Domyślny kontekst mapy do użycia",
+ "ui-projection": "Układ współrzędnych mapy",
+ "ui-projectionList": "List of map projections to display bounding box coordinates in",
+ "ui-useOSM": "Użyj OSM",
+ "ui-useOSM-help": "Użyj OSM",
+ "ui-scoreConfig": "Search result score configuration",
+ "ui-scoreConfig-help": "See Elasticsearch documentation",
+ "ui-autocompleteConfig": "Autocompletion configuration",
+ "ui-autocompleteConfig-help": "Configuration must have a query.multi_match.query which will be set on autocompletion.",
+ "ui-facetConfig": "Facets configuration",
+ "ui-facetConfig-help": "This configuration is used to display facets, using either bucket aggregations (terms, filters and histogram are currently supported). See Elasticsearch documentation for more information.",
+ "ui-listOfServices": "Lista preferowanych usług OGC",
+ "ui-listOfServices-help": "Jeśli nie zdefiniowano, usługa rekordów metadanych jest proponowana użytkownikom",
+ "ui-storage": "Trwałe preferencje użytkownika",
+ "ui-storage-help": "'' or 'sessionStorage' or 'localStorage'. An empty value means that the viewer map will not be saved when leaving the application and restored when coming back.",
+ "ui-switcherProjectionList": "Projections to display maps into",
+ "ui-switcherProjectionList-help": "These are the projections to show on the projections switcher of the main map. Remember to complete the definition if it is not already available.",
+ "ui-isExportMapAsImageEnabled": "Export map as image",
+ "ui-isExportMapAsImageEnabled-help": "This requires CORS to be enabled on the WMS services used in the map application. If not sure, you should disable that option as it may cause trouble displaying WMS layers.",
+ "ui-is3DModeAllowed": "Zezwalaj na tryb 3D",
+ "ui-is3DModeAllowed-help": "If enabled, user can switch the map to 3D mode. The map viewer needs to be enabled also. If you don't want to enable the 3D mode for all users, adding '' in the URL will also load 3D mode.",
+ "ui-singleTileWMS": "Use a single tile for WMS services",
+ "ui-singleTileWMS-help": "If enabled, a single image is requested to the WMS service, otherwise tiles are requested. When the 3D mode is enabled, the value of this setting is ignored and it's used tiling as 3D mode doesn't support single tiles.",
+ "ui-isUserRecordsOnly": "Only my records",
+ "ui-isUserRecordsOnly-help": "If enabled, the checkbox \"Only my records\" will be checked by default in the editor dashboard",
+ "ui-isFilterTagsDisplayed": "Display filter tags in dashboard",
+ "ui-isFilterTagsDisplayed-help": "If enabled, display the list of filters applied in the dashboard and the batch editor dashboard",
+ "ui-isFilterTagsDisplayedInSearch": "Display filter tags in the search results",
+ "ui-isFilterTagsDisplayedInSearch-help": "If enabled, display the list of filters applied in the search results page",
+ "ui-searchMapPlacement": "Search result map placement",
+ "searchMapPlacement-facets": "Above search filter",
+ "searchMapPlacement-results": "Lower right to results",
+ "searchMapPlacement-": "Not display",
+ "ui-searchMapPlacement-help": "Define where to display the search results map highlighting records bounding box.",
+ "ui-showStatusFooterFor": "Highlight status in the record footer",
+ "ui-showStatusFooterFor-help": "List of codelist values (eg. completed,historicalArchive,obsolete,superseded) for which the footer has the status background color.",
+ "ui-showBatchDropdown": "Show the selection dropdown in the search page",
+ "ui-showBatchDropdown-help": "When enabled the user is able to select records in the search results and change the records in batch",
+ "map/isMapViewerEnabled": "Włącz przeglądarkę map",
+ "map/isMapViewerEnabled-help": "Jeśli nie zostanie zaznaczona, karta mapy zostanie wyłączona i nie będzie używana.",
+ "ui-isSaveMapInCatalogAllowed": "Zezwalaj użytkownikom na zapisywanie map jako rekordów metadanych",
+ "ui-isSaveMapInCatalogAllowed-help": "Z przeglądarki map można ustawić tytuł mapy i streszczenie i zapisać mapę bezpośrednio w kontekście OWS w katalogu jako rekord metadanych.",
+ "ui-isAccessible": "Make the Map accessible",
+ "ui-isAccessible-help": "When the Map is accessible it can be used with a keyboard and will work when it has the focus. Note: when the Map is accessible zoom in and out with a mouse won't work until the map has the focus",
+ "ui-advancedConfig": "Konfiguracja JSON",
+ "ui-workflowAssistApps": "List of workflow assist apps",
+ "ui-workflowAssistApps-help": "External Workflow assist applications. For example: App url:{isoLang}/{uuid} Label Key: WorkflowAssistApps-example-label. (this key should present in *-custom.json for translations.). URL can contain the following variables between '{' and '}': - uuid for the current metadata uuid
- lang for 3 letters language code
- isoLang for 2 letters language code.
+ "ui-workflowAssistApps-appUrl": "URL",
+ "ui-workflowAssistApps-appLabelKey": "Label Key",
+ "ui-mod-admin": "Konsola administracyjna",
+ "ui-mod-editor": "Edytor aplikacji",
+ "ui-mod-authentication": "Authentication",
+ "ui-mod-workflowHelper": "Workflow assist",
+ "ui-signinUrl": "Sign in application URL",
+ "ui-signoutUrl": "Sign out application URL",
+ "ui-signinUrl-help": "URL of the home page. Can contain the following variables between 2 opening and closing '{': - node for the current portal
- lang for 3 letters language code
- isoLang for 2 letters language code.
+ "ui-signoutUrl-help": "URL of the home page. Can contain the following variables between 2 opening and closing '{': - node for the current portal
- lang for 3 letters language code
- isoLang for 2 letters language code.
+ "ui-mod-global": "General options",
+ "ui-humanizeDates": "Humanize dates",
+ "ui-humanizeDates-help": "For selected dates, if checked, show the date in human friendly format, for example \"3 days ago\". If not set, show the full date.",
+ "ui-searchMapLayers": "Search Map Layers",
+ "ui-searchMapLayers-help": "Optional. Define here layers that will be used in the search map. Type can be: wmts, osm, bing_aerial, stamen, etc.",
+ "ui-viewerMapLayers": "Viewer Map Layers",
+ "ui-viewerMapLayers-help": "Optional. Define here background layers to add on top of layers in the default map context.",
+ "ui-disabledTools": "Optional Map Viewer Tools",
+ "ui-disabledTools-help": "You can decide to show or hide these tools in the map viewer. Selected tools will be shown to the users.",
+ "ui-graticuleOgcService": "OGC Service to use as graticule",
+ "ui-graticuleOgcService-help": "Optional. For now, only WMS services are supported.",
+ "ui-usersearches": "User custom searches",
+ "ui-savedSelection": "Saved selections",
+ "ui-enabled": "Enabled",
+ "ui-displayFeaturedSearchesPanel": "Display featured user searches panel in home page",
+ "confirmDeleteThesaurus": "Are you sure you want to delete this thesaurus?",
+ "confirmDeleteKeyword": "Are you sure you want to delete this keyword?",
+ "switchLangTo": "Switch language...",
+ "showResultsCount": "Show {{count}} results",
+ "keywordMissingValue": "missing value",
+ "editKeyword": "Edit keyword",
+ "allLanguage": "Wszystko",
+ "allLanguage-help": "Wyświetl wszystkie języki",
+ "oneLanguage": "Jeden",
+ "oneLanguage-help": "Wybierz jeden język do edycji przy użyciu selekcji",
+ "ui-mod-geocoder": "Gazetteer",
+ "ui-geocoder-help": "Insert the url of Gazetteer service and the behaviour (alt or default)",
+ "ui-mapExtent": "DEPRECATED! Map Extent",
+ "ui-mapExtent-help": "DEPRECATED! Extent coordinates to use for maps other that viewer and search maps.",
+ "ui-mapBackgroundLayer": "DEPRECATED! Map Background Layer",
+ "ui-mapBackgroundLayer-help": "DEPRECATED! Define here the background layer to use for maps other that viewer and search maps.",
+ "ui-map-viewer": "Viewer Map Configuration",
+ "ui-map-viewer-help": "This configuration is used for the viewer map. Every parameter is optional. The context is applied first, then the extent and layers. Supported types are: osm, bing_aerial, wmts, wms.",
+ "ui-map-search": "Search Map Configuration",
+ "ui-map-search-help": "This configuration is used for the search map. Every parameter is optional. The context is applied first, then the extent and layers. Supported types are: osm, bing_aerial, wmts, wms.",
+ "ui-map-editor": "Editor Maps Configuration",
+ "ui-map-editor-help": "This configuration is used for the editor maps (bounding box and geometry editor). Every parameter is optional. The context is applied first, then the extent and layers. Supported types are: osm, bing_aerial, stamen, wmts, wms.",
+ "ui-map-thumbnail": "Metadata Thumbnail Map Configuration",
+ "ui-map-thumbnail-help": "This configuration is used for the metadata editor map to generate thumbnails. Every parameter is optional. The context is applied first, then the extent and layers. Supported types are: osm, bing_aerial, stamen, wmts, wms.",
+ "mapConfigContext": "Path to the context file (XML)",
+ "mapConfigContext-help": "URL to the map context file which can contain the variable lang, for 3 letters language code, between '{' and '}'",
+ "mapConfigExtent": "Extent, expressed in current projection",
+ "mapConfigLayers": "Layer objects in JSON: {\"type\"=\"XXX\",\"arg1\":\"YYY\",...}",
+ "mapConfigSearchGeodesicExtents": "Display geodesic extents for metadata results",
+ "mapConfigSearchGeodesicExtents-help": "By default, the displayed metadata extents are planar (i.e. rectangular). If you enable this option, the metadata extents will become geodesic. If the map uses a projected coordinate system, this may lead to non-rectangular extents (e.g. trapezoid).",
+ "system/xlinkResolver/referencedDeletionAllowed": "Allow deletion of subtemplates referenced through an xlink.",
+ "system/xlinkResolver/referencedDeletionAllowed-help": "Checked means allow.",
+ "ui-grid": "Search results configuration",
+ "gridConfigRelatedTypes": "Related metadata types to query",
+ "gridConfigRelatedTypes-help": "Possible types include children, parent, services, fcats, datasets, sibling.",
+ "gnBackgroundCss": "Background",
+ "styleVariable-gnBackgroundImage": "Image",
+ "styleVariable-gnBackgroundColor": "Kolor",
+ "gnMenubarCss": "Menubar",
+ "styleVariable-gnMenubarBackground": "Background",
+ "styleVariable-gnMenubarBackgroundActive": "Background when active",
+ "styleVariable-gnMenubarColor": "Kolor",
+ "styleVariable-gnMenubarColorHover": "Color on mouse hover",
+ "styleVariable-gnMenubarBorderColor": "Border color",
+ "gnBottombarCss": "Bottombar",
+ "styleVariable-gnBottombarBackground": "Background",
+ "styleVariable-gnBottombarBackgroundHover": "Background color on hover",
+ "styleVariable-gnBottombarColor": "Kolor",
+ "styleVariable-gnBottombarColorHover": "Color on mouse over",
+ "styleVariable-gnBottombarBorderColor": "Border color",
+ "gnTopicsCss": "Temat",
+ "styleVariable-gnTopicsBackgroundColor": "Background",
+ "gnInfoCss": "Info",
+ "styleVariable-gnInfoBackgroundColor": "Background",
+ "gnResultcardsCss": "Result Card",
+ "styleVariable-gnResultcardBackgroundColor": "Background",
+ "styleVariable-gnResultcardTitleBackgroundColor": "Title background",
+ "gnResultsCss": "Result",
+ "styleVariable-gnResultsBackgroundColor": "Background",
+ "gnMdViewCss": "Metadata view",
+ "styleVariable-gnMdViewBackgroundColor": "Background",
+ "gnCssStyleIntroMessage": "Properties defined here replace the default system properties. An empty field restores the corresponding default value.",
+ "exportSettings": "Export settings",
+ "uploadSettings": "Upload settings",
+ "settingsUpdateError": "Error during settings update",
+ "restoreDefaultSettings": "Restore default settings",
+ "restoreDefaultStyleConfirm": "Confirm to restore default default style values. Current changes will be lost.",
+ "gnUploadCssStyle": "Upload a JSON style file",
+ "record-links": "Record links analysis",
+ "recordLinksDashboard": "Record links analysis",
+ "recordLinksDashboardSubtitle": "Here are listed all record links analyzed. For each link, the history of all checks is provided.",
+ "downloadAsCsv": "Download (CSV)",
+ "downloadAsCsv-help": "Export link analysis as CSV format. Limited to 20000 links. Use the page parameter if you need more than that.",
+ "lastCheck": "Last check",
+ "associatedRecords": "Associated records",
+ "wfs-indexing": "Feature harvesters",
+ "wfsIndexingTitle": "WFS Indexing Dashboard",
+ "wfsIndexingSubtitle": "Here are listed the ongoing and finished jobs for indexing features from remote WFS services. Once indexed, features can then be filtered according to their attributes and the filter applied to the original map layer.",
+ "wfsIndexingFeatureType": "Feature type",
+ "wfsIndexingMetadata": "Associated metadata",
+ "wfsIndexingMetadataNotFound": "Metadata could not be found.",
+ "wfsIndexingMetadataUuid": "Metadata UUID",
+ "wfsIndexingRefreshError": "An error occurred when refreshing the list:",
+ "wfsIndexingError": "Error encountered",
+ "fromRegistry": "From registry",
+ "registry-help": "Re3gistry software is a tool to publish registers. Registers provide a means to assign identifiers to items and their labels, definitions and descriptions (in different languages). The INSPIRE registry provides a central access point to a number of centrally managed INSPIRE registers.",
+ "registryChooseLanguages": "Choose one or more language",
+ "registryChooseLanguages-help": "Select languages you need depending on the languages you are using in your metadata. Depending on the number of languages selected, a multilingual thesaurus will be created.",
+ "registryUrl": "Registry URL",
+ "registryChooseType": "Choose registry item class",
+ "registryChooseItem": "Choose registry collection",
+ "registryUseInspireOne": "Use INSPIRE registry",
+ "validatorUseInspireOne": "Use INSPIRE validator",
+ "registryFailedToLoadItem": "Failed to load item collection.",
+ "registryNoItemFound": "No collection found. Choose another item class.",
+ "registryNoLanguage": "One language is required.",
+ "registryNoClassFound": "No class found in that registry. Check the URL?",
+ "registryFailedToLoadClass": "No class found in that registry. Check the URL?",
+ "indexInEsDoneError": "There is an error with the index. See the logs for details",
+ "indexInEsDone": "The indexing operation was successfull",
+ "ui-externalViewer": "External viewer",
+ "ui-externalViewer-enabled": "Use an external viewer",
+ "ui-externalViewer-enabled-help": "When using map-related functionalities, the user will be redirected to a third party application. Will disable the default Geonetwork map.
Please note that most settings within this section will not be effective anymore.",
+ "ui-externalViewer-baseUrl": "Viewer base URL",
+ "ui-externalViewer-baseUrl-help": "This URL must point to the external viewer application and will be used when the user clicks on the 'map' tab. Mandatory.",
+ "ui-externalViewer-urlTemplate": "Viewer URL template",
+ "ui-externalViewer-urlTemplate-help": "This URL will be used to add layers to the external viewer. Available tokens are: ${md.uuid}
, ${}
, ${md.url}
, ${service.url}
, ${service.type}
, ${}
, ${service.title}
. Mandatory.",
+ "ui-externalViewer-valuesSeparator": "Values separator",
+ "ui-externalViewer-valuesSeparator-help": "This will be used when the user requests visualization of multiple layers.",
+ "ui-externalViewer-openNewWindow": "Open new window",
+ "ui-externalViewer-openNewWindow-help": "If checked, the external viewer will be opened in a new tab/window.",
+ "projectionSwitcherTool": "Projection Switcher Tool",
+ "ui-minx": "Min X",
+ "ui-maxx": "Max X",
+ "ui-miny": "Min Y",
+ "ui-maxy": "Max Y",
+ "ui-minlon": "Min Lon",
+ "ui-maxlon": "Max Lon",
+ "ui-minlat": "Min Lat",
+ "ui-maxlat": "Max Lat",
+ "ui-worldExtent": "World Extent",
+ "ui-extent": "Extent",
+ "ui-resolutions": "Resolutions",
+ "ui-definition": "Definicja",
+ "ui-label": "Etykieta",
+ "ui-code": "Kod",
+ "ui-getProj": "Retrieve projection settings from {{value}}",
+ "ui-extent-help": "This is the default extent of the map for this projection in projected units (e.g. metre). This is a mandatory field if the projection is not already defined in GeoNetwork.",
+ "ui-worldExtent-help": "This is the maximum world extent of the map for this projection in degrees (longitude-latitude). This is a mandatory field if the projection is not already defined in GeoNetwork.",
+ "ui-label-help": "Label to show on the user interface to identify this projection. This is a mandatory field.",
+ "ui-code-help": "EPSG unique identifier for this projection e.g. 'EPSG:4326'. This is a mandatory field. Click the globe button to auto-populate all settings.",
+ "ui-resolutions-help": "Allowed resolutions (zooms) for this projection. This is an optional field.",
+ "ui-definition-help": "Definition for Proj4 library. This is a mandatory field if the projection is not defined already in GeoNetwork. Without a definition, the map can't work.",
+ "ui-mod-recordview": "Record View",
+ "ui-isSocialbarEnabled": "Show Social bar",
+ "ui-isSocialbarEnabled-help": "Show the button bar with all the social buttons (facebook, twitter, etc.)",
+ "ui-showStatusWatermarkFor": "Show a watermark",
+ "ui-showStatusWatermarkFor-help": "List of codelist values (eg. completed,historicalArchive,obsolete,superseded) for which the record status as a watermark displayed through the text",
+ "ui-showStatusTopBarFor": "Show status bar",
+ "ui-showStatusTopBarFor-help": "List of codelist values (eg. completed,historicalArchive,obsolete,superseded) for which the record status as a bar at the top of the record",
+ "ui-isLogoInHeader": "Show the logo in header",
+ "ui-isLogoInHeader-help": "Show the logo in the header, above the navigation bar. The logo in the navigation bar will be removed. Only for the public pages (not the editor or admin).",
+ "ui-logoInHeaderPosition": "Position of logo",
+ "ui-logoInHeaderPosition-help": "Position of the logo in the header",
+ "ui-isHeaderFixed": "Fix the header",
+ "ui-isHeaderFixed-help": "The header is fixed and stays at the top of the page. Attention: when the option [Show the logo in header] is also selected, the header needs a set height. This can be done under [CSS & Style] > [Header] > [Height]",
+ "ui-sortKeywordsAlphabetically": "Sort keywords / categories / topic categories alphabetically",
+ "ui-sortKeywordsAlphabetically-help": "Display the keywords / categories / topic categories sorted alphabetically. If not enabled are displayed in the order that are assigned to the metadata.",
+ "left": "Left",
+ "center": "Center",
+ "right": "Right",
+ "gnHeaderCss": "Header",
+ "styleVariable-gnHeaderBackground": "Background",
+ "usersInGroup": "Users in group",
+ "removeSource": "Usuń",
+ "addSubPortal": "Add portal",
+ "subPortalGroupOwner": "User admin group",
+ "subPortalGroupOwnerHelp": "Users with the user admin profile for this group will be able to manage this portal (ie. change name, logo, filter, user interface configuration).",
+ "sources-help": "There are 3 types of sources: the main catalogue, a sub-portal which can be a subset of the main catalogue, and harvesters.",
+ "sourceUpdated": "Source updated",
+ "source-harvester": "Zbieracz",
+ "source-subportal": "Portal",
+ "source-portal": "Main catalogue",
+ "sourceUuid": "Identyfikator",
+ "sourceUuid-help": "Unique identifier of the portal used in the URL. MUST be composed of letters, numbers, '-' and '_' only.",
+ "sourceUrlInfo": "This portal is accessible from here and the CSW endpoint from here",
+ "sourceName": "Nazwa",
+ "sourceName-help": "Portal short name. MUST be composed of letters, numbers, '-' and '_' only. Once created, use the translations to define labels to be displayed in the toolbar.",
+ "sourceFilter": "Filtr wyszukiwania",
+ "sourceFilter-help": "Additional search criteria to be added to any searches made in the portal. This is a lucene expression. eg. +keyword:inspire",
+ "displayInHeaderSwitcher": "Display in the portal switcher",
+ "displayInHeaderSwitcher-help": "If enabled the portal will displayed on the list of available portals in the site header portal selector",
+ "sourceLogo": "Logo",
+ "sourceLogo-help": "Portal logo to be displayed in the toolbar.",
+ "sourceUiConfig": "Konfiguracja interfejsu użytkownika",
+ "sourceUiConfig-help": "See user interface tab to create new configuration.",
+ "ui-editorIndentType": "Editor page indent type",
+ "ui-editorIndentType-default": "Default, minimal indents",
+ "ui-editorIndentType-colored": "Colored indents",
+ "filterSettings": "Filter settings",
+ "filterPlaceHolder": "e.g. INSPIRE",
+ "filterReset": "Reset the filter",
+ "distributedSearch": "Distributed search",
+ "distributedSearchHelp": "Enables the distributed search in remote server (if the remote server supports it). When this option is enabled, the remote catalog cascades the search to the Federated CSW servers that has configured.",
+ "hopCount": "Hop count",
+ "hopCountHelp": "Control the maximum number of message hops (default to 2) before the search is terminated in a distributed search.",
+ "ui-showSocialBarInFooter": "Show Social bar",
+ "ui-showSocialBarInFooter-help": "Show the button bar with all the social buttons (facebook, twitter, etc.) in the footer of GeoNetwork",
+ "ui-showApplicationInfoAndLinksInFooter": "Show GeoNetwork version and links",
+ "ui-showApplicationInfoAndLinksInFooter-help": "Show the application version and links in the catalog page footer",
+ "ui-fluidLayout": "Fluid container for Home and Search",
+ "ui-fluidLayout-help": "If enabled, the layout of the application has a full width container, when disabled the layout has a fixed width and centered container",
+ "ui-fluidEditorLayout": "Fluid container for the Editor",
+ "ui-fluidEditorLayout-help": "If enabled, the layout of the application has a full width container, when disabled the layout has a fixed width and centered container",
+ "ui-fluidHeaderLayout": "Fluid container for Header and Top menu",
+ "ui-fluidHeaderLayout-help": "If enabled, the layout of the header and top menu has a full width container, when disabled the layout has a fixed width and centered container",
+ "ui-showGNName": "Show the catalog name in the Top menu",
+ "ui-showGNName-help": "If enabled, the name of GeoNetwork will be shown in the top menu, when disabled the name will be hidden",
+ "ui-cookieWarningMoreInfoLink": "Link to more info about cookies",
+ "ui-cookieWarningMoreInfoLink-help": "If not empty this link will be shown in the Cookie Warning widget inviting the user to look for more information about cookies",
+ "ui-cookieWarningRejectLink": "URL where the user will be redirected if Reject cookies is chosen",
+ "ui-cookieWarningRejectLink-help": "If not empty the user will be redirected to this URL on cookies rejection. If empty GeoNework will redirect teh user to the last visited URL (history.back())",
+ "styleVariable-gnMenubarBackgroundHover": "Background color on hover",
+ "styleVariable-gnMenubarColorActive": "Color when active",
+ "metadata/pdfReport": "Metadata selection - pdf report",
+ "metadata/pdfReport/coverPdf": "Cover pdf",
+ "metadata/pdfReport/coverPdf-help": "URL of the cover pdf for the PDF report. If not defined, no cover page is added to the report.",
+ "metadata/pdfReport/introPdf": "Introduction pages pdf",
+ "metadata/pdfReport/introPdf-help": "URL of the pdf with the introduction pages for the PDF report. If not defined, no introduction pages are added to the report.",
+ "metadata/pdfReport/headerLeft": "Header text (left)",
+ "metadata/pdfReport/headerLeft-help": "The following template values are allowed: {date}, {siteInfo}.",
+ "metadata/pdfReport/headerRight": "Header text (right)",
+ "metadata/pdfReport/headerRight-help": "The following template values are allowed: {date}, {siteInfo}.",
+ "metadata/pdfReport/footerLeft": "Footer text (left)",
+ "metadata/pdfReport/footerLeft-help": "The following template values are allowed: {date}, {siteInfo}.",
+ "metadata/pdfReport/footerRight": "Footer text (right)",
+ "metadata/pdfReport/tocPage": "Add table of contents (TOC) page",
+ "metadata/pdfReport/pdfName": "Report file name",
+ "metadata/pdfReport/pdfName-help": "Report file name. The following template fields are allowed to be used: {year}, {month}, {day}, {date} and {datetime}. Template fields are replaced with the related date values. {date} uses 'yyyyMMdd' format and {datetime} uses 'yyyyMMddHHmmss' format.",
+ "metadata/pdfReport/headerLogoFileName": "Top banner file name",
+ "metadata/pdfReport/headerLogoFileName-help": "When a file is given, the pdf will be generated using this image as its top banner instead of its default one. Please add this image using the add new logo feature.",
+ "metadata/csvReport": "Metadata selection - csv export",
+ "metadata/csvReport/csvName": "CSV export file name",
+ "metadata/csvReport/csvName-help": "Export metadata in CSV format file name. The following template fields are allowed to be used: {year}, {month}, {day}, {date} and {datetime}. Template fields are replaced with the related date values. {date} uses 'yyyyMMdd' format and {datetime} uses 'yyyyMMddHHmmss' format.",
+ "gnSearchCss": "Search Box",
+ "styleVariable-gnSearchOutlineColor": "Border color for when the search box has the focus",
+ "styleVariable-gnSearchButtonBackgroundColor": "Background color for the search button",
+ "styleVariable-gnSearchButtonColor": "Text color for the search button",
+ "analyzeLinks": "Analyze all records",
+ "analyzeLinks-help": "For all records in the catalogue, extract links and analyze URL status.",
+ "refreshLinks": "Odśwież",
+ "removeAllLinksAndStatus": "Remove all",
+ "removeAllLinksAndStatusConfirm": "Are you sure to remove all links and status history?",
+ "moreLinks": "More links ...",
+ "ui-defaultSearchString": "Default search",
+ "ui-defaultSearchString-help": "This configuration lets you define a default filter for the search. The syntax is the one used in the angular facet query array.",
+ "ui-autoFitOnLayer": "Always zoom on data",
+ "ui-autoFitOnLayer-help": "If checked, the map will automatically zoom on data when adding a layer from a record. Otherwise, a message will be shown to let the user zoom on data manually.",
+ "styleVariable-gnHeaderHeight": "Height",
+ "styleVariable-gnSearchBackgroundColor": "Background color",
+ "confirmDeletecategory": "Are you sure you want to delete this category?",
+ "ui-mod-page": "Static pages",
+ "logoHeight": "Logo height",
+ "logoSelect": "Logo Selection",
+ "filterLogo": "Filter on the logo name",
+ "ui-addWMSLayersToMap": "Add WMS layers from metadata to the map viewer",
+ "ui-urlLayerParam": "URL parameter with the layer name",
+ "ui-addWMSLayersToMap-urlLayerParam": "URL parameter with the layer name",
+ "ui-addWMSLayersToMap-urlLayerParam-help": "If the WMS layer name is configured in the metadata resource url, configure the url parameter that contains the layer name.",
+ "confirmRemoveLogo": "Are you sure you want to delete this logo?",
+ "groupRemoved": "Group removed",
+ "userRemoved": "User removed",
+ "ui-relatedFacetConfig": "Related records facets config",
+ "ui-relatedFacetConfig-help": "This configuration is used to display facets for metadata relations, using either bucket aggregations (terms, filters and histogram are currently supported). See Elasticsearch documentation for more information.",
+ "ui-mainThesaurus": "Thesaurus keywords to highlight",
+ "ui-mainThesaurus-help": "Choose thesaurus that you want keywords to be displayed as badges.",
+ "confirmUiDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete this UI configuration?",
+ "ui-searchResultContact": "Results / Default type of contacts to display in the search results",
+ "ui-searchResultContact-help": "Select the default type of contacts to display in the search results. If the metadata doesn't have contacts of the selected type, the contact organisation for the resource is displayed (if available).",
+ "Org": "Contact organisation for the metadata",
+ "OrgForResource": "Contact organisation for the resource",
+ "OrgForDistribution": "Contact organisation for distribution",
+ "notificationLevel-statusUserOwner": "Notify the status owner user",
+ "notificationLevel-catalogueAdministrator": "Notify catalogue administrator mail address defined in the Settings > Feedback",
+ "notificationLevel-catalogueProfileAdministrator": "Notify the catalogue administrators",
+ "notificationLevel-catalogueProfileUserAdmin": "Notify the catalogue user administrators",
+ "notificationLevel-catalogueProfileReviewer": "Notify the catalogue reviewers",
+ "notificationLevel-catalogueProfileEditor": "Notify the catalogue editors",
+ "notificationLevel-catalogueProfileRegisteredUser": "Notify the catalogue registered user",
+ "notificationLevel-catalogueProfileGuest": "Notify the catalogue guest",
+ "notificationLevel-recordProfileReviewer": "Notify the reviewers part of the record group owner",
+ "notificationLevel-recordUserAuthor": "Notify the record author",
+ "notificationLevel-recordGroupEmail": "Notify the group(s) emails",
+ "confirmMapserverDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete this Map server?",
+ "confirmSourceDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete this portal?",
+ "confirmMetadataIdentifierTemplateDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete this metadata identifier template?",
+ "uiConfigDeleteError": "Error deleting user interface configuration",
+ "sourceRemoved": "Source removed",
+ "sourceRemovedError": "Error while removing the source",
+ "saveThesaurus": "Zapisz",
+ "manageStaticPages": "Static pages",
+ "newStaticPage": "New static page",
+ "updateStaticPage": "Update static page",
+ "confirmStaticPageDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete the static page?",
+ "staticPageUpdated": "Static page updated",
+ "staticPageUpdateError": "Error occurred while saving the static page",
+ "staticPageDeleteError": "Error while removing the static page",
+ "staticPageRemoved": "Static page removed",
+ "chooseStaticPageFile": "Choose or drop static page file here",
+ "ui-topCustomMenu": "Header custom menu items",
+ "ui-topCustomMenu-help": "List of static page IDs associated with the header section to display: - When a list is provided, the links are displayed in the order provided and only for the pages listed.
- When a list is not provided, all static pages configured for the header section are displayed, with no guaranteed order.
.\nPages can be inserted in between catalogue default menu which are:
[\"gn-site-name-menu\",\n \"gn-portal-switcher\",\n \"gn-search-menu\",\n \"gn-map-menu\",\n \"gn-contribute-menu\",\n \"gn-admin-menu\"]
. Insert a page as a simple menu using its id eg. \"documentation\"
or as a submenu using an object: {\"Quick search\": [\n \"searchForAfrica\", \n \"forReview\"\n]}
+ "ui-footerCustomMenu": "Footer custom menu items",
+ "ui-footerCustomMenu-help": "List of static page IDs associated with the footer section to display: - When a list is provided, the links are displayed in the order provided and only for the pages listed.
- When a list is not provided, all static pages configured for the footer section are displayed, with no guaranteed order.
+ "es.url": "Elasticsearch server",
+ "es.version": "Elasticsearch version",
+ "es.index": "Index name",
+ "systemPropertiesProxyConfiguration": "Using http proxy settings in system properties.",
+ "app.version": "Application version",
+ "app.subVersion": "Application minor version",
+ "fieldRequired": "The value is required",
+ "fieldTooLong": "The value is too long",
+ "fieldTooShort": "The value is too short",
+ "fieldEmailNotValid": "A valid email address is required",
+ "formConfirmExit": "The form has changes, if you exit the changes will be lost. Do you want to exit on the page?",
+ "manageDoiServers": "DOI servers",
+ "doiservers": "DOI servers",
+ "doiservers-description": "A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is an alphanumeric string assigned to uniquely identify an object. It is tied to a metadata description of the object as well as to a digital location, such as a URL, where all the details about the object are accessible. More information available on DataCite website.",
+ "newDoiServer": "Nowy serwer",
+ "updateDoiServer": "Update server",
+ "doiserver-name": "Server name",
+ "doiserver-description": "Opis",
+ "doiserver-url": "DataCite API endpoint",
+ "doiserver-url-help": "Usually or for testing.",
+ "doiserver-apiKey": "API Key",
+ "doiserver-landingPageTemplate": "Landing page URL template",
+ "doiserver-landingPageTemplate-help": "The URL to use to register the DOI. A good default for GeoNetwork is http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/resources/records/\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}. The landing page URL MUST contains the UUID of the record.",
+ "doiserver-publicUrl": "Final DOI URL prefix",
+ "doiserver-publicUrl-help": "Keep it empty to use the default prefix. Use when using the test API.",
+ "doiserver-username": "DataCite username",
+ "doiserver-password": "DataCite password",
+ "doiserver-password-help": "All requests to the MDS API require authentication. For this reason, only traffic via a secure connection (HTTPS) is supported. The DataCite Metadata Store (MDS) uses HTTP Basic authentication. You can obtain an account here.",
+ "doiserver-pattern": "DOI pattern",
+ "doiserver-pattern-help": "Default is '\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}' but the DOI structure can be customized with database id and/or record group eg. 'example-\\{\\{groupOwner\\}\\}-\\{\\{id\\}\\}'",
+ "doiserver-prefix": "DataCite prefix",
+ "doiserver-prefix-help": "Usually looks like 10.xxxx. You will be allowed to register DOI names only under the prefixes that have been assigned to you.",
+ "doiserver-recordGroups": "Record groups",
+ "doiserver-recordGroups-help": "When creating a DOI, only DOI server(s) associated with the record group are proposed. If record group is not associated with any DOI servers, then DOI servers with no group are proposed.",
+ "doiserver-defaultApiText": "DataCite API",
+ "doiserver-testApiText": "DataCite API test",
+ "doiserver-euApiText": "Publication Office of the European Union",
+ "confirmDoiServerDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete this DOI server?",
+ "NoTranslationProvider": "No translation provider",
+ "LibreTranslate": "Libretranslate",
+ "userHistory": "User history",
+ "userHistoryRevision": "Updated by {{revisionUser}} on {{revisionDate}}:",
+ "userHistoryFieldUpdate": "Field '{{fieldName}}' changed from '{{oldValue}}' to '{{newValue}}'",
+ "userHistoryFieldSet": "Field '{{fieldName}}' set to '{{newValue}}'",
+ "userHistoryFieldUnset": "Field '{{fieldName}}' unset",
+ "noUserHistory": "No user history available"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pl-core.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pl-core.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..029415a0764
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pl-core.json
@@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
+ "Administrator": "Administrator",
+ "all": "wszystko",
+ "allInPage": "wszystko na stronie",
+ "addToSelection": "Dodaj do ...",
+ "removeFromSelection": "Usuń z ...",
+ "AnonymousUserlist": "Preferowane pozyjce",
+ "MapLayerlist": "Dodaj do listy map",
+ "basket": "Koszyk",
+ "emptyBasket": "Pusty koszyk",
+ "searchSelectedRecord": "Szukaj rekordów",
+ "advanced": "Advanced",
+ "basic": "Basic",
+ "none": "brak",
+ "indexNotAvailable": "No search service available currently!",
+ "BadParameterEx": "Zły parametr",
+ "Editor": "Edytor",
+ "Keywords": "Słowa kluczowe",
+ "crs": "Układ współrzędnych",
+ "search": "Wyszukiwanie",
+ "METADATA": "Metadane",
+ "RegisteredUser": "Zarejestrowany użytkownik",
+ "Reviewer": "Recenzent",
+ "SUB_TEMPLATE": "Wpis w katalogu",
+ "TEMPLATE_OF_SUB_TEMPLATE": "Template for directory entry",
+ "TEMPLATE": "Szablon",
+ "indexWFSFeatures": "Indeksacja danych",
+ "reindexWFSFeatures": "Czyszczenie i indeksacja danych",
+ "docTypeNotIndexed": "Funkcje nie zaindeksowane",
+ "recordType-y": "Szablon",
+ "recordType-n": "Metadane",
+ "recordType-s": "Wpis w katalogu",
+ "recordType-t": "Template for directory entry",
+ "UserAdmin": "Administrator użytkowników",
+ "duplicatedValueFound": "Value '{{value}}' already exists. Choose another one.",
+ "duplicatedValueFoundHarvesterName": "Harvester name '{{value}}' already exists. It is recommended to choose another name.",
+ "tooManyItemsInSelection": "Too many items in selection. Maximum {{maxSize}} items allowed.",
+ "categories": "Kategorie",
+ "learnTheApi": "Dowiedz się, jak używać REST API katalogu",
+ "category": "Kategoria",
+ "groupOwner": "Grupa",
+ "groupPublished": "Opublikowane w tej grupie",
+ "indexingError": "Błąd indeksowania",
+ "source": "Katalog",
+ "addRecordToSelection": "Add to the selection",
+ "removeRecordFromSelection": "Remove from the selection",
+ "indexRecord": "Index record",
+ "indexRecords": "Index records",
+ "previousKeywords": "Poprzedni",
+ "previousPage": "Poprzednia strona",
+ "nextPage": "Następna strona",
+ "chooseImage": "Choose or drop an image here",
+ "topConcepts": "Najlepsze pojęcia",
+ "viewSelectionOnly": "Tylko zaznaczone",
+ "add": "Dodaj",
+ "address": "Adres",
+ "personal": "Personal",
+ "gnToggle": "Pokaż/ukryj sekcję",
+ "cookieWarning": "This web page uses cookies. If you continue using this page, we will assume you accept this.",
+ "moreOnCookie": "Want to know more about this message?",
+ "acceptCookie": "Akceptuję",
+ "rejectCookie": "Zabierz mnie stąd",
+ "adminConsole": "Panel administracyjny",
+ "loadCapabilitiesLayers": "Wczytaj warstwy usługi",
+ "any": "Pełnotekstowy",
+ "anyPlaceHolder": "Znajdź ...",
+ "VALID": "Poprawny",
+ "INVALID": "Niepoprawny",
+ "clickToFilterOn": "Focus on",
+ "NEVER_CALCULATED": "Nie walidowany",
+ "validStatus-1": "Poprawny",
+ "validStatus-0": "Niepoprawny",
+ "validStatus--1": "Nie walidowany",
+ "lastInspireValidationStatus": "Last INSPIRE validation status",
+ "validInspireStatus--1": "INSPIRE never validated",
+ "validInspireStatus-1": "INSPIRE valid",
+ "validInspireStatus-0": "INSPIRE invalid",
+ "wfsNoOutputFormats": "No output format found in download service capability.",
+ "fre": "Francuski",
+ "roh": "Rumantsch",
+ "ara": "Arabski",
+ "kor": "Koreański",
+ "by": "przez",
+ "cat": "Kataloński",
+ "swe": "Svenska",
+ "catalog": "katalog",
+ "chi": "Chiński",
+ "city": "Miasto",
+ "cl_status": "Status",
+ "cl_couplingType": "Coupling type",
+ "associatedResources": "Powiązane zasoby",
+ "brothersAndSisters": "Siblings",
+ "moreInfoOnRecord": "more ...",
+ "comments": "Komentarz",
+ "country": "Kraj",
+ "validateLinks": "Validate record links",
+ "metadataLinksValidated": "Link validation started.",
+ "validateSelectedRecordConfirm": "Czy na pewno chcesz sprawdzić {{selectedCount}} wybrane pozycje?",
+ "validateLinksSelectedRecordConfirm": "Do you really want to validate links of the {{selectedCount}} selected record(s)?",
+ "validateSelectedRecordINSPIREConfirm": "Do you really want to validate in INSPIRE validator the {{selectedCount}} selected record(s)?",
+ "restoreValueFromHistoryConfirm": "Confirm to restore the current element from history",
+ "regions": "Regiony",
+ "gemetKeywords": "Słowa kluczowe GEMET ",
+ "createAnAccount": "Utwórz konto",
+ "createDateYear": "Rok utworzenia",
+ "createDateYears": "Lata",
+ "dataset": "Zbiór danych",
+ "day": "Dzień",
+ "deleteRecordConfirm": "Do you really want to remove '{{resourceTitle}}'?",
+ "deleteSelectedRecordConfirm": "Na pewno chcesz usunąć {{selectedCount}} zaznaczone pozycje ?",
+ "cofirmEditApproved": "Editing an approved record will bring it back to the draft state. Do you want to continue?",
+ "denominators": "Skala",
+ "docNotFound": "Uwaga ! Strona {{page}} nie została znaleziona w dokumentacji.",
+ "docPageNotFoundAtUrl": "Documentation page not available at URL:",
+ "dut": "Holenderski",
+ "east": "Wschód",
+ "addThoseCategories": "Merge selected",
+ "replaceByThoseCategories": "Aktualizuj",
+ "categoriesBatchAlert": "When updating categories, user can choose to merge the new categories to the existing ones or to replace them.
Clicking on Merge selected will add (checked with +) or remove (checkbox with -) selected categories.
Clicking on Update will remove record categories and then add (checked with +) or remove (checkbox with -) categories.",
+ "editorBoard": "Dodaj nową pozycję",
+ "contribute": "Współpraca",
+ "email": "E-mail",
+ "eng": "Angielski",
+ "errorEmailAddressAlreadyRegistered": "Adres e-mail jest już używany",
+ "errorIs": "Błąd jest",
+ "featureCatalog": "Katalog funkcji",
+ "frequency": "Częstotliwość",
+ "feebackSent": "Twoja wiadomość została wysłana do zarządcy katalogu.",
+ "feebackSentError": "An error occurred sending your to the catalog manager. Please try again later, contact the service provider, or report this issue.",
+ "feedbackNotEnable": "Informacja zwrotna nie jest dostępna.",
+ "filter": "Filtr",
+ "filterSearch": "Wyświetl opcje wyszukiwania",
+ "fin": "Fiński",
+ "forgetDetails": "Porzucić wprowadzone informacje?",
+ "forgetDetailsInfo": "Użyj funkcji odzyskiwania hasła.",
+ "from": "Od",
+ "collapseAllFacet": "Zwiń wszystkie wystąpienia",
+ "expandAllFacet": "Rozwiń wszystkie wystąpienia",
+ "ger": "Niemiecki",
+ "groupOwners": "Grupy",
+ "hour": "Godzina",
+ "inspireThemes": "Tematy INSPIRE",
+ "inspireThemesURI": "Tematy INSPIRE",
+ "inspiretheme": "Tematy INSPIRE",
+ "inspireNotAllowedError": "Not allowed to use the resource",
+ "inspireNotFoundError": "Resource not found",
+ "inspireServiceError": "Remote validation error: verify the URL",
+ "inspireNotAcceptableError": "Metadata schema not supported",
+ "inspirePopupReportTitle": "INSPIRE validation report",
+ "inspirePopupReportText": "The validation tests ended with status:",
+ "inspirePopupReportLink": "Click here for more details",
+ "notAllowedError": "Not allowed to current profile",
+ "notFoundError": "Resource not found",
+ "internalServerError": "Internal Server Error",
+ "recordRestored": "Record restored",
+ "confirmRestore": "Do you want to overwrite the current data with the values saved in the selected record?",
+ "ita": "Włoski",
+ "keyword": "Słowa kluczowe",
+ "keywordFilter": "Wyrażenia filtrujące",
+ "keywords": "Słowa kluczowe",
+ "recordOwner": "Record owner",
+ "groupRecordOwner": "Group record owner",
+ "map": "Mapa",
+ "makeYourMap": "Mapa",
+ "metadataPOCs": "Kontakt dla metadanych",
+ "month": "Miesiąc",
+ "msgNoCatalogInfo": "Could not retrieve catalog information.",
+ "msgNoUserInfo": "Nie można uzyskać informacji o użytkowniku.",
+ "msgUserAuthenticated": "Użytkownik {{username}} uwierzytelniony.",
+ "name": "Nazwa",
+ "needAnAccount": "Need an account?",
+ "needAnAccountInfo": "Zarejestruj się, to zajmie tylko chwilę.",
+ "needHelp": "Potrzebna pomoc",
+ "newAccountInfo": "When registering, an email will be sent to you with account details. The catalogue administrator will review group and profile requests.",
+ "next": "Następny",
+ "noFileSelected": "Nie zaznaczono pliku",
+ "noRecordFound": "Brak pozycji",
+ "nor": "Norweski",
+ "bboxIdentifier": "Identyfikator geograficzny",
+ "bboxDescription": "Geographic description",
+ "north": "Północ",
+ "metadataAuthor": "Pozycja utworzona przez użytkownika",
+ "zarooResult": "Nie znaleziono pozycji!",
+ "Clear": "Czyść",
+ "ClearTitle": "Czyść kryteria wyszukiwania, filtrowania i sortowania.",
+ "hitsPerPage": "Pozycji na stronie",
+ "chooseRecordsPerPage": "Naciśnij aby wybrać ilość pozycji na stronie",
+ "sortedBy": "Sortuj wg {{field}}",
+ "sortBy-changeDateDesc": "last updates",
+ "sortBy-createDateDesc": "new records",
+ "sortBy-resourceTitleObject.default.sort": "title (ascending)",
+ "sortBy-resourceTitleObject.default.sortDesc": "title (descending)",
+ "sortBy-relevance": "trafności",
+ "sortBy-ratingDesc": "oceny",
+ "rating": "oceny",
+ "popularity": "popularności",
+ "sortBy-popularityDesc": "popularności",
+ "sortBy-denominatorDesc": "od niskiej skali ",
+ "sortBy-denominatorAsc": "od wysokiej skali",
+ "selected": "zaznaczone",
+ "actionsOnSelection": "Wybierz akcję aby zastosować do zaznaczonych ...",
+ "clickToSelect": "Naciśnij, aby zaznaczyć/odznaczyć ...",
+ "notifications": "Powiadomienia",
+ "orgName": "Kontakt do zasobu",
+ "orgNames": "Kontakt do zasobu",
+ "orgNamesTree": "Kontakt do zasobu",
+ "topicCat": "Temat",
+ "topicCats": "Temat",
+ "organisation": "Organizacja",
+ "organization": "Organizacja",
+ "atomChooseLayerToAdd": "Select a source",
+ "mapLoadError": "Błąd ładowania mapy z adresu '{{url}}'.",
+ "emptyMapLoadError": "Mapa z adresu '{{url}}' jest pusta.",
+ "privilegesUpdated": "Uprawnienia zaktualizowane.",
+ "privilegesUpdatedError": "Błąd przy aktualizacji uprawnień.",
+ "password": "Hasło",
+ "passwordMinlength": "Password must contain at least {{length}} characters!",
+ "passwordNotMatching": "Hasła nie są jednakowe!",
+ "passwordMaxlength": "Password must contain at most {{length}} characters!",
+ "passwordPattern": "Password must contain at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 number and 1 symbol. Symbols include: `~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{}\\|;:'\",.<>/?');",
+ "passwordOld": "Old password",
+ "passwordRepeat": "Powtórz hasło",
+ "groupNameMaxlength": "Group name can not exceed 255 characters!",
+ "categoryNameMaxlength": "Category name can not exceed 255 characters!",
+ "portalNameMaxlength": "Portal name can not exceed 255 characters!",
+ "portalIdMaxlength": "Portal identifier can not exceed 255 characters!",
+ "groupDescriptionMaxlength": "Group description can not exceed 255 characters!",
+ "groupEmailMaxlength": "Group email can not exceed 128 characters!",
+ "pol": "Polski",
+ "por": "Portugalski",
+ "poweredBy": "Napędzany przez GeoNetwork (open source)",
+ "previous": "Poprzedni",
+ "profile": "Profil użytkownika",
+ "recoverPassword": "Zapomniałeś hasła",
+ "register": "Rejestracja",
+ "rememberMe": "Zapamiętaj mnie",
+ "requestedProfile": "Żądany profil",
+ "requestedGroup": "Requested group",
+ "resetPassword": "Resetowanie hasła",
+ "resetPasswordTitle": "Zresetowano hasło {{user}}.",
+ "resetPasswordError": "Error occurred while resetting password",
+ "rus": "Rosyjski",
+ "save": "Zapisz",
+ "scrollTop": "Przewiń do góry",
+ "selectAll": "Wszystko",
+ "selectNone": "Brak",
+ "send": "Wyślij",
+ "startVersioning": "Rozpoczęcie wersjonowania",
+ "startVersioning-help": "Zapisz historię wersji (beta)",
+ "setMetadataGroup": "Zmień grupę metadanych",
+ "setMetadataCategories": "Zmień kategorię metadanych",
+ "sendAComment": "Wyślij komentarz",
+ "sendPasswordLinkToMyEmail": "Wyślij link do zmiany hasła na mój e-mail",
+ "service": "Usługa",
+ "serviceType": "Typ usługi",
+ "serviceTypes": "Typy usług",
+ "signIn": "Zaloguj się",
+ "signedInAs": "Zalogowany jako",
+ "signout": "Wyloguj",
+ "signoutDescription": "You are already logged in, click the button to logout.",
+ "somethingWrong": "Coś jest nie tak!",
+ "south": "Południe",
+ "siblings": "Powiązane zasoby",
+ "sourceDatasets": "Źródłowy zbiór danych",
+ "isSourceOfDatasets": "Źródłowym zbiorem danych jest",
+ "spa": "Hiszpański",
+ "spatialRepresentationTypes": "Reprezentowane typy",
+ "spatialRepresentationType": "Reprezentowany typ",
+ "cl_spatialRepresentationType": "Reprezentowany typ",
+ "state": "Status",
+ "map-static": "Mapa statyczna",
+ "surname": "Nazwisko",
+ "title": "Tytuł",
+ "to": "Do",
+ "on": "z",
+ "off": "off",
+ "toggleScrollSpy": "Przełącz nawigator przewijania",
+ "tur": "Turecki",
+ "types": "Typ zasobu",
+ "until": "Dopóki",
+ "assignCategoryError": "Błąd podczas przypisania do kategorii '{{category}}'.",
+ "updatePassword": "Aktualizuj",
+ "upload": "Wgraj",
+ "uuid": "Identyfikator",
+ "url": "URL",
+ "resetUrl": "Reset URL",
+ "records": "pozycja(e)",
+ "responsiblePartyEmail": "Kontakt",
+ "call": "Telefon",
+ "pleaseWait": "please wait",
+ "weblink": "Linki",
+ "downloads": "Pobierz",
+ "maps": "Mapy",
+ "resetOps": "Zresetuj operacje",
+ "addThoseOperations": "Merge selected",
+ "replaceByThoseOperations": "Aktualizuj",
+ "spatialExtent": "Zasięg przestrzenny",
+ "sessionIsAboutToBeCancelled": "Your session is about to be cancelled!",
+ "sessionAlertMsg": "Ostatnia aktywność zarejestrowano o {{startedAt}} i twoja sesja wygaśnie za {{willBeCancelledIn}} sek. (maksymalny czas bezczynności wynosi {{length}} sek.). Należy zapisać swoją pracę, jeśli masz jakieś niezapisane zmiany! Jeśli nie, zostaniesz wkrótce rozłączony.",
+ "sessionWillExpireIn": "Twoja sesja wygaśnie za {{remainingTime}}. Zapisz swoją pracę!",
+ "sessionIsProbablyCancelled": "Your session was probably cancelled on the server!",
+ "sessionAlertDisconnectedMsg": "Ostatnia aktywność zarejestrowano o {{startedAt}} i twoja sesja wygasła (maksymalny czas bezczynności wynosi {{length}} sek.). Należy odświeżyć stronę i zobaczyć, czy sesja jest aktywna lub zalogować się jeszcze raz!",
+ "layersLoading": "Dodawanie warstw do mapy ...",
+ "updateStatus": "Aktualizacja statusu wpisu",
+ "resourceContact": "Kontakt do zasobu",
+ "taskOwner": "Task owner",
+ "taskDueDate": "Due date",
+ "taskCloseDate": "Close date",
+ "taskMessage": "Message",
+ "restore": "Restore",
+ "viewPreviousVersion": "View Previous Version",
+ "viewChangedVersion": "View Changed Version",
+ "triggerTask": "Trigger task",
+ "closeTask": "Close task",
+ "enableWorkflow": "Włączenie przepływu",
+ "recordHistory": "History",
+ "recordHistory-workflow": "Workflow status is now {{text}}.",
+ "removeHistoryStep": "Remove step",
+ "workflowType": "Workflow",
+ "taskType": "Task",
+ "eventType": "Event",
+ "metadataViewLoadError": "An error occurred while loading a metadata view",
+ "metadataStatusUpdatedWithNoErrors": "Status wpisu zaktualizowany.",
+ "metadataStatusUpdatedErrors": "An error occurred while updating status",
+ "changeCategoryError": "An error occurred while updating category",
+ "statusLogMessage": "Message",
+ "user": "Użytkownik",
+ "userDetails": "Informacje o użytkowniku",
+ "userPreferences": "Preferencje użytkownika",
+ "username": "Nazwa użytkownika",
+ "usernameHelp": "Nazwa używana do logowania",
+ "processError": "Błąd przetwarzania.",
+ "processFinished": "Przetwarzanie zakończone.",
+ "processReport-done": "Number of records processed",
+ "processReportChangedRecords": "Zmieniony",
+ "processReportErrors": "Records with error(s)",
+ "processReportFor": "Raport z przetwarzania:",
+ "processReportNoProcessFound": "Records with process not defined in their standard",
+ "processReportNotChangedRecords": "Nie zmieniony",
+ "processReportNotOwner": "Pozycja nieedytowalna",
+ "processReportNullRecords": "Nie znaleziono pozycji",
+ "processReportProcessedRecords": "Pozycje przetworzone",
+ "processReportUnchangedRecords": "Records unchanged",
+ "processReportTotalRecords": "Pozycje do przetworzenia",
+ "recordsProcessed": "pozycje przetworzone",
+ "batchediting": "Wsadowa edycja",
+ "west": "Wschód",
+ "year": "Rok",
+ "zip": "Kod pocztowy",
+ "validate": "Walidacja",
+ "validateInspire": "Remote INSPIRE validation",
+ "delete": "Usuń",
+ "edit": "Edytuj",
+ "duplicate": "Duplikuj",
+ "createChild": "Utwórz potomka",
+ "privileges": "Uprawnienia",
+ "whoCanAccess": "Posiadacze dostępu",
+ "actions": "Akcje",
+ "reset": "Reset",
+ "stop": "Stop",
+ "isHarvested": "Zbieranie",
+ "isHarvested-1": "Zbieranie",
+ "isHarvested-0": "Lokalny",
+ "y": "Tak",
+ "n": "Nie",
+ "yes": "Tak",
+ "no": "Nie",
+ "publishedForGroup": "Widoczny dla",
+ "_op0": "Widoczny dla",
+ "mdStatus": "Proces przepływu",
+ "cl_status_text": "Status",
+ "_status": "Status",
+ "_schema": "Standard",
+ "checkCapabilityUrl": "URL {{url}} returned status '{{status}}'. You should check the URL or check that the service is running.",
+ "checkCapabilityUrlUnauthorized": "URL {{url}} returned status '{{status}}'. That means that this service requires authentication. Try to connect to it first.",
+ "failedToParseCapabilities": "Failed to parse GetCapabilities operation response. Try again later or contact service provider.",
+ "checkProjectionUrlUnauthorized": "URL {{url}} returned status '{{status}}'. That means that this service requires authentication. Try to connect to it first.",
+ "checkProjectionUrl": "URL {{url}} returned status '{{status}}'. Please check the URL and verify that the service is online.",
+ "failedToParseProjDefinition": "Failed to parse projection definition response. Please try again later, contact the service provider, or report this issue.",
+ "layerIsAlreadyInMap": "Layer '{{layer}}' from service '{{url}}' is already loaded in current map. Click here to zoom to it.",
+ "layerStylesAvailable": "layer styles available:",
+ "previewLegend": "Preview style legend.",
+ "layerWillBeAddedToMapButRecordNotFound": "Record with UUID '{{uuid}}' referencing '{{layer}}' from service '{{url}}' was not found in the catalogue. Layer will be added to the map anyway and a metadata URL found in the capability document.",
+ "layerNotfoundInCapability": "Layer '{{layer}}' not found in {{type}} capability. Try to load another layer from the {{type}} service?",
+ "layerNotAvailableInMapProj": "The service does not provide the layer in the map projection '{{proj}}'. The layer will be added to the map but may not be displayed properly.",
+ "layerCRSNotFound": "Warstwa nie podaje informacji o układzie współrzędnych. Może to być związane z wersją WMS niższą niż 1.3.0.",
+ "layerTileLoadError": "Something went wrong while loading tile '{{url | limitTo: 30}} ...' for layer '{{layer}}'.",
+ "layerProtocolNotSupported": "The following protocol is not supported yet in the map viewer: {{type}}",
+ "getCapFailure": "Wywołanie WMS getCapabilities zakończyło się błędem",
+ "standards": "Standard metadanych",
+ "documentStandard": "Standard metadanych",
+ "metadataTypes": "Typ pozycji",
+ "_isTemplate": "Typ pozycji",
+ "_isHarvested": "Zbieranie",
+ "isTemplatey": "Szablon",
+ "isTemplates": "Katalog/ścieżka",
+ "isTemplatet": "Template for directory entry",
+ "isTemplaten": "Pozycja",
+ "signinFailure": "Nieprawidłowy użytkownik lub hasło.",
+ "featureType": "Feature type",
+ "featureTypeName": "Nazwa",
+ "featureDefinition": "Definicja",
+ "featureCode": "Kod",
+ "featureIsAbstract": "Abstract feature",
+ "featureAliases": "Aliases",
+ "featureAttributeTable": "Attribute table",
+ "attributeName": "Nazwa",
+ "attributeDefinition": "Definicja",
+ "attributeCardinality": "Cardinality:",
+ "attributeValues": "Lista wartości",
+ "attributeType": "Typ",
+ "attributeCode": "Kod",
+ "transfertPrivilegesFinished": "{{metadata}} record(s) transferred.",
+ "valueName": "Nazwa",
+ "xmlView": "Widok XML",
+ "downloadRecord": "Pobierz wpis",
+ "manageRecord": "Zarządzaj wpisem",
+ "valueDefinition": "Definicja",
+ "toggleNavigation": "Przełącz nawigację",
+ "valueCode": "Kod",
+ "addRecord": "Dodaj nową pozycję",
+ "ImportRecord": "Importuj wpisy",
+ "directoryManager": "Zarządzaj katalogiem",
+ "typeOfRecord": "Typ pozycji",
+ "load": "Ładowanie",
+ "link-children": "Children",
+ "link-parent": "Parent",
+ "link-hassources": "Źródłowym zbiorem danych jest",
+ "link-sources": "Źródłowy zbiór danych",
+ "link-siblings": "Siblings",
+ "link-fcats": "Katalog funkcji",
+ "link-associated": "Powiązane zasoby",
+ "indexAccessError": "Błąd dostępu do indkesu.",
+ "applyFilter": "Apply current filter to the map (build a SLD to apply to the WMS layer).",
+ "confirm": "OK",
+ "confirmDialogTitle": "Potwierdzenie Akcji",
+ "close": "Zamknij",
+ "wpsSelectOutput": "Select output...",
+ "drawGeometry": "Draw",
+ "modifyGeometry": "Modyfikuj",
+ "inputValueRequired": "required",
+ "inputValueRequiredError": "A value is required for this field",
+ "inputIsOverloaded": "This value is set in a WFS filter",
+ "insertNewInputValue": "Add a value for this input",
+ "profileGraph": "Profile Graph",
+ "_valid": "Validity",
+ "dateToDate": "to",
+ "batchEditing": "Wsadowa edycja",
+ "harvesters": "Zbieranie",
+ "metadatasAndTemplates": "Metadane i szablony",
+ "statisticsAndStatus": "Statystyki i status",
+ "reports": "Raporty",
+ "reportLink": "View report",
+ "reportGeneration": "Evaluating record",
+ "classificationSystems": "Systemy klasyfikacji",
+ "usersAndGroups": "Użytkownicy i grupy",
+ "settings": "Ustawienia",
+ "tools": "Narzedzia",
+ "processesTool": "Use a WPS process",
+ "processesToolUrlDiscovery": "WPS URL",
+ "addLayersTool": "Dodaj warstwy",
+ "layersTool": "Manager layers",
+ "filterTool": "Search & filter features",
+ "contextsTool": "Manage maps",
+ "printTool": "Print map",
+ "legendTool": "Legenda",
+ "mInteractionTool": "Measures",
+ "graticuleTool": "Display graticules",
+ "mousePositionTool": "Mouse position",
+ "syncAllLayersTool": "Synchronize search and main map",
+ "drawVectorTool": "Annotate map",
+ "collapseAllFacetLabel": "Collapse",
+ "expandAllFacetLabel": "Expand",
+ "resultXonY": "z",
+ "resolveCaptcha": "Resolve the captcha",
+ "resolutions": "Rozdzielczość",
+ "loginTitle": "Zaloguj się",
+ "loginText": "Sign in with your username and password to add and edit metadata.",
+ "siteLogo": "Logo",
+ "currentStatus": "Last status",
+ "languageSwitcher": "Language switcher",
+ "userSearchNameMissing": "- name missing -",
+ "featuredsearch": "Featured search",
+ "avatar": "Avatar",
+ "first": "First",
+ "createDoiForRecord": "Create DOI for the record",
+ "createDoiForRecord-help": "DOI can be created on public records only. Once created the DOI is associated with a landing page for the record which is inserted in the record distribution section.",
+ "doiCreationTaskCheckAction": "Check pre-conditions",
+ "doiCreationTaskCheckAction-help": "Check that a record can be submitted to DataCite for DOI creation. DataCite API endpoint is configured in the catalogue settings, DataCite requires some fields to be populated, record must be public and provide a conversion to the DataCite format.",
+ "doiCreationTaskCreateAction": "Create DOI",
+ "doiCreationTaskUpdateAction": "Update DOI",
+ "doiViewLink": "Check DOI URL",
+ "doi": "DOI",
+ "doiCheckExistingMetadata": "Check DataCite metadata document",
+ "doiViewMetadata": "DataCite metadata",
+ "doiCreationTaskCreateAction-help": "Create the DOI for the record and close the task",
+ "editorHome": "Editor board",
+ "adminHome": "Summary",
+ "allAdmins": "Administrators",
+ "group": "Grupa",
+ "sortLinksBy": "Sort by",
+ "link-protocol": "Protokół",
+ "link-title": "Tytuł",
+ "link-lUrl": "Url",
+ "showOptions": "Show options",
+ "projectionSwitcher": "Projection Switcher",
+ "projection": "Projection",
+ "listTypeBlocks": "Switch to Blocked list",
+ "listTypeLarge": "Switch to Large list",
+ "listTypeSmall": "Switch to Small list",
+ "layersWithWhiteSpaces": "Some layers on this map contains white spaces on their name. Layers with white spaces may not be properly printed.",
+ "unselected": "unselected",
+ "indexingTaskUndefined": "Unknown indexing task (abnormal state)",
+ "indexingTaskRunning": "Indexing {{total}} records...",
+ "indexingTaskFinished": "Indexing finished, {{total}} records processed",
+ "indexingTaskFinishedWithErrors": "Indexing finished, {{total}} records processed with {{errors}} errors",
+ "indexingTaskCanceled": "Indexing canceled",
+ "inspireValidationTaskUndefined": "Unknown INSPIRE validation task (abnormal state)",
+ "inspireValidationTaskRunning": "INSPIRE validation {{total}} records...",
+ "inspireValidationTaskFinished": "INSPIRE validation finished, {{total}} records processed",
+ "inspireValidationTaskFinishedWithErrors": "INSPIRE validation finished, {{total}} records processed with {{errors}} errors",
+ "inspireValidationTaskCanceled": "INSPIRE validation canceled",
+ "taskUndefined": "Unknown state (abnormal state)",
+ "taskProbable": "Probable state",
+ "analyseRecordRunning": "{{total}} records to analyze...",
+ "analyseRecordFinished": "Analyse over, {{total}} records processed",
+ "analyseRecordFinishedWithErrors": "Analyse over, {{total}} records processed with {{errors}} errorrs",
+ "testLinkRunning": "{{total}} links to test...",
+ "testLinkFinished": "Testing links over, {{total}} links tested",
+ "mdStatusButton-1": "Submit",
+ "mdStatusButton-2": "Approve",
+ "mdStatusButton-3": "Retire",
+ "mdStatusButton-4": "Submit",
+ "mdStatusTitle-draft-to-submitted-editor": "Submit for review",
+ "mdStatusTitle-draft-to-submitted-reviewer": "Submit for review",
+ "mdStatusTitle-retired-to-draft-editor": "Restore record to draft status",
+ "mdStatusTitle-retired-to-draft-reviewer": "Restore record to draft status",
+ "mdStatusTitle-submitted-to-draft-editor": "Cancel approval submission",
+ "mdStatusTitle-submitted-to-draft-reviewer": "Reject approval submission",
+ "mdStatusTitle-submitted-to-approved-editor": "Approve metadata",
+ "mdStatusTitle-submitted-to-approved-reviewer": "Approve metadata",
+ "mdStatusTitle-approved-to-retired-editor": "Retire metadata",
+ "mdStatusTitle-approved-to-retired-reviewer": "Retire metadata",
+ "mdStatusTitle-draft-to-approved-reviewer": "Directly approve metadata",
+ "mdStatusWorkflowWithDraft": "{{metadataStatus}} (Working copy is {{draftStatus}})",
+ "cancel": "Anuluj",
+ "workflow": "Workflow",
+ "metadataPublished": "Metadata published.",
+ "metadataPublishedError": "Error occurred while publishing metadata.",
+ "metadataUnpublished": "Metadata un-published.",
+ "metadataUnpublishedError": "Error occurred while un-publishing metadata.",
+ "categoriesUpdated": "Categories updated.",
+ "warnPublishDraft": "When publishing records with workflow enabled, the status will change to 'Approve'. Are you sure you want to continue?",
+ "cancelWorkingCopy": "Cancel working copy",
+ "deleteWorkingCopyRecordConfirm": "Do you really want to remove the working copy '{{resourceTitle}}'?",
+ "workingCopy": "Working copy",
+ "approvedRecord": "Approved record",
+ "onTheWeb": "More online information",
+ "pdfReportTocTitle": "Contents",
+ "metadataValidated": "Metadata validated.",
+ "wmtsLayerNoUsableMatrixSet": "The WMTS layer could not be added. This may be because none of the projections advertised in the service matches any of the known projections of the application.",
+ "chooseRegion": "Wybierz obszar",
+ "clickToDrawABox": "Kliknij raz, aby aktywować kontrolkę i narysuj pole. Kliknij ponownie, aby zakończyć rysowanie.",
+ "drawRectangle": "Rysuj zasięg",
+ "clickToClearMapBox": "Click to clear the map box.",
+ "clearRectangle": "Clear extent",
+ "unselectChoiceNotAllowedTitle": "Unselect choices",
+ "unselectChoiceNotAllowed": "Some choices can't be removed: {{notAllowedChoices}}",
+ "searchOptions": "Search options",
+ "options": "Options",
+ "metadataInfoReport": "Informacje o metadanych",
+ "metadataErrorReport": "Metadata errors",
+ "copyToClipboard": "Copy the text to the clipboard",
+ "textCopied": "Text has been copied to the clipboard.",
+ "metadataApproved": "Metadata approved.",
+ "metadataSubmitted": "Metadata submitted.",
+ "batchApproveTitle": "Batch metadata approval",
+ "batchApproveInfo": "This option approves the selected metadata owned by the user. By default, only the metadata in submitted status is approved, select the option below to approve directly the metadata that is not in submitted status.",
+ "batchApproveDirect": "Approve the metadata without requiring to be in submitted status",
+ "facet-mdStatus": "Proces przepływu",
+ "skipLink": "Skip and go to the content",
+ "batchSubmitTitle": "Batch metadata submission",
+ "batchSubmitInfo": "This option submits the selected metadata owned by the user.",
+ "reviewerNotAllowedPublish": "Reviewer not allowed to publish the metadata",
+ "reviewerNotAllowedUnpublish": "Reviewer not allowed to un-publish the metadata",
+ "reviewerNotAllowedPublishUnpublish": "Reviewer not allowed to publish / un-publish the metadata",
+ "missingTitle": "Missing title",
+ "mapLegend": "Legenda",
+ "quality": "Jakość",
+ "download": "Download",
+ "links": "Links"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pl-editor.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pl-editor.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..aaaf6fb1986
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pl-editor.json
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+ "featureCatReplace": "Replace existing feature catalog?",
+ "add-extent-from-geokeywords": "Oblicz zakres ze słów kluczowych",
+ "add-extent-from-geokeywords-help": "Search all keywords from thesaurus of type 'place' and add matching extents.",
+ "addCRS-help": "Dodaj nowy CRS",
+ "contactId": "Identyfikator kontaktu",
+ "contactSetForMetadata": "Kontakt dla metadanych",
+ "contactSetForResource": "Kontakt do zasobu",
+ "contactReplace": "Zastąp istniejący kontakt",
+ "contactRole": "Rola kontaktu",
+ "addConcept": "Dodaj koncepcję do listy wyrażeń kluczowych",
+ "moveToTopConcept": "Wyświetl najczęstsze koncepcje",
+ "addContact": "Dodaj kontakt",
+ "addContactAsLink-help": "Dodaj link do kontaktu w katalogu kontaktów. Kontakt zostanie zaktualizowany, gdy zostanie zaktualizowany w katalogu.",
+ "addContactAsText-help": "Domyślny tryb. Dodaj kontakt do pozycji",
+ "addContactUsingXLink": "Dodaj kontakt (używając XLink)",
+ "addFromDictionnary": "Add from dictionary",
+ "addFromEPSGdb": "Dodaj do bazy EPSG",
+ "addFromThesaurus": "Choose keywords from thesaurus",
+ "addKeywordNotFromThesaurus": "Dodaj nowe wyrażenie kluczowe",
+ "addKeywordNotFromThesaurusHelp": "Add free text keyword. Populate this information only if you can't find appropriate keywords in the proposed thesauri.",
+ "addLinks": "Dodaj linki",
+ "addOnlinesrc": "Add online resource",
+ "updateOnlinesrc": "Aktualizuj link",
+ "addOnlinesrcTitle": "New link",
+ "addThumbnail": "Dodaj miniaturkę",
+ "addThumbnailTitle": "Dodaj przegląd do metadanych",
+ "allChangesCanceled": "All changes cancelled.",
+ "allChangesSaved": "Wszystkie zmiany zapisane",
+ "allLanguage": "Wszystko",
+ "allLanguage-help": "Wyświetl wszystkie języki",
+ "applySuggestion": "Zastosuj sugestię",
+ "assignToCatalog": "Przypisz do bieżącego katalogu",
+ "assignToCategory": "Przypisz do kategorii",
+ "assignToGroup": "Przypisz do grupy",
+ "associationType": "Typ powiązania",
+ "chooseContactRole": "Choose contact role",
+ "chooseEntry": "Przeszukaj katalog",
+ "clickToAddResource": "Kliknij, aby wybrać zasób",
+ "externalResourceManagement": "Click to go to external resource manager",
+ "beforeUnloadEditor": "Masz niezachowane zmiany od ostatniego zapisu {{timeAgo}}.",
+ "fieldIsRemoved": "To pole zostanie usunięte",
+ "editRecords": "Edycja zaznaczonego",
+ "removeField": "Usuń to pole",
+ "addXpath-help": "Updating records using XPath needs careful definition of the changes. A change is defined by:",
+ "addXpathTitle": "an optional title",
+ "addXpathXpath": "a mandatory XPath to point to the element(s) to update. XPath may contain a filter expression.",
+ "addXpathInsertMode": "typ aktualizacji",
+ "xpath": "XPath",
+ "xpathValue": "Tekst lub wartość XML",
+ "gn_create": "Utwórz element",
+ "gn_add": "Add the element or value (in all matching parents) or create it",
+ "gn_replace": "Replace the element or value (in all matching parents)",
+ "gn_delete": "Usunięcie wszystkich pasujących elementów",
+ "addXpathValue": "a value, which could be an XML snippet if the mode is not 'delete'",
+ "chooseASet": "1. Wybierz zestaw pozycji",
+ "defineEdits": "2. Zdefiniuj zmiany",
+ "confirmAndSave": "3. Zastosuj zmiany",
+ "replaceColumns": "Replace existing columns",
+ "columnListAsCsv": "Column list as text",
+ "columnListSeparator": "Field separator",
+ "column": "Column",
+ "processNotFound": "Process not found",
+ "replaceListOfValues": "Replace existing list of values",
+ "listOfValuesAsCsv": "Value list as text",
+ "listOfValuesSeparator": "Field separator",
+ "changesToApply": "Zmiany do zastosowania:",
+ "resetChanges": "Resetuj zmiany",
+ "createSetFromSearch": "Znajdź i zaznacz pozycje lub",
+ "chooseAnExistingSet": "wybierz predefiniowany zestaw",
+ "chooseASetOfRecordHelp": "Select one or more records before defining the elements to update. Only records that you can edit are proposed.",
+ "defineEditsHelp": "Depending on the type of records selected, the list of fields that you can update may change. When editing a mandatory field like title, the field is updated. When editing a field which can contain multiple values, the new value is added.",
+ "recordsInSelection": "pozycja(i) zaznaczonych.",
+ "displaySelectionOnly": "Pokaż tylko zaznaczone",
+ "aboutToUpdateTheFollowing": "Następujące pozycje zostaną zmienione:",
+ "updateDateStamp": "Update the modification date in the metadata document (for example, gmd:dateStamp for ISO 19139)",
+ "resetSearchToDisplayAll": "Naciśnij, aby wyświetlić wybrane pozycje. Użyj resetowania aby wyświetlić wszystkie.",
+ "availableSet": "Dostępny zestaw",
+ "noChangesToApply": "Określ najpierw zmiany w celu aktualizacji wybranych pozycji.",
+ "selectRecordsToEdit": "Wybierz jeden lub więcej pozycji do edycji.",
+ "tooManyRecordInSelForSearch": "There are too many (ie. {{count}}) records in current selection to be displayed here as a full list. But the process will run on the current selection (see first tab).",
+ "advancedBatchEditMode": "XPath mode",
+ "cancel": "Anuluj",
+ "cancelChangesFromNow": "Anuluj wszystkie zmiany od czasu startu ostatniej sesji {{timeAgo}}.",
+ "cancelling": "Cancelling ...",
+ "chooseZeroOrMoreLayer": "Opcjonalnie, można wybrać jedną lub więcej warstw z usługi, która ma być dodana w dystrybucji:",
+ "chooseZeroOrMoreLayerFromService": "Wybierz warstwę publikowanych w tym serwisie odpowiadającym wybranego rekordu:",
+ "serviceContainsManyUrl": "Wybierz jeden URL spośród {{count}} dostępnych z",
+ "searchAservice": "Wybierz usługę z katalogu",
+ "searchAnApplication": "Wybierz aplikację z katalogu",
+ "check": "Zaznacz",
+ "value": "Wartość",
+ "unit": "Jednostka",
+ "linkToServiceWithoutURLError": "W usłudze nie znaleziono linku WMS. Wybierz usługę z linkiem WMS aby móc wybrać warstwę.",
+ "linkToServiceError": "Wystąpił błąd podczas łączenia zestawu danych z usługą",
+ "chooseAProj": "Wybierz projekcję do wyświetlania współrzędnych (UWAGA: współrzędne są zawsze zapisywane w pozycji metadanych w układzie WGS84).",
+ "chooseAType": "Wybierz typ",
+ "chooseOnlinesrc": "Wybierz lub przeciągnij zasób tutaj",
+ "closeEditor": "Zapisz i zamknij",
+ "conceptBroader": "jest więcej niż",
+ "conceptNarrower": "jest bardziej szczegółowy niż",
+ "conceptRelated": "jest powiązany z",
+ "continent": "Kontynent",
+ "copyPaste": "Kopiuj/Wklej",
+ "country": "Kraj",
+ "createA": "Utwórz w",
+ "createChildOf": "Utwórz pozycję podrzędną",
+ "createCopyOf": "Create copy",
+ "createMetadata": "Utwórz",
+ "createMetadataError": "Błąd tworzenia metadanych",
+ "createMetadataForGroup": "Utwórz i opublikuj dla grupy edytorów",
+ "createMetadataForGroup-help": "Pozycja będzie edytowalna przez wszystkich członków grupy",
+ "createMetadataUniformResourceName": "Jednolita nazwa zasobu metadanych",
+ "createNewMetadata": "Dodaj nową pozycję",
+ "createSmall": "Utwórz mały",
+ "cantAddLinkToDataset": "Nie można dodać linku do docelowego zbioru. Prawdopodobnie nie możesz edytować rekordu. Możesz tylko zaktualizować usługę",
+ "current": "bieżący",
+ "datasetFound": "Zbiór znaleziony i dodany do podglądu mapy",
+ "datasetNotFound": "Nie znaleziono zbioru danych - 404",
+ "datasets": "Zbiór danych",
+ "dateMode": "Data lub czas",
+ "description": "Opis",
+ "directory": "Ścieżka folderu",
+ "directoryEntries": "Wpisy",
+ "error": "Błąd",
+ "errors": "Błędy",
+ "serviceDetachedToCurrentRecord": "Service detached from current record",
+ "featureCatalog": "Katalog funkcji",
+ "file": "Plik",
+ "fileType": "Typ pliku",
+ "fromTemplate": "Od",
+ "esriRestServiceUrl": "ESRI REST URL",
+ "generateUUID": "Generuj UUID dla wstawianych metadanych",
+ "geopublisher": "Publikuj jako WMS, WFS, WCS",
+ "gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty": "Organizacja i kontakt",
+ "cit:CI_Responsibility": "Organizacja i kontakt (ISO19115-3)",
+ "mdq:DQ_AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracy": "External position accuracy",
+ "mdq:DQ_DomainConsistency": "Domain consistency",
+ "mrd:MD_Format": "Formaty",
+ "gmd:MD_Format": "Formaty",
+ "gmd:EX_Extent": "Extents",
+ "gex:EX_Extent": "Extents",
+ "mcc:MD_BrowseGraphic": "Loga",
+ "gmd:MD_Distribution": "Zasoby on-line",
+ "mco:MD_Constraints": "Ograniczenia",
+ "mco:MD_LegalConstraints": "Ograniczenia prawne",
+ "mco:MD_SecurityConstraints": "Ograniczenia bezpieczeństwa",
+ "hasFeatureCatalog": "Używając funkcji z katalogu",
+ "importCPResult": "Jedna pozycja zaimportowana. Identyfikator pozycji to: {{id}}
UUID: {{uuid}}.",
+ "importEntry": "Import wpisów katalogu",
+ "importFromDir": "Importuj zestaw plików z folderu na serwerze",
+ "importFromDirReport": "{{success}}/{{records}} pozycji zaimportowanych poprawnie w {{time}} sekund.",
+ "importRecords": "Import",
+ "importReport": "Importuj raport",
+ "unsupportedFileExtension": "Only files with XML, ZIP or MEF extensions are supported.",
+ "inGroup": "W",
+ "initiativeType": "Typ inicjatywy",
+ "keywordInsertMode": "Dopisz słowa kluczowe do",
+ "linkService": "Link usługi do metadanych",
+ "linkToDataset": "Link do zbioru danych",
+ "linkToDatasetTitle": "Link zbioru danych do bieżących metadanych",
+ "linkToFeatureCatalog": "Link do funkcji katalogu",
+ "linkToFeatureCatalogTitle": "Link katalogu funkcji do bieżących metadanych",
+ "linkToParent": "Link do nadrzędnego",
+ "linkToParentTitle": "Link do metadanych pozycji nadrzędnej do bieżących metadanych",
+ "linkToService": "Link do usługi",
+ "linkToServiceTitle": "Link do usługi do bieżących metadanych",
+ "linkToSibling": "Link to records",
+ "linkToSiblingTitle": "Link do zasobu bieżących metadanych",
+ "linkToSource": "Link do źródła zbioru danych",
+ "linkToSourceTitle": "Link do źródła zbioru danych bieżących metadanych",
+ "linkUrl": "URL do usunięcia",
+ "fileStore": "Plik zapisu metadanych",
+ "filestoreUploadAFile": "or upload a new file",
+ "filestoreChooseAFile": "or choose a file from the filestore",
+ "openResource": "Otwórz zasób",
+ "linkMetadata": "Link metadanych",
+ "setResourceStatus": "Zmiana statusu zasobu. Nie zaktualizuje odwołań, które mogą być zawarte w dokumencie metadanych.",
+ "resourceUploadError": "Błąd wczytania zasobu",
+ "deleteResource": "Usuwanie zasobu. To nie usunie odniesienia, które mogą być zawarte w dokumencie metadanych.",
+ "makeConceptCurrent": "Tworzenie tej koncepcją z obecnej koncepcji",
+ "mefFile": "MEF",
+ "metadataContent": "Zawartość metadanych",
+ "metadataNotFound": "Uwaga! Żądane metadane o identyfikatorze {{id}} nie zostały znalezione. Utworzyć nowe?",
+ "metadataType": "Typ pozycji",
+ "hasDqMeasures": "Z pomiarem jakości",
+ "generateThumbnail": "Generuj miniaturki",
+ "generateThumbnail-help": "Miniatura zostanie utworzona i zapisana w systemie plików. Użyj system plików aby dodać miniaturę do pozycji metadanych.",
+ "createAThumbnail": "Generuj miniaturkę używając podglądu usługi",
+ "noTemplatesAvailable": "Uwaga! Brak dostępnych szablonów w katalogu. Możesz dodać lubzaimportować.",
+ "none": "Brak",
+ "notFoundInThesaurus": "Warning! Keywords {{invalid}} not found in thesaurus. Others {{found}} were found in the thesaurus. 2 reasons: - keywords in this record are in a language that is not in the current user interface language
- keywords does not exists in the thesaurus
Those keywords will not be modified by this editing session unless you remove this thesaurus section.",
+ "ocean": "Ocean",
+ "isPublishedToAll": "Publiczny",
+ "oneLanguage": "Jeden",
+ "oneLanguage-help": "Wybierz jeden język do edycji przy użyciu selekcji",
+ "onlinesrc": "Zasoby on-line",
+ "removeOnlinesrcConfirm": "Do you really want to remove the link to '{{url}}'?",
+ "removeThumbnailConfirm": "Do you really want to remove the overview '{{url}}'?",
+ "removeFileFromStoreConfirm": "Do you really want to remove '{{url}}' from the file store? This will not remove references to this file in the metadata record. You have to update the record manually.",
+ "onlineChooseDocType": "Link do",
+ "onlineDiscover": "Odkryj zasób",
+ "onlineDiscoverThumbnail": "Informacje dla pełnego zasobu lub podzbioru",
+ "onlineDiscoverThumbnail-help": "Statyczny obraz opisujące zasób",
+ "onlineDiscoverInApp": "Aplikacje używające ten zasób",
+ "onlineDiscoverInApp-help": "np. tematyczna przeglądarka map używająca tego zasobu",
+ "onlineDiscoverMap": "Mapa do tego zasobu",
+ "onlineDiscoverWMS": "Zobacz usługę WMS",
+ "onlineDiscoverWMS-help": "Adres usługi WMS do wykorzystania w aplikacjach GIS",
+ "onlineDiscoverINSPIREView": "Zobacz usługę INSPIRE",
+ "onlineDiscoverINSPIREView-help": "Usługa WMS respektuje wytyczne techniczne INSPIRE w widoku usługi",
+ "onlineDiscoverWMTS": "Zobacz usługę WMTS",
+ "onlineDiscoverWMTS-help": "Adres URL usługi WMTS do użycia w aplikacjach GIS obsługujących pre-renderowane georeferencyjnej kafelki map przez Internet",
+ "onlineDiscoverArcGIS": "Zobacz usługę ArcGIS",
+ "onlineDiscoverArcGISTiled": "View service ArcGIS (Tiled)",
+ "onlineDiscoverArcGIS-help": "Adres URL usługi ArcGIS do użycia w aplikacjach GIS",
+ "onlineDiscoverKML": "Zobacz KML",
+ "onlineDiscoverKML-help": "Plik KML lub KMZ do użycia w aplikacjach Google do podglądu danych",
+ "localNetwork": "Download (local network)",
+ "localNetworkVectorFile": "Vector file",
+ "localNetworkRasterFile": "Raster file",
+ "localNetworkDBOracle": "Oracle",
+ "localNetworkDBPostgis": "PostGIS",
+ "onlineDownload": "Download",
+ "onlineDownloadKML": "Pobierz jako KML",
+ "onlineDownloadKML-help": "Plik KML lub KMZ do użycia w aplikacjach Google do pobrania danych",
+ "onlineDownloadFile": "Pobierz kopię",
+ "onlineDownloadWWW": "Pobierz ze strony www",
+ "onlineDownloadWFS": "Pobierz usługę WFS",
+ "onlineDownloadINSPIRE": "Pobierz Usługę INSPIRE",
+ "onlineDownloadINSPIREATOM": "Download from ATOM feed",
+ "onlineDownloadWCS": "Pobierz usługę WCS",
+ "onlineUse": "Uzyj tego zasobu",
+ "onlineUseFcats": "Model danych zasobu",
+ "onlineUseFcats-help": "Model danych (lub katalog elementów) można określić bezpośrednio we wpisie metadanych za pomocą zakładki treści lub tworząc odnośnik do dokumentu (np. pdf) stąd.",
+ "onlineUseDQReport": "Raport jakości danych",
+ "onlineUseDQTOR": "Specyfikacja jakości danych",
+ "onlineUseDQProdReport": "Raport produkcji jakości danych",
+ "onlineUseMap": "Mapa",
+ "onlineUseLegend": "Legenda zasobu",
+ "onlineUseLegendLYR": "Style dla zasoby do ArcGIS (LYR)",
+ "onlineUseStyleSLD": "Styl dla zasobu używając SLD",
+ "onlineUseStyleQML": "Styl do zasobu do QGIS",
+ "onlineUseLimitation": "Ograniczenia użycia",
+ "onlineAccessLimitation": "Ograniczenia dostepu",
+ "onlinesrcUploadHelp": "Drag & drop one resource here",
+ "onlineMore": "Więcej informacji",
+ "onlineMoreWWW": "Strona o zasobie",
+ "onlineMoreFile": "Dokument o zasobie",
+ "onlyErrors": "Pokaż tylko błędy",
+ "areYouSureToAddALinkWithError": "Aktualny adres URL nie może zostać pobrana przez katalog (może to być problem z ustawieniami proxy). Możesz sprawdzić ręcznie odnośnik przed dodaniem go do rekordu?",
+ "addLinkAnyway": "Dodaj link mimo to",
+ "updateLinkAnyway": "Uaktualnij link mimo to",
+ "onlineFunction": "Funkcja",
+ "applicationProfile": "Profil aplikacji",
+ "fileStoreNoFileMatching": "Nie znaleziono pliku filtru dopasowanie ({{filtr}}). Dodaj jeden w razie potrzeby.",
+ "other": "Pozostałe",
+ "onlineResourceName": "Nazwa zasobu",
+ "protocol": "Protokół",
+ "runServiceError": "Error happened while calling service",
+ "overwriteFile": "Overwrite file if it exists",
+ "overview": "Przegląd",
+ "overviews": "Przeglądy",
+ "overwrite": "Przegląd metadanych o tym samym UUID",
+ "parentMd": "Nadrzędne Metadane",
+ "print_layout": "Wygląd",
+ "print_scale": "Skala",
+ "process": "Przetwarzanie",
+ "publish": "Publikacja",
+ "publishIn": "Publikuj {{layer}} w",
+ "publishSuccess": "Publikacja zakończona sukcesem. Warstwa dodana do podglądu mapy",
+ "recommendedValues": "Rekomendowane wartości",
+ "recursive": "Albo szukaj w podfolderach",
+ "resetKeywordsAnyway": "Remove all keywords",
+ "resetInvalidKeywords": "Remove not found keywords only",
+ "saveAtimeAgo": "Ostatnia edycja {{timeAgo}}.",
+ "saveMetadataError": "Błąd podczas zapisu metadanych. Odśwież edytor.",
+ "saveMetadataSuccess": "Wszystkie zmiany zapisano.",
+ "saveMetadata": "Zapisz matedane",
+ "saveDraft": "Save draft",
+ "draftCanNoBeATemplateOrMinorEdit": "A draft cannot be a template and cannot use minor edit mode.",
+ "saveTemplate": "Zapisz szablon",
+ "saveAsMetadata": "Zapisz jako matadane",
+ "saveAsTemplate": "Zapisz jako szablon",
+ "saveAndApprove": "Save and Approve",
+ "saveAndSubmit": "Save and Submit",
+ "saving": "Zapisywanie ...",
+ "schematron-rules-geonetwork": "Rekomendacje",
+ "schematron-rules-inspire": "Reguły INSPIRE",
+ "schematron-rules-iso": "Reguły ISO",
+ "searchACRS": "lub szukaj w układzie współrzędnych ...",
+ "searchAreport": "Search for a quality report ...",
+ "searchAlogo": "Search for a logo ...",
+ "searchAextent": "Search for an extent ...",
+ "searchAresourceConstraints": "Search for a constraint statement ...",
+ "searchAconstraint": "Szukaj w ograniczeniu ...",
+ "searchAcontact": "Search for organisation or contact ...",
+ "searchAnOrganisation": "Szukaj w organizacji ...",
+ "searchAformat": "Search for a format ...",
+ "setAndReplaceExtent": "Zastąp istniejący zasięg",
+ "setCRS": "Ustaw układ współrzędnych",
+ "setDynamicGraphicOverview": "Ustaw opis graficzny (używając adresu URL z żądaniem GetMap)",
+ "setExtent": "Ustaw zasięg",
+ "share": "Udostępnij",
+ "share-help": "Zdefiniuj, kto może zobaczyć pozycję",
+ "sharingSettings": "Udostępnij ustawienia",
+ "singleFile": "XML",
+ "suggestions": "Sygestie",
+ "removeThumbnail": "Usuń miniaturkę",
+ "thumbnailMaker": "Utwórz miniaturkę",
+ "thumbnailMaker-help": "All WMS layers registered in the metadata record are added to the map. Choose a layout, a scale, zoom to the area of interest to generate the thumbnail.",
+ "to-iso19139-keyword": "tekst (rekomendowane)",
+ "to-iso19139-keyword-as-xlink": "link",
+ "to-iso19139-keyword-as-xlink-help": "Przydatne do tworzenia powiązań między wpisu i słownika podpowiedzi. Atrybut xlink:href jest dodawany do elementu gmd:descriptiveKeywords.",
+ "to-iso19139-keyword-help": "Domyślny tryb. Dodaj wyrażenia kluczowe jako prosty tekst używając elementu gco:CharacterString.",
+ "to-iso19139-keyword-with-anchor": "odnośnik",
+ "to-iso19139-keyword-with-anchor-help": "Przydatne jeśli masz hiperłącze słowa kluczowego, które zwykle jest identyfikatorem słów kluczowych. Element gmx:Anchor jest używany do każdego ze słów kluczowych.",
+ "to-iso19115-3.2018-keyword": "text",
+ "to-iso19115-3.2018-keyword-as-xlink": "link",
+ "to-iso19115-3.2018-keyword-as-xlink-help": "Przydatne do tworzenia powiązań między wpisu i słownika podpowiedzi. Atrybut xlink:href jest dodawany do elementu gmd:descriptiveKeywords.",
+ "to-iso19115-3.2018-keyword-help": "Domyślny tryb. Dodaj wyrażenia kluczowe jako prosty tekst używając elementu gco:CharacterString.",
+ "to-iso19115-3.2018-keyword-with-anchor": "odnośnik",
+ "to-iso19115-3.2018-keyword-with-anchor-help": "Useful for having an hyperlink on the keyword which usually is the keyword identifier. A gcx:Anchor element is used for each keywords.",
+ "toggleAttributes": "Więcej szczegółów",
+ "toggleTooltips": "Podpowiedź",
+ "unknownType": "Pozostałe",
+ "unpublish": "Ukrycie",
+ "unpublishSuccess": "Udane ukrycie",
+ "unsupportedSchemaAlert": "Metadane {{title}} używają {{schema}} standardowo. To nie jest obsługiwana przez redaktora. Powrót do panelu edycji.",
+ "uploadFile": "Wgraj plik z komputera",
+ "uuidAction": "Przetwarzany identyfikator wpisu ",
+ "validate-help": "Sprawdź rekord używając standardowych reguł walidacji",
+ "validate-inspire": "Inspire validation",
+ "validate-inspire-help": "Check record against inspire validation rules",
+ "validationReport": "Sprawdzenie poprawności",
+ "runValidation": "Uruchomienie sprawdzenia poprawności",
+ "validationServiceError": "Server error",
+ "validationServiceErrorDetail": "Please check server's log files for more information.",
+ "fixedOnTop": "Always on top",
+ "whoCanAccess": "Posiadacze dostępu",
+ "wmsServiceUrl": "Adres URL usługi",
+ "xmlSnippet": "Fragment XML",
+ "xsltToApply": "Zastosuj konwersję XSLT",
+ "yearAndMonthMode": "Rok i miesiąc",
+ "yearMode": "Tylko rok",
+ "uploadFileByUrl": "Wczytaj plik z adresu URL",
+ "noFileSelected": "Wybierz plik do wczytania!",
+ "yourMetadata": "Twoje metadane",
+ "searchKeyword": "Znajdź ...",
+ "searchTopicCategory": "Znajdź ...",
+ "searchOrTypeKeyword": "Wpisz lub szukaj ...",
+ "tagsAllowed": "tag(i) dostępne",
+ "suggestionListError": "Ups, coś poszło nie tak podczas pobierania podpowiedzi!",
+ "showHideErrors": "Pokaż / ukryj błędy",
+ "showHideSuccess": "Pokaż / ukryj poprawne",
+ "chooseAFragment": "Wybierz element do dodania",
+ "chooseASourceRecord": "Wybierz element do dodania elementów z ",
+ "sourceRecord": "Pozycja źródłowa",
+ "deleteField": "Usuń to pole",
+ "deleteFieldSet": "Usuń to ustawienie pola",
+ "toggleSection": "Przełącz rozwijanie / zwijanie",
+ "editorBoardInfo": "Twórz lub zaimportuj nowy rekord na tej stronie. Szybki dostęp i zarządzanie wszystkimi pozycjami metadanych.",
+ "minorEditHelp": "Nie aktualizuj znacznika czasu przy zapisie",
+ "minorEdit": "Drobne zmiany",
+ "notEvaluated": "Nie przeglądany",
+ "notConformant": "Niezgodny",
+ "capabilitiesParseError": "Błąd przy analizie możliwości usługi WMS",
+ "conformant": "Zgodny",
+ "currentConcept": "Obecna koncepcja",
+ "parentConcept": "Nadrzędna koncepcja",
+ "moreSpecificConcept": "Bardziej konkretna koncepcja",
+ "associatedConcept": "Powiązane koncepcje",
+ "xsd": "Schemat sprawdzenia poprawności",
+ "youAreNotMemberOfAnyGroup": "You are not editor of any groups, so you can't create new records. Ask the catalogue administrator to set your role to editor in at least one group.",
+ "linkToXmlTab": "Some kind of errors can be fixed using XML editor.",
+ "directoryManagerSubtitle": "This screen allows you to edit directory entries such as contacts, formats, etc. including template management.",
+ "directoryManagerSubtitleImport": "Enter here the full XML content of an entry to import it to the database.",
+ "directoryManagerError": "Error when importing the full XML",
+ "directoryEntryTypes": "Entry Types",
+ "directoryTemplates": "Templates",
+ "addNewDirectoryEntry": "Add New Entry",
+ "addNewDirectoryTemplate": "Create a template",
+ "directoryEntryFromScratch": "Create an entry from scratch",
+ "directoryEntryInfo": "Owner: {{ownerName}}, updated on {{updateDate}}",
+ "directoryEntryPermissions": "Permissions",
+ "directoryEntryValidate": "Walidacja",
+ "directoryEntryReject": "Reject",
+ "directoryEntryToTemplate": "Convert to template",
+ "directoryEntryAssociatedMetadata": "Associated Metadata",
+ "directoryEntryEditor": "Entry Editor",
+ "directoryEntryEditing": "Currently editing:",
+ "directoryEntry-removeError-referenced": "You can't remove this subtemplate cause it is used in some records.",
+ "directoryManagerMode-newEntry": "New Entry",
+ "directoryManagerMode-editEntry": "Edit Entry",
+ "directoryManagerMode-newTemplate": "New Template",
+ "directoryManagerMode-editTemplate": "Edit Template",
+ "notADirectoryEntry": "Only directory entries can be converted to templates",
+ "notADirectoryEntryTemplate": "This entry is not a directory entry template.",
+ "saveAsDirectoryEntry": "Save as directory entry",
+ "confirmDeleteEntry": "Are you sure you want to delete this entry?",
+ "filterBy": "Filter by...",
+ "selectFormatAndProjection": "Select a format and projection system",
+ "inputGeometryText": "Geometry Text Input",
+ "inputGeometryIsValid": "The input geometry is valid and is now visible on the map.",
+ "inputGeometryIsInvalid": "An error was found in the input geometry:",
+ "inputGeometryHint": "Paste a geometry here in the selected format and projection system.",
+ "inputGeometryReadOnlyHint": "This geometry is read-only.",
+ "selectKeyword": "Add keywords",
+ "saveLinkToSibling": "Save link to other resource",
+ "addTheFollowingLinkInDataset": "Add the following link to the dataset (as an online source in the distribution section):",
+ "confirmCloseInvalidTitle": "Confirm editor close",
+ "confirmCloseInvalidMetadata": "The current metadata has been found to be invalid. Closing the editor will cause it to be unpublished (this can be changed in the application settings).
Are you sure you want to proceed?",
+ "hotkeyDirectory": "Manage directories (eg. contact)",
+ "hotkeyImportRecord": "Importuj wpisy",
+ "hotkeyAddRecord": "Dodaj nową pozycję",
+ "hotkeyBatchEdit": "Wsadowa edycja",
+ "hotkeyEditorBoard": "Editor board",
+ "cancelMetadataError": "Error, please reload the page",
+ "showMessages": "Show messages:",
+ "hotkeyAccessManager": "Access rights manager",
+ "searchByTitle": "Filter by title",
+ "accessManagerTitle": "Access rights by records",
+ "accessManagerChooseGroups": "Choose one or more groups",
+ "accessManagerChooseOperations": "Choose one or more operation types",
+ "status-no-status": "Workflow not active",
+ "badGmlProjectionCode": "The geometry projection {{srsName}} defined in the XML is not valid. Please edit the xml to fix the srs name or enter a new geometry.",
+ "draft": "Working copy",
+ "link": "Link",
+ "link-text": "Link text",
+ "confirmCancelEdit": "Do you want to cancel all changes and close the editor?",
+ "allowEditGroupMembers": "Allow group editors to edit",
+ "wmsSelectedLayers": "Selected layers",
+ "wmsSelectedLayersNone": "No layers selected",
+ "remoteAssociatedMetadataTitlePlaceholder": "Remote associated metadata title",
+ "distributionPanel": "Distributions",
+ "onlineDiscoverWMSTitle": "Link to a WMS service",
+ "onlineDiscoverArcGISTitle": "Link to an ESRI service",
+ "suggest-add-info-from-wms": "Update with view service info (bbox, crs, overview)",
+ "suggest-create-featurecatalogue-from-wfs": "Add or replace data model",
+ "wmsLayerName": "Layer name",
+ "addOnlinesrc#API": "Add API",
+ "addOnlinesrc#API-help": "eg. view service, REST API",
+ "addOnlinesrc#onlineDownload|localNetwork": "Add download",
+ "addOnlinesrc#onlineDownload|localNetwork-help": "eg. file, download service, local network links",
+ "addOnlinesrc#onlineUseMap": "Add map",
+ "addOnlinesrc#onlineUseMap-help": "eg. PDF static maps or OGC Web Map Context interactive maps",
+ "addOnlinesrc#onlineUseLegend": "Add portrayal",
+ "addOnlinesrc#onlineUseLegend-help": "eg. LYR, QML, SLD files",
+ "addOnlinesrc#links": "Dodaj linki",
+ "addOnlinesrc#links-help": "eg. web links",
+ "addOnlinesrc#quality": "Add quality info",
+ "addOnlinesrc#quality-help": "eg. specification, reports",
+ "associated-parent": "Nadrzędne Metadane",
+ "associated-service": "Usługa",
+ "associated-dataset": "Zbiór danych",
+ "associated-source": "Źródłowy zbiór danych",
+ "associated-fcats": "Katalog funkcji",
+ "associated-siblings": "Powiązane zasoby",
+ "associated-hasfeaturecats": "Używając funkcji z katalogu",
+ "associatedResourcesPanel": "Powiązane zasoby",
+ "validationSuccessLabel": "success",
+ "validationErrorLabel": "errors",
+ "metadataDuplicatedField-title": "The metadata title is used in another metadata record.",
+ "metadataDuplicatedField-altTitle": "The metadata alternate title is used in another metadata record.",
+ "metadataDuplicatedField-identifier": "The metadata resource identifier is used in another metadata record."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pl-search.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pl-search.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..179cf0717ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pl-search.json
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+ "rate": "Ocena",
+ "clickToRate": "Kliknij aby ocenić",
+ "source": "Katalog(i)",
+ "title": "Tytuł",
+ "abstract": "Abstrakcyjny",
+ "topiccat": "Temat(y)",
+ "contact": "Kontakt",
+ "identifier": "Identyfikator zasobu",
+ "drawAnExtentToFilter": "Wskaż obszar stosowania filtru przestrzennego.",
+ "clickToRemoveSpatialFilter": "Narysuj nowy obszar na mapie lub kliknij, aby usunąć filtr przestrzenny.",
+ "chooseSpatialFilterType": "Wybierz typ wyszukiwania przestrzennego (np. przecięcie, zawieranie).",
+ "openLargeMap": "Otwórz podgląd mapy",
+ "type": "Typ",
+ "noDataInCatalog": "Katalog nie zawiera obecnie żadnych informacji. Zaloguj się, a następnie załaduj próbki, zbiory lub importuj rekordy.",
+ "archive": "Archiwum",
+ "archiveincluded": "Uwzględnij archiwalne",
+ "archiveexcluded": "Pomiń archiwalne",
+ "archiveonly": "Tylko archiwalne",
+ "What": "What?",
+ "downloadAllIn": "Pobierz wszystko",
+ "downloadInCurrentMapExtent": "... lub tylko w bieżącym widoku",
+ "downloadFeature": "Pobierz",
+ "opacity": "Przeźroczystość",
+ "filterData": "Filtruj dane",
+ "When": "When?",
+ "Where": "Where?",
+ "recordType": "Record type?",
+ "searchPlaces": "Search for a place",
+ "switchFrom2DTo3D": "Przełącz z 2D na 3D",
+ "bbox": "bbox",
+ "backgroundMap": "Mapa podkładowa:",
+ "checkIfDataIsDownloadableFromWfs": "Download service available?",
+ "checkIfDataIsDownloadableFromWfsHelp": "Check if this layer is available using a WFS service. If yes, then list available download formats as defined in the service capabilities.",
+ "saveMap": "Save map",
+ "downloadContext": "Download current map as",
+ "saveMapAsContext": "OGC context (XML)",
+ "saveMapAsImage": "PNG image",
+ "saveMapInCatalog": "Zapisz bieżącą mapę w katalogu",
+ "saveMapInCatalogAction": "Save as metadata record",
+ "saveInCatalogAndPublish-help": "Create metadata record and make it public.",
+ "saveMapInCatalogActionAndPublish": "Save as public record",
+ "mapSavedInCatalog": "Zobacz rekord metadanych mapy.",
+ "mapAbstract": "Mapa abstrakcyjna",
+ "loadAMap": "Load a map",
+ "noMaps": "No maps found",
+ "topMaps": "Latest maps",
+ "uploadContext": "From file",
+ "resetContext": "Default map",
+ "kmlContext": "Format KML",
+ "displayHeatMap": "Pokaż mapę ciepła",
+ "removeFeatures": "Usuń funkcje",
+ "refresh": "Odśwież",
+ "kmlFile": "{{layer}} (KML)",
+ "noRecordFoundWithResourceRegistered": "No record found with one or more WMS layers registered.",
+ "noRecordFoundWithResourceRegisteredmap": "No record found with one or more maps registered.",
+ "tmsLinkDetails": "This dataset is published in the view service (TMS) available at {{url}} with identifier {{layer}}.",
+ "esri:restLinkDetails": "ESRI REST service {{url}}.",
+ "wmsLinkDetails": "This dataset is published in the view service (WMS) available at {{url}} with layer name {{layer}}.",
+ "wmsServiceLinkDetails": "This dataset is published in the view service (WMS) available at {{url}}.",
+ "wmtsLinkDetails": "This dataset is published in the view service (WMTS) available at {{url}} with identifier {{layer}}.",
+ "wmtsServiceLinkDetails": "This dataset is published in the view service (WMTS) available at {{url}}.",
+ "wfsLinkDetails": "This dataset is published in the download service (WFS) available at {{url}} with layer name {{layer}}.",
+ "wfsServiceLinkDetails": "This dataset is published in the download service (WFS) available at {{url}}.",
+ "wcsLinkDetails": "This dataset is published in the download service (WCS) available at {{url}} with layer name {{layer}}.",
+ "sosLinkDetails": "This dataset is published in the sensor observation service (SOS) available at {{url}} with name {{layer}}.",
+ "atomDatasetsInFeed": "Datasets available",
+ "atomLinkDetails": "This dataset is published in the Atom Feed available at {{url}} with name {{layer}}.",
+ "otherLinkDetails": "Other resources:",
+ "qualityLinkDetails": "Quality report",
+ "featurecatalogueLinkDetails": "Feature catalogue",
+ "legendLinkDetails": "Legenda",
+ "wmsCapabilitiesNotAvailable": "Couldn't check the GetCapabilities response",
+ "wmsLayerNotAvailable": "The layer {{layerName}} is not available in the WMS service. However, you can view one of the available ones",
+ "wmsChooseLayerToAdd": "Choose a layer to add to the map",
+ "wmtsCapabilitiesNotAvailable": "Couldn't check the GetCapabilities response",
+ "wmtsLayerNotAvailable": "The layer {{layerName}} is not available in the WMTS service. However, you can view one of the available ones",
+ "wmtsChooseLayerToAdd": "Choose a layer to add to the map",
+ "wfsCapabilitiesNotAvailable": "Couldn't check the GetCapabilities response",
+ "wfsLayerNotAvailable": "The featuretype {{layerName}} is not available in the WFS service. However, you can view one of the available ones",
+ "wfsChooseLayerToAdd": "Choose a featuretype to add to the map",
+ "wcsCapabilitiesNotAvailable": "Couldn't check the GetCapabilities response",
+ "wcsLayerNotAvailable": "The coverage {{layerName}} is not available in the WCS service. However, you can view one of the available ones",
+ "wcsChooseLayerToAdd": "Choose a coverage to add to the map",
+ "Unable_to_connect_to_service": "Unable to connect to service",
+ "databaseLayerDetails": "Ten zbiór danych danych jest publikowany w bazie danych {{url}} w tabeli {{layer}}.",
+ "fileLayerDetails": "{{name}}. This dataset is available on the local network {{url}}.",
+ "wfsNotAvailable": "WFS nie jest dostępny.",
+ "wfsFeatureNotIndexed": "Typ obiektu {{wfsUrl}}#{{featureTypeName}} nie był indeksowany.",
+ "indexNotRunning": "Indeks nie jest dostępny",
+ "addToMap": "Dodaj do mapy",
+ "addToMaponlinesrc": "Dodaj do mapy",
+ "addServiceLayersToMaponlinesrc": "Add service layer to map",
+ "viewLayerInExternalViewer": "View layer in external viewer",
+ "mapLinkonlinesrc": "Ładuj mapę",
+ "openRecord": "Zobacz rekord",
+ "openRecordhasfeaturecat": "Powiązany rekord",
+ "openRecordfcat": "Katalog funkcji",
+ "openRecordparent": "Rekord nadrzędny",
+ "openRecordsources": "Źródłowy zbiór danych",
+ "openRecordchildren": "Rekord podrzędny",
+ "openRecordsibling": "Powiązane zasoby",
+ "openRecordassociated": "Powiązane zasoby",
+ "openPageonlinesrc": "Otwórz link",
+ "openRecordhassource": "Powiązany rekord",
+ "openRecordservices": "Powiązane usługi",
+ "openRecorddatasets": "Powiązany zbiory danych",
+ "downloadonlinesrc": "Pobierz",
+ "fileLinkonlinesrc": "Pobierz",
+ "openPage": "Otwórz link",
+ "defaultView": "Domyślny widok",
+ "full": "Pełny widok",
+ "securityConstraints": "Ograniczenia bezpieczeństwa",
+ "versionIdentifier": "Version identifier",
+ "otherConstraints": "Pozostałe ograniczenia",
+ "resourceConstraints": "Ograniczenia zasobów",
+ "maintenanceAndUpdateFrequencies": "Częstotliwości aktualizacji",
+ "legalConstraints": "Ograniczenia prawne",
+ "scale": "Skala",
+ "resolution": "Rozdzielczość",
+ "credit": "Podziekowania",
+ "classification": "Klasyfikacja",
+ "resourceStatus": "Status",
+ "webserviceLinkonlinesrc": "Otwarta usługa",
+ "AU": "Jednostki administracyjne",
+ "drawOnMap": "Rysuj na mapie",
+ "advancedForm": "Pokaż zaawansowane opcje",
+ "simpleForm": "Ukryj zaawansowane opcje",
+ "restrictArea": "Ogranicz obszar wyszukiwania do",
+ "layer": "warstwa",
+ "nolayer": "Brak warstwy",
+ "layers": "warstwy",
+ "layerAdded": "Layer '{{layer}}' added to the map. Click here to zoom to it.",
+ "layerAddedNoExtent": "Layer '{{layer}}' added to the map.",
+ "localLayerFile": "{{layer}} (plik lokalny)",
+ "mostPopular": "Najbardziej popularne",
+ "mapImportFailure": "Nieudany import warstwy",
+ "recentChanges": "Ostatnie zmiany",
+ "homeTitle": "Wyszukiwanie danych i usług przestrzennych",
+ "visualize": "Podgląd",
+ "template": "Szablon",
+ "valid": "Poprawny",
+ "toEdit": "Edytować",
+ "toPublish": "Opublikować",
+ "format": "Format",
+ "anyValue": "- Dowolny -",
+ "unchecked": "Odznaczony",
+ "createDate": "Utworzony",
+ "changeDate": "Zmieniony",
+ "publish": "Publikacja",
+ "unpublish": "Ukrycie",
+ "View": "Podgląd",
+ "Other": "Pozostałe",
+ "export": "Eksport",
+ "exportXML": "Eksport (XML)",
+ "exportcheXML": "Eksport (XML)",
+ "exportGM03": "Eksport (GM03)",
+ "exportRDF": "Export (RDF)",
+ "exportCSV": "Export (CSV)",
+ "exportPDF": "Export (PDF)",
+ "exportMEF": "Eksport (ZIP)",
+ "welcomeText": "Tutaj znajdziesz dane, usługi i mapy i nie tylko.",
+ "searchOver": "Search {{records}} data sets, services and maps, ...",
+ "browseBy": "Przeglądaj według",
+ "browseTopics": "Przeglądaj tematy",
+ "browseTypes": "Przeglądaj zasoby",
+ "versionDetails": "Powered by GeoNetwork {{platform}} {{version}}.{{subversion}}",
+ "lastRecords": "Najnowsze aktualności",
+ "preferredRecords": "Najbardziej popularne",
+ "about": "O systemie",
+ "twitter": "Twitter",
+ "github": "Github",
+ "viewMore": "Więcej",
+ "listOfCategories": "Kategorie",
+ "formats": "Formaty",
+ "addLayers": "Dodaj warstwy",
+ "serviceUrl": "https://...",
+ "serviceUrlLabel": "Adres URL usługi",
+ "CurrentLayers": "Warstwy",
+ "SearchLayer": "Wyszukiwanie",
+ "addLayerFromMaps": "Mapy",
+ "addLayerFromServices": "Services",
+ "addLayerFromFiles": "Files",
+ "chooseAservice": "Wybierz usługę",
+ "chooseAserviceHelp": "Wszystkie usługi zarejestrowane w katalogu są prezentowane tutaj.",
+ "orTypeAServiceUrl": "podaj adres URL usługi {{type}}",
+ "addAllLayersToMap": "Dodaj wszystkie {{number}} warstw do mapy",
+ "downloadsAndResources": "Pobierz i linki",
+ "sourceCatalog": "Dostarczone przez",
+ "tempExtent": "Czasowy zakres",
+ "more": "więcej",
+ "less": "mniej",
+ "overview": "Przegląd",
+ "chooseAView": "Tryb wyświetlania",
+ "metadataContact": "Kontakt dla metadanych",
+ "metadataRemoved": "{{title}} usunięty.",
+ "extent": "Zasięg przestrzenny",
+ "aboutThisResource": "O tym zasobie",
+ "preview": "Podgląd",
+ "metadataInformation": "Informacje o metadanych",
+ "backTosearch": "Wróć do wyszukiwania",
+ "backTomap": "Wróć do mapy",
+ "backTohome": "Back to home",
+ "shareOn": "Udostępnij w serwisach społecznościowych",
+ "updatedOn": "Zaktualizowany:",
+ "license": "Licencja",
+ "constraints": "Ograniczenia",
+ "technicalInformation": "Informacje techniczne",
+ "publicationDate": "Data publikacji",
+ "creationDate": "Data utworzenia",
+ "revisionDate": "Data przeglądu",
+ "tempExtentBegin": "Częstotliwość",
+ "updateFrequency": "Częstotliwość aktualizacji",
+ "lineage": "Rozowód",
+ "identification": "Identyfikacja",
+ "metadata": "Metadane",
+ "mdLanguage": "Język metadanych",
+ "mdContact": "Kontakt metadanych",
+ "parentIdentifier": "Nadrzędny identyfikator metadanych",
+ "distributor": "Dystrybutor",
+ "sourceDataset": "Źródłowy zbiór danych",
+ "metadataInXML": "Pobierz metadane",
+ "language": "Język",
+ "metadataLanguage": "Język metadanych",
+ "sendMail": "Wyślij e-mail",
+ "newOwner": "Nowy Właściciel",
+ "updateCategories": "Aktualizuj kategorię",
+ "updatePrivileges": "Aktualizuj uprawnienia",
+ "exportSummary": "Eksportuj podsumowanie",
+ "mdNew": "Nowe metadane",
+ "mdImport": "Importuj metadane",
+ "hotkeySortBy": "Następna opcja sortowania",
+ "hotkeyHome": "Strona główna",
+ "hotkeyFocusToSearch": "Skoncentruj się na wejściu wyszukiwania i zacznij pisać!",
+ "hotkeySearchTheCatalog": "Wyzwalacz wyszukiwania",
+ "hotkeyMap": "Stwórz mapę!",
+ "hotkeyFirstPage": "Przenieś na pierwszą stronę",
+ "hotkeyPreviousPage": "Move to previous page",
+ "hotkeyNextPage": "Przenieś na następną stronę",
+ "hotkeyLastPage": "Przenieś na ostatnią stronę",
+ "hotkeySelectAll": "Zaznacz wszystkie rezultaty wyszukiwania",
+ "hotkeySelectAllInPage": "Zaznacz wszystko na bieżącej stronie",
+ "hotkeyUnSelectAll": "Odznacz wszystkie pozycje",
+ "clickToSelectYear": "Kliknij na pasek, aby wybrać rok",
+ "what": "What?",
+ "when": "When?",
+ "where": "Where?",
+ "resourcesCreatedTheLast": "Zasoby utworzone w ostatnim",
+ "recordsCreatedTheLast": "Rekordy utworzone w ostatnim",
+ "today": "dziś",
+ "yesterday": "wczoraj",
+ "thisWeek": "w tym tygodniu",
+ "thisMonth": "w tym miesiącu",
+ "last3Months": "w ciągu ostatnich 3 miesięcy",
+ "last6Months": "w ciągu ostatnich 6 miesięcy",
+ "thisYear": "w tym roku",
+ "publishComplete": "Opublikuj raport",
+ "unpublishComplete": "Cofnij publikację raportu",
+ "mdPublished": "Opublikowane metadane",
+ "mdUnpublished": "Cofnięta publikacja metadanych",
+ "mdUnmodified": "Niezatwierdzone metadane",
+ "mdDisallowed": "Ograniczone metadane",
+ "mdNovalid": "Nieprawidłowe metadane",
+ "metadataUnchanged": "Niemodyfikowane metadane",
+ "accessRestricted": "Nie masz uprawnień do zmiany tych metadanych",
+ "copiedToClip": "Text copied to clipboard!",
+ "Layers": "Warstwy",
+ "ManageLayers": "Zarządzaj warstwami",
+ "Contexts": "Mapy",
+ "Print": "Drukuj",
+ "PrintTheMap": "Drukuj bieżącą mapę",
+ "print_layout": "Wygląd",
+ "print_scale": "Skala",
+ "print_format": "Format",
+ "ZoomToMapMaxExtent": "Powiększ do początkowego zakresu mapy",
+ "ZoomToYourLocation": "Powiększ w pobliżu twojej lokalizacji",
+ "Auto": "Auto",
+ "Measure": "Miara",
+ "measure_instruction": "Narysuj linię na mapie i znajdź jej długość w tym panelu",
+ "Annotations": "Adnotacje",
+ "Zoom": "Powiększenie",
+ "ZoomOut": "Pomniejsz",
+ "ZoomIn": "Powiększ",
+ "toggleMiniMap": "Pokaż/ukryj mapę",
+ "Localisation": "Lokalizacja",
+ "ThemeLayers": "Warstwy tematyczne",
+ "AddALayer": "Add a Layer from",
+ "LayerWMS": "WMS",
+ "LayerWFS": "WFS",
+ "LayerWMTS": "WMTS",
+ "LayerWCS": "Warstwa WCS",
+ "LayerSOS": "Warstwa SOS",
+ "LayerKML": "KML",
+ "mapFileName": "mapa",
+ "mapTitle": "Kafelki",
+ "mapComment": "Opis lub podziękowanie",
+ "LayerJSON": "Plik JSON ",
+ "LayerRSS": "Usługa GeoRSS",
+ "LayerAtom": "Usługa Atom",
+ "LayerGML": "Plik GML",
+ "MapContexts": "Mapy",
+ "Measures": "Pomiary",
+ "BackgroundLayers": "Warstwy podkładowe",
+ "terrainProvider": "Teren:",
+ "terrainProvider-none": "Płaski teren",
+ "terrainProvider-default": "Domyślny teren",
+ "Point": "Punkt",
+ "Polygon": "Poligon",
+ "Linestring": "Linia",
+ "Text": "Tekst",
+ "tipDrawText": "Type some text and drop it on the map",
+ "Modify": "Modyfikuj",
+ "Remove": "Usuń",
+ "drawInstruction": "Wybierz typ, narysuj obiekt. Kliknij dwukrotnie, aby zakończyć linię lub wielobok. Teksty można wstawić do pola tekstowego, a następnie dodać do mapy, klikając na mapę",
+ "help": "Pomoc",
+ "textFillColor": "Wypełnij kolorem",
+ "textStrokeColor": "Kolor ramki",
+ "textStrokeWidth": "Grubość ramki",
+ "textWidth": "Rozmiar",
+ "textFont": "Font",
+ "textContent": "Text to display",
+ "drawFillColor": "Wypełnij kolorem",
+ "drawStrokeColor": "Kolor ramki",
+ "drawWidth": "Wługość",
+ "drawRadius": "Okrąg",
+ "drawColor": "Kolor",
+ "red": "czerwony",
+ "orange": "pomarańczowy",
+ "blue": "niebieski",
+ "white": "biały",
+ "black": "czarny",
+ "yellow": "żółty",
+ "green": "zielony",
+ "pink": "różowy",
+ "brown": "brązowy",
+ "purple": "purpurowy",
+ "gray": "szary",
+ "Results": "Wyniki",
+ "Legend": "Legenda",
+ "otherKeywords": "Other keywords",
+ "isValid": "Status weryfikacji",
+ "isValidInspire": "Validation status (INSPIRE)",
+ "Attribution": "Atrybuty",
+ "layerDelete": "Usuń warstwę",
+ "layerMetadata": "Metadane",
+ "layerVisible": "Widoczny",
+ "layerMoveDown": "Przenieś warstwę w dół",
+ "layerMoveUp": "Przenieś warstwę do góry",
+ "layerExtentZoom": "Powiększ do warstwy",
+ "maxExtentZoom": "Powiększ do maksymalnego zasięgu",
+ "layerInfo": "Informacja o warstwie",
+ "Locations": "Lokalizacja",
+ "clear": "czyść",
+ "msgCanDropFileOnMap": "Note that you can also drop a file onto the map",
+ "UploadKMZfile": "Wczytaj plik KMZ",
+ "or": "lub",
+ "KMLfileURL": "Adres URL do pliku KML",
+ "refineSearch": "Sprecyzuj wyszukiwanie",
+ "backToList": "Wróć do listy",
+ "privilegesBatchAlert": "The privileges will be updated for all editable records in the selection. The privilege form is empty and does not reflect the selected records current privileges! Privileges are reset and replaced by the new one.
Clicking on Merge selected will add (checked with +) or remove (checkbox with -) selected privileges.
Clicking on Replace by selected will remove record categories and then add (checked with +) or remove (checkbox with -) selected privileges.",
+ "permalink": "stały link",
+ "permalinkTo": "Link do {{title}}",
+ "shareOnTwitter": "Udostępnij na Twitterze",
+ "shareOnFacebook": "Udostępnij na Facebooku",
+ "shareOnLinkedIn": "Udostępnij w LinkedIn",
+ "shareByEmail": "Udostępnij prze e-mail",
+ "zoomto": "Powiększ do",
+ "recordNotFound": "The record with identifier {{uuid}} was not found or is not shared with you.",
+ "trySignIn": "Try to log in if you have an account.",
+ "intersectWith": "Przecięcie z",
+ "fullyOutsideOf": "W pełni na zewnątrz",
+ "encloses": "Zamykanie",
+ "within": "Wewnątrz",
+ "within_bbox": "Wewnątrz",
+ "transferOwnership": "Przeniesienie własności",
+ "selectNewOwner": "Wybierz nowego właściciela",
+ "selectGroup": "Wybierz grupę",
+ "loadUsersError": "Błąd ładowania użytkowników",
+ "loadUserGroupsError": "Błąd ładowania grup użytkownika",
+ "transferOwnershipError": "Wystąpił błąd podczas przesyłania własności metadanych",
+ "transferOwnershipSuccessMsg": "Pomyslnie przesłane metadane do nowego właściciela.
- Przetransferowano:
- {{done}}
- Bez właściciela:
- {{notOwner}}
- Nie znaleziono:
- {{notFound}}
+ "filterGroup": "Grupy filtrowania",
+ "wpsLoadingProcessDescription": "Opisu procesu ładowania ...",
+ "wpsDescribeProcessFailed": "DescribeProcess błędny",
+ "wpsExecute": "Uruchom",
+ "wpsExecuteFailed": "Uruchomienie nie powiodło się",
+ "wpsErrorCodeReturned": "Serwer zwrócił kod statusu",
+ "time": "Czas",
+ "features": "funkcja(e)",
+ "noUsers": "No users",
+ "downloadLayer": "Pobierz dane",
+ "featureCount": "Ilość funcji",
+ "fbContact": "Kontakt",
+ "fbName": "Nazwa",
+ "fbFunction": "Funkcja",
+ "fbOrganization": "Organizacja",
+ "fbPhone": "Telefon",
+ "fbEmail": "E-mail",
+ "fbFeedback": "Informacja zwrotna",
+ "fbCategory": "Kategoria",
+ "fbComments": "Komentarze",
+ "fbQuestion": "Pytanie",
+ "fbError": "Błąd",
+ "fbCatMetadataContents": "Zawartość metadanych",
+ "fbCatDataContents": "Zawartość danych",
+ "fbCatServiceContents": "Zawartość usługi",
+ "fbCatSupport": "Wsparcie",
+ "fbCatMapViewer": "Przeglądarka map",
+ "fbCatSearch": "Wyszukaj",
+ "fbCatOrganizations": "Organizacje",
+ "fbCatContentManagement": "Zarządzanie zawartością",
+ "fbCatMetadataImport": "Import metadanych",
+ "fbCatMetadataEditing": "Edycja metadanych",
+ "fbCatHarvesting": "Zbieranie",
+ "fbCatValidator": "Walidator",
+ "fbCatOthers": "Pozostałe",
+ "fbSendTo": "Send to",
+ "syncAllLayers": "Synchronizuj wszystkie warstwy (lub tylko warstwy tła) między przeglądarką map i mapą podglądu",
+ "mdvalid": "Metadane są poprawne",
+ "mdinvalid": "Metadane są niepoprawne",
+ "mdinvalidcantpublish": "Invalid metadata can't be published",
+ "mdnonapprovedcantpublish": "Non approved metadata can't be published",
+ "mdnovalidation": "Metadane nie zawierają informacji o walidacji",
+ "setall": "Ustaw wszystkie uprawnienia",
+ "print_legend": "Legenda",
+ "print_legend_field": "Dołącz legendę",
+ "landscape": "Landscape",
+ "overviewPrintTemplate": "Przegląd",
+ "portrait": "Portrait",
+ "wfsDownloadDataInstruction": "Choose a data format to download:",
+ "wfsTypenameNotAvailable": "The featuretype '{{typename}}' is not available in the WFS service. You can select from available featuretypes instead",
+ "wfsChooseFeatureTypeToDownload": "Choose a featuretype to download",
+ "wpsGetCapError": "Error while parsing WPS capabilities:",
+ "wpsByUrl": "Search processes",
+ "wpsRecent": "Recent Processes",
+ "selection.indexing.count": "Indexing started for the {{count}} record(s) selected.",
+ "selection.indexing.error": "Error during selection indexing.",
+ "showLegend": "Show legend",
+ "hideLegend": "Hide legend",
+ "selectStyle": "Select a style",
+ "setOpacity": "Set the opacity",
+ "mdActions": "Available actions",
+ "mdActions-view": "Viewable",
+ "mdActions-download": "Downloadable",
+ "mdActions-process": "Processable",
+ "GUFrate": "Ocena",
+ "GUFnoRatings": "No ratings ",
+ "GUFfromRatingCountRatings": "from {{ratingCount}} ratings",
+ "GUFwaitingForApproval": "Waiting for approval",
+ "GUFseeAllFeedbacks": "See all feedback",
+ "GUFcommentsLastCommentOn": "{{userfeedbackCount}} comments, last comment on {{date}}.",
+ "GUFcountReviews": "{{userfeedbackCount}} Reviews",
+ "GUFdeleteUserFeedback": "Usuń",
+ "GUFpublishUserFeedback": "Publikacja",
+ "GUFclose": "Zamknij",
+ "GUFsave": "Zapisz",
+ "GUFfeedbackOn": "Feedback on:",
+ "GUFnoComments": "No comments",
+ "GUFaddRating": "Add your review",
+ "GUFplusAddRating": "Add your review",
+ "GUFaddReview": "Add a review",
+ "GUFaddYourReview": "Add your review",
+ "GUFaddYourReviewInfo": "Suggest a webpage, application or document that contains additional information relevant to (the use of) this dataset.",
+ "GUFaddKeywords": "Add keywords",
+ "GUFcurrentScore": "Current score",
+ "GUFuserInformation": "User information",
+ "GUFgiveYourOpinionOnDifferentCategories": "Share your experience related to different aspects of this dataset",
+ "GUFgiveYourOpinionAboutTheDataset": "Share your experience with, ask a question about or state a comment about this dataset",
+ "GUFhelpUsImproveDataset": "Help us improve the dataset even more...",
+ "GUFcategories": "Kategorie",
+ "GUFyouAreLoggedInAs": "You are currently logged in as {{authorNameValue}}",
+ "GUFyouAreNotLoggedInPleaseFillIn": "You are not logged in, please fill in your name, email and organization",
+ "GUFshowUserNameInComments": "Show my username in reviews and ratings",
+ "GUFhideUserNameInPublic": "Hide my name on public reviews (email will never be displayed)",
+ "GUFanonymous": "Anonymous",
+ "GUFratingsComments": "Ratings & Comments",
+ "GUFpublishConfirm": "Do you want to publish this comment?",
+ "GUFdeleteConfirm": "Do you want to delete this comment?",
+ "GUFrequired": "Required",
+ "GUFtooLong": "Too long",
+ "GUFnotValidFormat": "Not a valid format",
+ "clickToSelect": "Click to select or unselect",
+ "filterDataDescription": "Select a layer on the map to begin filtering associated WFS features (if any). Features must first have been indexed by an administrator.",
+ "WPSDescription": "Enter a WPS endpoint URL to begin using the process through a dynamic form. Recently used WPS processes are shown in the second tab.",
+ "noRecentProcessFound": "No process used recently.",
+ "localStorageNotSupported": "Browser local storage not supported",
+ "wpsProcesslist": "Processing services",
+ "wpsProcessurl": "By URL",
+ "wpsProcessrecent": "Recent services",
+ "noLayersFound": "No layers found",
+ "featuredUserSearches": "Featured searches",
+ "userSearches": "User searches",
+ "allLanguage": "Wszystko",
+ "userSearch": "User search",
+ "createUserSearch": "Utwórz",
+ "manageUserSearches": "Manage",
+ "manageUserSearchesTitle": "Manage user searches",
+ "deleteUserSearchConfirm": "Do you really want to remove the search?",
+ "userSearchTblSearchName": "Search name",
+ "userSearchTblCreator": "Creator",
+ "userSearchTblCreationDate": "Data utworzenia",
+ "userSearchTblGroups": "Assigned groups",
+ "userSearchRemoved": "User search removed",
+ "userSearchSaveHeader": "Saves the current search filter.",
+ "userSearchName": "Nazwa",
+ "userSearchFeatured": "Featured",
+ "userSearchFeaturedDisplayIn": "Display featured in",
+ "userSearchGroups": "For groups",
+ "userSearchLogo": "Logo url",
+ "userSearchUrl": "Search url",
+ "userSearchUpdateUrl": "Aktualizuj",
+ "userSearchFeaturedDisplayInHomePage": "Strona główna",
+ "userSearchUpdated": "User search saved",
+ "userSearchUpdatedError": "Error saving user search",
+ "seeDraft": "This record has a working copy version. Click here to see it.",
+ "seeNoDraft": "This record has an approved and published version. Click here to see it.",
+ "loadMoreResults": "load more results...",
+ "moreFacet": "{{count}} more",
+ "lessFacet": "{{count}} less",
+ "allFacet": "all ({{count}})",
+ "initialFacet": "initial ({{count}})",
+ "removeThisFilter": "Remove this filter",
+ "removeAllFilters": "Remove all filters",
+ "creationDateFrom": "Resources created after",
+ "creationDateTo": "Resources created before",
+ "changeDateFrom": "Resources changed after",
+ "changeDateTo": "Resources changed before",
+ "dateFrom": "Records updated after",
+ "dateTo": "Records updated before",
+ "activeFilters": "Active filters",
+ "geometryFilter": "Bounding Box",
+ "GUFname": "Your Name",
+ "GUFemail": "Your Email address",
+ "GUForganization": "Your Organization",
+ "mousePositionCopiedToClipboard": "Coordinates {{position}} copied to clipboard.",
+ "mousePosition": "Position",
+ "coordinateFormat": "Projection & format",
+ "displayMousePosition": "Display mouse position (Use 'c' shortcut to copy position to clipboard).",
+ "copyMousePosition": "Copy mouse position to clipboard",
+ "printUnsupportedLayerTypes": "The following layer types are present but cannot be printed",
+ "rssFeed": "RSS feed",
+ "esriCapabilitiesFailed": "Error retrieving the ESRI Rest capabilities document.",
+ "esriCapabilitiesNoValid": "The response is not a valid ESRI Rest capabilities document.",
+ "seriesComposedOf": "Composed of",
+ "seriesCoveringPeriod": "Covering period",
+ "approve": "Approve",
+ "fieldRequired": "The value is required",
+ "fieldTooLong": "The value is too long",
+ "fieldTooLongMax": "The value is too long (max {{maxChar}} characters)",
+ "fieldTooShort": "The value is too short",
+ "fieldEmailNotValid": "A valid email address is required",
+ "addLayerPrefix": "Add layer",
+ "addLayerPostfix": "to the map",
+ "submit": "Submit",
+ "indexingErrorMsg-invalidBounds": "Warning / Field resourceTemporalDateRange / Lower and upper bounds empty or not valid dates. Date range not indexed.",
+ "indexingErrorMsg-invalidDateFormat": "Warning / Date {{dateType}} with value '{{date}}' was not a valid date format.",
+ "indexingErrorMsg-keywordNotFoundInThesaurus": "Warning / Keyword {{keyword}} not found in {{thesaurus}}.",
+ "indexingErrorMsg-temporalDateRangeLowerGreaterThanUpper": "Warning / Field resourceTemporalDateRange / Lower range bound {{lowerBound}} can not be greater than upper bound {{upperBound}}. Date range not indexed.",
+ "indexingErrorMsg-temporalRangeLowerGreaterThanUpper": "Warning / Field resourceTemporalDateRange / Lower range bound {{lowerBound}} can not be greater than upper bound {{upperBound}}.",
+ "indexingErrorMsg-schemaNotRegistered": "Record {{record}} / Schema '{{schema}}' is not registered in this catalog. Install it or remove those records. Record is indexed indexing error flag.",
+ "indexingErrorMsg-indexingStyleSheetError": "Indexing stylesheet contains errors: {{message}} \n Marking the metadata as _indexingError=1 in index."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pl-v4.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pl-v4.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5549c82a17f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pl-v4.json
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+ "year(s)": "year(s)",
+ "month(s)": "month(s)",
+ "day(s)": "day(s)",
+ "hour(s)": "hour(s)",
+ "minute(s)": "minute(s)",
+ "second(s)": "second(s)",
+ "otherKeywords-place": "Place",
+ "otherKeywords-discipline": "Discipline",
+ "otherKeywords-stratum": "Stratum",
+ "otherKeywords-temporal": "Temporal",
+ "otherKeywords-theme": "Temat",
+ "otherKeywords-": "Słowa kluczowe",
+ "link-datasets": "Usługa",
+ "link-services": "Usługa",
+ "isReplacedBy": "Replaced by",
+ "brothersAndSisters": "Siblings",
+ "openPagebrothersAndSisters": "Siblings",
+ "openPagesources": "Source",
+ "openPagehassource": "Is source dataset",
+ "languagesAndTranslations.manage": "Languages & translations",
+ "languages.manage": "Registered languages in database",
+ "": "Language stored in database are used to store translations for database entity like group names, portal titles, ... Limiting the list of languages to the minimum simplify admin console entry forms.",
+ "translations.manage": "Manage translations",
+ "language.add": "Add other languages",
+ "language.added": "Language added.",
+ "language.added.error": "Error while adding language.",
+ "language.removed": "Language removed.",
+ "language.removal.error": "Error while removing language.",
+ "": "Język",
+ "": "Identyfikator",
+ "language.remove": "Remove language",
+ "layerName": "Layer name",
+ "layerNameTooltip": "A layer name from the GetCapabilities document",
+ "ogcServiceUrl": "Service URL",
+ "translation.addFor": "Add a new translation for",
+ "translation.add": "Dodaj",
+ "translation.added": "Translation added",
+ "translation.added.error": "Error while adding translation",
+ "translations.remove.for": "Remove translation for ",
+ "translations.remove.all": "Remove all",
+ "translations.synch.all": "Synchronize with db languages",
+ "": "For each db languages, check a key exist and add it if necessary.",
+ "translations.removed": "Translation removed",
+ "translations.removal.error": "Error while removing translation",
+ "translation.key": "Identyfikator",
+ "translation.value": "Translation",
+ "": "Save all translations",
+ "translation.table.view": "Table mode",
+ "translation.json.view": "JSON mode",
+ "remoteRecord": "Record from external catalog",
+ "chooseACatalogRecord": "Choose a catalog record",
+ "siblingListToAdd": "List of record links to add",
+ "orUseRemoteRecordUrl": "Link to a remote record",
+ "remoteRecordUrl-help": "Remote record can be linked to record in this catalog by pointing to an URL of the remote record. If the remote record is in a GeoNetwork catalog, the landing page of the record is recommended (eg. https://catalog/geonetwork/srv/api/records/{uuid}). For GeoNode, the HTML page can work. For others, XML document can be used (eg. API call or CSW GetRecordById request).",
+ "remoteRecordPropertiesError": "Failed to extract title and UUID for remote record. Check the target document.",
+ "remoteRecordUrlReturnedError": "Failed to access URL: ",
+ "ui-hotkeys": "Keyword shortcuts",
+ "ui-rssFeeds": "List of RSS feeds",
+ "ui-showSearch": "Display search box",
+ "ui-info": "List of information tabs",
+ "ui-info-help": "Can be of type featuredUserSearches, Comments or search. If search, define title and parameters
{\n \"type\": \"search\",\n \"title\": \"lastRecords\",\n \"active\": true,\n \"params\": {\n \"isTemplate\": \"n\",\n \"sortBy\": \"createDate\",\n \"sortOrder\": \"desc\",\n \"from\": 1,\n \"to\": 12\n }\n }
. And define which one is the active panel on page load.",
+ "ui-defaultTool": "Default active tool",
+ "ui-defaultToolAfterMapLoad": "Active tool after map load",
+ "ui-defaultToolAfterMapLoad-help": "User can open a map from different location (eg. home page maps, record view, map selector panel, URL). Define which tool panel to open by default after map is loaded. Can be empty to not activate any tool. 'layers' or 'legend' allows to easily view the list of layers in the map.",
+ "ui-searchOptions": "Search options",
+ "ui-languageStrategy": "Language strategy",
+ "ui-languageStrategy-help": "Language strategy can be: - searchInAllLanguages: search using any.* fields (more records are returned)
- searchInDetectedLanguage: restrict the search to the language detected based on user search. If language detection fails, search in all languages.
- searchInThatLanguage: Force a language using searchInThatLanguage:fre (recommended if only one language used)
- searchInUILanguage: search in UI languages eg. full text field is any.langfre if French
+ "ui-languageWhitelist": "Language whitelist",
+ "ui-languageWhitelist-help": "Limit language detection to some languages only. If empty, the list of languages in catalogue records is used and if none found, mods.header.languages is used.",
+ "ui-queryBase": "Base query",
+ "ui-queryBase-help": "For a simple full text search on all fields use '${any}'. To give more importance to the title, use '${any} resourceTitleObject.default:(${any})^2'. See the documentation for more details. Use '${searchLang}' to set the detected language or '${uiLang}' for the user interface language.",
+ "anyFieldTitle": "Search. Type in to get suggestions. Use \" to search for phrases and exact match eg. \"reference grid\". Use q() for advanced querying eg. q(-cl_status_text:obsolete)",
+ "accessManager": "Access rights",
+ "facetIncludeFilter": "Filter values. Regular expression can be used using '/Land.*/'",
+ "allValuesExcept": "All values except",
+ "filterWithValue": "Filter with this value",
+ "indexNotAvailable": "No search service available currently!",
+ "facet-cat": "Kategoria",
+ "cat": "Kategoria",
+ "groupOwner": "Grupa",
+ "groupPublished": "Opublikowane w tej grupie",
+ "indexingError": "Błąd indeksowania",
+ "source": "Katalog",
+ "ui-sortBy-help": "Define default sort by option. eg. 'relevance' to use the computed search score (see score configuration) or 'dateStamp#desc' to return last updated record first.",
+ "sortBy-validDesc": "validation status",
+ "sortBy-recordOwner": "owner",
+ "csw-sortByHelp": "Define sort option for GetRecords query. This can solve issue for large sets where some records may change on the remote node during harvesting and returned in different pages. Sorting by 'identifier:A' means by UUID with alphabetical order. Any CSW queryables can be used in combination with A or D for setting the ordering.",
+ "moreLikeThis": "Similar records",
+ "moreLikeType": "Similar ",
+ "readMore": "See more...",
+ "onTheWeb": "More online information",
+ "pdfReportTocTitle": "Contents",
+ "loadMoreResults": "load more results...",
+ "rating": "oceny",
+ "popularity": "popularności",
+ "alternateTitle": "Also named: ",
+ "isHarvested-true": "Zbieranie",
+ "isHarvested-false": "Lokalny",
+ "deleteRecordConfirm": "Do you really want to remove '{{resourceTitle}}'?",
+ "range-relation-intersects": "Intersects",
+ "range-relation-within": "Wewnątrz",
+ "range-relation-contains": "Contains",
+ "documentStandard": "Standard metadanych",
+ "cl_status_text": "Status",
+ "resourceTemporalDateRange": "Resource temporal coverage",
+ "facet-dateStamp": "Record update",
+ "facet-format": "Formaty",
+ "facet-topic": "Temat",
+ "facet-inspireThemeUri": "Tematy INSPIRE",
+ "facet-cl_hierarchyLevel": "Typ zasobu",
+ "facet-resourceType": "Typ zasobu",
+ "facet-cl_resourceScope": "Typ zasobu",
+ "facet-cl_spatialRepresentationType": "Spatial representation type",
+ "facet-availableInServices": "Available in",
+ "availableInServices-availableInDownloadService": "Pobierz usługę",
+ "availableInServices-availableInViewService": "View service",
+ "facet-th_gemet_tree": "Environmental tags",
+ "facet-th_regions_tree": "Regiony",
+ "facet-th_httpinspireeceuropaeutheme-theme": "Tematy INSPIRE",
+ "facet-th_httpinspireeceuropaeutheme-theme_tree": "Tematy INSPIRE",
+ "facet-creationYearForResource": "Lata",
+ "facet-resolutionScaleDenominator": "Scales",
+ "facet-cl_maintenanceAndUpdateFrequency": "Częstotliwości aktualizacji",
+ "facet-cl_status": "Status",
+ "facet-tag": "Słowa kluczowe",
+ "facet-resourceTemporalDateRange": "Czasowy zakres",
+ "facet-serviceType": "Typ usługi",
+ "facet-cl_topic": "Temat",
+ "facet-valid": "Status weryfikacji",
+ "valid-1": "Poprawny",
+ "valid-0": "Niepoprawny",
+ "valid--1": "Nieznana",
+ "facet-valid_inspire": "INSPIRE validation status",
+ "valid_inspire-1": "Poprawny",
+ "valid_inspire-0": "Niepoprawny",
+ "valid_inspire-3": "No rule applies",
+ "valid_inspire--1": "Nieznana",
+ "inspireApiQuotaCurrentValue": "JRC INSPIRE validator API usage information",
+ "inspireApiQuotaValidation": "Number of validation:",
+ "inspireApiQuotaRemaining": "Remaining:",
+ "facet-OrgForResource": "Organizacje",
+ "facet-sourceCatalogue": "Catalogues",
+ "facet-groupOwner": "Record groups",
+ "facet-recordOwner": "Record authors",
+ "facet-groupPublished": "Opublikowane w tej grupie",
+ "facet-groupPublishedId": "Opublikowane w tej grupie",
+ "facet-documentStandard": "Standardy",
+ "facet-isHarvested": "Zbieranie",
+ "facet-isTemplate": "Record types",
+ "facet-schema": "Standardy",
+ "facet-isPublishedToAll": "Access",
+ "facet-th_httpinspireeceuropaeumetadatacodelistPriorityDataset-PriorityDataset_tree": "INSPIRE Priority data set",
+ "isPublishedToAll-true": "Public records",
+ "isPublishedToAll-false": "Restricted records",
+ "dateTypeForStatus": "Date type",
+ "dateValueForStatus": "Date",
+ "indexRecordsWithErrors": "Index records with errors / warnings",
+ "top10IndexingErrors": "Top 10 indexing errors:",
+ "facet-indexingErrorMsg": "Indexing errors",
+ "facet-indexingWarningMsg": "Indexing warnings",
+ "facet-indexingErrorType": "Error types",
+ "rebuildIndex": "Reindex records",
+ "dropIndexAndRebuild": "Delete index and reindex",
+ "rebuildIndexHelp": "While rebuilding index, search may return incomplete results and the CSW GetRecords operation can be disabled (if you selected the option in the settings). Use this function, when catalog traffic is low. It's recommended to rebuild index manually from here when making changes directly in the database. If you change index mapping (cf. records.json), then you have to click on 'Delete index and reindex'.",
+ "indexInEsDoneError": "There is an error with the index. See the logs for details",
+ "indexInEsDone": "The indexing operation was successful",
+ "indexCommit": "Commit index changes",
+ "indexCommit-help": "To use only if indexing task is hanging.",
+ "indexCommitError": "Error while committing index changes.",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisConfig": "More like this configuration",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisConfig-help": "Configuration must have a which will be set with the record title to search for similar records. (See Elasticsearch API).",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisFilter": "More like this query filter",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisFilter-help": "Optional filter expression to apply on the more like this query (eg. -cl_status.key:(obsolete OR historicalArchive OR superseded)
to exclude obsolete records).",
+ "ui-autocompleteConfig": "Autocompletion configuration",
+ "ui-autocompleteConfig-help": "Configuration must have a query.multi_match.query which will be set on autocompletion.",
+ "ui-facetConfig": "Facets configuration",
+ "ui-facetConfig-help": "This configuration is used to display facets, using either terms aggregations or filters. See the documentation for more information.",
+ "resourceEvents": "Resource events",
+ "resourceEdition": "Edition",
+ "resourceVerticalRange": "Vertical extent",
+ "searchBadRequest": "Query returned an error. Check the console for details.",
+ "searchInvalidResponse": "Query returned an invalid response. Check the console for details.",
+ "exactMatch": "Exact match",
+ "exactMatch-help": "Exact match means that '\"' are added to the search terms.",
+ "titleOnly": "Search in title only",
+ "titleOnly-help": "Search in title only.",
+ "gnbbox": "Geographical area",
+ "featuresInMapExtent": "Features in current map extent only",
+ "heatmapAvailableForPointOnly": "Heatmap only supported for point layer.",
+ "wfsIndexingEndDate": "Last indexing date",
+ "wfsIndexingScheduled": "Scheduled?",
+ "wfsIndexingNewSchedule": "Add WFS harvester",
+ "wfsIndexingCreateSchedule": "Zapisz",
+ "wfsIndexingUpdateSchedule": "Aktualizuj",
+ "wfsIndexingScheduleHelp": "",
+ "wfsIndexingJobSaved": "WFS indexing job saved.",
+ "wfsIndexingEditSchedule": "Harmonogram",
+ "wfsIndexingTrigger": "Start",
+ "wfsDeleteWfsIndexing": "Usuń",
+ "wfsDeleteWfsIndexingSuccess": "Harvesting task removed.",
+ "wfsDeleteWfsIndexingError": "An error occurred while removing the task.",
+ "wfsIndexingTriggerSuccess": "Harvesting task started.",
+ "wfsIndexingTriggerError": "An error occurred while starting the task.",
+ "wfsHarvesterActions": "Akcje",
+ "setAndReplaceOperations": "Replace operations",
+ "wxsServiceUrl": "Adres URL usługi",
+ "clearCheckboxFormChanges": "Clear modified checkbox state. Checkboxes with '-' means that those values will be removed from the selection.",
+ "addThoseCategories-help": "Add (checked with +) or remove (checkbox with -) selected categories.",
+ "replaceByThoseCategories-help": "Remove record categories and then add (checked with +) or remove (checkbox with -) selected categories.",
+ "clearValidationStatus": "Clear validation status",
+ "addThoseOperations-help": "Append (checked with +) or remove (checkbox with -) selected privileges.",
+ "privilegesNeededForPublicationRecordGroupOnly-true": "To publish a record, you need to be administrator or reviewer of record group",
+ "privilegesNeededForPublicationRecordGroupOnly-false": "To publish a record, you need to be administrator or reviewer of record group or reviewer of a group with editing rights.",
+ "replaceByThoseOperations-help": "Remove record priviliges and then add (checked with +) or remove (checkbox with -) selected privileges.",
+ "chooseASelection": "Choose a selection",
+ "e101": "Editor board selection [e101]",
+ "s101": "Search app selection [s101]",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisSameType": "More like this suggest records of the same type",
+ "ui-showPortalSwitcher": "Display portal menu in top menu",
+ "ui-dateFormat": "Date format",
+ "ui-dateFormat-help": "Format of the dates in record default view.",
+ "ui-showCitation": "Display citation",
+ "ui-showCitation-condition": "Rules to display the citation",
+ "ui-showCitation-condition-help": "eg. {'documentStandard': ['iso19115-3.2018']}",
+ "ui-locationThesaurus": "Location thesaurus",
+ "ui-locationThesaurus-help": "Place keywords to be displayed below the map preview",
+ "ui-internalThesaurus": "Internal thesaurus",
+ "ui-internalThesaurus-help": "Keywords to be displayed only for authenticated users. Usually thesaurus used for management purposes only.",
+ "ui-collectionTableConfig": "For series, configure column of datasets table list",
+ "ui-distributionConfig": "Links configuration",
+ "ui-allowRemoteRecordLink": "Allow remote record links",
+ "ui-distributionConfig-help": "Configure how to group links.",
+ "ui-timezone": "User interface time zone",
+ "ui-timezone-help": "The time zone to use to render date in default view and option to be added to editor date picker. If there is no need to handle multiple timezone in the catalog, set this value to the server timezone (see admin > settings). 'browser' indicate to use the browser timezone.",
+ "NoTimezone": "No timezone",
+ "YourTimezone": "Your timezone",
+ "CatalogTimezone": "Server timezone",
+ "CatalogUiTimezone": "Recommended timezone",
+ "wpsLineage": "Rozowód",
+ "wpsStoreExecuteResponse": "Store execute response",
+ "wpsStatus": "Asynchronous",
+ "wpsOutputAsReference": "Get output as reference",
+ "wpsOutputAsReference-help": "Request response as a URL (which will be available for download on success).",
+ "wpsLoadReferenceInMap": "Load reference in map",
+ "wpsLoadReferenceInMap-help": "Try to download the reference URL with the response and load it on the map (needs to be GeoJSON response).",
+ "ui-wpsSource": "Processing service",
+ "ui-wpsSource-help": "An ordered array of 'list' (see list of service for WPS type), 'url' (user can put a URL) or 'recent' (recent WPS service used are stored in browser local storage).",
+ "translationPackClearCache": "Clear translation packs cache",
+ "translationPackClearCache-help": "Required if you change JSON translation files of the Javascript application in catalog/locale, database translations or schema JSON translations.",
+ "translationPackCacheCleared": "Translation packs cache cleared.",
+ "translationPackCacheClearFailure": "Error occurred while clearing translation packs cache!",
+ "ui-isVegaEnabled": "Enable interactive graphics facets (using Vega)",
+ "ui-exactMatchToggle": "Display exact match toggle",
+ "ui-queryExactMatch": "Exact match query",
+ "ui-queryTitleExactMatch": "Exact match query on title only",
+ "": "Drag out a brush to select a data range or click on a bar on the lower chart. Click out the selected range to unset. Click the filter button to search.\n\nBlue series: current search, Grey series: all records.",
+ "facets.temporalRange.seriesLegend": "Blue series: current search, Grey series: all records",
+ "recordFormats": "Distribution formats:",
+ "recordFormatDownload": "Download as ",
+ "commonProtocols": "General protocols:",
+ "indexStatusSynchronized": "Records in index/db = {{indexStatus['index.count']}}/{{indexStatus['db.count']}}",
+ "indexStatusSynchronized-error": "When number of records is not equal in the database and in the index, check first that the catalogue point to the correct index. If yes, try to reindex the catalogue from admin > tools. If there is still a difference, check for indexing errors in the log file and fix the metadata record using the XML view.",
+ "IndexReadOnlyHealthCheck": "Index is in readonly mode",
+ "summary": "Summary",
+ "metadataRecords": "Metadata records",
+ "accessAndUseConstraints": "Access and use constraints",
+ "results": "Wyniki",
+ "format-zip": "Kod pocztowy",
+ "facet-geometry": "Spatial filter",
+ "usingCswFromNode": "Using portal CSW: ",
+ "validateInspireUsingNode": "Remote INSPIRE validation using portal ",
+ "noINSPIRETestTokenAvailable": "INSPIRE validator returned an empty token. Validation status can't be checked now. Check you configuration and API key or retry later.",
+ "system/localrating/notificationLevel": "Rating notification level",
+ "system/localrating/notificationLevel-help": "Define which users to alert in case of rating.",
+ "system/inspire/remotevalidation/apikey": "API key",
+ "system/inspire/remotevalidation/apikey-help": "Users and organisations interested in receiving an API key will need to contact the Validator team by sending an e-mail to JRC-INSPIRE-SUPPORT AT and provide the following information: name of the organisation, responsible contact point and intended use of the API key.",
+ "system/inspire/remotevalidation/nodeid": "Portal identifier to use for the validation",
+ "system/inspire/remotevalidation/nodeid-help": "If null, the record is uploaded to the validator, if a node is defined, then the CSW url of this node is used, the validator will make a GetRecordById request to retrieve the record.",
+ "system/security/password/allowAdminReset": "Allow password reset by administrator",
+ "system/security/password/allowAdminReset-help": "If a mail server is configured, then users can reset password directly. For security reason, enable this option only if there is no mail server configured.",
+ "chooseOptionsToCustomize": "Choose an option to customize",
+ "ui/chooseAnOption-help": "Current user configuration is empty. Choose one or more option above or create a full configuration.",
+ "uiConfigForm": "Configuration form",
+ "uiConfigJsonForm": "JSON form",
+ "uiConfigPreview": "Preview app",
+ "uiCurrentConfig": "Current configuration",
+ "uiBasicConfig": "Full configuration",
+ "uiRemoveDefaultOptions": "Remove default options",
+ "preferredOptions": "Preferred options",
+ "ui-full-configuration": "All default options (reset all current options)",
+ "ui-full-current-configuration": "All current configuration",
+ "ui-hitsPerPage": "Domyślna ilość pozycji na stronie",
+ "ui-queryTitle": "Query for title only search",
+ "ui-related": "Results / Type of related records to search for",
+ "ui-includePortals": "User searches / Include portals",
+ "ui-list": "Record view list",
+ "ui-langDetector": "Lang detection",
+ "ui-nodeDetector": "Portal detection",
+ "ui-serviceDetector": "Service detection",
+ "ui-baseURLDetector": "Base URL detection",
+ "ui-detectors": "Detectors",
+ "pageId": "Page identifier",
+ "pageContent": "Page content",
+ "pageContentFile": "Page content file",
+ "pageLabel": "Page label",
+ "pageIcon": "Page icon",
+ "pageIcon-help": "Optionally, define a font-awesome icon. Example: 'fa-wrench'.",
+ "pageSection": "Page section",
+ "pageApiLink": "Page API link",
+ "uiRestorePrevious": "Restore last saved",
+ "onlyMyRecord": "Only my records",
+ "searchWithLang": "Languages",
+ "searchAllLanguages-help": "Define which language is giving priorities to some records.",
+ "searchInAllLanguages": "in all languages",
+ "searchInUILanguage": "in UI language",
+ "searchInDetectedLanguage": "in detected language",
+ "forceALanguage": "in language:",
+ "cite.dataset": "Cite dataset",
+ "cite.format.html": "Html",
+ "cite.format.text": "Tekst",
+ "cite.format.ris": "RIS",
+ "": "Tag format developed by Research Information Systems.",
+ "cite.format.bibtex": "BibTex",
+ "": "A BibTeX database file is formed by a list of entries, with each entry corresponding to a bibliographical item.",
+ "origin": "Origin",
+ "forMoreInformationContact": "For more information contact ",
+ "indexingErrorMessages": "{{count}} indexing warnings and/or errors",
+ "searchAndReplace": "Wyszukaj i zamień",
+ "xpathEdits": "XPath editing",
+ "batchEdits": "Form editing",
+ "addXpathCondition": "an optional condition",
+ "condition": "Condition",
+ "searchAndReplaceEditsHelp": "Use the database to run a search and replace operation.",
+ "addSearchAndReplace-help": "",
+ "searchValue": "Wartość",
+ "searchReplacement": "Replacement",
+ "previewChangesAsXml": "XML Preview",
+ "previewChangesAsHtml": "HTML Preview",
+ "previewChangesAsDiff": "Diff",
+ "previewChangesAsPatch": "Patch",
+ "noSearchAndReplaceChangesToApply": "Define a search value first.",
+ "regexpFlags": "Regular expression flags (depends on the database used)",
+ "processPreview": "Process preview",
+ "regexpFlags-m": "enables multiline mode",
+ "regexpFlags-n": "allows the period to match the newline character",
+ "regexpFlags-i": "enables case insensitive matching",
+ "regexpFlags-c": "disables case insensitive matching",
+ "createCollectionFromSelectionAs": "Create collection from selection as",
+ "supplementalInformation": "Supplemental Information",
+ "sourceDescription": "Source description",
+ "processSteps": "Process steps",
+ "orderingInstructions": "Ordering instructions",
+ "siblingsReverseLinks": "Other resources (other record links)",
+ "focusOnFrom": "Focus on resources from ",
+ "focusOn": "Focus on ",
+ "extentDescription": "Extent description",
+ "extentIdentifier": "Extent identifier",
+ "memberOf": "Member of:",
+ "keywordAnchorLink": "More information about ",
+ "facet-linkUrl": "Url",
+ "facet-linkProtocol": "Protokół",
+ "copyToClipboard": "Copy to clipboard.",
+ "copyUrlToClipboard": "Copy URL to clipboard.",
+ "copyHarvesterConfig": "Copy harvester config",
+ "copyListOfUuids": "Copy list of UUIDs",
+ "addHarvesterFromClipboard": "Paste harvester config",
+ "harvesterConfigIsNotJson": "The harvester config must be a JSON configuration.",
+ "harvesterConfigIsNotValid": "The harvester config does not look to be a valid configuration.",
+ "specificationConformance": "Specification conformance",
+ "toggleOptions": "Toggle filter options (open or close filter tree)",
+ "ui-showMosaic": "Show overview mosaic in home page",
+ "ui-showMaps": "Show latest maps in home page",
+ "ui-queryBaseOptions": "Search query options",
+ "ui-queryBaseOptions-help": "Check documentation for more details",
+ "sortBy": "Sort by",
+ "uuidMergePolicy": "UUID merge policy",
+ "filteringAndProcessing": "Filtering and processing response",
+ "recordCreationOptions": "Record creation options",
+ "batchEditConfigIsNotValid": "Batch edit configuration is invalid. It must be a JSON {\"insertMode\": \"gn_add\", \"xpath\": \"...\", \"value\": \"...\"}
+ "batchEditConfigIsNotJson": "Batch edit configuration is not JSON.",
+ "testLink": "Test",
+ "metadata/link": "Link analysis",
+ "metadata/link/excludedUrlPattern": "Exclude URL from link analysis",
+ "metadata/link/excludedUrlPattern-help": "eg. (*|*)",
+ "portals": "Change Portals",
+ "wmstime-info": "Browse {{layerName}} over time. This dataset provides data for {{instantNumber}} dates from {{start}} to {{end}}.",
+ "wmselevation-info": "Browse {{layerName}} elevation dimension. This dataset provides data for {{instantNumber}} elevations from {{start}} to {{end}}.",
+ "animationInterval": "Animation interval: ",
+ "layerParameter": "Settings",
+ "chooseFileToUpload": "Choose or drop a file here",
+ "atom.header": "Atom feeds",
+ "atom.noresults": "No atom feed available",
+ "atom.title": "Tytuł",
+ "atom.content": "Content",
+ "": "Identyfikator",
+ "atom.rights": "Rights",
+ "atom.describedby": "Described by",
+ "": "Autor",
+ "atom.updated": "Updated",
+ "setServiceConnectPoint": "Add service connect point",
+ "mimeType": "Format",
+ "uploadedResourceAlreadyExistException": "File {{file}} already exist in this record data store. Remove it first.",
+ "uploadedResourceSizeExceededException": "File {{file}} too large ({{humanizedSize}}).",
+ "uploadNetworkErrorException": "File {{file}} failed to upload due to network error or connection reset.",
+ "qualityMeasures": "Quality",
+ "measureType": "Type",
+ "measureName": "Measure",
+ "measureDescription": "Description",
+ "measureValue": "Value",
+ "measureDate": "Date",
+ "nextUpdateDate": "Next update",
+ "userDefinedFrequency": "Częstotliwość aktualizacji",
+ "maintenanceNote": "Maintenance note",
+ "switchPortals": "Switch to another Portal",
+ "dataPreview": "Discover data",
+ "tableOfContents": "Table of Contents",
+ "staticPageFormat-LINK": "Web link",
+ "staticPageFormat-HTML": "HTML content displayed embedded in the app",
+ "staticPageFormat-HTMLPAGE": "HTML content displayed in a new browser tab",
+ "staticPageFormat-TEXT": "Plain text content",
+ "staticPageStatus-HIDDEN": "Visible only to the administrator",
+ "staticPageStatus-PRIVATE": "Visible to logged users",
+ "staticPageStatus-GROUPS": "Visible to users belonging to the groups",
+ "staticPageStatus-PUBLIC": "Visible to everyone",
+ "pageLink": "Link",
+ "pageSection-help": "Currently, the default UI view only supports TOP and FOOTER values. Custom UI views can make use of additional values.",
+ "application/vnd.geo+json": "GeoJSON",
+ "application/json": "JSON",
+ "shape-zip": "ESRI Shapefile",
+ "scaleLineTool": "Map scale",
+ "text/xml; subtype=gml/2.1.2": "GML 2.1.2",
+ "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1": "GML 3.1.1",
+ "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.2": "GML 3.2",
+ "lastCreatedRecords": "Last created records",
+ "associationType": "Association type",
+ "initiativeType": "Initiative type",
+ "associatedTo": "Associated ",
+ "overviewDescription": "Overview description",
+ "overviewUrl": "Overview URL",
+ "restApiUrl": "REST API URL",
+ "filterHelp": "Please click on one of the buttons below to activate the filter",
+ "selectDOIResource": "Search for a DOI",
+ "httpStatus--200": "Invalid status",
+ "httpStatus-200": "200: Valid status",
+ "httpStatus-404": "404: Not found",
+ "httpStatus-401": "401: Not authorized",
+ "httpStatus-500": "500: Error",
+ "linkStatus-ok": "Poprawny",
+ "linkStatus-ko": "Niepoprawny",
+ "linkStatus-unknown": "Nieznana",
+ "chooseMetadataGroupOwner": "Metadata group owner",
+ "chooseArequestStatus": "Request status",
+ "chooseAlinkStatus": "Link status",
+ "linkChecker-search": "Search",
+ "linkChecker-excludeHarvestedMetadata": "Exclude harvested metadata",
+ "linkStatus": "Link status",
+ "requestStatus": "Request status",
+ "linkUrl": "Link url",
+ "associatedUuid": "Associated to metadata UUID",
+ "mdEmail": "Email",
+ "mdWebsite": "Website",
+ "mdOrganization": "Organization",
+ "mdAddress": "Address",
+ "mdPhone": "Phone"
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pt-admin.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pt-admin.json
index 29010dceb1b..cc28d3bca26 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pt-admin.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pt-admin.json
@@ -475,6 +475,7 @@
"newUser": "Novo usuário",
"noCommitAvailable": "Nenhuma atividade registrada. Ative o controle de versão em registros de metadados para seguir as alterações.",
"noHarvesterHistory": "Sem histórico disponível para o coletor de dados.",
+ "noRestrictions": "No restrictions",
"nostatus": "Sem status",
"notYetSupported": "Ainda não suportado",
"numberOfSearch": "Número de pesquisas",
@@ -632,23 +633,7 @@
"system/clickablehyperlinks/enable-help": "Se habilitado, o GeoNetwork mostrará hyperlinks clicáveis nos metadados.",
"system/documentation": "Documentation configuration",
"system/documentation/url": "Base manual url",
- "system/documentation/url-help": "Base application manual url. Defaults to the official manual page ({version}/{lang}) and can be customised to use a self hosted documentation with a custom branding. The url can contain \\{\\{lang\\}\\} placeholder, to display the manual in different languages when available, and \\{\\{version\\}\\} placeholder to use the application version.",
- "system/publication": "Publicação",
- "system/publication/doi/doienabled": "Permitir a criação do Identificador de Objeto Digital (DOI)",
- "system/publication/doi/doipattern": "DOI pattern",
- "system/publication/doi/doipattern-help": "Default is '\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}' but the DOI structure can be customized with database id and/or record group eg. 'example-\\{\\{groupOwner\\}\\}-\\{\\{id\\}\\}'",
- "system/publication/doi/doienabled-help": "Um Digital Object Identifier (DOI) é uma cadeia alfanumérica atribuída para identificar um objeto de forma exclusiva. Ele está ligado a uma descrição de metadados do objeto, bem como a um local digital, como um URL, onde todos os detalhes sobre o objeto estão acessíveis. Mais informações disponíveis no DataCite website.",
- "system/publication/doi/doipublicurl": "The final DOI URL prefix",
- "system/publication/doi/doipublicurl-help": "Keep it empty to use the default prefix. Use when using the test API.",
- "system/publication/doi/doiurl": "O API DataCite endpoint",
- "system/publication/doi/doiurl-help": "Normalmente, ou para testes.",
- "system/publication/doi/doiusername": "Seu nome de usuário do DataCite",
- "system/publication/doi/doipassword": "Sua senha do DataCite",
- "system/publication/doi/doipassword-help": "Todas as solicitações para a API do MDS exigem autenticação. Por esse motivo, somente o tráfego por meio de uma conexão segura (HTTPS) é suportado. O DataCite Metadata Store (MDS) usa a autenticação HTTP básica. Você pode obter uma conta aqui.",
- "system/publication/doi/doikey": "Seu prefixo DataCite",
- "system/publication/doi/doikey-help": "Geralmente parece com 10.xxxx. Você poderá registrar nomes DOI somente sob os prefixos que foram atribuídos a você.",
- "system/publication/doi/doilandingpagetemplate": "Modelo de URL da página de destino DOI",
- "system/publication/doi/doilandingpagetemplate-help": "O URL a ser usado para registrar o DOI. Um bom padrão para o http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/resources/records/\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}. O URL da página de destino DEVE conter o UUID do registro.",
+ "system/documentation/url-help": "Base application manual url. Defaults to the official manual page ({version}/{lang}) and can be customised to use a self hosted documentation with a custom branding. The url can contain \\{\\{lang\\}\\} placeholder, to display the manual in different languages when available, \\{\\{version\\}\\} placeholder to use the application version, and \\{\\{section\\}\\} placeholder to parse sub section url from manual.json of the current page. When the \\{\\{section\\}\\} placeholder is not provided, the sub section value is automatically appended to the end of the url.",
"system/csw": "Catalog Service for the Web (CSW)",
"system/csw/capabilityRecordUuid": "Record to use for GetCapabilities",
"system/csw/capabilityRecordUuid-help": "Choose the record to be used to build custom GetCapabilities document. If none exist, create a service metadata record (using ISO19139 or 19115-3 standards). To have a capabilities document with the main information required, set title, abstract, point of contact, keywords, constraints. If you need INSPIRE support also set properly the record main language and additional languages, INSPIRE themes and INSPIRE conformity.",
@@ -663,6 +648,10 @@
"system/feedback": "Comentários",
"system/feedback/email": "Email",
"system/feedback/email-help": "Este é o endereço de email do administrador utilizado para o envio de comentários.",
+ "system/feedback/languages": "Language for system generated emails",
+ "system/feedback/languages-help": "Languages to use for system generated emails. If empty then ui language will be used. If multiple language exists then, where it makes sense, a message for each language will be generated and appended to the email message making the messages multilingual. Languages that are missing a resource bundle will fallback to the base locale. (Ex. use 'eng,fre' for generating bilingual messages in both English and French with English first)",
+ "system/feedback/translationFollowsText": "Translation follows text",
+ "system/feedback/translationFollowsText-help": "Text to display at the top of the email to indicate that the translations of the email follow. (Ex. 'La version française suit')",
"system/feedback/mailServer/host": "Host do SMTP",
"system/feedback/mailServer/host-help": "Os parâmetros de host e porta do SMTP são utilizados para enviar emails para os usuários do GeoNetwork quando um recurso é baixado.",
"system/feedback/mailServer/password": "Senha",
@@ -837,12 +826,14 @@
"system/site/svnUuid-help": "Identificador único do repositório Subversion",
"metadata/vcs": "Sistema de Controle de Visão (SCV)",
"metadata/vcs/enable": "Habilitar SCV",
- "metadata/vcs/enable-help": "Once enabled, VCS is using SVN to record metadata changes. This feature is experimental. It is also not operational on NFS filesystem. Once enabled, the application needs a restart.",
+ "metadata/vcs/enable-help": "Once enabled, VCS is using SVN to record metadata changes. This functionality is experimental. It is also not operational on NFS filesystem. Once enabled, the application needs a restart.",
"system/threadedindexing": "Indexação",
"system/threadedindexing/maxthreads": "Número de threads de indexação",
"system/userSelfRegistration": "Auto-registro de usuário",
"system/userSelfRegistration/enable": "Habilitar que usuário possa se cadastrar para acesso",
"system/userSelfRegistration/enable-help": "Quando ativado, certifique-se que o servidor de e-mail também está configurado.",
+ "system/userSelfRegistration/domainsAllowed": "Email domains allowed",
+ "system/userSelfRegistration/domainsAllowed-help": "Comma separated list of email domains that can request an account. If not configured, any email address is allowed.",
"system/userSelfRegistration/recaptcha/enable": "Habilitar re-captcha",
"system/userSelfRegistration/recaptcha/enable-help": "A ativação da nova captcha protege você e seus usuários contra spam e abuso. Isso é altamente recomendado quando você ativa o feedback ou o autorregistro. Crie sua chave de nova captcha em",
"system/userSelfRegistration/recaptcha/publickey": "Chave pública do Re-captcha",
@@ -850,9 +841,9 @@
"userFeedbackList": "Last user feedbacks",
"system/userFeedback": "Feedback do usuário",
"system/userFeedback/enable": "Enable application feedback",
- "system/userFeedback/enable-help": "Enabling this option allows to send feedback about the application to the system administrator. It requires the mail server is also configured.",
+ "system/userFeedback/enable-help": "Enabling this option allows to send feedback about the application to the system administrator. It requires the mail server to be configured.",
"system/userFeedback/metadata/enable": "Enable metadata feedback",
- "system/userFeedback/metadata/enable-help": "Enabling this option allows to feedback to the metadata owner and system administrator about metadata record. It requires the mail server is also configured.",
+ "system/userFeedback/metadata/enable-help": "Enabling this option allows to feedback to the metadata owner and system administrator about metadata record. It requires the mail server to be configured.",
"system/xlinkResolver": "XLink de metadados",
"system/xlinkResolver/enable": "Habilitar resolução XLink",
"system/xlinkResolver/enable-help": "Se habilitado, XLinks para fragmentos de metadados em registros serão resolvidos.",
@@ -860,6 +851,12 @@
"system/xlinkResolver/localXlinkEnable-help": "Xlinks locais estão usando URL local:/// para fazer referências as seções relacionadas ao invés de URL HTTP. Xlinks locais são geralmente mais rápidos que XLinks HTTP.",
"system/xlinkResolver/ignore": "Elementos a ser ignorados pela solução XLink",
"system/xlinkResolver/ignore-help": "Lista de elementos separados por virgula para ser ignorados pela solução XLink",
+ "system/banner": "Application banner",
+ "system/banner/enable": "Habilitar",
+ "system/banner/enable-help": "If set, an application banner is displayed with the message configured. To configure the message, go to Language and translations and configure a translation with the key application-banner",
+ "system/auditable": "Audit changes",
+ "system/auditable/enable": "Allow auditing changes",
+ "system/auditable/enable-help": "When enabled, audits changes in users configuration",
"metadata/workflow": "Fluxo de trabalho de metadados",
"metadata/workflow/automaticUnpublishInvalidMd": "Não publicar automaticamente metadados inválidos",
"metadata/workflow/automaticUnpublishInvalidMd-help": "Automatically unpublishes metadata that is edited that becomes not valid according to xsd or schematron rules.",
@@ -878,7 +875,7 @@
"metadata/workflow/forceValidationOnMdSave-help": "Quando os metadados são salvos força verificação de validação",
"metadata/import": "Importar metadados",
"metadata/import/restrict": "Restringir importação para esquemas",
- "metadata/import/restrict-help": "Lista de todos os esquemas permitidos para os metadados a serem importados. Se o esquema de metadados não for permitido, a importação não será feita. Nenhum valor significa todos os esquemas permitidos.",
+ "metadata/import/restrict-help": "Comma separated list of all allowed schemas for metadata to be imported. If the metadata schema is not allowed, then the import is not done. No value means all schemas allowed.",
"metadata/import/userprofile": "Minimum user profile allowed to import metadata",
"metadata/import/userprofile-help": "Minimum user profile allowed to import metadata (Editor, Reviewer or Administrator). The default value is Editor.",
"metadata/delete": "Metadata delete",
@@ -895,6 +892,8 @@
"metadata/history": "Metadata History",
"metadata/history/accesslevel": "Select the minimum user profile allowed to view metadata history",
"metadata/history/accesslevel-help": "Select the user profile allowed to view metadata history (Registered User, Editor or Administrator). The Registered User configuration can view the history with view permission granted to the metadata record. The Editor configuration can view the history with editing permission granted to the metadata record. The default value is Editor.",
+ "minimumProfileForPrivileges": "Minimum user profile allowed to set privileges",
+ "minimumProfileForPrivilegesHelp": "Specifies the lowest user profile needed within a group to assign privileges for that group on a record. Users below this profile cannot set privileges for the group, and the group will be disabled in the privilege assignment interface. Default: No Restrictions (any editor for a record can set privileges for this group).",
"filterStatusByAuthor": "Status autor",
"filterStatusByOwner": "Status proprietário",
"filterStatusByRecordId": "Registro de identificação ",
@@ -1092,6 +1091,7 @@
"ui-mod-header": "Barra de ferramentas superior",
"ui-mod-footer": "Rodapé",
"ui-mod-cookieWarning": "Cookie warning",
+ "ui-mod-directory": "Diretório",
"ui-createPageTpl": "Novo layout de página de metadados",
"ui-createPageTpl-horizontal": "Horizontal",
"ui-createPageTpl-vertical": "Vertical",
@@ -1506,6 +1506,39 @@
"fieldTooShort": "The value is too short",
"fieldEmailNotValid": "A valid email address is required",
"formConfirmExit": "The form has changes, if you exit the changes will be lost. Do you want to exit on the page?",
+ "manageDoiServers": "DOI servers",
+ "doiservers": "DOI servers",
+ "doiservers-description": "Um Digital Object Identifier (DOI) é uma cadeia alfanumérica atribuída para identificar um objeto de forma exclusiva. Ele está ligado a uma descrição de metadados do objeto, bem como a um local digital, como um URL, onde todos os detalhes sobre o objeto estão acessíveis. Mais informações disponíveis no DataCite website.",
+ "newDoiServer": "Novo servidor",
+ "updateDoiServer": "Update server",
+ "doiserver-name": "Server name",
+ "doiserver-description": "Descrição",
+ "doiserver-url": "DataCite API endpoint",
+ "doiserver-url-help": "Normalmente, ou para testes.",
+ "doiserver-apiKey": "API Key",
+ "doiserver-landingPageTemplate": "Landing page URL template",
+ "doiserver-landingPageTemplate-help": "O URL a ser usado para registrar o DOI. Um bom padrão para o http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/resources/records/\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}. O URL da página de destino DEVE conter o UUID do registro.",
+ "doiserver-publicUrl": "Final DOI URL prefix",
+ "doiserver-publicUrl-help": "Keep it empty to use the default prefix. Use when using the test API.",
+ "doiserver-username": "DataCite username",
+ "doiserver-password": "DataCite password",
+ "doiserver-password-help": "Todas as solicitações para a API do MDS exigem autenticação. Por esse motivo, somente o tráfego por meio de uma conexão segura (HTTPS) é suportado. O DataCite Metadata Store (MDS) usa a autenticação HTTP básica. Você pode obter uma conta aqui.",
+ "doiserver-pattern": "DOI pattern",
+ "doiserver-pattern-help": "Default is '\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}' but the DOI structure can be customized with database id and/or record group eg. 'example-\\{\\{groupOwner\\}\\}-\\{\\{id\\}\\}'",
+ "doiserver-prefix": "DataCite prefix",
+ "doiserver-prefix-help": "Geralmente parece com 10.xxxx. Você poderá registrar nomes DOI somente sob os prefixos que foram atribuídos a você.",
+ "doiserver-recordGroups": "Record groups",
+ "doiserver-recordGroups-help": "When creating a DOI, only DOI server(s) associated with the record group are proposed. If record group is not associated with any DOI servers, then DOI servers with no group are proposed.",
+ "doiserver-defaultApiText": "DataCite API",
+ "doiserver-testApiText": "DataCite API test",
+ "doiserver-euApiText": "Publication Office of the European Union",
+ "confirmDoiServerDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete this DOI server?",
"NoTranslationProvider": "No translation provider",
- "LibreTranslate": "Libretranslate"
+ "LibreTranslate": "Libretranslate",
+ "userHistory": "User history",
+ "userHistoryRevision": "Updated by {{revisionUser}} on {{revisionDate}}:",
+ "userHistoryFieldUpdate": "Field '{{fieldName}}' changed from '{{oldValue}}' to '{{newValue}}'",
+ "userHistoryFieldSet": "Field '{{fieldName}}' set to '{{newValue}}'",
+ "userHistoryFieldUnset": "Field '{{fieldName}}' unset",
+ "noUserHistory": "No user history available"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pt-core.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pt-core.json
index 7c670bf1909..c6b8521e916 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pt-core.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pt-core.json
@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@
"featureCatalog": "Catálogo de feições",
"frequency": "Frequência",
"feebackSent": "Sua mensagem foi enviada ao gerente de catálogo.",
+ "feebackSentError": "An error occurred sending your to the catalog manager. Please try again later, contact the service provider, or report this issue.",
"feedbackNotEnable": "Comentários não estão habilitados.",
"filter": "Filtro",
"filterSearch": "Mostrar opções de pesquisa",
@@ -170,7 +171,7 @@
"needAnAccount": "Need an account?",
"needAnAccountInfo": "Então inscreva-se já, só leva um minuto.",
"needHelp": "Precisa de ajuda",
- "newAccountInfo": "Quando você solicita uma conta um email será enviado a você com os detalhes do seu usuário. Se um perfil de usuário avançado for solicitado, o administrador do catálogo irá analisar seu pedido e retornar a você.",
+ "newAccountInfo": "When registering, an email will be sent to you with account details. The catalogue administrator will review group and profile requests.",
"next": "Próximo",
"noFileSelected": "Nenhum arquivo selecionado",
"noRecordFound": "Nenhum registro encontrado.",
@@ -234,6 +235,7 @@
"register": "Resgistrar",
"rememberMe": "Lembrar-se de mim",
"requestedProfile": "Perfil solicitado",
+ "requestedGroup": "Requested group",
"resetPassword": "Redefinir senha",
"resetPasswordTitle": "Redefinir senha de {{user}}.",
"resetPasswordError": "Error occurred while resetting password",
@@ -587,4 +589,4 @@
"quality": "Qualidade",
"download": "Download",
"links": "Links"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pt-editor.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pt-editor.json
index ae2d05e052d..ae5a0cdaa2e 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pt-editor.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pt-editor.json
@@ -236,6 +236,7 @@
"onlineUseDQReport": "Relatório de qualidade de dados",
"onlineUseDQTOR": "Especificação de qualidade de dados",
"onlineUseDQProdReport": "Relatório de produção de qualidade de dados",
+ "onlineUseMap": "Mapa",
"onlineUseLegend": "Legenda para recursos",
"onlineUseLegendLYR": "Recurso de estilo para ArcGIS (LYR)",
"onlineUseStyleSLD": "Recurso de estilo usando SLD",
@@ -441,6 +442,8 @@
"addOnlinesrc#API-help": "eg. view service, REST API",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineDownload|localNetwork": "Add download",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineDownload|localNetwork-help": "eg. file, download service, local network links",
+ "addOnlinesrc#onlineUseMap": "Add map",
+ "addOnlinesrc#onlineUseMap-help": "eg. PDF static maps or OGC Web Map Context interactive maps",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineUseLegend": "Add portrayal",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineUseLegend-help": "eg. LYR, QML, SLD files",
"addOnlinesrc#links": "Adicionar links",
@@ -454,5 +457,10 @@
"associated-fcats": "Catálogo de feições",
"associated-siblings": "Recursos associados",
"associated-hasfeaturecats": "Utilizando este catálogo de feições",
- "associatedResourcesPanel": "Recursos associados"
+ "associatedResourcesPanel": "Recursos associados",
+ "validationSuccessLabel": "success",
+ "validationErrorLabel": "errors",
+ "metadataDuplicatedField-title": "The metadata title is used in another metadata record.",
+ "metadataDuplicatedField-altTitle": "The metadata alternate title is used in another metadata record.",
+ "metadataDuplicatedField-identifier": "The metadata resource identifier is used in another metadata record."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pt-search.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pt-search.json
index 02c2281b7ee..3cb2951e0d8 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pt-search.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pt-search.json
@@ -365,7 +365,8 @@
"shareOnLinkedIn": "Compartilhar no LinkedIn",
"shareByEmail": "Compartilhar por e-mail",
"zoomto": "Aproximar para",
- "recordNotFound": "O registro com o identificador {{uuid}} não foi encontrado ou não foi compartilhado com você. Tente efetuar sign in se você tiver uma conta.",
+ "recordNotFound": "The record with identifier {{uuid}} was not found or is not shared with you.",
+ "trySignIn": "Try to log in if you have an account.",
"intersectWith": "Intersecciona com",
"fullyOutsideOf": "Totalmente fora de",
"encloses": "Envolvente",
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pt-v4.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pt-v4.json
index 0cebd4cfc5d..ff1a3a98df1 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pt-v4.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/pt-v4.json
@@ -164,12 +164,14 @@
"dropIndexAndRebuild": "Delete index and reindex",
"rebuildIndexHelp": "While rebuilding index, search may return incomplete results and the CSW GetRecords operation can be disabled (if you selected the option in the settings). Use this function, when catalog traffic is low. It's recommended to rebuild index manually from here when making changes directly in the database. If you change index mapping (cf. records.json), then you have to click on 'Delete index and reindex'.",
"indexInEsDoneError": "There is an error with the index. See the logs for details",
- "indexInEsDone": "The indexing operation was successfull",
+ "indexInEsDone": "The indexing operation was successful",
"indexCommit": "Commit index changes",
"indexCommit-help": "To use only if indexing task is hanging.",
"indexCommitError": "Error while committing index changes.",
"ui-moreLikeThisConfig": "More like this configuration",
- "ui-moreLikeThisConfig-help": "Configuration must have a which will be set with the record title to search for similar records.",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisConfig-help": "Configuration must have a which will be set with the record title to search for similar records. (See Elasticsearch API).",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisFilter": "More like this query filter",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisFilter-help": "Optional filter expression to apply on the more like this query (eg. -cl_status.key:(obsolete OR historicalArchive OR superseded)
to exclude obsolete records).",
"ui-autocompleteConfig": "Autocompletion configuration",
"ui-autocompleteConfig-help": "Configuration must have a query.multi_match.query which will be set on autocompletion.",
"ui-facetConfig": "Facets configuration",
@@ -399,12 +401,17 @@
"setServiceConnectPoint": "Add service connect point",
"mimeType": "Formato",
"uploadedResourceAlreadyExistException": "File {{file}} already exist in this record data store. Remove it first.",
+ "uploadedResourceSizeExceededException": "File {{file}} too large ({{humanizedSize}}).",
+ "uploadNetworkErrorException": "File {{file}} failed to upload due to network error or connection reset.",
"qualityMeasures": "Quality",
"measureType": "Type",
"measureName": "Measure",
"measureDescription": "Description",
"measureValue": "Value",
"measureDate": "Date",
+ "nextUpdateDate": "Next update",
+ "userDefinedFrequency": "Frequência de atualização",
+ "maintenanceNote": "Maintenance note",
"switchPortals": "Switch to another Portal",
"dataPreview": "Discover data",
"tableOfContents": "Table of Contents",
@@ -414,6 +421,7 @@
"staticPageFormat-TEXT": "Plain text content",
"staticPageStatus-HIDDEN": "Visible only to the administrator",
"staticPageStatus-PRIVATE": "Visible to logged users",
+ "staticPageStatus-GROUPS": "Visible to users belonging to the groups",
"staticPageStatus-PUBLIC": "Visible to everyone",
"pageLink": "Link",
"pageSection-help": "Currently, the default UI view only supports TOP and FOOTER values. Custom UI views can make use of additional values.",
@@ -432,7 +440,7 @@
"overviewUrl": "Overview URL",
"restApiUrl": "REST API URL",
"filterHelp": "Please click on one of the buttons below to activate the filter",
- "selectDOIResource": "Choose a DOI resource",
+ "selectDOIResource": "Search for a DOI",
"httpStatus--200": "Invalid status",
"httpStatus-200": "200: Valid status",
"httpStatus-404": "404: Not found",
@@ -449,5 +457,10 @@
"linkStatus": "Link status",
"requestStatus": "Request status",
"linkUrl": "Link url",
- "associatedUuid": "Associated to metadata UUID"
+ "associatedUuid": "Associated to metadata UUID",
+ "mdEmail": "Email",
+ "mdWebsite": "Website",
+ "mdOrganization": "Organization",
+ "mdAddress": "Address",
+ "mdPhone": "Phone"
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ro-admin.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ro-admin.json
index d0233a3fdba..8ea528e322c 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ro-admin.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ro-admin.json
@@ -475,6 +475,7 @@
"newUser": "Utilizator nou",
"noCommitAvailable": "Nu a fost înregistrată nicio activitate. Activați versiunea înregistrărilor de metadate pentru a urmări modificările.",
"noHarvesterHistory": "Nu este disponibil istoricul mașinii de recoltat.",
+ "noRestrictions": "No restrictions",
"nostatus": "Fara status",
"notYetSupported": "Nu este acceptat încă",
"numberOfSearch": "Numărul de căutări",
@@ -632,23 +633,7 @@
"system/clickablehyperlinks/enable-help": "Dacă este setat, GeoNetwork va afișa hyperlinkuri pe care se poate face clic în metadate.",
"system/documentation": "Configurarea documentației",
"system/documentation/url": "URL de bază manual",
- "system/documentation/url-help": "Url manual al aplicației de bază. În mod implicit, este pagina oficială de manual ({version}/{lang}) și poate fi personalizat pentru a utiliza o documentație găzduită de sine cu o marcă personalizată. Adresa URL poate conține substituent \\{\\{lang\\}\\}, pentru a afișa manualul în diferite limbi atunci când este disponibil, și substituent \\{\\{versiune\\}\\} pentru a utiliza versiunea aplicației.",
- "system/publication": "Publicare",
- "system/publication/doi/doienabled": "Permite crearea unui identificator de obiect digital (DOI)",
- "system/publication/doi/doipattern": "Model DOI",
- "system/publication/doi/doipattern-help": "Implicit este „\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}”, dar structura DOI poate fi personalizată cu ID-ul bazei de date și/sau grupul de înregistrări, de ex. „exemplu-\\{\\{groupOwner\\}\\}-\\{\\{id\\}\\}”",
- "system/publication/doi/doienabled-help": "Un identificator digital de obiect (DOI) este un șir alfanumeric alocat pentru a identifica în mod unic un obiect. Este legat de o descriere a metadatelor obiectului, precum și de o locație digitală, cum ar fi o adresă URL, unde toate detaliile despre obiect sunt accesibile. Mai multe informații disponibile pe site-ul DataCite .",
- "system/publication/doi/doipublicurl": "Prefixul final al URL-ului DOI",
- "system/publication/doi/doipublicurl-help": "Păstrați-l gol pentru a utiliza prefixul implicit Utilizați când utilizați API-ul de testare.",
- "system/publication/doi/doiurl": "Punctul final al API-ului DataCite",
- "system/publication/doi/doiurl-help": "De obicei sau pentru testare.",
- "system/publication/doi/doiusername": "Numele dvs. de utilizator DataCite",
- "system/publication/doi/doipassword": "Parola dvs. DataCite",
- "system/publication/doi/doipassword-help": "Toate solicitările către API-ul MDS necesită autentificare. Din acest motiv, este acceptat numai traficul printr-o conexiune securizată (HTTPS). Magazinul de metadate DataCite (MDS) utilizează autentificarea de bază HTTP. Puteți obține un cont aici .",
- "system/publication/doi/doikey": "Prefixul dvs. DataCite",
- "system/publication/doi/doikey-help": "De obicei arată ca 10.xxxx. Vi se va permite să înregistrați nume DOI numai sub prefixele care v-au fost atribuite.",
- "system/publication/doi/doilandingpagetemplate": "Șablon de adresă URL a paginii de destinație DOI",
- "system/publication/doi/doilandingpagetemplate-help": "Adresa URL de utilizat pentru a înregistra DOI. Un bun implicit pentru GeoNetwork este http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/resources/records/\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}. Adresa URL a paginii de destinație TREBUIE să conțină UUID-ul înregistrării.",
+ "system/documentation/url-help": "Base application manual url. Defaults to the official manual page ({version}/{lang}) and can be customised to use a self hosted documentation with a custom branding. The url can contain \\{\\{lang\\}\\} placeholder, to display the manual in different languages when available, \\{\\{version\\}\\} placeholder to use the application version, and \\{\\{section\\}\\} placeholder to parse sub section url from manual.json of the current page. When the \\{\\{section\\}\\} placeholder is not provided, the sub section value is automatically appended to the end of the url.",
"system/csw": "Serviciu de catalog pentru web (CSW)",
"system/csw/capabilityRecordUuid": "Înregistrare de utilizat pentru GetCapabilities",
"system/csw/capabilityRecordUuid-help": "Alegeți înregistrarea care va fi folosită pentru a crea documentul personalizat GetCapabilities. Dacă nu există, creați o înregistrare de metadate a serviciului (folosind standardele ISO19139 sau 19115-3). Pentru a avea un document de capabilități cu informațiile principale necesare, setați titlul, rezumatul, punctul de contact, cuvintele cheie, constrângerile. Dacă aveți nevoie de asistență INSPIRE, setați corect și limba principală de înregistrare și limbi suplimentare, temele INSPIRE și conformitatea INSPIRE.",
@@ -663,6 +648,10 @@
"system/feedback": "Părere",
"system/feedback/email": "E-mail",
"system/feedback/email-help": "Aceasta este adresa de e-mail a administratorului folosită pentru a trimite feedback.",
+ "system/feedback/languages": "Language for system generated emails",
+ "system/feedback/languages-help": "Languages to use for system generated emails. If empty then ui language will be used. If multiple language exists then, where it makes sense, a message for each language will be generated and appended to the email message making the messages multilingual. Languages that are missing a resource bundle will fallback to the base locale. (Ex. use 'eng,fre' for generating bilingual messages in both English and French with English first)",
+ "system/feedback/translationFollowsText": "Translation follows text",
+ "system/feedback/translationFollowsText-help": "Text to display at the top of the email to indicate that the translations of the email follow. (Ex. 'La version française suit')",
"system/feedback/mailServer/host": "gazdă SMTP",
"system/feedback/mailServer/host-help": "Gazda SMTP și parametrii portului sunt utilizați pentru a trimite e-mail-uri utilizatorilor GeoNetwork atunci când o resursă este descărcată.",
"system/feedback/mailServer/password": "Parola",
@@ -837,12 +826,14 @@
"system/site/svnUuid-help": "Identificatorul unic al depozitului Subversion",
"metadata/vcs": "Sistem de control al versiunilor (VCS)",
"metadata/vcs/enable": "Activați VCS",
- "metadata/vcs/enable-help": "Odată activat, VCS utilizează SVN pentru a înregistra modificările metadatelor. Această caracteristică este experimentală. De asemenea, nu este operațional pe sistemul de fișiere NFS. Odată activată, aplicația necesită o repornire.",
+ "metadata/vcs/enable-help": "Once enabled, VCS is using SVN to record metadata changes. This functionality is experimental. It is also not operational on NFS filesystem. Once enabled, the application needs a restart.",
"system/threadedindexing": "Indexarea",
"system/threadedindexing/maxthreads": "Numărul de fire de indexare",
"system/userSelfRegistration": "Auto-înregistrarea utilizatorului",
"system/userSelfRegistration/enable": "Activați autoînregistrarea",
"system/userSelfRegistration/enable-help": "Când este activat, asigurați-vă că este configurat și un server de e-mail.",
+ "system/userSelfRegistration/domainsAllowed": "Email domains allowed",
+ "system/userSelfRegistration/domainsAllowed-help": "Comma separated list of email domains that can request an account. If not configured, any email address is allowed.",
"system/userSelfRegistration/recaptcha/enable": "Activați re-captcha",
"system/userSelfRegistration/recaptcha/enable-help": "Activarea re-captcha vă va proteja pe dvs. și pe utilizatorii dvs. de spam și abuz. Acest lucru este foarte recomandat atunci când activați feedbackul sau autoînregistrarea. Creați-vă cheia re-captcha pe",
"system/userSelfRegistration/recaptcha/publickey": "Re-captcha cheie publică",
@@ -850,9 +841,9 @@
"userFeedbackList": "Ultimele feedback-uri ale utilizatorilor",
"system/userFeedback": "Feedbackul utilizatorilor",
"system/userFeedback/enable": "Activați feedbackul aplicației",
- "system/userFeedback/enable-help": "Activarea acestei opțiuni permite trimiterea feedback-ului despre aplicație către administratorul de sistem. Necesită ca serverul de e-mail să fie, de asemenea, configurat.",
+ "system/userFeedback/enable-help": "Enabling this option allows to send feedback about the application to the system administrator. It requires the mail server to be configured.",
"system/userFeedback/metadata/enable": "Activați feedbackul cu metadate",
- "system/userFeedback/metadata/enable-help": "Activarea acestei opțiuni permite să transmiteți feedback proprietarului metadatelor și administratorului de sistem despre înregistrarea metadatelor. Necesită ca serverul de e-mail să fie, de asemenea, configurat.",
+ "system/userFeedback/metadata/enable-help": "Enabling this option allows to feedback to the metadata owner and system administrator about metadata record. It requires the mail server to be configured.",
"system/xlinkResolver": "Metadate XLink",
"system/xlinkResolver/enable": "Activați rezoluția XLink",
"system/xlinkResolver/enable-help": "Dacă se setează, XLink-urile către fragmentele de metadate din înregistrări vor fi rezolvate.",
@@ -860,6 +851,12 @@
"system/xlinkResolver/localXlinkEnable-help": "XLink-urile locale folosesc local:// / URL pentru a face referiri la secțiunile conexe în loc de URL HTTP. XLink-urile locale sunt de obicei mai rapide decât XLink-urile HTTP.",
"system/xlinkResolver/ignore": "Elemente de ignorat prin rezoluția XLink",
"system/xlinkResolver/ignore-help": "Listă de elemente separate prin virgulă de ignorat prin rezoluția XLink",
+ "system/banner": "Application banner",
+ "system/banner/enable": "Enable",
+ "system/banner/enable-help": "If set, an application banner is displayed with the message configured. To configure the message, go to Language and translations and configure a translation with the key application-banner",
+ "system/auditable": "Audit changes",
+ "system/auditable/enable": "Allow auditing changes",
+ "system/auditable/enable-help": "When enabled, audits changes in users configuration",
"metadata/workflow": "Flux de lucru cu metadate",
"metadata/workflow/automaticUnpublishInvalidMd": "Anularea automată a publicării metadatelor nevalide",
"metadata/workflow/automaticUnpublishInvalidMd-help": "Anulează automat metadatele editate care devin invalide conform regulilor xsd sau schematron.",
@@ -878,7 +875,7 @@
"metadata/workflow/forceValidationOnMdSave-help": "Când metadatele sunt salvate, forțați verificarea validării",
"metadata/import": "Import de metadate",
"metadata/import/restrict": "Restricționați importul la scheme",
- "metadata/import/restrict-help": "Lista tuturor schemelor permise pentru importarea metadatelor. Dacă schema de metadate nu este permisă, atunci importul nu se face. Nicio valoare înseamnă că toate schemele sunt permise.",
+ "metadata/import/restrict-help": "Comma separated list of all allowed schemas for metadata to be imported. If the metadata schema is not allowed, then the import is not done. No value means all schemas allowed.",
"metadata/import/userprofile": "Profilul minim de utilizator permis să importe metadate",
"metadata/import/userprofile-help": "Profilul minim de utilizator permis să importe metadate (Editor, Revizor sau Administrator). Valoarea implicită este Editor.",
"metadata/delete": "Ștergerea metadatelor",
@@ -895,6 +892,8 @@
"metadata/history": "Istoricul metadatelor",
"metadata/history/accesslevel": "Selectați profilul minim de utilizator permis pentru a vizualiza istoricul metadatelor",
"metadata/history/accesslevel-help": "Selectați profilul de utilizator care permite vizualizarea istoricului metadatelor (Utilizator înregistrat, Editor sau Administrator). Configurația utilizatorului înregistrat poate vizualiza istoricul cu permisiunea de vizualizare acordată înregistrării metadatelor. Configurația Editorului poate vizualiza istoricul cu permisiunea de editare acordată înregistrării metadatelor. Valoarea implicită este Editor.",
+ "minimumProfileForPrivileges": "Minimum user profile allowed to set privileges",
+ "minimumProfileForPrivilegesHelp": "Specifies the lowest user profile needed within a group to assign privileges for that group on a record. Users below this profile cannot set privileges for the group, and the group will be disabled in the privilege assignment interface. Default: No Restrictions (any editor for a record can set privileges for this group).",
"filterStatusByAuthor": "Autor de statut",
"filterStatusByOwner": "Proprietarul statutului",
"filterStatusByRecordId": "Identificatorul de înregistrare",
@@ -1092,6 +1091,7 @@
"ui-mod-header": "Bara de instrumente de sus",
"ui-mod-footer": "Subsol",
"ui-mod-cookieWarning": "Avertisment privind cookie-urile",
+ "ui-mod-directory": "Directory",
"ui-createPageTpl": "Aspect nou pentru pagina de metadate",
"ui-createPageTpl-horizontal": "Orizontală",
"ui-createPageTpl-vertical": "Vertical",
@@ -1506,6 +1506,39 @@
"fieldTooShort": "Valoarea este prea scurtă",
"fieldEmailNotValid": "Este necesara o adresa de email valida",
"formConfirmExit": "Formularul are modificări, dacă ieși, modificările se vor pierde. Vrei să ieși de pe pagină?",
+ "manageDoiServers": "DOI servers",
+ "doiservers": "DOI servers",
+ "doiservers-description": "A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is an alphanumeric string assigned to uniquely identify an object. It is tied to a metadata description of the object as well as to a digital location, such as a URL, where all the details about the object are accessible. More information available on DataCite website.",
+ "newDoiServer": "New server",
+ "updateDoiServer": "Update server",
+ "doiserver-name": "Server name",
+ "doiserver-description": "Description",
+ "doiserver-url": "DataCite API endpoint",
+ "doiserver-url-help": "Usually or for testing.",
+ "doiserver-apiKey": "API Key",
+ "doiserver-landingPageTemplate": "Landing page URL template",
+ "doiserver-landingPageTemplate-help": "The URL to use to register the DOI. A good default for GeoNetwork is http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/resources/records/\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}. The landing page URL MUST contains the UUID of the record.",
+ "doiserver-publicUrl": "Final DOI URL prefix",
+ "doiserver-publicUrl-help": "Keep it empty to use the default prefix. Use when using the test API.",
+ "doiserver-username": "DataCite username",
+ "doiserver-password": "DataCite password",
+ "doiserver-password-help": "All requests to the MDS API require authentication. For this reason, only traffic via a secure connection (HTTPS) is supported. The DataCite Metadata Store (MDS) uses HTTP Basic authentication. You can obtain an account here.",
+ "doiserver-pattern": "DOI pattern",
+ "doiserver-pattern-help": "Default is '\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}' but the DOI structure can be customized with database id and/or record group eg. 'example-\\{\\{groupOwner\\}\\}-\\{\\{id\\}\\}'",
+ "doiserver-prefix": "DataCite prefix",
+ "doiserver-prefix-help": "Usually looks like 10.xxxx. You will be allowed to register DOI names only under the prefixes that have been assigned to you.",
+ "doiserver-recordGroups": "Record groups",
+ "doiserver-recordGroups-help": "When creating a DOI, only DOI server(s) associated with the record group are proposed. If record group is not associated with any DOI servers, then DOI servers with no group are proposed.",
+ "doiserver-defaultApiText": "DataCite API",
+ "doiserver-testApiText": "DataCite API test",
+ "doiserver-euApiText": "Publication Office of the European Union",
+ "confirmDoiServerDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete this DOI server?",
"NoTranslationProvider": "No translation provider",
- "LibreTranslate": "Libretranslate"
+ "LibreTranslate": "Libretranslate",
+ "userHistory": "User history",
+ "userHistoryRevision": "Updated by {{revisionUser}} on {{revisionDate}}:",
+ "userHistoryFieldUpdate": "Field '{{fieldName}}' changed from '{{oldValue}}' to '{{newValue}}'",
+ "userHistoryFieldSet": "Field '{{fieldName}}' set to '{{newValue}}'",
+ "userHistoryFieldUnset": "Field '{{fieldName}}' unset",
+ "noUserHistory": "No user history available"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ro-core.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ro-core.json
index 1461214bc02..8ec54c41193 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ro-core.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ro-core.json
@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@
"featureCatalog": "Catalog de caracteristici",
"frequency": "Frecvență",
"feebackSent": "Mesajul dvs. a fost trimis managerului de catalog.",
+ "feebackSentError": "An error occurred sending your to the catalog manager. Please try again later, contact the service provider, or report this issue.",
"feedbackNotEnable": "Feedback-ul nu este activat.",
"filter": "Filtru",
"filterSearch": "Afișează opțiunile de căutare",
@@ -170,7 +171,7 @@
"needAnAccount": "Nevoie de un cont?",
"needAnAccountInfo": "Apoi înscrieți-vă imediat, durează doar un minut.",
"needHelp": "Nevoie de ajutor",
- "newAccountInfo": "Când solicitați un cont, vi se va trimite un e-mail cu detaliile dvs. de utilizator. Dacă este solicitat un profil de utilizator avansat, administratorul catalogului vă va analiza solicitarea și vă va reveni.",
+ "newAccountInfo": "When registering, an email will be sent to you with account details. The catalogue administrator will review group and profile requests.",
"next": "Următorul",
"noFileSelected": "Niciun fisier selectat",
"noRecordFound": "Nicio inregistrare gasita.",
@@ -234,6 +235,7 @@
"register": "Inregistreaza-te",
"rememberMe": "Ține-mă minte",
"requestedProfile": "Profil solicitat",
+ "requestedGroup": "Requested group",
"resetPassword": "Reseteaza parola",
"resetPasswordTitle": "Resetați parola {{user}}.",
"resetPasswordError": "A apărut o eroare la resetarea parolei",
@@ -266,7 +268,7 @@
"spatialRepresentationType": "Tipul de reprezentare",
"cl_spatialRepresentationType": "Tipul de reprezentare",
"state": "Stat",
- "map-static": "Harta statica",
+ "map-static": "Static map",
"surname": "Nume de familie",
"title": "Titlu",
"to": "La",
@@ -587,4 +589,4 @@
"quality": "Calitate",
"download": "Descarca",
"links": "Legături"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ro-editor.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ro-editor.json
index 129e64f5a1e..946487645cb 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ro-editor.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ro-editor.json
@@ -236,6 +236,7 @@
"onlineUseDQReport": "Raport de calitate a datelor",
"onlineUseDQTOR": "Specificația calității datelor",
"onlineUseDQProdReport": "Raport de producție de calitate a datelor",
+ "onlineUseMap": "Map",
"onlineUseLegend": "Legendă pentru resursă",
"onlineUseLegendLYR": "Stil pentru resursa pentru ArcGIS (LYR)",
"onlineUseStyleSLD": "Stil pentru resursă folosind SLD",
@@ -441,6 +442,8 @@
"addOnlinesrc#API-help": "de exemplu. vizualizați serviciul, REST API",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineDownload|localNetwork": "Adăugați descărcare",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineDownload|localNetwork-help": "de exemplu. fișier, serviciu de descărcare, legături de rețea locală",
+ "addOnlinesrc#onlineUseMap": "Add map",
+ "addOnlinesrc#onlineUseMap-help": "eg. PDF static maps or OGC Web Map Context interactive maps",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineUseLegend": "Adăugați o portretizare",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineUseLegend-help": "de exemplu. Fișiere LYR, QML, SLD",
"addOnlinesrc#links": "Adăugați linkuri",
@@ -454,5 +457,10 @@
"associated-fcats": "Catalog de caracteristici",
"associated-siblings": "Resurse asociate",
"associated-hasfeaturecats": "Folosind acest catalog de caracteristici",
- "associatedResourcesPanel": "Resurse asociate"
+ "associatedResourcesPanel": "Resurse asociate",
+ "validationSuccessLabel": "success",
+ "validationErrorLabel": "errors",
+ "metadataDuplicatedField-title": "The metadata title is used in another metadata record.",
+ "metadataDuplicatedField-altTitle": "The metadata alternate title is used in another metadata record.",
+ "metadataDuplicatedField-identifier": "The metadata resource identifier is used in another metadata record."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ro-search.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ro-search.json
index b5e91099820..12651cb0c42 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ro-search.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ro-search.json
@@ -365,7 +365,8 @@
"shareOnLinkedIn": "Distribuie pe LinkedIn",
"shareByEmail": "Distribuie prin e-mail",
"zoomto": "Zoom la",
- "recordNotFound": "Înregistrarea cu identificatorul {{uuid}} nu a fost găsită sau nu este partajată cu dvs. Încercați să vă conectați dacă aveți un cont.",
+ "recordNotFound": "The record with identifier {{uuid}} was not found or is not shared with you.",
+ "trySignIn": "Try to log in if you have an account.",
"intersectWith": "Se intersectează cu",
"fullyOutsideOf": "Complet în afara",
"encloses": "Anexând",
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ro-v4.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ro-v4.json
index cc5bf3a7857..b8860a7da83 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ro-v4.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ro-v4.json
@@ -164,12 +164,14 @@
"dropIndexAndRebuild": "Ștergeți indexul și reindexați",
"rebuildIndexHelp": "În timpul reconstrucției indexului, căutarea poate returna rezultate incomplete și operațiunea CSW GetRecords poate fi dezactivată (dacă ați selectat opțiunea din setări). Utilizați această funcție când traficul de catalog este scăzut. Este recomandat să reconstruiți manual indexul de aici atunci când faceți modificări direct în baza de date. Dacă modificați maparea indexului (cf. records.json ), atunci trebuie să faceți clic pe „Ștergeți indexul și reindexați”.",
"indexInEsDoneError": "A apărut o eroare cu indexul. Consultați jurnalele pentru detalii",
- "indexInEsDone": "Operația de indexare a avut succes",
+ "indexInEsDone": "The indexing operation was successful",
"indexCommit": "Schimbări ale indexului",
"indexCommit-help": "A se utiliza numai dacă sarcina de indexare este suspendată.",
"indexCommitError": "Eroare la efectuarea modificărilor indexului.",
"ui-moreLikeThisConfig": "Mai mult ca această configurație",
- "ui-moreLikeThisConfig-help": "Configurația trebuie să aibă un care va fi setat cu titlul înregistrării pentru a căuta înregistrări similare.",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisConfig-help": "Configuration must have a which will be set with the record title to search for similar records. (See Elasticsearch API).",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisFilter": "More like this query filter",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisFilter-help": "Optional filter expression to apply on the more like this query (eg. -cl_status.key:(obsolete OR historicalArchive OR superseded)
to exclude obsolete records).",
"ui-autocompleteConfig": "Configurație de completare automată",
"ui-autocompleteConfig-help": "Configurația trebuie să aibă un query.multi_match.query care va fi setat la completarea automată.",
"ui-facetConfig": "Configurarea fațetelor",
@@ -399,12 +401,17 @@
"setServiceConnectPoint": "Adăugați punct de conectare la serviciu",
"mimeType": "Format",
"uploadedResourceAlreadyExistException": "Fișierul {{fișier}} există deja în acest depozit de date de înregistrare. Scoateți-l mai întâi.",
+ "uploadedResourceSizeExceededException": "File {{file}} too large ({{humanizedSize}}).",
+ "uploadNetworkErrorException": "File {{file}} failed to upload due to network error or connection reset.",
"qualityMeasures": "Calitate",
"measureType": "Tip",
"measureName": "Măsura",
"measureDescription": "Descriere",
"measureValue": "Valoare",
"measureDate": "Data",
+ "nextUpdateDate": "Next update",
+ "userDefinedFrequency": "Frecvența actualizării",
+ "maintenanceNote": "Maintenance note",
"switchPortals": "Comutați la alt portal",
"dataPreview": "Descoperiți date",
"tableOfContents": "Cuprins",
@@ -414,6 +421,7 @@
"staticPageFormat-TEXT": "Conținut text simplu",
"staticPageStatus-HIDDEN": "Vizibil doar pentru administrator",
"staticPageStatus-PRIVATE": "Vizibil pentru utilizatorii conectați",
+ "staticPageStatus-GROUPS": "Visible to users belonging to the groups",
"staticPageStatus-PUBLIC": "Vizibil pentru toată lumea",
"pageLink": "Legătură",
"pageSection-help": "În prezent, vizualizarea implicită a interfeței de utilizare acceptă numai valorile TOP și FOOTER. Vizualizările personalizate ale interfeței de utilizare pot folosi valori suplimentare.",
@@ -432,7 +440,7 @@
"overviewUrl": "Adresa URL de prezentare generală",
"restApiUrl": "Adresa URL a API-ului REST",
"filterHelp": "Vă rugăm să faceți clic pe unul dintre butoanele de mai jos pentru a activa filtrul",
- "selectDOIResource": "Alegeți o resursă DOI",
+ "selectDOIResource": "Search for a DOI",
"httpStatus--200": "Stare nevalidă",
"httpStatus-200": "200: Stare valabilă",
"httpStatus-404": "404 Nu a fost gasit",
@@ -449,5 +457,10 @@
"linkStatus": "Starea legăturii",
"requestStatus": "Starea cererii",
"linkUrl": "URL link",
- "associatedUuid": "Asociat metadatelor UUID"
+ "associatedUuid": "Asociat metadatelor UUID",
+ "mdEmail": "Email",
+ "mdWebsite": "Website",
+ "mdOrganization": "Organization",
+ "mdAddress": "Address",
+ "mdPhone": "Phone"
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ru-admin.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ru-admin.json
index 74ef4af1d0d..ad101b07463 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ru-admin.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ru-admin.json
@@ -475,6 +475,7 @@
"newUser": "New user",
"noCommitAvailable": "No activity recorded. Enable versioning on metadata records to follow changes.",
"noHarvesterHistory": "No harvester history available.",
+ "noRestrictions": "No restrictions",
"nostatus": "No status",
"notYetSupported": "Not supported yet",
"numberOfSearch": "Number of searches",
@@ -632,23 +633,7 @@
"system/clickablehyperlinks/enable-help": "If set, GeoNetwork will display clickable hyperlinks in the metadata.",
"system/documentation": "Documentation configuration",
"system/documentation/url": "Base manual url",
- "system/documentation/url-help": "Base application manual url. Defaults to the official manual page ({version}/{lang}) and can be customised to use a self hosted documentation with a custom branding. The url can contain \\{\\{lang\\}\\} placeholder, to display the manual in different languages when available, and \\{\\{version\\}\\} placeholder to use the application version.",
- "system/publication": "Publication",
- "system/publication/doi/doienabled": "Allow creation of Digital Object Identifier (DOI)",
- "system/publication/doi/doipattern": "DOI pattern",
- "system/publication/doi/doipattern-help": "Default is '\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}' but the DOI structure can be customized with database id and/or record group eg. 'example-\\{\\{groupOwner\\}\\}-\\{\\{id\\}\\}'",
- "system/publication/doi/doienabled-help": "A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is an alphanumeric string assigned to uniquely identify an object. It is tied to a metadata description of the object as well as to a digital location, such as a URL, where all the details about the object are accessible. More information available on DataCite website.",
- "system/publication/doi/doipublicurl": "The final DOI URL prefix",
- "system/publication/doi/doipublicurl-help": "Keep it empty to use the default prefix. Use when using the test API.",
- "system/publication/doi/doiurl": "The DataCite API endpoint",
- "system/publication/doi/doiurl-help": "Usually or for testing.",
- "system/publication/doi/doiusername": "Your DataCite username",
- "system/publication/doi/doipassword": "Your DataCite password",
- "system/publication/doi/doipassword-help": "All requests to the MDS API require authentication. For this reason, only traffic via a secure connection (HTTPS) is supported. The DataCite Metadata Store (MDS) uses HTTP Basic authentication. You can obtain an account here.",
- "system/publication/doi/doikey": "Your DataCite prefix",
- "system/publication/doi/doikey-help": "Usually looks like 10.xxxx. You will be allowed to register DOI names only under the prefixes that have been assigned to you.",
- "system/publication/doi/doilandingpagetemplate": "DOI landing page URL template",
- "system/publication/doi/doilandingpagetemplate-help": "The URL to use to register the DOI. A good default for GeoNetwork is http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/resources/records/\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}. The landing page URL MUST contains the UUID of the record.",
+ "system/documentation/url-help": "Base application manual url. Defaults to the official manual page ({version}/{lang}) and can be customised to use a self hosted documentation with a custom branding. The url can contain \\{\\{lang\\}\\} placeholder, to display the manual in different languages when available, \\{\\{version\\}\\} placeholder to use the application version, and \\{\\{section\\}\\} placeholder to parse sub section url from manual.json of the current page. When the \\{\\{section\\}\\} placeholder is not provided, the sub section value is automatically appended to the end of the url.",
"system/csw": "Служба Каталогов для Интернета (CSW)",
"system/csw/capabilityRecordUuid": "Record to use for GetCapabilities",
"system/csw/capabilityRecordUuid-help": "Choose the record to be used to build custom GetCapabilities document. If none exist, create a service metadata record (using ISO19139 or 19115-3 standards). To have a capabilities document with the main information required, set title, abstract, point of contact, keywords, constraints. If you need INSPIRE support also set properly the record main language and additional languages, INSPIRE themes and INSPIRE conformity.",
@@ -663,6 +648,10 @@
"system/feedback": "Обратная связь",
"system/feedback/email": "Электронная почта",
"system/feedback/email-help": "This is the administrator's email address used to send feedback.",
+ "system/feedback/languages": "Language for system generated emails",
+ "system/feedback/languages-help": "Languages to use for system generated emails. If empty then ui language will be used. If multiple language exists then, where it makes sense, a message for each language will be generated and appended to the email message making the messages multilingual. Languages that are missing a resource bundle will fallback to the base locale. (Ex. use 'eng,fre' for generating bilingual messages in both English and French with English first)",
+ "system/feedback/translationFollowsText": "Translation follows text",
+ "system/feedback/translationFollowsText-help": "Text to display at the top of the email to indicate that the translations of the email follow. (Ex. 'La version française suit')",
"system/feedback/mailServer/host": "SMTP host",
"system/feedback/mailServer/host-help": "The SMTP host and port parameters are used to send emails to GeoNetwork's users when a resource is downloaded.",
"system/feedback/mailServer/password": "Пароль",
@@ -837,12 +826,14 @@
"system/site/svnUuid-help": "Subversion repository unique identifier",
"metadata/vcs": "Version Control System (VCS)",
"metadata/vcs/enable": "Enable VCS",
- "metadata/vcs/enable-help": "Once enabled, VCS is using SVN to record metadata changes. This feature is experimental. It is also not operational on NFS filesystem. Once enabled, the application needs a restart.",
+ "metadata/vcs/enable-help": "Once enabled, VCS is using SVN to record metadata changes. This functionality is experimental. It is also not operational on NFS filesystem. Once enabled, the application needs a restart.",
"system/threadedindexing": "Indexing",
"system/threadedindexing/maxthreads": "Number of indexing threads",
"system/userSelfRegistration": "User self-registration",
"system/userSelfRegistration/enable": "Enable self-registration",
"system/userSelfRegistration/enable-help": "When enabled, make sure a mail server is also configured.",
+ "system/userSelfRegistration/domainsAllowed": "Email domains allowed",
+ "system/userSelfRegistration/domainsAllowed-help": "Comma separated list of email domains that can request an account. If not configured, any email address is allowed.",
"system/userSelfRegistration/recaptcha/enable": "Enable re-captcha",
"system/userSelfRegistration/recaptcha/enable-help": "Enabling re-captcha will protect you and your users from spam and abuse. This is highly recommended when you enable feedback or self-registration. Create your re-captcha key on",
"system/userSelfRegistration/recaptcha/publickey": "Re-captcha public key",
@@ -850,9 +841,9 @@
"userFeedbackList": "Last user feedbacks",
"system/userFeedback": "User feedback",
"system/userFeedback/enable": "Enable application feedback",
- "system/userFeedback/enable-help": "Enabling this option allows to send feedback about the application to the system administrator. It requires the mail server is also configured.",
+ "system/userFeedback/enable-help": "Enabling this option allows to send feedback about the application to the system administrator. It requires the mail server to be configured.",
"system/userFeedback/metadata/enable": "Enable metadata feedback",
- "system/userFeedback/metadata/enable-help": "Enabling this option allows to feedback to the metadata owner and system administrator about metadata record. It requires the mail server is also configured.",
+ "system/userFeedback/metadata/enable-help": "Enabling this option allows to feedback to the metadata owner and system administrator about metadata record. It requires the mail server to be configured.",
"system/xlinkResolver": "Metadata XLink",
"system/xlinkResolver/enable": "Enable XLink resolution",
"system/xlinkResolver/enable-help": "If set, XLinks to metadata fragments in records will be resolved.",
@@ -860,6 +851,12 @@
"system/xlinkResolver/localXlinkEnable-help": "Local XLinks are using local:/// URL to make references to related sections instead of HTTP URL. Local XLinks are usually faster than HTTP XLinks.",
"system/xlinkResolver/ignore": "Elements to ignore by XLink resolution",
"system/xlinkResolver/ignore-help": "Comma separated list of elements to ignore by XLink resolution",
+ "system/banner": "Application banner",
+ "system/banner/enable": "Enable",
+ "system/banner/enable-help": "If set, an application banner is displayed with the message configured. To configure the message, go to Language and translations and configure a translation with the key application-banner",
+ "system/auditable": "Audit changes",
+ "system/auditable/enable": "Allow auditing changes",
+ "system/auditable/enable-help": "When enabled, audits changes in users configuration",
"metadata/workflow": "Рабочий процесс метаданных",
"metadata/workflow/automaticUnpublishInvalidMd": "Automatic unpublication of invalid metadata",
"metadata/workflow/automaticUnpublishInvalidMd-help": "Automatically unpublishes metadata that is edited that becomes not valid according to xsd or schematron rules.",
@@ -878,7 +875,7 @@
"metadata/workflow/forceValidationOnMdSave-help": "When the metadata is saved force validation check",
"metadata/import": "Metadata import",
"metadata/import/restrict": "Restrict import to schemas",
- "metadata/import/restrict-help": "List of all allowed schemas for metadata to be imported. If the metadata schema is not allowed, then the import is not done. No value means all schemas allowed.",
+ "metadata/import/restrict-help": "Comma separated list of all allowed schemas for metadata to be imported. If the metadata schema is not allowed, then the import is not done. No value means all schemas allowed.",
"metadata/import/userprofile": "Minimum user profile allowed to import metadata",
"metadata/import/userprofile-help": "Minimum user profile allowed to import metadata (Editor, Reviewer or Administrator). The default value is Editor.",
"metadata/delete": "Metadata delete",
@@ -895,6 +892,8 @@
"metadata/history": "Metadata History",
"metadata/history/accesslevel": "Select the minimum user profile allowed to view metadata history",
"metadata/history/accesslevel-help": "Select the user profile allowed to view metadata history (Registered User, Editor or Administrator). The Registered User configuration can view the history with view permission granted to the metadata record. The Editor configuration can view the history with editing permission granted to the metadata record. The default value is Editor.",
+ "minimumProfileForPrivileges": "Minimum user profile allowed to set privileges",
+ "minimumProfileForPrivilegesHelp": "Specifies the lowest user profile needed within a group to assign privileges for that group on a record. Users below this profile cannot set privileges for the group, and the group will be disabled in the privilege assignment interface. Default: No Restrictions (any editor for a record can set privileges for this group).",
"filterStatusByAuthor": "Status author",
"filterStatusByOwner": "Status owner",
"filterStatusByRecordId": "Record identifier",
@@ -1092,6 +1091,7 @@
"ui-mod-header": "Top toolbar",
"ui-mod-footer": "Footer",
"ui-mod-cookieWarning": "Cookie warning",
+ "ui-mod-directory": "Справочник",
"ui-createPageTpl": "New metadata page layout",
"ui-createPageTpl-horizontal": "Horizontal",
"ui-createPageTpl-vertical": "Vertical",
@@ -1506,6 +1506,39 @@
"fieldTooShort": "The value is too short",
"fieldEmailNotValid": "A valid email address is required",
"formConfirmExit": "The form has changes, if you exit the changes will be lost. Do you want to exit on the page?",
+ "manageDoiServers": "DOI servers",
+ "doiservers": "DOI servers",
+ "doiservers-description": "A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is an alphanumeric string assigned to uniquely identify an object. It is tied to a metadata description of the object as well as to a digital location, such as a URL, where all the details about the object are accessible. More information available on DataCite website.",
+ "newDoiServer": "New server",
+ "updateDoiServer": "Update server",
+ "doiserver-name": "Server name",
+ "doiserver-description": "Описание",
+ "doiserver-url": "DataCite API endpoint",
+ "doiserver-url-help": "Usually or for testing.",
+ "doiserver-apiKey": "API Key",
+ "doiserver-landingPageTemplate": "Landing page URL template",
+ "doiserver-landingPageTemplate-help": "The URL to use to register the DOI. A good default for GeoNetwork is http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/resources/records/\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}. The landing page URL MUST contains the UUID of the record.",
+ "doiserver-publicUrl": "Final DOI URL prefix",
+ "doiserver-publicUrl-help": "Keep it empty to use the default prefix. Use when using the test API.",
+ "doiserver-username": "DataCite username",
+ "doiserver-password": "DataCite password",
+ "doiserver-password-help": "All requests to the MDS API require authentication. For this reason, only traffic via a secure connection (HTTPS) is supported. The DataCite Metadata Store (MDS) uses HTTP Basic authentication. You can obtain an account here.",
+ "doiserver-pattern": "DOI pattern",
+ "doiserver-pattern-help": "Default is '\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}' but the DOI structure can be customized with database id and/or record group eg. 'example-\\{\\{groupOwner\\}\\}-\\{\\{id\\}\\}'",
+ "doiserver-prefix": "DataCite prefix",
+ "doiserver-prefix-help": "Usually looks like 10.xxxx. You will be allowed to register DOI names only under the prefixes that have been assigned to you.",
+ "doiserver-recordGroups": "Record groups",
+ "doiserver-recordGroups-help": "When creating a DOI, only DOI server(s) associated with the record group are proposed. If record group is not associated with any DOI servers, then DOI servers with no group are proposed.",
+ "doiserver-defaultApiText": "DataCite API",
+ "doiserver-testApiText": "DataCite API test",
+ "doiserver-euApiText": "Publication Office of the European Union",
+ "confirmDoiServerDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete this DOI server?",
"NoTranslationProvider": "No translation provider",
- "LibreTranslate": "Libretranslate"
+ "LibreTranslate": "Libretranslate",
+ "userHistory": "User history",
+ "userHistoryRevision": "Updated by {{revisionUser}} on {{revisionDate}}:",
+ "userHistoryFieldUpdate": "Field '{{fieldName}}' changed from '{{oldValue}}' to '{{newValue}}'",
+ "userHistoryFieldSet": "Field '{{fieldName}}' set to '{{newValue}}'",
+ "userHistoryFieldUnset": "Field '{{fieldName}}' unset",
+ "noUserHistory": "No user history available"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ru-core.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ru-core.json
index de09fb13223..edc1f2a9ba5 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ru-core.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ru-core.json
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
"basket": "Корзина",
"emptyBasket": "Корзина пуста",
"searchSelectedRecord": "Поиск записей",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "basic": "Basic",
+ "advanced": "Передовой",
+ "basic": "Базовый",
"none": "none",
"indexNotAvailable": "В настоящее время недоступен ни один поисковый сервис.",
"BadParameterEx": "Неверный параметр",
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
"RegisteredUser": "Зарегистрированный пользователь",
"Reviewer": "Рецензент",
"SUB_TEMPLATE": "Запись в каталоге",
- "TEMPLATE_OF_SUB_TEMPLATE": "Template for directory entry",
+ "TEMPLATE_OF_SUB_TEMPLATE": "Шаблон для записи в справочнике",
"TEMPLATE": "Шаблон",
"indexWFSFeatures": "Индексирование данных",
"reindexWFSFeatures": "Очистка и индексирование данных",
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@
"recordType-y": "Шаблон",
"recordType-n": "Метаданные",
"recordType-s": "Запись в каталоге",
- "recordType-t": "Template for directory entry",
+ "recordType-t": "Шаблон для записи в справочнике",
"UserAdmin": "Пользователь администратор",
- "duplicatedValueFound": "Value '{{value}}' already exists. Choose another one.",
- "duplicatedValueFoundHarvesterName": "Harvester name '{{value}}' already exists. It is recommended to choose another name.",
- "tooManyItemsInSelection": "Too many items in selection. Maximum {{maxSize}} items allowed.",
+ "duplicatedValueFound": "Значение '{{value}}' уже существует. Выберите другой.",
+ "duplicatedValueFoundHarvesterName": "Имя комбайна '{{value}}' уже существует. Рекомендуется выбрать другое имя.",
+ "tooManyItemsInSelection": "Слишком много товаров в выборе. Разрешено максимальное количество элементов: {{maxSize}}.",
"categories": "Категории",
"learnTheApi": "Узнайте, как использовать каталог REST API",
"category": "Категория",
@@ -42,22 +42,22 @@
"groupPublished": "Опубликовано в этой группе",
"indexingError": "Ошибка индексирования",
"source": "Каталог",
- "addRecordToSelection": "Add to the selection",
- "removeRecordFromSelection": "Remove from the selection",
- "indexRecord": "Index record",
- "indexRecords": "Index records",
+ "addRecordToSelection": "добавить к выбору",
+ "removeRecordFromSelection": "Удалить из выбора",
+ "indexRecord": "Индексная запись",
+ "indexRecords": "Индексные записи",
"previousKeywords": "Предыдущие",
"previousPage": "Предыдущая страница",
"nextPage": "Следущая страница",
- "chooseImage": "Choose or drop an image here",
+ "chooseImage": "Выберите или перетащите сюда изображение",
"topConcepts": "Топ-концепция(-и)",
"viewSelectionOnly": "Только выбор",
"add": "Добавить",
"address": "Адрес",
- "personal": "Personal",
+ "personal": "Персональный",
"gnToggle": "Показать/скрыть разделы",
- "cookieWarning": "This web page uses cookies. If you continue using this page, we will assume you accept this.",
- "moreOnCookie": "Want to know more about this message?",
+ "cookieWarning": "Эта веб-страница использует файлы cookie. Если вы продолжите использовать эту страницу, мы будем считать, что вы принимаете это.",
+ "moreOnCookie": "Хотите узнать больше об этом сообщении?",
"acceptCookie": "Принять",
"rejectCookie": "Забери меня отсюда",
"adminConsole": "Консоль администратора",
@@ -66,39 +66,39 @@
"anyPlaceHolder": "Поиск ...",
"VALID": "Действителен",
"INVALID": "Недействителен",
- "clickToFilterOn": "Focus on",
+ "clickToFilterOn": "Сосредоточиться на",
"NEVER_CALCULATED": "Никогда не действителен",
"validStatus-1": "Действителен",
"validStatus-0": "Недействителен",
"validStatus--1": "Никогда не действителен",
- "lastInspireValidationStatus": "Last INSPIRE validation status",
- "validInspireStatus--1": "INSPIRE never validated",
- "validInspireStatus-1": "INSPIRE valid",
- "validInspireStatus-0": "INSPIRE invalid",
- "wfsNoOutputFormats": "No output format found in download service capability.",
+ "lastInspireValidationStatus": "Последний статус проверки INSPIRE",
+ "validInspireStatus--1": "INSPIRE никогда не проверялся",
+ "validInspireStatus-1": "INSPIRE действителен",
+ "validInspireStatus-0": "INSPIRE недействителен",
+ "wfsNoOutputFormats": "В службе загрузки не найден выходной формат.",
"fre": "Французский",
- "roh": "Rumantsch",
+ "roh": "Руманч",
"ara": "Арабский",
"kor": "Корейский",
"by": "от",
"cat": "Каталонский",
- "swe": "Svenska",
+ "swe": "Свенска",
"catalog": "каталог",
"chi": "китайский",
"city": "Город",
"cl_status": "Статус",
- "cl_couplingType": "Coupling type",
+ "cl_couplingType": "Тип соединения",
"associatedResources": "Связанные ресурсы",
- "brothersAndSisters": "Siblings",
- "moreInfoOnRecord": "more ...",
+ "brothersAndSisters": "Братья и сестры",
+ "moreInfoOnRecord": "более ...",
"comments": "Комментарий",
"country": "Страна",
- "validateLinks": "Validate record links",
- "metadataLinksValidated": "Link validation started.",
+ "validateLinks": "Проверка ссылок запись",
+ "metadataLinksValidated": "Проверка соединить началась.",
"validateSelectedRecordConfirm": "Вы действительно хотите утвердить выбранные запись(-и) {{selectedCount}}?",
- "validateLinksSelectedRecordConfirm": "Do you really want to validate links of the {{selectedCount}} selected record(s)?",
- "validateSelectedRecordINSPIREConfirm": "Do you really want to validate in INSPIRE validator the {{selectedCount}} selected record(s)?",
- "restoreValueFromHistoryConfirm": "Confirm to restore the current element from history",
+ "validateLinksSelectedRecordConfirm": "Вы действительно хотите проверить ссылки выбранных запись ({{selectedCount}})?",
+ "validateSelectedRecordINSPIREConfirm": "Вы действительно хотите проверить в валидаторе INSPIRE выбранную запись (и) {{selectedCount}}?",
+ "restoreValueFromHistoryConfirm": "Подтвердите восстановление текущего элемента из истории.",
"regions": "Регионы",
"gemetKeywords": "Ключевые слова GEMET",
"createAnAccount": "Завести аккаунт",
@@ -108,15 +108,15 @@
"day": "День",
"deleteRecordConfirm": "Вы действительно хотите удалить '{{resourceTitle}}'?",
"deleteSelectedRecordConfirm": "Вы действительно хотите удалить выбранную(-ые) запись(-и) ({selectedCount}}?",
- "cofirmEditApproved": "Editing an approved record will bring it back to the draft state. Do you want to continue?",
+ "cofirmEditApproved": "Редактирование утвержденной запись вернет ее в состояние черновика. Вы хотите продолжать?",
"denominators": "Масштаб",
"docNotFound": "Предупреждение ! Страница {{page}} не найдена в документации.",
- "docPageNotFoundAtUrl": "Documentation page not available at URL:",
+ "docPageNotFoundAtUrl": "Страница документации недоступна по URL:",
"dut": "Нидерланды",
"east": "Восток",
- "addThoseCategories": "Merge selected",
+ "addThoseCategories": "Объединить выбранные",
"replaceByThoseCategories": "Обновить",
- "categoriesBatchAlert": "When updating categories, user can choose to merge the new categories to the existing ones or to replace them.
Clicking on Merge selected will add (checked with +) or remove (checkbox with -) selected categories.
Clicking on Update will remove record categories and then add (checked with +) or remove (checkbox with -) categories.",
+ "categoriesBatchAlert": "При обновлении категорий пользователь может объединить новые категории с существующими или заменить их.
Нажатие кнопки «Объединить выбранное» приведет добавить (отмечено + ) или удалению (отмечено - ) выбранных категорий.
Нажатие кнопки «Обновить» приведет к удалению категорий запись , а затем добавить (отмечено + ) или удалению (отмечено знаком - ) категории.",
"editorBoard": "Добавить новую запись",
"contribute": "Содействовать",
"email": "Электронная почта",
@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@
"featureCatalog": "Каталог функций",
"frequency": "Частота",
"feebackSent": "Ваше сообщение отправлено менеджеру каталога.",
+ "feebackSentError": "Произошла ошибка при отправке вашего сообщения менеджеру каталога. Повторите попытку позже, контакт поставщику услуг или сообщите об этой проблеме.",
"feedbackNotEnable": "Обратная связь не включена.",
"filter": "Фильтр",
"filterSearch": "Показать параметры поиска",
@@ -141,42 +142,42 @@
"inspireThemes": "Темы INSPIRE",
"inspireThemesURI": "Темы INSPIRE",
"inspiretheme": "Тема INSPIRE",
- "inspireNotAllowedError": "Not allowed to use the resource",
- "inspireNotFoundError": "Resource not found",
- "inspireServiceError": "Remote validation error: verify the URL",
- "inspireNotAcceptableError": "Metadata schema not supported",
- "inspirePopupReportTitle": "INSPIRE validation report",
- "inspirePopupReportText": "The validation tests ended with status:",
- "inspirePopupReportLink": "Click here for more details",
- "notAllowedError": "Not allowed to current profile",
- "notFoundError": "Resource not found",
- "internalServerError": "Internal Server Error",
- "recordRestored": "Record restored",
- "confirmRestore": "Do you want to overwrite the current data with the values saved in the selected record?",
+ "inspireNotAllowedError": "Запрещено использовать ресурс",
+ "inspireNotFoundError": "ресурс не найден",
+ "inspireServiceError": "Ошибка удаленной проверки: проверьте URL-адрес",
+ "inspireNotAcceptableError": "Схема метаданных не поддерживается",
+ "inspirePopupReportTitle": "Отчет о проверке INSPIRE",
+ "inspirePopupReportText": "Проверочные тесты закончились статусом:",
+ "inspirePopupReportLink": "Нажмите здесь для более подробной информации",
+ "notAllowedError": "Не разрешено в текущем профиле",
+ "notFoundError": "ресурс не найден",
+ "internalServerError": "Внутренняя ошибка сервера",
+ "recordRestored": "запись восстановлена",
+ "confirmRestore": "Хотите перезаписать текущие данные значениями, сохраненными в выбранной запись ?",
"ita": "Итальянский",
"keyword": "Ключевое слово",
"keywordFilter": "Фильтр ключевых слов",
"keywords": "Ключевые слова",
- "recordOwner": "Record owner",
- "groupRecordOwner": "Group record owner",
+ "recordOwner": "владелец запись",
+ "groupRecordOwner": "Владелец запись группы",
"map": "Карта",
"makeYourMap": "Карта",
"metadataPOCs": "Контакт для метаданных",
"month": "Месяц",
- "msgNoCatalogInfo": "Could not retrieve catalog information.",
+ "msgNoCatalogInfo": "Не удалось получить информацию о каталоге.",
"msgNoUserInfo": "Не удалось получить данные пользователя.",
"msgUserAuthenticated": "Пользователь {{username}} аутентифицирован.",
"name": "Имя",
- "needAnAccount": "Need an account?",
+ "needAnAccount": "Нужен аккаунт?",
"needAnAccountInfo": "Тогда подпишитесь, это займет всего минуту.",
"needHelp": "Нужна помощь",
- "newAccountInfo": "Когда вы запрашиваете аккаунт, вам будет отправлено электронное письмо с вашими данными о пользователе. Если запрашивается расширенный профиль пользователя, администратор каталога проанализирует ваш запрос и свяжется с вами.",
+ "newAccountInfo": "При регистрации вам будет отправлено письмо с данными учетной записи. Администратор каталога рассмотрит запросы групп и профилей.",
"next": "Далее",
"noFileSelected": "Файл не выбран",
"noRecordFound": "Записей не найдено.",
"nor": "Норвежский",
"bboxIdentifier": "Географический идентификатор",
- "bboxDescription": "Geographic description",
+ "bboxDescription": "Географическое описание",
"north": "Север",
"metadataAuthor": "Запись, созданная пользователем",
"zarooResult": "Результатов не найдено!",
@@ -187,8 +188,8 @@
"sortedBy": "Сортировать по {{field}}",
"sortBy-changeDateDesc": "последние обновления",
"sortBy-createDateDesc": "новые записи",
- "sortBy-resourceTitleObject.default.sort": "title (ascending)",
- "sortBy-resourceTitleObject.default.sortDesc": "title (descending)",
+ "sortBy-resourceTitleObject.default.sort": "титул (по возрастанию)",
+ "sortBy-resourceTitleObject.default.sortDesc": "название (по убыванию)",
"sortBy-relevance": "актуальность",
"sortBy-ratingDesc": "рейтинг",
"rating": "рейтинг",
@@ -207,24 +208,24 @@
"topicCats": "Темы",
"organisation": "Организация",
"organization": "Организация",
- "atomChooseLayerToAdd": "Select a source",
+ "atomChooseLayerToAdd": "Выберите источник",
"mapLoadError": "Не удалось загрузить карту из '{{url}}' .",
"emptyMapLoadError": "Карта из '{{url}}' пуста.",
"privilegesUpdated": "Привилегии обновлены.",
"privilegesUpdatedError": "Произошла ошибка при обновлении привилегий.",
"password": "Пароль",
- "passwordMinlength": "Password must contain at least {{length}} characters!",
+ "passwordMinlength": "Пароль должен содержать не менее {{length}} символов!",
"passwordNotMatching": "Пароль не подходит!",
- "passwordMaxlength": "Password must contain at most {{length}} characters!",
- "passwordPattern": "Password must contain at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 number and 1 symbol. Symbols include: `~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{}\\|;:'\",.<>/?');",
- "passwordOld": "Old password",
+ "passwordMaxlength": "Пароль должен содержать не более {{length}} символов!",
+ "passwordPattern": "Пароль должен содержать как минимум 1 заглавную букву, 1 строчную букву, 1 цифру и 1 символ. В число символов входят: `~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{}\\|;:'",.<>/?');",
+ "passwordOld": "Старый пароль",
"passwordRepeat": "Повторите пароль",
- "groupNameMaxlength": "Group name can not exceed 255 characters!",
- "categoryNameMaxlength": "Category name can not exceed 255 characters!",
- "portalNameMaxlength": "Portal name can not exceed 255 characters!",
- "portalIdMaxlength": "Portal identifier can not exceed 255 characters!",
- "groupDescriptionMaxlength": "Group description can not exceed 255 characters!",
- "groupEmailMaxlength": "Group email can not exceed 128 characters!",
+ "groupNameMaxlength": "Название группы не может превышать 255 символов!",
+ "categoryNameMaxlength": "Название категория не может превышать 255 символов!",
+ "portalNameMaxlength": "Имя портала не может превышать 255 символов!",
+ "portalIdMaxlength": "Идентификатор портала не может превышать 255 символов!",
+ "groupDescriptionMaxlength": "Описание группы не может превышать 255 символов!",
+ "groupEmailMaxlength": "Групповой адрес электронной почты не может превышать 128 символов!",
"pol": "Польский",
"por": "Португальский",
"poweredBy": "Работает на открытом исходном коде GeoNetwork",
@@ -234,9 +235,10 @@
"register": "Регистрация",
"rememberMe": "Запомнить меня",
"requestedProfile": "Запрошенный профиль",
+ "requestedGroup": "Запрошенная группа",
"resetPassword": "Сброс пароля",
"resetPasswordTitle": "Сбросить пароль {{user}}.",
- "resetPasswordError": "Error occurred while resetting password",
+ "resetPasswordError": "Произошла ошибка при сбросе пароля",
"rus": "Русский",
"save": "Сохранить",
"scrollTop": "Пролистать наверх",
@@ -255,7 +257,7 @@
"signIn": "Войти",
"signedInAs": "Вошли как",
"signout": "Выйти",
- "signoutDescription": "You are already logged in, click the button to logout.",
+ "signoutDescription": "Вы уже вошли в систему, нажмите кнопку, чтобы выйти.",
"somethingWrong": "Что-то пошло не так!",
"south": "Юг",
"siblings": "Связанные ресурсы",
@@ -271,7 +273,7 @@
"title": "Титул",
"to": "К",
"on": "на",
- "off": "off",
+ "off": "выключенный",
"toggleScrollSpy": "Переключить прокрутку навигации",
"tur": "Турецкий",
"types": "Тип ресурсов",
@@ -281,47 +283,47 @@
"upload": "Загрузить",
"uuid": "Идентификатор",
"url": "URL",
- "resetUrl": "Reset URL",
+ "resetUrl": "Сбросить URL-адрес",
"records": "Запись(-и)",
"responsiblePartyEmail": "Контакт",
"call": "Вызов",
- "pleaseWait": "please wait",
+ "pleaseWait": "пожалуйста, подождите",
"weblink": "Ссылки",
"downloads": "Скачать",
"maps": "Карты",
"resetOps": "Восстановить операцию",
- "addThoseOperations": "Merge selected",
+ "addThoseOperations": "Объединить выбранные",
"replaceByThoseOperations": "Обновить",
"spatialExtent": "Пространственная протяженность",
- "sessionIsAboutToBeCancelled": "Your session is about to be cancelled!",
+ "sessionIsAboutToBeCancelled": "Ваша сессия будет отменена!",
"sessionAlertMsg": "Последнее действие отслеживалось {{startedAt}}, и срок действия вашего сеанса истекает через {{willBeCancelledIn}} s (максимальное время бездействия - {{length}} s). Вы должны сохранить свою работу, если у вас есть несохраненные изменения! Если нет, то вы скоро будете отключены.",
"sessionWillExpireIn": "Срок действия вашего сеанса истекает через {{remainingTime}} s. Сохраните вашу работу!",
- "sessionIsProbablyCancelled": "Your session was probably cancelled on the server!",
+ "sessionIsProbablyCancelled": "Вероятно, ваша сессия была отменена на сервере!",
"sessionAlertDisconnectedMsg": "Последнее действие отслеживалось {{startedAt}}, и ваш сеанс, вероятно, истек сейчас (максимальное время бездействия - {{length}} s). Вы должны перезагрузить страницу и посмотреть, активен ли ваш сеанс или еще раз войти!",
"layersLoading": "Добавление слоев на карту ...",
"updateStatus": "Обновить статус записи",
"resourceContact": "Контакт для ресурса",
- "taskOwner": "Task owner",
- "taskDueDate": "Due date",
- "taskCloseDate": "Close date",
- "taskMessage": "Message",
- "restore": "Restore",
- "viewPreviousVersion": "View Previous Version",
- "viewChangedVersion": "View Changed Version",
- "triggerTask": "Trigger task",
- "closeTask": "Close task",
+ "taskOwner": "Владелец задачи",
+ "taskDueDate": "Срок оплаты",
+ "taskCloseDate": "Дата закрытия",
+ "taskMessage": "Сообщение",
+ "restore": "Восстановить",
+ "viewPreviousVersion": "Посмотреть предыдущую версию",
+ "viewChangedVersion": "Посмотреть измененную версию",
+ "triggerTask": "Триггерная задача",
+ "closeTask": "Закрыть задачу",
"enableWorkflow": "Включить рабочий процесс",
- "recordHistory": "History",
- "recordHistory-workflow": "Workflow status is now {{text}}.",
- "removeHistoryStep": "Remove step",
+ "recordHistory": "История",
+ "recordHistory-workflow": "статус рабочий процесс теперь {{text}}.",
+ "removeHistoryStep": "Удалить шаг",
"workflowType": "Рабочий процесс",
- "taskType": "Task",
- "eventType": "Event",
- "metadataViewLoadError": "An error occurred while loading a metadata view",
+ "taskType": "Задача",
+ "eventType": "Событие",
+ "metadataViewLoadError": "Произошла ошибка при загрузке представления метаданных.",
"metadataStatusUpdatedWithNoErrors": "Состояние записи обновлено.",
- "metadataStatusUpdatedErrors": "An error occurred while updating status",
- "changeCategoryError": "An error occurred while updating category",
- "statusLogMessage": "Message",
+ "metadataStatusUpdatedErrors": "Произошла ошибка при обновлении статуса.",
+ "changeCategoryError": "Произошла ошибка при обновлении категория",
+ "statusLogMessage": "Сообщение",
"user": "Пользователь",
"userDetails": "Информация о пользователе",
"userPreferences": "Предпочтения пользователей",
@@ -329,16 +331,16 @@
"usernameHelp": "Имя для входа",
"processError": "Ошибка обработки.",
"processFinished": "Обработка завершена.",
- "processReport-done": "Number of records processed",
+ "processReport-done": "Количество обработанных записей",
"processReportChangedRecords": "Изменено",
- "processReportErrors": "Records with error(s)",
+ "processReportErrors": "Записи с ошибкой(ми)",
"processReportFor": "Отчет для процесса:",
- "processReportNoProcessFound": "Records with process not defined in their standard",
+ "processReportNoProcessFound": "Записи с процессом, не определенным в их стандарте",
"processReportNotChangedRecords": "Не изменено",
"processReportNotOwner": "Недоступные для редактирования записи",
"processReportNullRecords": "Записи не найдены",
"processReportProcessedRecords": "Обработанные записи",
- "processReportUnchangedRecords": "Records unchanged",
+ "processReportUnchangedRecords": "Записи неизменены",
"processReportTotalRecords": "Записи на обработку",
"recordsProcessed": "обработанные записи",
"batchediting": "Групповое редактирование",
@@ -369,7 +371,7 @@
"cl_status_text": "Статус",
"_status": "Статус",
"_schema": "Стандарт",
- "checkCapabilityUrl": "URL {{url}} returned status '{{status}}'. You should check the URL or check that the service is running.",
+ "checkCapabilityUrl": "URL {{url}} вернул статус '{{status}}'. Вам следует проверить URL или проверить, запущена ли служба.",
"checkCapabilityUrlUnauthorized": "URL {{url}} returned status '{{status}}'. That means that this service requires authentication. Try to connect to it first.",
"failedToParseCapabilities": "Failed to parse GetCapabilities operation response. Try again later or contact service provider.",
"checkProjectionUrlUnauthorized": "URL {{url}} returned status '{{status}}'. That means that this service requires authentication. Try to connect to it first.",
@@ -587,4 +589,4 @@
"quality": "Качество",
"download": "Download",
"links": "Ссылки"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ru-editor.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ru-editor.json
index 2b22abb0da6..22458188bb4 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ru-editor.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ru-editor.json
@@ -236,6 +236,7 @@
"onlineUseDQReport": "Data quality report",
"onlineUseDQTOR": "Data quality specification",
"onlineUseDQProdReport": "Data quality production report",
+ "onlineUseMap": "Карта",
"onlineUseLegend": "Legend for the resource",
"onlineUseLegendLYR": "Style for the resource for ArcGIS (LYR)",
"onlineUseStyleSLD": "Style for the resource using SLD",
@@ -441,6 +442,8 @@
"addOnlinesrc#API-help": "eg. view service, REST API",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineDownload|localNetwork": "Add download",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineDownload|localNetwork-help": "eg. file, download service, local network links",
+ "addOnlinesrc#onlineUseMap": "Add map",
+ "addOnlinesrc#onlineUseMap-help": "eg. PDF static maps or OGC Web Map Context interactive maps",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineUseLegend": "Add portrayal",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineUseLegend-help": "eg. LYR, QML, SLD files",
"addOnlinesrc#links": "Добавить ссылки",
@@ -454,5 +457,10 @@
"associated-fcats": "Каталог функций",
"associated-siblings": "Связанные ресурсы",
"associated-hasfeaturecats": "Using this feature catalog",
- "associatedResourcesPanel": "Связанные ресурсы"
+ "associatedResourcesPanel": "Связанные ресурсы",
+ "validationSuccessLabel": "success",
+ "validationErrorLabel": "errors",
+ "metadataDuplicatedField-title": "The metadata title is used in another metadata record.",
+ "metadataDuplicatedField-altTitle": "The metadata alternate title is used in another metadata record.",
+ "metadataDuplicatedField-identifier": "The metadata resource identifier is used in another metadata record."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ru-search.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ru-search.json
index c57538f72c5..31e4bc87224 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ru-search.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ru-search.json
@@ -365,7 +365,8 @@
"shareOnLinkedIn": "Поделиться в LinkedIn",
"shareByEmail": "Поделиться по электронной почте",
"zoomto": "Zoom To",
- "recordNotFound": "The record with identifier {{uuid}} was not found or is not shared with you. Try to sign in if you've an account.",
+ "recordNotFound": "The record with identifier {{uuid}} was not found or is not shared with you.",
+ "trySignIn": "Try to log in if you have an account.",
"intersectWith": "Intersects with",
"fullyOutsideOf": "Fully outside of",
"encloses": "Enclosing",
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ru-v4.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ru-v4.json
index 40f202e1ed4..31338479ac0 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ru-v4.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/ru-v4.json
@@ -164,12 +164,14 @@
"dropIndexAndRebuild": "Delete index and reindex",
"rebuildIndexHelp": "While rebuilding index, search may return incomplete results and the CSW GetRecords operation can be disabled (if you selected the option in the settings). Use this function, when catalog traffic is low. It's recommended to rebuild index manually from here when making changes directly in the database. If you change index mapping (cf. records.json), then you have to click on 'Delete index and reindex'.",
"indexInEsDoneError": "There is an error with the index. See the logs for details",
- "indexInEsDone": "The indexing operation was successfull",
+ "indexInEsDone": "The indexing operation was successful",
"indexCommit": "Commit index changes",
"indexCommit-help": "To use only if indexing task is hanging.",
"indexCommitError": "Error while committing index changes.",
"ui-moreLikeThisConfig": "More like this configuration",
- "ui-moreLikeThisConfig-help": "Configuration must have a which will be set with the record title to search for similar records.",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisConfig-help": "Configuration must have a which will be set with the record title to search for similar records. (See Elasticsearch API).",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisFilter": "More like this query filter",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisFilter-help": "Optional filter expression to apply on the more like this query (eg. -cl_status.key:(obsolete OR historicalArchive OR superseded)
to exclude obsolete records).",
"ui-autocompleteConfig": "Autocompletion configuration",
"ui-autocompleteConfig-help": "Configuration must have a query.multi_match.query which will be set on autocompletion.",
"ui-facetConfig": "Facets configuration",
@@ -399,12 +401,17 @@
"setServiceConnectPoint": "Add service connect point",
"mimeType": "Формат",
"uploadedResourceAlreadyExistException": "File {{file}} already exist in this record data store. Remove it first.",
+ "uploadedResourceSizeExceededException": "File {{file}} too large ({{humanizedSize}}).",
+ "uploadNetworkErrorException": "File {{file}} failed to upload due to network error or connection reset.",
"qualityMeasures": "Quality",
"measureType": "Type",
"measureName": "Measure",
"measureDescription": "Description",
"measureValue": "Value",
"measureDate": "Date",
+ "nextUpdateDate": "Next update",
+ "userDefinedFrequency": "Частота обновления",
+ "maintenanceNote": "Maintenance note",
"switchPortals": "Switch to another Portal",
"dataPreview": "Discover data",
"tableOfContents": "Table of Contents",
@@ -414,6 +421,7 @@
"staticPageFormat-TEXT": "Plain text content",
"staticPageStatus-HIDDEN": "Visible only to the administrator",
"staticPageStatus-PRIVATE": "Visible to logged users",
+ "staticPageStatus-GROUPS": "Visible to users belonging to the groups",
"staticPageStatus-PUBLIC": "Visible to everyone",
"pageLink": "Link",
"pageSection-help": "Currently, the default UI view only supports TOP and FOOTER values. Custom UI views can make use of additional values.",
@@ -432,7 +440,7 @@
"overviewUrl": "Overview URL",
"restApiUrl": "REST API URL",
"filterHelp": "Please click on one of the buttons below to activate the filter",
- "selectDOIResource": "Choose a DOI resource",
+ "selectDOIResource": "Search for a DOI",
"httpStatus--200": "Invalid status",
"httpStatus-200": "200: Valid status",
"httpStatus-404": "404: Not found",
@@ -449,5 +457,10 @@
"linkStatus": "Link status",
"requestStatus": "Request status",
"linkUrl": "Link url",
- "associatedUuid": "Associated to metadata UUID"
+ "associatedUuid": "Associated to metadata UUID",
+ "mdEmail": "Email",
+ "mdWebsite": "Website",
+ "mdOrganization": "Organization",
+ "mdAddress": "Address",
+ "mdPhone": "Phone"
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sk-admin.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sk-admin.json
index e1a3e5bfeb0..b9a202ba61e 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sk-admin.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sk-admin.json
@@ -475,6 +475,7 @@
"newUser": "Nový užívateľ",
"noCommitAvailable": "No activity recorded. Enable versioning on metadata records to follow changes.",
"noHarvesterHistory": "Nie je k dispozícii žiadna história zberača údajov.",
+ "noRestrictions": "No restrictions",
"nostatus": "Žiadny stav",
"notYetSupported": "Ešte nie je podporovaný",
"numberOfSearch": "Počet vyhľadávání",
@@ -632,23 +633,7 @@
"system/clickablehyperlinks/enable-help": "Ak sú nastavené, zobrazí systém GeoNetwork v metaúdajoch hypertextové odkazy, na ktoré je možné kliknúť.",
"system/documentation": "Documentation configuration",
"system/documentation/url": "Base manual url",
- "system/documentation/url-help": "Base application manual url. Defaults to the official manual page ({version}/{lang}) and can be customised to use a self hosted documentation with a custom branding. The url can contain \\{\\{lang\\}\\} placeholder, to display the manual in different languages when available, and \\{\\{version\\}\\} placeholder to use the application version.",
- "system/publication": "Publication",
- "system/publication/doi/doienabled": "Allow creation of Digital Object Identifier (DOI)",
- "system/publication/doi/doipattern": "DOI pattern",
- "system/publication/doi/doipattern-help": "Default is '\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}' but the DOI structure can be customized with database id and/or record group eg. 'example-\\{\\{groupOwner\\}\\}-\\{\\{id\\}\\}'",
- "system/publication/doi/doienabled-help": "A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is an alphanumeric string assigned to uniquely identify an object. It is tied to a metadata description of the object as well as to a digital location, such as a URL, where all the details about the object are accessible. More information available on DataCite website.",
- "system/publication/doi/doipublicurl": "The final DOI URL prefix",
- "system/publication/doi/doipublicurl-help": "Keep it empty to use the default prefix. Use when using the test API.",
- "system/publication/doi/doiurl": "The DataCite API endpoint",
- "system/publication/doi/doiurl-help": "Usually or for testing.",
- "system/publication/doi/doiusername": "Your DataCite username",
- "system/publication/doi/doipassword": "Your DataCite password",
- "system/publication/doi/doipassword-help": "All requests to the MDS API require authentication. For this reason, only traffic via a secure connection (HTTPS) is supported. The DataCite Metadata Store (MDS) uses HTTP Basic authentication. You can obtain an account here.",
- "system/publication/doi/doikey": "Your DataCite prefix",
- "system/publication/doi/doikey-help": "Usually looks like 10.xxxx. You will be allowed to register DOI names only under the prefixes that have been assigned to you.",
- "system/publication/doi/doilandingpagetemplate": "DOI landing page URL template",
- "system/publication/doi/doilandingpagetemplate-help": "The URL to use to register the DOI. A good default for GeoNetwork is http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/resources/records/\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}. The landing page URL MUST contains the UUID of the record.",
+ "system/documentation/url-help": "Base application manual url. Defaults to the official manual page ({version}/{lang}) and can be customised to use a self hosted documentation with a custom branding. The url can contain \\{\\{lang\\}\\} placeholder, to display the manual in different languages when available, \\{\\{version\\}\\} placeholder to use the application version, and \\{\\{section\\}\\} placeholder to parse sub section url from manual.json of the current page. When the \\{\\{section\\}\\} placeholder is not provided, the sub section value is automatically appended to the end of the url.",
"system/csw": "Katalógová služba pre Web (CSW)",
"system/csw/capabilityRecordUuid": "Record to use for GetCapabilities",
"system/csw/capabilityRecordUuid-help": "Choose the record to be used to build custom GetCapabilities document. If none exist, create a service metadata record (using ISO19139 or 19115-3 standards). To have a capabilities document with the main information required, set title, abstract, point of contact, keywords, constraints. If you need INSPIRE support also set properly the record main language and additional languages, INSPIRE themes and INSPIRE conformity.",
@@ -663,6 +648,10 @@
"system/feedback": "Spätná väzba",
"system/feedback/email": "Email",
"system/feedback/email-help": "Toto je emailová adresa správcu používaná k zaslaniu spätnej väzby.",
+ "system/feedback/languages": "Language for system generated emails",
+ "system/feedback/languages-help": "Languages to use for system generated emails. If empty then ui language will be used. If multiple language exists then, where it makes sense, a message for each language will be generated and appended to the email message making the messages multilingual. Languages that are missing a resource bundle will fallback to the base locale. (Ex. use 'eng,fre' for generating bilingual messages in both English and French with English first)",
+ "system/feedback/translationFollowsText": "Translation follows text",
+ "system/feedback/translationFollowsText-help": "Text to display at the top of the email to indicate that the translations of the email follow. (Ex. 'La version française suit')",
"system/feedback/mailServer/host": "Hostiteľský server SMTP",
"system/feedback/mailServer/host-help": "Parametre hostiteľského serveru a portu SMTP sa používajú k zasielaniu emailov užívateľom systému GeoNetwork, keď dôjde ku stiahnutiu zdroja.",
"system/feedback/mailServer/password": "Heslo",
@@ -837,12 +826,14 @@
"system/site/svnUuid-help": "Jedinečný identifikátor úložiska Subversion",
"metadata/vcs": "Version Control System (VCS)",
"metadata/vcs/enable": "Enable VCS",
- "metadata/vcs/enable-help": "Once enabled, VCS is using SVN to record metadata changes. This feature is experimental. It is also not operational on NFS filesystem. Once enabled, the application needs a restart.",
+ "metadata/vcs/enable-help": "Once enabled, VCS is using SVN to record metadata changes. This functionality is experimental. It is also not operational on NFS filesystem. Once enabled, the application needs a restart.",
"system/threadedindexing": "Indexovanie",
"system/threadedindexing/maxthreads": "Počet reťazcov k indexovaniu",
"system/userSelfRegistration": "Samostatná registrácia užívateľa",
"system/userSelfRegistration/enable": "Aktivovať samostatnú registráciu",
"system/userSelfRegistration/enable-help": "Ak je nastavené, uistite sa aj správnym nastavením emailového servra.",
+ "system/userSelfRegistration/domainsAllowed": "Email domains allowed",
+ "system/userSelfRegistration/domainsAllowed-help": "Comma separated list of email domains that can request an account. If not configured, any email address is allowed.",
"system/userSelfRegistration/recaptcha/enable": "Enable re-captcha",
"system/userSelfRegistration/recaptcha/enable-help": "Enabling re-captcha will protect you and your users from spam and abuse. This is highly recommended when you enable feedback or self-registration. Create your re-captcha key on",
"system/userSelfRegistration/recaptcha/publickey": "Re-captcha public key",
@@ -850,9 +841,9 @@
"userFeedbackList": "Last user feedbacks",
"system/userFeedback": "Spätná odozva užívateľa",
"system/userFeedback/enable": "Enable application feedback",
- "system/userFeedback/enable-help": "Enabling this option allows to send feedback about the application to the system administrator. It requires the mail server is also configured.",
+ "system/userFeedback/enable-help": "Enabling this option allows to send feedback about the application to the system administrator. It requires the mail server to be configured.",
"system/userFeedback/metadata/enable": "Enable metadata feedback",
- "system/userFeedback/metadata/enable-help": "Enabling this option allows to feedback to the metadata owner and system administrator about metadata record. It requires the mail server is also configured.",
+ "system/userFeedback/metadata/enable-help": "Enabling this option allows to feedback to the metadata owner and system administrator about metadata record. It requires the mail server to be configured.",
"system/xlinkResolver": "Metaúdajový XLink",
"system/xlinkResolver/enable": "Aktivovať rozlišenie XLink",
"system/xlinkResolver/enable-help": "V prípade ich nastavenia dôjde v záznamoch k rozlišeniu odkazov XLinks na fragmenty metaúdajov.",
@@ -860,6 +851,12 @@
"system/xlinkResolver/localXlinkEnable-help": "Miestne odkazy XLinks používajú miestne:/// URL k odkazovaniu na súvisiace oddiely namiesto HTTP URL. Miestne XLinks sú spravidla rychlejšie ako HTTP XLinks.",
"system/xlinkResolver/ignore": "Elements ignorované XLink",
"system/xlinkResolver/ignore-help": "CSV zoznam elementov ignorované XLINK",
+ "system/banner": "Application banner",
+ "system/banner/enable": "Aktivovať",
+ "system/banner/enable-help": "If set, an application banner is displayed with the message configured. To configure the message, go to Language and translations and configure a translation with the key application-banner",
+ "system/auditable": "Audit changes",
+ "system/auditable/enable": "Allow auditing changes",
+ "system/auditable/enable-help": "When enabled, audits changes in users configuration",
"metadata/workflow": "Priebeh prác na metaúdajoch",
"metadata/workflow/automaticUnpublishInvalidMd": "Automatické nepublikovanie neplatných metaúdajov",
"metadata/workflow/automaticUnpublishInvalidMd-help": "Automatically unpublishes metadata that is edited that becomes not valid according to xsd or schematron rules.",
@@ -878,7 +875,7 @@
"metadata/workflow/forceValidationOnMdSave-help": "Po uložení metaúdajov spusti validáciu",
"metadata/import": "Metadata import",
"metadata/import/restrict": "Restrict import to schemas",
- "metadata/import/restrict-help": "List of all allowed schemas for metadata to be imported. If the metadata schema is not allowed, then the import is not done. No value means all schemas allowed.",
+ "metadata/import/restrict-help": "Comma separated list of all allowed schemas for metadata to be imported. If the metadata schema is not allowed, then the import is not done. No value means all schemas allowed.",
"metadata/import/userprofile": "Minimum user profile allowed to import metadata",
"metadata/import/userprofile-help": "Minimum user profile allowed to import metadata (Editor, Reviewer or Administrator). The default value is Editor.",
"metadata/delete": "Metadata delete",
@@ -895,6 +892,8 @@
"metadata/history": "Metadata History",
"metadata/history/accesslevel": "Select the minimum user profile allowed to view metadata history",
"metadata/history/accesslevel-help": "Select the user profile allowed to view metadata history (Registered User, Editor or Administrator). The Registered User configuration can view the history with view permission granted to the metadata record. The Editor configuration can view the history with editing permission granted to the metadata record. The default value is Editor.",
+ "minimumProfileForPrivileges": "Minimum user profile allowed to set privileges",
+ "minimumProfileForPrivilegesHelp": "Specifies the lowest user profile needed within a group to assign privileges for that group on a record. Users below this profile cannot set privileges for the group, and the group will be disabled in the privilege assignment interface. Default: No Restrictions (any editor for a record can set privileges for this group).",
"filterStatusByAuthor": "Status author",
"filterStatusByOwner": "Status owner",
"filterStatusByRecordId": "Record identifier",
@@ -1092,6 +1091,7 @@
"ui-mod-header": "Horná nástrojová lišta",
"ui-mod-footer": "Footer",
"ui-mod-cookieWarning": "Cookie warning",
+ "ui-mod-directory": "Adresár",
"ui-createPageTpl": "New metadata page layout",
"ui-createPageTpl-horizontal": "Horizontal",
"ui-createPageTpl-vertical": "Vertical",
@@ -1506,6 +1506,39 @@
"fieldTooShort": "The value is too short",
"fieldEmailNotValid": "A valid email address is required",
"formConfirmExit": "The form has changes, if you exit the changes will be lost. Do you want to exit on the page?",
+ "manageDoiServers": "DOI servers",
+ "doiservers": "DOI servers",
+ "doiservers-description": "A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is an alphanumeric string assigned to uniquely identify an object. It is tied to a metadata description of the object as well as to a digital location, such as a URL, where all the details about the object are accessible. More information available on DataCite website.",
+ "newDoiServer": "Nový server",
+ "updateDoiServer": "Update server",
+ "doiserver-name": "Server name",
+ "doiserver-description": "Popis",
+ "doiserver-url": "DataCite API endpoint",
+ "doiserver-url-help": "Usually or for testing.",
+ "doiserver-apiKey": "API Key",
+ "doiserver-landingPageTemplate": "Landing page URL template",
+ "doiserver-landingPageTemplate-help": "The URL to use to register the DOI. A good default for GeoNetwork is http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/resources/records/\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}. The landing page URL MUST contains the UUID of the record.",
+ "doiserver-publicUrl": "Final DOI URL prefix",
+ "doiserver-publicUrl-help": "Keep it empty to use the default prefix. Use when using the test API.",
+ "doiserver-username": "DataCite username",
+ "doiserver-password": "DataCite password",
+ "doiserver-password-help": "All requests to the MDS API require authentication. For this reason, only traffic via a secure connection (HTTPS) is supported. The DataCite Metadata Store (MDS) uses HTTP Basic authentication. You can obtain an account here.",
+ "doiserver-pattern": "DOI pattern",
+ "doiserver-pattern-help": "Default is '\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}' but the DOI structure can be customized with database id and/or record group eg. 'example-\\{\\{groupOwner\\}\\}-\\{\\{id\\}\\}'",
+ "doiserver-prefix": "DataCite prefix",
+ "doiserver-prefix-help": "Usually looks like 10.xxxx. You will be allowed to register DOI names only under the prefixes that have been assigned to you.",
+ "doiserver-recordGroups": "Record groups",
+ "doiserver-recordGroups-help": "When creating a DOI, only DOI server(s) associated with the record group are proposed. If record group is not associated with any DOI servers, then DOI servers with no group are proposed.",
+ "doiserver-defaultApiText": "DataCite API",
+ "doiserver-testApiText": "DataCite API test",
+ "doiserver-euApiText": "Publication Office of the European Union",
+ "confirmDoiServerDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete this DOI server?",
"NoTranslationProvider": "No translation provider",
- "LibreTranslate": "Libretranslate"
+ "LibreTranslate": "Libretranslate",
+ "userHistory": "User history",
+ "userHistoryRevision": "Updated by {{revisionUser}} on {{revisionDate}}:",
+ "userHistoryFieldUpdate": "Field '{{fieldName}}' changed from '{{oldValue}}' to '{{newValue}}'",
+ "userHistoryFieldSet": "Field '{{fieldName}}' set to '{{newValue}}'",
+ "userHistoryFieldUnset": "Field '{{fieldName}}' unset",
+ "noUserHistory": "No user history available"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sk-core.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sk-core.json
index d47127c17c3..be89ba3457a 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sk-core.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sk-core.json
@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@
"featureCatalog": "Katalóg prvkov",
"frequency": "Frekvencia",
"feebackSent": "Vaša správa bola odoslána správcovi katalógu.",
+ "feebackSentError": "An error occurred sending your to the catalog manager. Please try again later, contact the service provider, or report this issue.",
"feedbackNotEnable": "Spätná väzba nie je možná.",
"filter": "Filter",
"filterSearch": "Zobraziť možnosti vyhľadávania",
@@ -170,7 +171,7 @@
"needAnAccount": "Need an account?",
"needAnAccountInfo": "Prihláste sa hneď, zaberie to len chvíľku.",
"needHelp": "Potrebujem pomoc",
- "newAccountInfo": "Pri zadaní požiadavky na zriadenie účtu Vám bude odoslaný email s údajmi. V prípade požiadavky na rozšírený profil používateľa vykoná správca katalógu analýzu vašej požiadavky a ozve se vám.",
+ "newAccountInfo": "When registering, an email will be sent to you with account details. The catalogue administrator will review group and profile requests.",
"next": "Ďalší",
"noFileSelected": "Nebol vybratý žiadny súbor",
"noRecordFound": "Nebol nájdený žiadny záznam.",
@@ -234,6 +235,7 @@
"register": "Zaregistrujte sa",
"rememberMe": "Zapamätaj si ma",
"requestedProfile": "Požadovaný profil",
+ "requestedGroup": "Requested group",
"resetPassword": "Znovunastaviť heslo",
"resetPasswordTitle": "Znovunastaviť {{user}} heslo.",
"resetPasswordError": "Error occurred while resetting password",
@@ -587,4 +589,4 @@
"quality": "Kvalita",
"download": "Stiahnuť",
"links": "Webová adresa"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sk-editor.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sk-editor.json
index 4c3f6f0ab6c..2eb7d632d86 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sk-editor.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sk-editor.json
@@ -236,6 +236,7 @@
"onlineUseDQReport": "Správa kvality údajov",
"onlineUseDQTOR": "Špecifikácia kvality údajov",
"onlineUseDQProdReport": "Správa o kvalite údajov",
+ "onlineUseMap": "Mapa",
"onlineUseLegend": "Legenda pre zdroj",
"onlineUseLegendLYR": "Štýl zdroja pre ArcGIS (LYR)",
"onlineUseStyleSLD": "Štýl zdroja použitím SLD",
@@ -441,6 +442,8 @@
"addOnlinesrc#API-help": "eg. view service, REST API",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineDownload|localNetwork": "Add download",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineDownload|localNetwork-help": "eg. file, download service, local network links",
+ "addOnlinesrc#onlineUseMap": "Add map",
+ "addOnlinesrc#onlineUseMap-help": "eg. PDF static maps or OGC Web Map Context interactive maps",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineUseLegend": "Add portrayal",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineUseLegend-help": "eg. LYR, QML, SLD files",
"addOnlinesrc#links": "Pridať odkazy",
@@ -454,5 +457,10 @@
"associated-fcats": "Katalóg prvkov",
"associated-siblings": "Pridružené zdroje",
"associated-hasfeaturecats": "Tento katalóg objektov se práve používa",
- "associatedResourcesPanel": "Pridružené zdroje"
+ "associatedResourcesPanel": "Pridružené zdroje",
+ "validationSuccessLabel": "success",
+ "validationErrorLabel": "errors",
+ "metadataDuplicatedField-title": "The metadata title is used in another metadata record.",
+ "metadataDuplicatedField-altTitle": "The metadata alternate title is used in another metadata record.",
+ "metadataDuplicatedField-identifier": "The metadata resource identifier is used in another metadata record."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sk-search.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sk-search.json
index af15d8c4648..75674572db9 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sk-search.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sk-search.json
@@ -365,7 +365,8 @@
"shareOnLinkedIn": "Zdieľaj na LinkedIn",
"shareByEmail": "Zdieľaj na email",
"zoomto": "priblížiť sa",
- "recordNotFound": "The record with identifier {{uuid}} was not found or is not shared with you. Try to sign in if you've an account.",
+ "recordNotFound": "The record with identifier {{uuid}} was not found or is not shared with you.",
+ "trySignIn": "Try to log in if you have an account.",
"intersectWith": "Pretína sa s",
"fullyOutsideOf": "Úplne mimo",
"encloses": "Zahŕňajúci",
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sk-v4.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sk-v4.json
index 6348aa506a7..e7bd380e70b 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sk-v4.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sk-v4.json
@@ -164,12 +164,14 @@
"dropIndexAndRebuild": "Delete index and reindex",
"rebuildIndexHelp": "While rebuilding index, search may return incomplete results and the CSW GetRecords operation can be disabled (if you selected the option in the settings). Use this function, when catalog traffic is low. It's recommended to rebuild index manually from here when making changes directly in the database. If you change index mapping (cf. records.json), then you have to click on 'Delete index and reindex'.",
"indexInEsDoneError": "There is an error with the index. See the logs for details",
- "indexInEsDone": "The indexing operation was successfull",
+ "indexInEsDone": "The indexing operation was successful",
"indexCommit": "Commit index changes",
"indexCommit-help": "To use only if indexing task is hanging.",
"indexCommitError": "Error while committing index changes.",
"ui-moreLikeThisConfig": "More like this configuration",
- "ui-moreLikeThisConfig-help": "Configuration must have a which will be set with the record title to search for similar records.",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisConfig-help": "Configuration must have a which will be set with the record title to search for similar records. (See Elasticsearch API).",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisFilter": "More like this query filter",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisFilter-help": "Optional filter expression to apply on the more like this query (eg. -cl_status.key:(obsolete OR historicalArchive OR superseded)
to exclude obsolete records).",
"ui-autocompleteConfig": "Autocompletion configuration",
"ui-autocompleteConfig-help": "Configuration must have a query.multi_match.query which will be set on autocompletion.",
"ui-facetConfig": "Facets configuration",
@@ -399,12 +401,17 @@
"setServiceConnectPoint": "Add service connect point",
"mimeType": "Formát",
"uploadedResourceAlreadyExistException": "File {{file}} already exist in this record data store. Remove it first.",
+ "uploadedResourceSizeExceededException": "File {{file}} too large ({{humanizedSize}}).",
+ "uploadNetworkErrorException": "File {{file}} failed to upload due to network error or connection reset.",
"qualityMeasures": "Quality",
"measureType": "Type",
"measureName": "Measure",
"measureDescription": "Description",
"measureValue": "Value",
"measureDate": "Date",
+ "nextUpdateDate": "Next update",
+ "userDefinedFrequency": "Aktualizovať početnosť",
+ "maintenanceNote": "Maintenance note",
"switchPortals": "Switch to another Portal",
"dataPreview": "Discover data",
"tableOfContents": "Table of Contents",
@@ -414,6 +421,7 @@
"staticPageFormat-TEXT": "Plain text content",
"staticPageStatus-HIDDEN": "Visible only to the administrator",
"staticPageStatus-PRIVATE": "Visible to logged users",
+ "staticPageStatus-GROUPS": "Visible to users belonging to the groups",
"staticPageStatus-PUBLIC": "Visible to everyone",
"pageLink": "Link",
"pageSection-help": "Currently, the default UI view only supports TOP and FOOTER values. Custom UI views can make use of additional values.",
@@ -432,7 +440,7 @@
"overviewUrl": "Overview URL",
"restApiUrl": "REST API URL",
"filterHelp": "Please click on one of the buttons below to activate the filter",
- "selectDOIResource": "Choose a DOI resource",
+ "selectDOIResource": "Search for a DOI",
"httpStatus--200": "Invalid status",
"httpStatus-200": "200: Valid status",
"httpStatus-404": "404: Not found",
@@ -449,5 +457,10 @@
"linkStatus": "Link status",
"requestStatus": "Request status",
"linkUrl": "Link url",
- "associatedUuid": "Associated to metadata UUID"
+ "associatedUuid": "Associated to metadata UUID",
+ "mdEmail": "Email",
+ "mdWebsite": "Website",
+ "mdOrganization": "Organization",
+ "mdAddress": "Address",
+ "mdPhone": "Phone"
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sv-admin.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sv-admin.json
index e01efd7e689..b407c338aab 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sv-admin.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sv-admin.json
@@ -475,6 +475,7 @@
"newUser": "Ny användare",
"noCommitAvailable": "Ingen aktivitet registrerad. Aktivera versionering av metadataposter för att spåra ändringar.",
"noHarvesterHistory": "Ingen historik tillgänglig från skördaren",
+ "noRestrictions": "No restrictions",
"nostatus": "Ingen status",
"notYetSupported": "Stödjs ej än",
"numberOfSearch": "Antal sökningar",
@@ -632,23 +633,7 @@
"system/clickablehyperlinks/enable-help": "Om selekterad visar GeoNetwork klickbara hyperlänkar i metadatat.",
"system/documentation": "Documentation configuration",
"system/documentation/url": "Base manual url",
- "system/documentation/url-help": "Base application manual url. Defaults to the official manual page ({version}/{lang}) and can be customised to use a self hosted documentation with a custom branding. The url can contain \\{\\{lang\\}\\} placeholder, to display the manual in different languages when available, and \\{\\{version\\}\\} placeholder to use the application version.",
- "system/publication": "Publicering",
- "system/publication/doi/doienabled": "Tillåt att skapa en digital objektidentifierare (DOI)",
- "system/publication/doi/doipattern": "DOI pattern",
- "system/publication/doi/doipattern-help": "Default is '\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}' but the DOI structure can be customized with database id and/or record group eg. 'example-\\{\\{groupOwner\\}\\}-\\{\\{id\\}\\}'",
- "system/publication/doi/doienabled-help": "En digital objektidentifierare (DOI) är en alfanumerisk sträng som tilldelas för att unikt identifiera ett objekt. Det är knutet till en metadatabeskrivning av objektet och till en digital plats, till exempel en URL, där alla detaljer om objektet är tillgängliga. Mer information finns på DataCite webbplats .",
- "system/publication/doi/doipublicurl": "The final DOI URL prefix",
- "system/publication/doi/doipublicurl-help": "Keep it empty to use the default prefix. Use when using the test API.",
- "system/publication/doi/doiurl": "DataCite API-slutpunkt",
- "system/publication/doi/doiurl-help": "Vanligtvis eller för testning.",
- "system/publication/doi/doiusername": "Ditt DataCite-användarnamn",
- "system/publication/doi/doipassword": "Ditt DataCite-lösenord",
- "system/publication/doi/doipassword-help": "Alla förfrågningar till MDS API kräver autentisering. Av detta skäl stöds endast trafik via en säker anslutning (HTTPS). DataCite Metadata Store (MDS) använder HTTP Basic-autentisering. Du kan få ett konto här .",
- "system/publication/doi/doikey": "Ditt DataCite-prefix",
- "system/publication/doi/doikey-help": "Ser vanligtvis ut som 10.xxxx. Du får bara registrera DOI-namn under de prefix som har tilldelats dig.",
- "system/publication/doi/doilandingpagetemplate": "DOI-målsidans URL-mall",
- "system/publication/doi/doilandingpagetemplate-help": "URL: en som ska användas för att registrera DOI. Ett bra standard för GeoNetwork är http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/resources/records/\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}. Målsidans URL MÅSTE innehålla postens UUID.",
+ "system/documentation/url-help": "Base application manual url. Defaults to the official manual page ({version}/{lang}) and can be customised to use a self hosted documentation with a custom branding. The url can contain \\{\\{lang\\}\\} placeholder, to display the manual in different languages when available, \\{\\{version\\}\\} placeholder to use the application version, and \\{\\{section\\}\\} placeholder to parse sub section url from manual.json of the current page. When the \\{\\{section\\}\\} placeholder is not provided, the sub section value is automatically appended to the end of the url.",
"system/csw": "Catalog Service for the Web (CSW)",
"system/csw/capabilityRecordUuid": "Post att använda för GetCapabilities",
"system/csw/capabilityRecordUuid-help": "Välj posten som ska användas för att skapa ett anpassat GetCapabilities-dokument. Om ingen finns, skapa en metadatapost för tjänster (med ISO19139 eller 19115-3-standarder). För att ha ett kapacitetsdokument med den viktigaste informationen som krävs, ange titel, sammanfattning, kontakt, nyckelord, begränsningar. Om du behöver INSPIRE-stöd också, ange huvudspråk och ytterligare språk, INSPIRE-teman och INSPIRE-överensstämmelse.",
@@ -663,6 +648,10 @@
"system/feedback": "Återkoppling",
"system/feedback/email": "E-post",
"system/feedback/email-help": "Detta är administratörens e-postadress för att sända feedback till.",
+ "system/feedback/languages": "Language for system generated emails",
+ "system/feedback/languages-help": "Languages to use for system generated emails. If empty then ui language will be used. If multiple language exists then, where it makes sense, a message for each language will be generated and appended to the email message making the messages multilingual. Languages that are missing a resource bundle will fallback to the base locale. (Ex. use 'eng,fre' for generating bilingual messages in both English and French with English first)",
+ "system/feedback/translationFollowsText": "Translation follows text",
+ "system/feedback/translationFollowsText-help": "Text to display at the top of the email to indicate that the translations of the email follow. (Ex. 'La version française suit')",
"system/feedback/mailServer/host": "SMTP - server",
"system/feedback/mailServer/host-help": "Inställningarna för SMTP-servern används för att skicka e-post till användare vid nedladdning av resurser.",
"system/feedback/mailServer/password": "Lösenord",
@@ -837,12 +826,14 @@
"system/site/svnUuid-help": "SVN UUID",
"metadata/vcs": "Versionsstyrningssystem (VCS)",
"metadata/vcs/enable": "Aktivera VCS",
- "metadata/vcs/enable-help": "Vid aktivering använder VCS SVN-verktyget för att spåra metadataändringar. Den här funktionen är experimentell. Den fungerar inte heller på NFS-filsystem. Efter aktivering behöver applikationen omstartas.",
+ "metadata/vcs/enable-help": "Once enabled, VCS is using SVN to record metadata changes. This functionality is experimental. It is also not operational on NFS filesystem. Once enabled, the application needs a restart.",
"system/threadedindexing": "Indexerar",
"system/threadedindexing/maxthreads": "Antal indexerade trådar",
"system/userSelfRegistration": "Självregistrering för användare",
"system/userSelfRegistration/enable": "Aktivera självregistrering",
"system/userSelfRegistration/enable-help": "När aktiverad, se även till att en e-postserver är konfigurerad.",
+ "system/userSelfRegistration/domainsAllowed": "Email domains allowed",
+ "system/userSelfRegistration/domainsAllowed-help": "Comma separated list of email domains that can request an account. If not configured, any email address is allowed.",
"system/userSelfRegistration/recaptcha/enable": "Aktivera re-captcha",
"system/userSelfRegistration/recaptcha/enable-help": "Aktivering av re-captcha skyddar dig och dina användare från skräppost och missbruk. Detta rekommenderas starkt när du aktiverar feedback eller självregistrering. Skapa din ny captcha-nyckel på",
"system/userSelfRegistration/recaptcha/publickey": "Offentlig nyckel för Re-captcha",
@@ -850,9 +841,9 @@
"userFeedbackList": "Last user feedbacks",
"system/userFeedback": "Feedback från användare",
"system/userFeedback/enable": "Enable application feedback",
- "system/userFeedback/enable-help": "Enabling this option allows to send feedback about the application to the system administrator. It requires the mail server is also configured.",
+ "system/userFeedback/enable-help": "Enabling this option allows to send feedback about the application to the system administrator. It requires the mail server to be configured.",
"system/userFeedback/metadata/enable": "Enable metadata feedback",
- "system/userFeedback/metadata/enable-help": "Enabling this option allows to feedback to the metadata owner and system administrator about metadata record. It requires the mail server is also configured.",
+ "system/userFeedback/metadata/enable-help": "Enabling this option allows to feedback to the metadata owner and system administrator about metadata record. It requires the mail server to be configured.",
"system/xlinkResolver": "Metadata XLink",
"system/xlinkResolver/enable": "Aktivera XLink upplösning",
"system/xlinkResolver/enable-help": "Om satt, tolkas XLinks i metadataposterna.",
@@ -860,6 +851,12 @@
"system/xlinkResolver/localXlinkEnable-help": "Lokala XLinks använder local:/// URL för att referera till relaterade sektioner i stället för HTTP-URL. Lokala XLinks är i allmänhet snabbare än HTTP XLinks.",
"system/xlinkResolver/ignore": "Element som skall ignoreras av XLink resolver",
"system/xlinkResolver/ignore-help": "Kommaseparerad lista av element som skall ignoreras av XLink resolver",
+ "system/banner": "Application banner",
+ "system/banner/enable": "Aktivera",
+ "system/banner/enable-help": "If set, an application banner is displayed with the message configured. To configure the message, go to Language and translations and configure a translation with the key application-banner",
+ "system/auditable": "Audit changes",
+ "system/auditable/enable": "Allow auditing changes",
+ "system/auditable/enable-help": "When enabled, audits changes in users configuration",
"metadata/workflow": "Arbetsflöde för metadata",
"metadata/workflow/automaticUnpublishInvalidMd": "Automatisk avpublicering av ogiltigt metadata",
"metadata/workflow/automaticUnpublishInvalidMd-help": "Avpublicerar automatiskt redigerat metadata som blir ogiltigt enligt xsd eller schematronregler.",
@@ -878,7 +875,7 @@
"metadata/workflow/forceValidationOnMdSave-help": "Kräv en valideringskontroll när metadatat sparas",
"metadata/import": "Metadataimport",
"metadata/import/restrict": "Begränsa importen till scheman",
- "metadata/import/restrict-help": "Lista över tillåtna scheman för import av metadata. Om metadataschemat inte är tillåtet görs inte importen. Inget värde betyder att alla scheman är tillåtna.",
+ "metadata/import/restrict-help": "Comma separated list of all allowed schemas for metadata to be imported. If the metadata schema is not allowed, then the import is not done. No value means all schemas allowed.",
"metadata/import/userprofile": "Minimum user profile allowed to import metadata",
"metadata/import/userprofile-help": "Minimum user profile allowed to import metadata (Editor, Reviewer or Administrator). The default value is Editor.",
"metadata/delete": "Metadata delete",
@@ -895,6 +892,8 @@
"metadata/history": "Metadata History",
"metadata/history/accesslevel": "Select the minimum user profile allowed to view metadata history",
"metadata/history/accesslevel-help": "Select the user profile allowed to view metadata history (Registered User, Editor or Administrator). The Registered User configuration can view the history with view permission granted to the metadata record. The Editor configuration can view the history with editing permission granted to the metadata record. The default value is Editor.",
+ "minimumProfileForPrivileges": "Minimum user profile allowed to set privileges",
+ "minimumProfileForPrivilegesHelp": "Specifies the lowest user profile needed within a group to assign privileges for that group on a record. Users below this profile cannot set privileges for the group, and the group will be disabled in the privilege assignment interface. Default: No Restrictions (any editor for a record can set privileges for this group).",
"filterStatusByAuthor": "Status för författare",
"filterStatusByOwner": "Status för ägare",
"filterStatusByRecordId": "Registreringsidentifierare",
@@ -1092,6 +1091,7 @@
"ui-mod-header": "Övre verktygsfältet",
"ui-mod-footer": "Sidfot",
"ui-mod-cookieWarning": "Cookievarning",
+ "ui-mod-directory": "Katalog",
"ui-createPageTpl": "Ny metadata-sidlayout",
"ui-createPageTpl-horizontal": "Horisontell",
"ui-createPageTpl-vertical": "Vertikal",
@@ -1506,6 +1506,39 @@
"fieldTooShort": "Värdet är för kort",
"fieldEmailNotValid": "En giltig emailadress krävs",
"formConfirmExit": "The form has changes, if you exit the changes will be lost. Do you want to exit on the page?",
+ "manageDoiServers": "DOI servers",
+ "doiservers": "DOI servers",
+ "doiservers-description": "En digital objektidentifierare (DOI) är en alfanumerisk sträng som tilldelas för att unikt identifiera ett objekt. Det är knutet till en metadatabeskrivning av objektet och till en digital plats, till exempel en URL, där alla detaljer om objektet är tillgängliga. Mer information finns på DataCite webbplats .",
+ "newDoiServer": "Ny server",
+ "updateDoiServer": "Update server",
+ "doiserver-name": "Server name",
+ "doiserver-description": "Beskrivning",
+ "doiserver-url": "DataCite API endpoint",
+ "doiserver-url-help": "Vanligtvis eller för testning.",
+ "doiserver-apiKey": "API Key",
+ "doiserver-landingPageTemplate": "Landing page URL template",
+ "doiserver-landingPageTemplate-help": "URL: en som ska användas för att registrera DOI. Ett bra standard för GeoNetwork är http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/resources/records/\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}. Målsidans URL MÅSTE innehålla postens UUID.",
+ "doiserver-publicUrl": "Final DOI URL prefix",
+ "doiserver-publicUrl-help": "Keep it empty to use the default prefix. Use when using the test API.",
+ "doiserver-username": "DataCite username",
+ "doiserver-password": "DataCite password",
+ "doiserver-password-help": "Alla förfrågningar till MDS API kräver autentisering. Av detta skäl stöds endast trafik via en säker anslutning (HTTPS). DataCite Metadata Store (MDS) använder HTTP Basic-autentisering. Du kan få ett konto här .",
+ "doiserver-pattern": "DOI pattern",
+ "doiserver-pattern-help": "Default is '\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}' but the DOI structure can be customized with database id and/or record group eg. 'example-\\{\\{groupOwner\\}\\}-\\{\\{id\\}\\}'",
+ "doiserver-prefix": "DataCite prefix",
+ "doiserver-prefix-help": "Ser vanligtvis ut som 10.xxxx. Du får bara registrera DOI-namn under de prefix som har tilldelats dig.",
+ "doiserver-recordGroups": "Record groups",
+ "doiserver-recordGroups-help": "When creating a DOI, only DOI server(s) associated with the record group are proposed. If record group is not associated with any DOI servers, then DOI servers with no group are proposed.",
+ "doiserver-defaultApiText": "DataCite API",
+ "doiserver-testApiText": "DataCite API test",
+ "doiserver-euApiText": "Publication Office of the European Union",
+ "confirmDoiServerDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete this DOI server?",
"NoTranslationProvider": "No translation provider",
- "LibreTranslate": "Libretranslate"
+ "LibreTranslate": "Libretranslate",
+ "userHistory": "User history",
+ "userHistoryRevision": "Updated by {{revisionUser}} on {{revisionDate}}:",
+ "userHistoryFieldUpdate": "Field '{{fieldName}}' changed from '{{oldValue}}' to '{{newValue}}'",
+ "userHistoryFieldSet": "Field '{{fieldName}}' set to '{{newValue}}'",
+ "userHistoryFieldUnset": "Field '{{fieldName}}' unset",
+ "noUserHistory": "No user history available"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sv-core.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sv-core.json
index 9ed6113a41c..0058bc2c2ee 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sv-core.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sv-core.json
@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@
"featureCatalog": "Objekttypskatalog",
"frequency": "Frekvens",
"feebackSent": "Ditt meddelande har skickats till katalogens förvaltare.",
+ "feebackSentError": "An error occurred sending your to the catalog manager. Please try again later, contact the service provider, or report this issue.",
"feedbackNotEnable": "Återkoppling är inte aktiverat.",
"filter": "Filter",
"filterSearch": "Visa sökmöjligheter",
@@ -170,7 +171,7 @@
"needAnAccount": "Behöver du lägga upp ett konto?",
"needAnAccountInfo": "Registrera dig i så fall direkt, det tar bara en minut.",
"needHelp": "Hjälp",
- "newAccountInfo": "När du ansökt om ett konto skickas e-post till dig med inloggningsuppgifter. Om ett avancerad konto önskas, utvärderar katalogadministratören din förfrågan och återkommer sedan med besked till dig.",
+ "newAccountInfo": "When registering, an email will be sent to you with account details. The catalogue administrator will review group and profile requests.",
"next": "Nästa",
"noFileSelected": "Ingen fil vald",
"noRecordFound": "Ingen post funnen.",
@@ -234,6 +235,7 @@
"register": "Registrera",
"rememberMe": "Kom ihåg mig",
"requestedProfile": "Begärd profil",
+ "requestedGroup": "Requested group",
"resetPassword": "Återställ lösenord",
"resetPasswordTitle": "Återställ {{user}} lösenord",
"resetPasswordError": "Ett fel inträffade vid återställning av lösenord",
@@ -587,4 +589,4 @@
"quality": "Kvalitet",
"download": "Download",
"links": "Länkar"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sv-editor.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sv-editor.json
index 9b515ae465b..2c0ddfef4d8 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sv-editor.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sv-editor.json
@@ -236,6 +236,7 @@
"onlineUseDQReport": "Data quality report",
"onlineUseDQTOR": "Data quality specification",
"onlineUseDQProdReport": "Data quality production report",
+ "onlineUseMap": "Karta",
"onlineUseLegend": "Legend for the resource",
"onlineUseLegendLYR": "Style for the resource for ArcGIS (LYR)",
"onlineUseStyleSLD": "Style for the resource using SLD",
@@ -441,6 +442,8 @@
"addOnlinesrc#API-help": "eg. view service, REST API",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineDownload|localNetwork": "Add download",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineDownload|localNetwork-help": "eg. file, download service, local network links",
+ "addOnlinesrc#onlineUseMap": "Add map",
+ "addOnlinesrc#onlineUseMap-help": "eg. PDF static maps or OGC Web Map Context interactive maps",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineUseLegend": "Add portrayal",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineUseLegend-help": "eg. LYR, QML, SLD files",
"addOnlinesrc#links": "Lägg till länkar",
@@ -454,5 +457,10 @@
"associated-fcats": "Objekttypskatalog",
"associated-siblings": "Associerade resurser",
"associated-hasfeaturecats": "Using this feature catalog",
- "associatedResourcesPanel": "Associerade resurser"
+ "associatedResourcesPanel": "Associerade resurser",
+ "validationSuccessLabel": "success",
+ "validationErrorLabel": "errors",
+ "metadataDuplicatedField-title": "The metadata title is used in another metadata record.",
+ "metadataDuplicatedField-altTitle": "The metadata alternate title is used in another metadata record.",
+ "metadataDuplicatedField-identifier": "The metadata resource identifier is used in another metadata record."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sv-search.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sv-search.json
index 28b3ebe773b..246b4c2b4a3 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sv-search.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sv-search.json
@@ -365,7 +365,8 @@
"shareOnLinkedIn": "Dela på LinkedIn",
"shareByEmail": "Dela via e-post",
"zoomto": "Zooma till",
- "recordNotFound": "Posten med identifieraren {{uuid}} hittades inte eller delas inte med dig. Försök att logga in om du har ett konto.",
+ "recordNotFound": "Posten med identifieraren {{uuid}} hittades inte eller delas inte med dig.",
+ "trySignIn": "Try to log in if you have an account.",
"intersectWith": "Korsar",
"fullyOutsideOf": "Helt utanför",
"encloses": "Omsluter",
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sv-v4.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sv-v4.json
index 6182b700118..ad4dbdf2087 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sv-v4.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/sv-v4.json
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"": "Identifier",
"language.remove": "Ta bort språk",
"layerName": "Lagernamn",
- "layerNameTooltip": "A layer name from the GetCapabilities document",
+ "layerNameTooltip": "Ett lagernamn från GetCapabilities-dokumentet",
"ogcServiceUrl": "Tjänstens URL",
"translation.addFor": "Lägg till en ny översättning för",
"translation.add": "Lägga till",
@@ -51,15 +51,15 @@
"remoteRecord": "Post från extern katalog",
"chooseACatalogRecord": "Välj en katalogpost",
"siblingListToAdd": "Lista över postlänkar att lägga till",
- "orUseRemoteRecordUrl": "Link to a remote record",
+ "orUseRemoteRecordUrl": "Länk till en fjärrpost",
"remoteRecordUrl-help": "Fjärrpost kan länkas till post i denna katalog genom att peka på en URL för fjärrpost. Om fjärrposten finns i en GeoNetwork-katalog rekommenderas postens målsida (t.ex. https: // catalog / geonetwork / srv / api / records / {uuid}). För GeoNode kan HTML-sidan fungera. För andra kan XML-dokument användas (t.ex. API-anrop eller CSW GetRecordById-begäran).",
"remoteRecordPropertiesError": "Det gick inte att extrahera titel och UUID för fjärrposten. Kontrollera måldokumentet.",
"remoteRecordUrlReturnedError": "Det gick inte att komma åt URL:",
- "ui-hotkeys": "Keyword shortcuts",
- "ui-rssFeeds": "List of RSS feeds",
- "ui-showSearch": "Display search box",
- "ui-info": "List of information tabs",
- "ui-info-help": "Can be of type featuredUserSearches, Comments or search. If search, define title and parameters {\n \"type\": \"search\",\n \"title\": \"lastRecords\",\n \"active\": true,\n \"params\": {\n \"isTemplate\": \"n\",\n \"sortBy\": \"createDate\",\n \"sortOrder\": \"desc\",\n \"from\": 1,\n \"to\": 12\n }\n }
. And define which one is the active panel on page load.",
+ "ui-hotkeys": "Genvägar till sökord",
+ "ui-rssFeeds": "Lista över RSS-flöden",
+ "ui-showSearch": "Visa sökrutan",
+ "ui-info": "Lista över informationsflikar",
+ "ui-info-help": "Kan vara av typen featuredUserSearches , Comments eller search . Om du söker, definiera titel och parametrar {\n "type": "sök",\n "title": "last Records",\n "aktiv": sant,\n "params": {\n "isTemplate": "n",\n "sortBy": "createDate",\n "sortOrder": "desc",\n "från": 1,\n "till": 12\n }\n }
. Och definiera vilken som är den aktiva panelen vid sidladdning.",
"ui-defaultTool": "Aktivt standardverktyg",
"ui-defaultToolAfterMapLoad": "Aktivt verktyg efter kartladdning",
"ui-defaultToolAfterMapLoad-help": "Användaren kan öppna en karta från olika platser (t.ex. kartor på webbplatser, postvy, kartväljarpanel, URL). Definiera vilken verktygspanel som ska öppnas som standard efter att kartan har laddats. Kan vara tom för att inte aktivera något verktyg. 'lager' eller 'legend' gör att du enkelt kan se listan över lager på kartan.",
@@ -136,9 +136,9 @@
"valid_inspire-0": "Ogiltig",
"valid_inspire-3": "Ingen regel gäller",
"valid_inspire--1": "Okänd",
- "inspireApiQuotaCurrentValue": "JRC INSPIRE validator API usage information",
- "inspireApiQuotaValidation": "Number of validation:",
- "inspireApiQuotaRemaining": "Remaining:",
+ "inspireApiQuotaCurrentValue": "JRC INSPIRE validator API användningsinformation",
+ "inspireApiQuotaValidation": "Validering nummer:",
+ "inspireApiQuotaRemaining": "Återstående:",
"facet-OrgForResource": "Organisationer",
"facet-sourceCatalogue": "Kataloger",
"facet-groupOwner": "Grupper av poster",
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"isPublishedToAll-false": "Begränsade poster",
"dateTypeForStatus": "Datumtyp",
"dateValueForStatus": "Datum",
- "indexRecordsWithErrors": "Index records with errors / warnings",
+ "indexRecordsWithErrors": "poster med fel/varningar",
"top10IndexingErrors": "Topp 10 indexeringsfel:",
"facet-indexingErrorMsg": "Indexeringsfel",
"facet-indexingWarningMsg": "Indexeringsvarningar",
@@ -169,13 +169,15 @@
"indexCommit-help": "Används endast om indexeringen hakat upp sig.",
"indexCommitError": "Fel vid indexändringar.",
"ui-moreLikeThisConfig": "Mer som den här konfigurationen",
- "ui-moreLikeThisConfig-help": "Konfigurationen måste ha en som kommer att ställas in med posttiteln för att söka efter liknande poster.",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisConfig-help": "Konfigurationen måste ha en som kommer att ställas in med postens titel för att söka efter liknande poster . (Se Elasticsearch API ).",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisFilter": "Mer som detta frågefilter",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisFilter-help": "Valfritt filteruttryck att tillämpa på mer liknande denna fråga (t.ex. -cl_status.key:(föråldrat ELLER historiskt arkiv ELLER ersatt)
för att utesluta föråldrad poster ).",
"ui-autocompleteConfig": "Konfiguration av autokomplettering",
"ui-autocompleteConfig-help": "Konfigurationen måste ha en query.multi_match.query som ställs in vid autokomplettering.",
"ui-facetConfig": "Konfiguration av fasetter",
"ui-facetConfig-help": "Denna konfiguration används för att visa fasetter, med antingen termaggregering eller filter. Se dokumentationen för mer information.",
"resourceEvents": "Resurshändelser",
- "resourceEdition": "Edition",
+ "resourceEdition": "Utgåva",
"resourceVerticalRange": "Vertikalt omfång",
"searchBadRequest": "Frågan returnerade ett fel. Undersök loggar för mer information.",
"searchInvalidResponse": "Frågan returnerade ett ogiltigt svar. Undersök loggar konsolen för mer information.",
@@ -242,8 +244,8 @@
"wpsOutputAsReference-help": "Begär svar som en URL (som kommer att vara tillgänglig för nedladdning efter lyckad process).",
"wpsLoadReferenceInMap": "Ladda referensen i kartan",
"wpsLoadReferenceInMap-help": "Försök att ladda ner referens-URL med svaret och ladda det på kartan (måste vara ett GeoJSON-svar).",
- "ui-wpsSource": "Processing service",
- "ui-wpsSource-help": "An ordered array of 'list' (see list of service for WPS type), 'url' (user can put a URL) or 'recent' (recent WPS service used are stored in browser local storage).",
+ "ui-wpsSource": "Bearbetningstjänst",
+ "ui-wpsSource-help": "En ordnad array av 'lista' (se lista över tjänster för WPS-typ), 'url' (användaren kan ange en URL) eller 'recent' (senaste WPS-tjänsten som används lagras i webbläsarens lokala lagring).",
"translationPackClearCache": "Rensa cache för språkpaket",
"translationPackClearCache-help": "Nödvändigt om du ändrar JSON-översättningsfiler för Javascript-applikationen i catalog/locale, databasöversättningar eller schema-JSON-översättningar.",
"translationPackCacheCleared": "Cache för språkpaket rensad.",
@@ -281,7 +283,7 @@
"ui/chooseAnOption-help": "Aktuell användarkonfiguration är tom. Välj ett eller flera alternativ ovan eller skapa en fullständig konfiguration.",
"uiConfigForm": "Konfigurationsformulär",
"uiConfigJsonForm": "JSON-formulär",
- "uiConfigPreview": "Preview app",
+ "uiConfigPreview": "Förhandsgranska app",
"uiCurrentConfig": "Aktuell konfiguration",
"uiBasicConfig": "Full konfiguration",
"uiRemoveDefaultOptions": "Ta bort standardalternativ",
@@ -302,27 +304,27 @@
"pageContent": "Sidans innehåll",
"pageContentFile": "Sidinnehållsfil",
"pageLabel": "Sidetikett",
- "pageIcon": "Page icon",
- "pageIcon-help": "Optionally, define a font-awesome icon. Example: 'fa-wrench'.",
+ "pageIcon": "Sid-ikon",
+ "pageIcon-help": "Alternativt kan du definiera en font-awesome-ikon för teckensnitt . Exempel: 'fa-skiftnyckel'.",
"pageSection": "Sidavsnitt",
"pageApiLink": "Sidans API-länk",
"uiRestorePrevious": "Återställ senast sparade",
"onlyMyRecord": "Bara mina poster",
"searchWithLang": "Språk",
- "searchAllLanguages-help": "Define which language is giving priorities to some records.",
- "searchInAllLanguages": "in all languages",
- "searchInUILanguage": "in UI language",
- "searchInDetectedLanguage": "in detected language",
- "forceALanguage": "in language:",
- "cite.dataset": "Cite dataset",
+ "searchAllLanguages-help": "Definiera vilket språk som prioriterar några poster .",
+ "searchInAllLanguages": "på alla språk",
+ "searchInUILanguage": "på UI-språk",
+ "searchInDetectedLanguage": "på upptäckt språk",
+ "forceALanguage": "på språk:",
+ "cite.dataset": "Citera datamängd",
"cite.format.html": "Html",
"cite.format.text": "Text",
"cite.format.ris": "RIS",
- "": "Tag format developed by Research Information Systems.",
+ "": "Taggformatet utvecklat av Research Information Systems.",
"cite.format.bibtex": "BibTex",
- "": "A BibTeX database file is formed by a list of entries, with each entry corresponding to a bibliographical item.",
- "origin": "Origin",
- "forMoreInformationContact": "For more information contact ",
+ "": "En BibTeX-databasfil bildas av en lista med poster, där varje post motsvarar en bibliografisk post.",
+ "origin": "Ursprung",
+ "forMoreInformationContact": "För mer information kontakta",
"indexingErrorMessages": "{{count}} indexing warnings and/or errors",
"searchAndReplace": "Sök och ersätt",
"xpathEdits": "XPath editing",
@@ -399,12 +401,17 @@
"setServiceConnectPoint": "Add service connect point",
"mimeType": "Dataformat",
"uploadedResourceAlreadyExistException": "File {{file}} already exist in this record data store. Remove it first.",
+ "uploadedResourceSizeExceededException": "File {{file}} too large ({{humanizedSize}}).",
+ "uploadNetworkErrorException": "File {{file}} failed to upload due to network error or connection reset.",
"qualityMeasures": "Quality",
"measureType": "Type",
"measureName": "Measure",
"measureDescription": "Description",
"measureValue": "Value",
"measureDate": "Datum",
+ "nextUpdateDate": "Next update",
+ "userDefinedFrequency": "Aktualitet / uppdateringsfrekvens",
+ "maintenanceNote": "Maintenance note",
"switchPortals": "Switch to another Portal",
"dataPreview": "Discover data",
"tableOfContents": "Table of Contents",
@@ -414,6 +421,7 @@
"staticPageFormat-TEXT": "Plain text content",
"staticPageStatus-HIDDEN": "Visible only to the administrator",
"staticPageStatus-PRIVATE": "Visible to logged users",
+ "staticPageStatus-GROUPS": "Visible to users belonging to the groups",
"staticPageStatus-PUBLIC": "Visible to everyone",
"pageLink": "Link",
"pageSection-help": "Currently, the default UI view only supports TOP and FOOTER values. Custom UI views can make use of additional values.",
@@ -432,7 +440,7 @@
"overviewUrl": "Overview URL",
"restApiUrl": "REST API URL",
"filterHelp": "Please click on one of the buttons below to activate the filter",
- "selectDOIResource": "Choose a DOI resource",
+ "selectDOIResource": "Search for a DOI",
"httpStatus--200": "Invalid status",
"httpStatus-200": "200: Valid status",
"httpStatus-404": "404: Not found",
@@ -449,5 +457,10 @@
"linkStatus": "Link status",
"requestStatus": "Request status",
"linkUrl": "Link url",
- "associatedUuid": "Associated to metadata UUID"
+ "associatedUuid": "Associated to metadata UUID",
+ "mdEmail": "Email",
+ "mdWebsite": "Website",
+ "mdOrganization": "Organization",
+ "mdAddress": "Address",
+ "mdPhone": "Phone"
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/uk-admin.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/uk-admin.json
index c8986f495a8..24a1db1323a 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/uk-admin.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/uk-admin.json
@@ -475,6 +475,7 @@
"newUser": "Новий користувач",
"noCommitAvailable": "Активність не зареєстрована. Увімкніть версії для записів метаданих, щоб слідкувати за змінами.",
"noHarvesterHistory": "Історія комбайна недоступна.",
+ "noRestrictions": "No restrictions",
"nostatus": "Без статусу",
"notYetSupported": "Ще не підтримується",
"numberOfSearch": "Кількість пошуків",
@@ -632,23 +633,7 @@
"system/clickablehyperlinks/enable-help": "Якщо встановлено, GeoNetwork відображатиме гіперпосилання, які можна натиснути, у метаданих.",
"system/documentation": "Конфігурація документації",
"system/documentation/url": "Основна URL-адреса посібника",
- "system/documentation/url-help": "URL-адреса посібника з базової програми. За замовчуванням використовується офіційна сторінка посібника ({version}/{lang}) і може бути налаштована для використання документації, що розміщується самостійно, із спеціальним брендом. URL-адреса може містити заповнювач \\{\\{lang\\}\\}, щоб відображати посібник різними мовами, якщо доступно, і заповнювач \\{\\{version\\}\\} для використання версії програми.",
- "system/publication": "Публікація",
- "system/publication/doi/doienabled": "Дозволити створення цифрового ідентифікатора об’єкта (DOI)",
- "system/publication/doi/doipattern": "Шаблон DOI",
- "system/publication/doi/doipattern-help": "Типовим є '\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}', але структуру DOI можна налаштувати за допомогою ідентифікатора бази даних та/або групи записів, наприклад. 'приклад-\\{\\{groupOwner\\}\\}-\\{\\{id\\}\\}'",
- "system/publication/doi/doienabled-help": "Цифровий ідентифікатор об’єкта (DOI) — це буквено-цифровий рядок, призначений для унікальної ідентифікації об’єкта. Він прив’язаний до опису метаданих об’єкта, а також до цифрового розташування, наприклад URL-адреси, де доступні всі деталі про об’єкт. Більше інформації доступно на веб-сайті DataCite .",
- "system/publication/doi/doipublicurl": "Кінцевий префікс URL-адреси DOI",
- "system/publication/doi/doipublicurl-help": "Залиште його порожнім, щоб використовувати префікс за умовчанням. Під час використання тестового API використовуйте",
- "system/publication/doi/doiurl": "Кінцева точка API DataCite",
- "system/publication/doi/doiurl-help": "Зазвичай або для тестування.",
- "system/publication/doi/doiusername": "Ваше ім’я користувача DataCite",
- "system/publication/doi/doipassword": "Ваш пароль DataCite",
- "system/publication/doi/doipassword-help": "Усі запити до MDS API потребують автентифікації. З цієї причини підтримується лише трафік через безпечне з’єднання (HTTPS). Сховище метаданих DataCite (MDS) використовує базову автентифікацію HTTP. Ви можете отримати обліковий запис тут .",
- "system/publication/doi/doikey": "Ваш префікс DataCite",
- "system/publication/doi/doikey-help": "Зазвичай виглядає як 10.xxxx. Вам буде дозволено реєструвати імена DOI лише під префіксами, які вам були призначені.",
- "system/publication/doi/doilandingpagetemplate": "Шаблон URL-адреси цільової сторінки DOI",
- "system/publication/doi/doilandingpagetemplate-help": "URL-адреса для реєстрації DOI. Хорошим типовим варіантом для GeoNetwork є http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/resources/records/\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}. URL-адреса цільової сторінки ПОВИННА містити UUID запису.",
+ "system/documentation/url-help": "Base application manual url. Defaults to the official manual page ({version}/{lang}) and can be customised to use a self hosted documentation with a custom branding. The url can contain \\{\\{lang\\}\\} placeholder, to display the manual in different languages when available, \\{\\{version\\}\\} placeholder to use the application version, and \\{\\{section\\}\\} placeholder to parse sub section url from manual.json of the current page. When the \\{\\{section\\}\\} placeholder is not provided, the sub section value is automatically appended to the end of the url.",
"system/csw": "Служба каталогу для Інтернету (CSW)",
"system/csw/capabilityRecordUuid": "Запис для використання для GetCapabilities",
"system/csw/capabilityRecordUuid-help": "Виберіть запис, який буде використано для створення спеціального документа GetCapabilities. Якщо такого немає, створіть запис метаданих служби (за стандартами ISO19139 або 19115-3). Щоб мати документ про можливості з основною необхідною інформацією, встановіть назву, анотацію, точку контакту, ключові слова, обмеження. Якщо вам потрібна підтримка INSPIRE, також правильно встановіть основну мову запису та додаткові мови, теми INSPIRE та відповідність INSPIRE.",
@@ -663,6 +648,10 @@
"system/feedback": "Зворотній зв'язок",
"system/feedback/email": "Електронна пошта",
"system/feedback/email-help": "Це електронна адреса адміністратора, яка використовується для надсилання відгуків.",
+ "system/feedback/languages": "Language for system generated emails",
+ "system/feedback/languages-help": "Languages to use for system generated emails. If empty then ui language will be used. If multiple language exists then, where it makes sense, a message for each language will be generated and appended to the email message making the messages multilingual. Languages that are missing a resource bundle will fallback to the base locale. (Ex. use 'eng,fre' for generating bilingual messages in both English and French with English first)",
+ "system/feedback/translationFollowsText": "Translation follows text",
+ "system/feedback/translationFollowsText-help": "Text to display at the top of the email to indicate that the translations of the email follow. (Ex. 'La version française suit')",
"system/feedback/mailServer/host": "Хост SMTP",
"system/feedback/mailServer/host-help": "Параметри хоста та порту SMTP використовуються для надсилання електронних листів користувачам GeoNetwork під час завантаження ресурсу.",
"system/feedback/mailServer/password": "Пароль",
@@ -837,12 +826,14 @@
"system/site/svnUuid-help": "Унікальний ідентифікатор сховища Subversion",
"metadata/vcs": "Система контролю версій (VCS)",
"metadata/vcs/enable": "Enable VCS",
- "metadata/vcs/enable-help": "Після ввімкнення VCS використовує SVN для запису змін метаданих. Ця функція є експериментальною. Він також не працює у файловій системі NFS. Після ввімкнення програму потрібно перезапустити.",
+ "metadata/vcs/enable-help": "Once enabled, VCS is using SVN to record metadata changes. This functionality is experimental. It is also not operational on NFS filesystem. Once enabled, the application needs a restart.",
"system/threadedindexing": "Індексація",
"system/threadedindexing/maxthreads": "Кількість потоків індексації",
"system/userSelfRegistration": "Самостійна реєстрація користувача",
"system/userSelfRegistration/enable": "Увімкнути самореєстрацію",
"system/userSelfRegistration/enable-help": "Якщо ввімкнено, переконайтеся, що поштовий сервер також налаштовано.",
+ "system/userSelfRegistration/domainsAllowed": "Email domains allowed",
+ "system/userSelfRegistration/domainsAllowed-help": "Comma separated list of email domains that can request an account. If not configured, any email address is allowed.",
"system/userSelfRegistration/recaptcha/enable": "Увімкнути повторну перевірку",
"system/userSelfRegistration/recaptcha/enable-help": "Увімкнення re-captcha захистить вас і ваших користувачів від спаму та зловживань. Це настійно рекомендується, якщо ви вмикаєте зворотній зв’язок або самореєстрацію. Створіть свій ключ re-captcha на",
"system/userSelfRegistration/recaptcha/publickey": "Повторний відкритий ключ captcha",
@@ -850,9 +841,9 @@
"userFeedbackList": "Останні відгуки користувачів",
"system/userFeedback": "Відгуки користувачів",
"system/userFeedback/enable": "Увімкнути зворотній зв'язок програми",
- "system/userFeedback/enable-help": "Увімкнення цієї опції дозволяє надіслати відгук про програму системному адміністратору. Також потрібно налаштувати поштовий сервер.",
+ "system/userFeedback/enable-help": "Enabling this option allows to send feedback about the application to the system administrator. It requires the mail server to be configured.",
"system/userFeedback/metadata/enable": "Увімкнути відгук метаданих",
- "system/userFeedback/metadata/enable-help": "Якщо ввімкнути цю опцію, власник метаданих і системний адміністратор зможуть надіслати відгук про запис метаданих. Також потрібно налаштувати поштовий сервер.",
+ "system/userFeedback/metadata/enable-help": "Enabling this option allows to feedback to the metadata owner and system administrator about metadata record. It requires the mail server to be configured.",
"system/xlinkResolver": "Метадані XLink",
"system/xlinkResolver/enable": "Увімкнути роздільну здатність XLink",
"system/xlinkResolver/enable-help": "Якщо встановлено, XLinks до фрагментів метаданих у записах буде вирішено.",
@@ -860,6 +851,12 @@
"system/xlinkResolver/localXlinkEnable-help": "Локальні XLinks використовують local:// / URL-адреса для створення посилань на пов’язані розділи замість URL-адреси HTTP. Локальні XLinks зазвичай швидше, ніж HTTP XLinks.",
"system/xlinkResolver/ignore": "Елементи, які ігноруються роздільною здатністю XLink",
"system/xlinkResolver/ignore-help": "Розділений комами список елементів, які потрібно ігнорувати розв’язкою XLink",
+ "system/banner": "Application banner",
+ "system/banner/enable": "Enable",
+ "system/banner/enable-help": "If set, an application banner is displayed with the message configured. To configure the message, go to Language and translations and configure a translation with the key application-banner",
+ "system/auditable": "Audit changes",
+ "system/auditable/enable": "Allow auditing changes",
+ "system/auditable/enable-help": "When enabled, audits changes in users configuration",
"metadata/workflow": "Робочий процес метаданих",
"metadata/workflow/automaticUnpublishInvalidMd": "Автоматичне скасування публікації недійсних метаданих",
"metadata/workflow/automaticUnpublishInvalidMd-help": "Автоматично скасовує публікацію відредагованих метаданих, які стають недійсними відповідно до правил xsd або schematron.",
@@ -878,7 +875,7 @@
"metadata/workflow/forceValidationOnMdSave-help": "Коли метадані збережено, примусово перевірте перевірку",
"metadata/import": "Імпорт метаданих",
"metadata/import/restrict": "Обмежити імпорт до схем",
- "metadata/import/restrict-help": "Список усіх дозволених схем метаданих для імпорту. Якщо схема метаданих не дозволена, імпорт не виконується. Немає значення означає, що всі схеми дозволені.",
+ "metadata/import/restrict-help": "Comma separated list of all allowed schemas for metadata to be imported. If the metadata schema is not allowed, then the import is not done. No value means all schemas allowed.",
"metadata/import/userprofile": "Мінімальний профіль користувача, якому дозволено імпортувати метадані",
"metadata/import/userprofile-help": "Мінімальний профіль користувача, якому дозволено імпортувати метадані (редактор, рецензент або адміністратор). Значення за замовчуванням — Редактор.",
"metadata/delete": "Видалення метаданих",
@@ -895,6 +892,8 @@
"metadata/history": "Історія метаданих",
"metadata/history/accesslevel": "Виберіть мінімальний профіль користувача, якому дозволено переглядати історію метаданих",
"metadata/history/accesslevel-help": "Виберіть профіль користувача, якому дозволено переглядати історію метаданих (зареєстрований користувач, редактор або адміністратор). Конфігурація зареєстрованого користувача може переглядати історію з дозволом на перегляд, наданим для запису метаданих. Конфігурація редактора може переглядати історію з дозволом на редагування, наданим для запису метаданих. Значення за замовчуванням — Редактор.",
+ "minimumProfileForPrivileges": "Minimum user profile allowed to set privileges",
+ "minimumProfileForPrivilegesHelp": "Specifies the lowest user profile needed within a group to assign privileges for that group on a record. Users below this profile cannot set privileges for the group, and the group will be disabled in the privilege assignment interface. Default: No Restrictions (any editor for a record can set privileges for this group).",
"filterStatusByAuthor": "Автор статусу",
"filterStatusByOwner": "Статус власника",
"filterStatusByRecordId": "Ідентифікатор запису",
@@ -1092,6 +1091,7 @@
"ui-mod-header": "Верхня панель інструментів",
"ui-mod-footer": "нижній колонтитул",
"ui-mod-cookieWarning": "Попередження про файли cookie",
+ "ui-mod-directory": "Directory",
"ui-createPageTpl": "Новий макет сторінки метаданих",
"ui-createPageTpl-horizontal": "Горизонтальний",
"ui-createPageTpl-vertical": "Вертикальний",
@@ -1506,6 +1506,39 @@
"fieldTooShort": "Значення закоротке",
"fieldEmailNotValid": "Потрібна дійсна адреса електронної пошти",
"formConfirmExit": "У формі є зміни, якщо ви вийдете, зміни будуть втрачені. Ви хочете вийти на сторінці?",
+ "manageDoiServers": "DOI servers",
+ "doiservers": "DOI servers",
+ "doiservers-description": "A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is an alphanumeric string assigned to uniquely identify an object. It is tied to a metadata description of the object as well as to a digital location, such as a URL, where all the details about the object are accessible. More information available on DataCite website.",
+ "newDoiServer": "New server",
+ "updateDoiServer": "Update server",
+ "doiserver-name": "Server name",
+ "doiserver-description": "Description",
+ "doiserver-url": "DataCite API endpoint",
+ "doiserver-url-help": "Usually or for testing.",
+ "doiserver-apiKey": "API Key",
+ "doiserver-landingPageTemplate": "Landing page URL template",
+ "doiserver-landingPageTemplate-help": "The URL to use to register the DOI. A good default for GeoNetwork is http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/resources/records/\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}. The landing page URL MUST contains the UUID of the record.",
+ "doiserver-publicUrl": "Final DOI URL prefix",
+ "doiserver-publicUrl-help": "Keep it empty to use the default prefix. Use when using the test API.",
+ "doiserver-username": "DataCite username",
+ "doiserver-password": "DataCite password",
+ "doiserver-password-help": "All requests to the MDS API require authentication. For this reason, only traffic via a secure connection (HTTPS) is supported. The DataCite Metadata Store (MDS) uses HTTP Basic authentication. You can obtain an account here.",
+ "doiserver-pattern": "DOI pattern",
+ "doiserver-pattern-help": "Default is '\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}' but the DOI structure can be customized with database id and/or record group eg. 'example-\\{\\{groupOwner\\}\\}-\\{\\{id\\}\\}'",
+ "doiserver-prefix": "DataCite prefix",
+ "doiserver-prefix-help": "Usually looks like 10.xxxx. You will be allowed to register DOI names only under the prefixes that have been assigned to you.",
+ "doiserver-recordGroups": "Record groups",
+ "doiserver-recordGroups-help": "When creating a DOI, only DOI server(s) associated with the record group are proposed. If record group is not associated with any DOI servers, then DOI servers with no group are proposed.",
+ "doiserver-defaultApiText": "DataCite API",
+ "doiserver-testApiText": "DataCite API test",
+ "doiserver-euApiText": "Publication Office of the European Union",
+ "confirmDoiServerDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete this DOI server?",
"NoTranslationProvider": "No translation provider",
- "LibreTranslate": "Libretranslate"
+ "LibreTranslate": "Libretranslate",
+ "userHistory": "User history",
+ "userHistoryRevision": "Updated by {{revisionUser}} on {{revisionDate}}:",
+ "userHistoryFieldUpdate": "Field '{{fieldName}}' changed from '{{oldValue}}' to '{{newValue}}'",
+ "userHistoryFieldSet": "Field '{{fieldName}}' set to '{{newValue}}'",
+ "userHistoryFieldUnset": "Field '{{fieldName}}' unset",
+ "noUserHistory": "No user history available"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/uk-core.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/uk-core.json
index e542dfad10b..ad64123080b 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/uk-core.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/uk-core.json
@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@
"featureCatalog": "Каталог характеристик",
"frequency": "Частота",
"feebackSent": "Ваше повідомлення надіслано менеджеру каталогу.",
+ "feebackSentError": "An error occurred sending your to the catalog manager. Please try again later, contact the service provider, or report this issue.",
"feedbackNotEnable": "Зворотній зв'язок не включений.",
"filter": "фільтр",
"filterSearch": "Відображення параметрів пошуку",
@@ -170,7 +171,7 @@
"needAnAccount": "Потрібен обліковий запис?",
"needAnAccountInfo": "Тоді підпишіться відразу, це займе всього хвилину.",
"needHelp": "Потрібна допомога",
- "newAccountInfo": "Коли ви надсилатимете запит на створення облікового запису, вам буде надіслано електронний лист із вашими даними користувача. Якщо запитується розширений профіль користувача, адміністратор каталогу проаналізує ваш запит і зв’яжеться з вами.",
+ "newAccountInfo": "When registering, an email will be sent to you with account details. The catalogue administrator will review group and profile requests.",
"next": "Далі",
"noFileSelected": "Файл не вибрано",
"noRecordFound": "Запис не знайдено.",
@@ -234,6 +235,7 @@
"register": "зареєструватися",
"rememberMe": "Пам'ятай мене",
"requestedProfile": "Запитаний профіль",
+ "requestedGroup": "Requested group",
"resetPassword": "Скинути пароль",
"resetPasswordTitle": "Скинути пароль {{user}}.",
"resetPasswordError": "Під час скидання пароля сталася помилка",
@@ -266,7 +268,7 @@
"spatialRepresentationType": "Тип представництва",
"cl_spatialRepresentationType": "Тип представництва",
"state": "Держава",
- "map-static": "Статична карта",
+ "map-static": "Static map",
"surname": "Прізвище",
"title": "Назва",
"to": "до",
@@ -587,4 +589,4 @@
"quality": "якість",
"download": "Завантажити",
"links": "Посилання"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/uk-editor.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/uk-editor.json
index 17dff988306..191bb1149c7 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/uk-editor.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/uk-editor.json
@@ -236,6 +236,7 @@
"onlineUseDQReport": "Звіт про якість даних",
"onlineUseDQTOR": "Специфікація якості даних",
"onlineUseDQProdReport": "Звіт про якість даних",
+ "onlineUseMap": "Map",
"onlineUseLegend": "Легенда для ресурсу",
"onlineUseLegendLYR": "Стиль для ресурсу для ArcGIS (LYR)",
"onlineUseStyleSLD": "Стиль для ресурсу з використанням SLD",
@@ -441,6 +442,8 @@
"addOnlinesrc#API-help": "напр. служба перегляду, REST API",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineDownload|localNetwork": "Додати завантаження",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineDownload|localNetwork-help": "напр. файл, сервіс завантаження, посилання на локальну мережу",
+ "addOnlinesrc#onlineUseMap": "Add map",
+ "addOnlinesrc#onlineUseMap-help": "eg. PDF static maps or OGC Web Map Context interactive maps",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineUseLegend": "Додайте зображення",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineUseLegend-help": "напр. Файли LYR, QML, SLD",
"addOnlinesrc#links": "Додайте посилання",
@@ -454,5 +457,10 @@
"associated-fcats": "Каталог характеристик",
"associated-siblings": "Пов'язані ресурси",
"associated-hasfeaturecats": "Використання цього каталогу функцій",
- "associatedResourcesPanel": "Пов'язані ресурси"
+ "associatedResourcesPanel": "Пов'язані ресурси",
+ "validationSuccessLabel": "success",
+ "validationErrorLabel": "errors",
+ "metadataDuplicatedField-title": "The metadata title is used in another metadata record.",
+ "metadataDuplicatedField-altTitle": "The metadata alternate title is used in another metadata record.",
+ "metadataDuplicatedField-identifier": "The metadata resource identifier is used in another metadata record."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/uk-search.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/uk-search.json
index f0b828ece09..a2aa0b5ad43 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/uk-search.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/uk-search.json
@@ -365,7 +365,8 @@
"shareOnLinkedIn": "Поділіться на LinkedIn",
"shareByEmail": "Поділіться електронною поштою",
"zoomto": "Збільшити до",
- "recordNotFound": "Запис з ідентифікатором {{uuid}} не знайдено або вам не надано спільний доступ. Спробуйте увійти , якщо у вас є обліковий запис.",
+ "recordNotFound": "The record with identifier {{uuid}} was not found or is not shared with you.",
+ "trySignIn": "Try to log in if you have an account.",
"intersectWith": "Перетинається з",
"fullyOutsideOf": "Повністю за межами",
"encloses": "огородження",
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/uk-v4.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/uk-v4.json
index 0d75716270a..9acd33bf59e 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/uk-v4.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/uk-v4.json
@@ -164,12 +164,14 @@
"dropIndexAndRebuild": "Видалити індекс і переіндексувати",
"rebuildIndexHelp": "Під час перебудови індексу пошук може видати неповні результати, а операцію CSW GetRecords можна вимкнути (якщо ви вибрали відповідний параметр у налаштуваннях). Використовуйте цю функцію, коли трафік каталогу низький. Рекомендується перебудувати індекс вручну звідси, якщо вносити зміни безпосередньо в базу даних. Якщо ви змінюєте відображення індексу (див. records.json ), то вам потрібно натиснути «Видалити індекс і повторний індекс».",
"indexInEsDoneError": "Виникла помилка з індексом. Подробиці дивіться в журналах",
- "indexInEsDone": "Операція індексації пройшла успішно",
+ "indexInEsDone": "The indexing operation was successful",
"indexCommit": "Зафіксувати зміни індексу",
"indexCommit-help": "Використовується, лише якщо завдання індексування зависає.",
"indexCommitError": "Помилка під час фіксації змін індексу.",
"ui-moreLikeThisConfig": "Більше подібної конфігурації",
- "ui-moreLikeThisConfig-help": "Конфігурація повинна мати, який буде встановлено з назвою запису для пошуку подібних записів.",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisConfig-help": "Configuration must have a which will be set with the record title to search for similar records. (See Elasticsearch API).",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisFilter": "More like this query filter",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisFilter-help": "Optional filter expression to apply on the more like this query (eg. -cl_status.key:(obsolete OR historicalArchive OR superseded)
to exclude obsolete records).",
"ui-autocompleteConfig": "Конфігурація автозавершення",
"ui-autocompleteConfig-help": "Конфігурація повинна мати query.multi_match.query, який буде встановлено на автозавершення.",
"ui-facetConfig": "Конфігурація фасетів",
@@ -399,12 +401,17 @@
"setServiceConnectPoint": "Додайте точку підключення служби",
"mimeType": "Формат",
"uploadedResourceAlreadyExistException": "Файл {{file}} уже існує в цьому сховищі записів. Спочатку видаліть його.",
+ "uploadedResourceSizeExceededException": "File {{file}} too large ({{humanizedSize}}).",
+ "uploadNetworkErrorException": "File {{file}} failed to upload due to network error or connection reset.",
"qualityMeasures": "якість",
"measureType": "Тип",
"measureName": "Виміряти",
"measureDescription": "опис",
"measureValue": "Значення",
"measureDate": "Дата",
+ "nextUpdateDate": "Next update",
+ "userDefinedFrequency": "Update frequency",
+ "maintenanceNote": "Maintenance note",
"switchPortals": "Перейдіть на інший портал",
"dataPreview": "Відкрийте дані",
"tableOfContents": "Зміст",
@@ -414,6 +421,7 @@
"staticPageFormat-TEXT": "Звичайний текстовий вміст",
"staticPageStatus-HIDDEN": "Видно лише адміністратору",
"staticPageStatus-PRIVATE": "Видно для зареєстрованих користувачів",
+ "staticPageStatus-GROUPS": "Visible to users belonging to the groups",
"staticPageStatus-PUBLIC": "Видно для всіх",
"pageLink": "Посилання",
"pageSection-help": "Наразі стандартний вигляд інтерфейсу користувача підтримує лише значення TOP і FOOTER. Настроювані перегляди інтерфейсу користувача можуть використовувати додаткові значення.",
@@ -432,7 +440,7 @@
"overviewUrl": "URL огляду",
"restApiUrl": "URL-адреса REST API",
"filterHelp": "Натисніть одну з кнопок нижче, щоб активувати фільтр",
- "selectDOIResource": "Виберіть ресурс DOI",
+ "selectDOIResource": "Search for a DOI",
"httpStatus--200": "Недійсний статус",
"httpStatus-200": "200: дійсний статус",
"httpStatus-404": "404 Не знайдено",
@@ -449,5 +457,10 @@
"linkStatus": "Статус посилання",
"requestStatus": "Статус запиту",
"linkUrl": "URL-адреса посилання",
- "associatedUuid": "Пов’язано з метаданими UUID"
+ "associatedUuid": "Пов’язано з метаданими UUID",
+ "mdEmail": "Email",
+ "mdWebsite": "Website",
+ "mdOrganization": "Organization",
+ "mdAddress": "Address",
+ "mdPhone": "Phone"
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/zh-admin.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/zh-admin.json
index 821c65a5616..adb218f7f15 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/zh-admin.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/zh-admin.json
@@ -475,6 +475,7 @@
"newUser": "新用户",
"noCommitAvailable": "没有活动记录。启用元数据记录版本控制以跟踪更改。",
"noHarvesterHistory": "没有收集历史。",
+ "noRestrictions": "No restrictions",
"nostatus": "无状态",
"notYetSupported": "不支持",
"numberOfSearch": "搜索次数",
@@ -632,23 +633,7 @@
"system/clickablehyperlinks/enable-help": "一旦被设置,地理网络 将在元数据中显示可点击的超链接。",
"system/documentation": "Documentation configuration",
"system/documentation/url": "Base manual url",
- "system/documentation/url-help": "Base application manual url. Defaults to the official manual page ({version}/{lang}) and can be customised to use a self hosted documentation with a custom branding. The url can contain \\{\\{lang\\}\\} placeholder, to display the manual in different languages when available, and \\{\\{version\\}\\} placeholder to use the application version.",
- "system/publication": "Publication",
- "system/publication/doi/doienabled": "Allow creation of Digital Object Identifier (DOI)",
- "system/publication/doi/doipattern": "DOI pattern",
- "system/publication/doi/doipattern-help": "Default is '\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}' but the DOI structure can be customized with database id and/or record group eg. 'example-\\{\\{groupOwner\\}\\}-\\{\\{id\\}\\}'",
- "system/publication/doi/doienabled-help": "A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is an alphanumeric string assigned to uniquely identify an object. It is tied to a metadata description of the object as well as to a digital location, such as a URL, where all the details about the object are accessible. More information available on DataCite website.",
- "system/publication/doi/doipublicurl": "The final DOI URL prefix",
- "system/publication/doi/doipublicurl-help": "Keep it empty to use the default prefix. Use when using the test API.",
- "system/publication/doi/doiurl": "The DataCite API endpoint",
- "system/publication/doi/doiurl-help": "Usually or for testing.",
- "system/publication/doi/doiusername": "Your DataCite username",
- "system/publication/doi/doipassword": "Your DataCite password",
- "system/publication/doi/doipassword-help": "All requests to the MDS API require authentication. For this reason, only traffic via a secure connection (HTTPS) is supported. The DataCite Metadata Store (MDS) uses HTTP Basic authentication. You can obtain an account here.",
- "system/publication/doi/doikey": "Your DataCite prefix",
- "system/publication/doi/doikey-help": "Usually looks like 10.xxxx. You will be allowed to register DOI names only under the prefixes that have been assigned to you.",
- "system/publication/doi/doilandingpagetemplate": "DOI landing page URL template",
- "system/publication/doi/doilandingpagetemplate-help": "The URL to use to register the DOI. A good default for GeoNetwork is http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/resources/records/\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}. The landing page URL MUST contains the UUID of the record.",
+ "system/documentation/url-help": "Base application manual url. Defaults to the official manual page ({version}/{lang}) and can be customised to use a self hosted documentation with a custom branding. The url can contain \\{\\{lang\\}\\} placeholder, to display the manual in different languages when available, \\{\\{version\\}\\} placeholder to use the application version, and \\{\\{section\\}\\} placeholder to parse sub section url from manual.json of the current page. When the \\{\\{section\\}\\} placeholder is not provided, the sub section value is automatically appended to the end of the url.",
"system/csw": "网络目录服务(CSW)",
"system/csw/capabilityRecordUuid": "Record to use for GetCapabilities",
"system/csw/capabilityRecordUuid-help": "Choose the record to be used to build custom GetCapabilities document. If none exist, create a service metadata record (using ISO19139 or 19115-3 standards). To have a capabilities document with the main information required, set title, abstract, point of contact, keywords, constraints. If you need INSPIRE support also set properly the record main language and additional languages, INSPIRE themes and INSPIRE conformity.",
@@ -663,6 +648,10 @@
"system/feedback": "反馈",
"system/feedback/email": "邮箱",
"system/feedback/email-help": "这是用于发送反馈的管理员的电子邮件地址。",
+ "system/feedback/languages": "Language for system generated emails",
+ "system/feedback/languages-help": "Languages to use for system generated emails. If empty then ui language will be used. If multiple language exists then, where it makes sense, a message for each language will be generated and appended to the email message making the messages multilingual. Languages that are missing a resource bundle will fallback to the base locale. (Ex. use 'eng,fre' for generating bilingual messages in both English and French with English first)",
+ "system/feedback/translationFollowsText": "Translation follows text",
+ "system/feedback/translationFollowsText-help": "Text to display at the top of the email to indicate that the translations of the email follow. (Ex. 'La version française suit')",
"system/feedback/mailServer/host": "SMTP主机",
"system/feedback/mailServer/host-help": "The SMTP host and port parameters are used to send emails to GeoNetwork's users when a resource is downloaded.",
"system/feedback/mailServer/password": "密码",
@@ -837,12 +826,14 @@
"system/site/svnUuid-help": "Subversion repository unique identifier",
"metadata/vcs": "Version Control System (VCS)",
"metadata/vcs/enable": "Enable VCS",
- "metadata/vcs/enable-help": "Once enabled, VCS is using SVN to record metadata changes. This feature is experimental. It is also not operational on NFS filesystem. Once enabled, the application needs a restart.",
+ "metadata/vcs/enable-help": "Once enabled, VCS is using SVN to record metadata changes. This functionality is experimental. It is also not operational on NFS filesystem. Once enabled, the application needs a restart.",
"system/threadedindexing": "Indexing",
"system/threadedindexing/maxthreads": "Number of indexing threads",
"system/userSelfRegistration": "User self-registration",
"system/userSelfRegistration/enable": "Enable self-registration",
"system/userSelfRegistration/enable-help": "When enabled, make sure a mail server is also configured.",
+ "system/userSelfRegistration/domainsAllowed": "Email domains allowed",
+ "system/userSelfRegistration/domainsAllowed-help": "Comma separated list of email domains that can request an account. If not configured, any email address is allowed.",
"system/userSelfRegistration/recaptcha/enable": "Enable re-captcha",
"system/userSelfRegistration/recaptcha/enable-help": "Enabling re-captcha will protect you and your users from spam and abuse. This is highly recommended when you enable feedback or self-registration. Create your re-captcha key on",
"system/userSelfRegistration/recaptcha/publickey": "Re-captcha public key",
@@ -850,9 +841,9 @@
"userFeedbackList": "Last user feedbacks",
"system/userFeedback": "User feedback",
"system/userFeedback/enable": "Enable application feedback",
- "system/userFeedback/enable-help": "Enabling this option allows to send feedback about the application to the system administrator. It requires the mail server is also configured.",
+ "system/userFeedback/enable-help": "Enabling this option allows to send feedback about the application to the system administrator. It requires the mail server to be configured.",
"system/userFeedback/metadata/enable": "Enable metadata feedback",
- "system/userFeedback/metadata/enable-help": "Enabling this option allows to feedback to the metadata owner and system administrator about metadata record. It requires the mail server is also configured.",
+ "system/userFeedback/metadata/enable-help": "Enabling this option allows to feedback to the metadata owner and system administrator about metadata record. It requires the mail server to be configured.",
"system/xlinkResolver": "Metadata XLink",
"system/xlinkResolver/enable": "Enable XLink resolution",
"system/xlinkResolver/enable-help": "If set, XLinks to metadata fragments in records will be resolved.",
@@ -860,6 +851,12 @@
"system/xlinkResolver/localXlinkEnable-help": "Local XLinks are using local:/// URL to make references to related sections instead of HTTP URL. Local XLinks are usually faster than HTTP XLinks.",
"system/xlinkResolver/ignore": "Elements to ignore by XLink resolution",
"system/xlinkResolver/ignore-help": "Comma separated list of elements to ignore by XLink resolution",
+ "system/banner": "Application banner",
+ "system/banner/enable": "启用",
+ "system/banner/enable-help": "If set, an application banner is displayed with the message configured. To configure the message, go to Language and translations and configure a translation with the key application-banner",
+ "system/auditable": "Audit changes",
+ "system/auditable/enable": "Allow auditing changes",
+ "system/auditable/enable-help": "When enabled, audits changes in users configuration",
"metadata/workflow": "Metadata workflow",
"metadata/workflow/automaticUnpublishInvalidMd": "无效的元数据自动不更新",
"metadata/workflow/automaticUnpublishInvalidMd-help": "Automatically unpublishes metadata that is edited that becomes not valid according to xsd or schematron rules.",
@@ -878,7 +875,7 @@
"metadata/workflow/forceValidationOnMdSave-help": "When the metadata is saved force validation check",
"metadata/import": "Metadata import",
"metadata/import/restrict": "Restrict import to schemas",
- "metadata/import/restrict-help": "List of all allowed schemas for metadata to be imported. If the metadata schema is not allowed, then the import is not done. No value means all schemas allowed.",
+ "metadata/import/restrict-help": "Comma separated list of all allowed schemas for metadata to be imported. If the metadata schema is not allowed, then the import is not done. No value means all schemas allowed.",
"metadata/import/userprofile": "Minimum user profile allowed to import metadata",
"metadata/import/userprofile-help": "Minimum user profile allowed to import metadata (Editor, Reviewer or Administrator). The default value is Editor.",
"metadata/delete": "Metadata delete",
@@ -895,6 +892,8 @@
"metadata/history": "Metadata History",
"metadata/history/accesslevel": "Select the minimum user profile allowed to view metadata history",
"metadata/history/accesslevel-help": "Select the user profile allowed to view metadata history (Registered User, Editor or Administrator). The Registered User configuration can view the history with view permission granted to the metadata record. The Editor configuration can view the history with editing permission granted to the metadata record. The default value is Editor.",
+ "minimumProfileForPrivileges": "Minimum user profile allowed to set privileges",
+ "minimumProfileForPrivilegesHelp": "Specifies the lowest user profile needed within a group to assign privileges for that group on a record. Users below this profile cannot set privileges for the group, and the group will be disabled in the privilege assignment interface. Default: No Restrictions (any editor for a record can set privileges for this group).",
"filterStatusByAuthor": "Status author",
"filterStatusByOwner": "Status owner",
"filterStatusByRecordId": "Record identifier",
@@ -1092,6 +1091,7 @@
"ui-mod-header": "Top toolbar",
"ui-mod-footer": "Footer",
"ui-mod-cookieWarning": "Cookie warning",
+ "ui-mod-directory": "目录",
"ui-createPageTpl": "New metadata page layout",
"ui-createPageTpl-horizontal": "Horizontal",
"ui-createPageTpl-vertical": "Vertical",
@@ -1506,6 +1506,39 @@
"fieldTooShort": "The value is too short",
"fieldEmailNotValid": "A valid email address is required",
"formConfirmExit": "The form has changes, if you exit the changes will be lost. Do you want to exit on the page?",
+ "manageDoiServers": "DOI servers",
+ "doiservers": "DOI servers",
+ "doiservers-description": "A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is an alphanumeric string assigned to uniquely identify an object. It is tied to a metadata description of the object as well as to a digital location, such as a URL, where all the details about the object are accessible. More information available on DataCite website.",
+ "newDoiServer": "新服务器",
+ "updateDoiServer": "Update server",
+ "doiserver-name": "Server name",
+ "doiserver-description": "描述",
+ "doiserver-url": "DataCite API endpoint",
+ "doiserver-url-help": "Usually or for testing.",
+ "doiserver-apiKey": "API Key",
+ "doiserver-landingPageTemplate": "Landing page URL template",
+ "doiserver-landingPageTemplate-help": "The URL to use to register the DOI. A good default for GeoNetwork is http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/resources/records/\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}. The landing page URL MUST contains the UUID of the record.",
+ "doiserver-publicUrl": "Final DOI URL prefix",
+ "doiserver-publicUrl-help": "Keep it empty to use the default prefix. Use when using the test API.",
+ "doiserver-username": "DataCite username",
+ "doiserver-password": "DataCite password",
+ "doiserver-password-help": "All requests to the MDS API require authentication. For this reason, only traffic via a secure connection (HTTPS) is supported. The DataCite Metadata Store (MDS) uses HTTP Basic authentication. You can obtain an account here.",
+ "doiserver-pattern": "DOI pattern",
+ "doiserver-pattern-help": "Default is '\\{\\{uuid\\}\\}' but the DOI structure can be customized with database id and/or record group eg. 'example-\\{\\{groupOwner\\}\\}-\\{\\{id\\}\\}'",
+ "doiserver-prefix": "DataCite prefix",
+ "doiserver-prefix-help": "Usually looks like 10.xxxx. You will be allowed to register DOI names only under the prefixes that have been assigned to you.",
+ "doiserver-recordGroups": "Record groups",
+ "doiserver-recordGroups-help": "When creating a DOI, only DOI server(s) associated with the record group are proposed. If record group is not associated with any DOI servers, then DOI servers with no group are proposed.",
+ "doiserver-defaultApiText": "DataCite API",
+ "doiserver-testApiText": "DataCite API test",
+ "doiserver-euApiText": "Publication Office of the European Union",
+ "confirmDoiServerDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete this DOI server?",
"NoTranslationProvider": "No translation provider",
- "LibreTranslate": "Libretranslate"
+ "LibreTranslate": "Libretranslate",
+ "userHistory": "User history",
+ "userHistoryRevision": "Updated by {{revisionUser}} on {{revisionDate}}:",
+ "userHistoryFieldUpdate": "Field '{{fieldName}}' changed from '{{oldValue}}' to '{{newValue}}'",
+ "userHistoryFieldSet": "Field '{{fieldName}}' set to '{{newValue}}'",
+ "userHistoryFieldUnset": "Field '{{fieldName}}' unset",
+ "noUserHistory": "No user history available"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/zh-core.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/zh-core.json
index b7f0280f6b3..1b4991d0bc2 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/zh-core.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/zh-core.json
@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@
"featureCatalog": "要素目录",
"frequency": "频率",
"feebackSent": "您的消息已发送到目录管理员。",
+ "feebackSentError": "An error occurred sending your to the catalog manager. Please try again later, contact the service provider, or report this issue.",
"feedbackNotEnable": "反馈未启用。",
"filter": "过滤",
"filterSearch": "显示搜索选项",
@@ -170,7 +171,7 @@
"needAnAccount": "Need an account?",
"needAnAccountInfo": "然后登录,只需要一分钟。",
"needHelp": "需要帮忙",
- "newAccountInfo": "当您请求帐户时,一封包含您的用户详细信息的电子邮件将被发送到您的邮箱。如果您请求高级的用户配置文件,目录管理员会分析您的要求,并送还给您。",
+ "newAccountInfo": "When registering, an email will be sent to you with account details. The catalogue administrator will review group and profile requests.",
"next": "下一个",
"noFileSelected": "未选择文件",
"noRecordFound": "没有找到记录。",
@@ -234,6 +235,7 @@
"register": "注册者",
"rememberMe": "记住我",
"requestedProfile": "请求的配置文件",
+ "requestedGroup": "Requested group",
"resetPassword": "重设密码",
"resetPasswordTitle": "重置{{user}}密码。",
"resetPasswordError": "Error occurred while resetting password",
@@ -587,4 +589,4 @@
"quality": "质量",
"download": "Download",
"links": "链接"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/zh-editor.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/zh-editor.json
index 3a7916f12df..dc89b83d12e 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/zh-editor.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/zh-editor.json
@@ -236,6 +236,7 @@
"onlineUseDQReport": "数据质量报告",
"onlineUseDQTOR": "数据质量规格",
"onlineUseDQProdReport": "数据质量生产报告",
+ "onlineUseMap": "地图",
"onlineUseLegend": "资源图例",
"onlineUseLegendLYR": "ArcGIS资源样式(LYR)",
"onlineUseStyleSLD": "资源样式SLD",
@@ -441,6 +442,8 @@
"addOnlinesrc#API-help": "eg. view service, REST API",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineDownload|localNetwork": "Add download",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineDownload|localNetwork-help": "eg. file, download service, local network links",
+ "addOnlinesrc#onlineUseMap": "Add map",
+ "addOnlinesrc#onlineUseMap-help": "eg. PDF static maps or OGC Web Map Context interactive maps",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineUseLegend": "Add portrayal",
"addOnlinesrc#onlineUseLegend-help": "eg. LYR, QML, SLD files",
"addOnlinesrc#links": "添加链接",
@@ -454,5 +457,10 @@
"associated-fcats": "要素目录",
"associated-siblings": "相关资源",
"associated-hasfeaturecats": "使用此要素目录",
- "associatedResourcesPanel": "相关资源"
+ "associatedResourcesPanel": "相关资源",
+ "validationSuccessLabel": "success",
+ "validationErrorLabel": "errors",
+ "metadataDuplicatedField-title": "The metadata title is used in another metadata record.",
+ "metadataDuplicatedField-altTitle": "The metadata alternate title is used in another metadata record.",
+ "metadataDuplicatedField-identifier": "The metadata resource identifier is used in another metadata record."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/zh-search.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/zh-search.json
index aef0e280662..b8ebc5b9fd5 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/zh-search.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/zh-search.json
@@ -365,7 +365,8 @@
"shareOnLinkedIn": "分享到LinkedIn",
"shareByEmail": "通过电子邮件分享",
"zoomto": "缩放到",
- "recordNotFound": "该带有标识符{{uuid}} 的记录未找到或不与你分享。如果您有帐户,请尝试登陆。",
+ "recordNotFound": "The record with identifier {{uuid}} was not found or is not shared with you.",
+ "trySignIn": "Try to log in if you have an account.",
"intersectWith": "相交",
"fullyOutsideOf": "完全在外面",
"encloses": "闭合",
diff --git a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/zh-v4.json b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/zh-v4.json
index 016f987cb77..6e0b4eb8b28 100644
--- a/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/zh-v4.json
+++ b/web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/locales/zh-v4.json
@@ -164,12 +164,14 @@
"dropIndexAndRebuild": "Delete index and reindex",
"rebuildIndexHelp": "While rebuilding index, search may return incomplete results and the CSW GetRecords operation can be disabled (if you selected the option in the settings). Use this function, when catalog traffic is low. It's recommended to rebuild index manually from here when making changes directly in the database. If you change index mapping (cf. records.json), then you have to click on 'Delete index and reindex'.",
"indexInEsDoneError": "There is an error with the index. See the logs for details",
- "indexInEsDone": "The indexing operation was successfull",
+ "indexInEsDone": "The indexing operation was successful",
"indexCommit": "Commit index changes",
"indexCommit-help": "To use only if indexing task is hanging.",
"indexCommitError": "Error while committing index changes.",
"ui-moreLikeThisConfig": "More like this configuration",
- "ui-moreLikeThisConfig-help": "Configuration must have a which will be set with the record title to search for similar records.",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisConfig-help": "Configuration must have a which will be set with the record title to search for similar records. (See Elasticsearch API).",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisFilter": "More like this query filter",
+ "ui-moreLikeThisFilter-help": "Optional filter expression to apply on the more like this query (eg. -cl_status.key:(obsolete OR historicalArchive OR superseded)
to exclude obsolete records).",
"ui-autocompleteConfig": "Autocompletion configuration",
"ui-autocompleteConfig-help": "Configuration must have a query.multi_match.query which will be set on autocompletion.",
"ui-facetConfig": "Facets configuration",
@@ -399,12 +401,17 @@
"setServiceConnectPoint": "Add service connect point",
"mimeType": "格式",
"uploadedResourceAlreadyExistException": "File {{file}} already exist in this record data store. Remove it first.",
+ "uploadedResourceSizeExceededException": "File {{file}} too large ({{humanizedSize}}).",
+ "uploadNetworkErrorException": "File {{file}} failed to upload due to network error or connection reset.",
"qualityMeasures": "Quality",
"measureType": "Type",
"measureName": "Measure",
"measureDescription": "Description",
"measureValue": "Value",
"measureDate": "Date",
+ "nextUpdateDate": "Next update",
+ "userDefinedFrequency": "更新频率",
+ "maintenanceNote": "Maintenance note",
"switchPortals": "Switch to another Portal",
"dataPreview": "Discover data",
"tableOfContents": "Table of Contents",
@@ -414,6 +421,7 @@
"staticPageFormat-TEXT": "Plain text content",
"staticPageStatus-HIDDEN": "Visible only to the administrator",
"staticPageStatus-PRIVATE": "Visible to logged users",
+ "staticPageStatus-GROUPS": "Visible to users belonging to the groups",
"staticPageStatus-PUBLIC": "Visible to everyone",
"pageLink": "Link",
"pageSection-help": "Currently, the default UI view only supports TOP and FOOTER values. Custom UI views can make use of additional values.",
@@ -432,7 +440,7 @@
"overviewUrl": "Overview URL",
"restApiUrl": "REST API URL",
"filterHelp": "Please click on one of the buttons below to activate the filter",
- "selectDOIResource": "Choose a DOI resource",
+ "selectDOIResource": "Search for a DOI",
"httpStatus--200": "Invalid status",
"httpStatus-200": "200: Valid status",
"httpStatus-404": "404: Not found",
@@ -449,5 +457,10 @@
"linkStatus": "Link status",
"requestStatus": "Request status",
"linkUrl": "Link url",
- "associatedUuid": "Associated to metadata UUID"
+ "associatedUuid": "Associated to metadata UUID",
+ "mdEmail": "Email",
+ "mdWebsite": "Website",
+ "mdOrganization": "Organization",
+ "mdAddress": "Address",
+ "mdPhone": "Phone"
diff --git a/web/src/main/webResources/WEB-INF/data/config/index/records.json b/web/src/main/webResources/WEB-INF/data/config/index/records.json
index 28febb0667d..77a7ac3aa51 100644
--- a/web/src/main/webResources/WEB-INF/data/config/index/records.json
+++ b/web/src/main/webResources/WEB-INF/data/config/index/records.json
@@ -1121,6 +1121,10 @@
"type": "keyword",
"copy_to": ["any.langukr", "organisationName.langukr"]
+ "langpol": {
+ "type": "keyword",
+ "copy_to": ["any.langpol", "organisationName.langpol"]
+ },
"link": {
"type": "keyword"
@@ -1305,6 +1309,17 @@
+ "langpol": {
+ "type": "text",
+ "analyzer": "${es.index.analyzer.default}",
+ "copy_to": ["any.langpol"],
+ "fields": {
+ "keyword": {
+ "type": "keyword",
+ "ignore_above": ${es.index.ignore_above}
+ }
+ }
+ },
"link": {
"type": "keyword"
@@ -1415,6 +1430,10 @@
"type": "keyword",
"copy_to": ["any.langukr"]
+ "langpol": {
+ "type": "keyword",
+ "copy_to": ["any.langpol"]
+ },
"text": {
"type": "keyword"
@@ -1627,6 +1646,10 @@
"langroh": {
"type": "text",
"analyzer": "${es.index.analyzer.default}"
+ },
+ "langpol": {
+ "type": "text",
+ "analyzer": "${es.index.analyzer.default}"
@@ -1688,6 +1711,10 @@
"type": "keyword",
"copy_to": ["any.langukr"]
+ "langpol": {
+ "type": "keyword",
+ "copy_to": ["any.langpol"]
+ },
"link": {
"type": "keyword"
@@ -2243,6 +2270,9 @@
"langukr": {
"type": "keyword"
+ },
+ "langpol": {
+ "type": "keyword"