Well, not all of them are frequently asked but rather just interesting.
The message extractor xgettext-tt2
is not a syntax checker for template
files. It just understands enough of Template Toolkit's syntax to extract
translatable strings from templates according to the options you have
invoked it with.
See #2 for more aspects.
Can I Use xgettext-tt2
For Log::Report::Template?
Yes, like this:
xgettext-tt2 --plug-in --keyword --keyword=loc --flag=loc:1:perl-brace-format --add-comments=TRANSLATORS: --from-code=utf-8 TEMPLATEFILE...
Using the option --plug-in
without an argument has the
effect that xgettext-tt2
will recognize template functions
in the root namespace.
Extracting strings for Log::Report::Template
with xgettext-tt2
has a number of advantages:
- easier integration into build processes
- correct flags for extracted messages
- translator comments
- all boiler-plate options from Locale::XGettext like
, etc.
You need at least version xgettext-tt2
version 0.5 (contained in Locale-XGettext-TT2 version 0.5) for extracting strings from functions in the root namespace.