Date: | 2019-10-13 |
Author: | Gábor Nyers |
tags: | python |
category: | python_workshop |
summary: | Reading from and writing data to databases |
licence: | CC BY-NC 4.0 |
The topic of this workshop is to examine the many ways how we can interact with relational databases from Python.
Relational databases are used for:
- data storage abstraction: Clear separation of application code and data for purposes of: concurrent access, performance, security etc...
- structured data storage: Relational database software enforces a predefined structure of the data (schema)
- data storage and retrieval: Relational databases typically use the "Structured Query Language" (see [SQLLang]) to store and retrieve data from the database. SQL is a programming language with an English-like vocabulary.
As we will build upon the previous topics, you might want to review the earlier sessions:
- session 1: Getting your environment set up and ready for Python development
- session 2: Working with text files and file formats
- session 3: Working with data, part 1: spreadsheets
Visit this page:
Check out the Git repo:
git clone [email protected]:gnyers/python-tuesday.git
To follow along with the instructions please open the README.html in your browser:
firefox $PROJECTDIR/python-tuesday/session4/README.html
The code of this workshop has been tested with:
Python v3.6 and
the following modules that are not part of the Python Standard Library:
: module to read/write SQLite databasesptpython
: a very convenient Python interactive shell with support for in-line sytax highlighting, command completion and improved code editing
To install these modules execute:
pip install --user -r requirements.txt
The following tools can help to deal with databases:
Python DB CLI tools:
(MariaDB) andpgcli
(PostgreSQL)To install these modules execute:
pip install --user -r requirements-dbcli.txt
DBeaver: an open source GUI database tool for multiple databases:
DBDesigner: an on-line database schema design tool
Like in most other programming languages, databases are a huge topic in Python as well. So we'll need to restrict our scope.
- Working with relational databases, such as: SQLite, MariaDB / MySQL and PostgreSQL
- Required Python modules
- Connecting to a Database
- Create a database
- Create a table
- Insert data
- Query information
- Update data
- Delete data
The following topics are assumed to be known:
- Introduction to SQL (see [SQLLang])
- Discussion of the [ACID] considerations
- DB management basics using [MariaDB] or [PostgreSQL]
These topics are related to databases, but not discussed in this session:
- Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) software, such as [SQLAlchemy], [DjangoORM], [PeeweeORM]
- NoSQL databases, such as MongoDB, Redis
Similar to other programming languages and applications, accessing databases from Python will require some middleware. The different layers when accessing a database:
Client side | Python Application | |
DB-API driver (e.g. sqlite3, mysql-connect) | Pure Python DB-API driver (e.g.: PyMySQL) |
Native DB-API Driver | ||
Server side | Database Software (RDBMS) |
This middleware needs to implement the specifications of DB API, which is described in [PEP249]. In general the responsibilities are the following:
- establishing a connection either through network, socket or some other mechanism.
- executing SQL statements
- fetching the results
Usually the Python database drivers are wrappers around existing (mostly C) libraries. There are, however, a few exceptions that are completely written in Python (e.g. PyMySQL)
The Python Wiki (see [PySupportedDBs]) provides an overview of the database products that have a Python database driver. A few examples: IBM DB2, Firebird (and Interbase), Informix, Ingres, MariaDB / MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MaxDB, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Sybase,
A database cursor represents the results of some SQL transaction, which can be fetched and manipulated from Python.
Note: a cursor is a snapshot of the state of the database at the end of aforementioned SQL transaction. In case of multiuser/multithreaded database products (i.e. the majority) this snapshot may not be up-to-date anymore, as the consequence of the [ACID] requirements.
Connect to the database using a DB API compatible driver
The statement is often constructed by combining a template and some data, which is either provided by a user or acquired by Python some other way
Execute the SQL statement
Submit the SQL statement to the database through the cursor object's
method. The result is a cursor object.Process the results by iterating through the cursor.
Connect to a SQLite database represented by the file test.db
1 >>> import sqlite3
2 >>>
3 >>> conn1 = sqlite3.connect('test.db')
line 1: load the
moduleline 3: create a connection object to the SQLite database in file
Note: if the
database will be created automatically as an empty database if it did not exist.
The below steps assume that the database server already has the user
and the database pydb
. The pyuser
has full privileges in
the pydb
The req-mariadb.sql
script will create these requirements on the
database server:
mysql -u root < req-mariadb.sql
To connect to a MariaDB database, we need a bit more information:
1 >>> import pymysql
2 >>>
3 >>> conn2 = pymysql.connect(host='localhost',
4 ... db='pydb',
5 ... user='pyuser',
6 ... password='password')
line 1: load the
([PyMySQL]) moduleline 3: create a connection object to the MariaDB instance as user
with the passwordpassword
on the local system on the default port (3306) and using the usual defaults. Use thepydb
database.For a complete list of arguments to the
method seehelp(pymysql.connections.Connection)
The below steps assume that the database server already has the user
and the database pydb
. The pyuser
has full privileges in
the pydb
The req-postgresql.sql
script will create these requirements on the
database server:
sudo postgres psql < req-postgresql.sql
Connect to a PostgreSQL database:
1 >>> import psycopg2
2 >>>
3 >>> conn3 = psycopg2.connect(host='localhost', # doctest: +SKIP
4 ... database='pydb',
5 ... user='pyuser',
6 ... password='password')
The cursor object will be used to submit SQL statements to the database and retrieve the results.
Use of multiple cursor objects through the same connection is possible, but keep in mind that the result of the same query may be different. This is a consequence of the fact that cursors are different point-in-time snapshot of the database.
Note the similarities in dealing with different databases! This is due to the fact that the drivers implemented according the [PEP249] specifications.
4 >>> cur1 = conn1.cursor()
5 >>> [ attr # new element of the list
6 ... for attr in dir(cur1) # loop through the attributes of `cur1`
7 ... if not attr.startswith('__') # only if attr does not start with '__'
8 ... ] # doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
9 ['arraysize', 'close', 'connection', 'description', 'execute',
10 'executemany', 'executescript', 'fetchall', 'fetchmany', 'fetchone',
11 'lastrowid', 'row_factory', 'rowcount', 'setinputsizes', 'setoutputsize']
- line 4: create a cursor object, which can be used to submit SQL statements to the database
- line 5: get list of attributes of the cursor object:
- data attributes:
- methods:
- data attributes:
7 >>> cur2 = conn2.cursor()
8 >>> [ attr
9 ... for attr in dir(cur2)
10 ... if not attr.startswith('__')
11 ... ] # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
12 ['DataError', 'DatabaseError', 'Error', 'IntegrityError', 'InterfaceError',
13 'InternalError', 'NotSupportedError', 'OperationalError',
14 'ProgrammingError', 'Warning', '_check_executed', '_clear_result',
15 '_conv_row', '_defer_warnings', '_do_execute_many', '_do_get_result',
16 '_ensure_bytes', '_escape_args', '_executed', '_get_db', '_nextset',
17 '_query', '_result', '_rows', '_show_warnings', '_warnings_handled',
18 'arraysize', 'callproc', 'close', 'connection', 'description', 'execute',
19 'executemany', 'fetchall', 'fetchmany', 'fetchone', 'max_stmt_length',
20 'mogrify', 'nextset', 'rowcount', 'rownumber', 'scroll', 'setinputsizes',
21 'setoutputsizes']
line 7: create a cursor object
line 8: get a list of attributes of the cursor object.
Note: that on a MariaDB cursor there much more attributes, but there are a few that are the same, i.e.: those that are specified by [PEP249]
Relational database products use the SQL language to query or change the data. So this is what Python applications will need to do as well.
direct SQL statements vs. ORM
Python programmers often use an Object-Relational-Mapper (ORM) to interact with a database. In this approach the application programmer writes Python code and the ORM layer translates the instructions to SQL statements.
In this session we're focusing on how to using SQL statements directly, which has the following pro's and con's:
- Since SQL is often understood by programmers, there is no need to learn the (otherwise non-trivial) ORM layer.
- Database queries and transactions can be optimized by knowledgeable database administrators, who don't need to know Python.
- SQL dialects, i.e.: databases usually employ some extended version of SQL. Changing an application to support a different or an additional database product may cost significant effort.
- Maintaining or changing application functions may require additional database expertise.
Example 1: Simplest SQL example: as-is
1 >>> create_tbl_users = '''
2 ... CREATE TABLE users (
4 ... fname VARCHAR(40),
5 ... sname VARCHAR(60),
6 ... email VARCHAR(255),
7 ... PRIMARY KEY (id)
8 ... );'''
Example 2: Make table name configurable with string formatting
1 >>> tblname = 'users'
2 >>> create_tbl_users = '''CREATE TABLE {table_name} (
4 ... fname VARCHAR(40),
5 ... sname VARCHAR(60),
6 ... email VARCHAR(255),
7 ... PRIMARY KEY (id)
8 ... );'''.format(table_name=tblname)
11 >>> print(create_tbl_users) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
12 CREATE TABLE users (
14 fname VARCHAR(40),
15 sname VARCHAR(60),
16 email VARCHAR(255),
18 );
- line 1: the
variable will hold the name of the table - lines 2-8: using the
string method replace thetable_name
placeholder with the value of thetblname
variable - line 11: show the constructed SQL statement
One of the most important considerations when constructing a SQL statement is security. Since most applications work with user provided data, which ultimately will end up as part of a SQL query, care must be taken to sanitize the user input. (see also: [SQLInjection])
Part of the DB-API specification for database drivers is to provide a parameter substitution. This facility is meant to take care of verifying user input, to avoid "SQL Injection"-type attacks.
The concept of parameter substitution is very similar to how string formatting works in Python. Parameter style options as defined by [PEP249] for executing SQL statements. Drivers may implement one or more of the following syntax:
- "qmark"
:statement = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name=?"
- "numeric"
:statement = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name=:1"
- "named"
:statement = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name=:name"
- "format"
:statement = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name=%s"
- "pyformat"
:statement = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name=%(name)s"
Example 3: SQL statement to add a new user:
1 >>> sql_add_user = '''
2 ... INSERT INTO users (fname, sname, email)
3 ... VALUES (?, ?, ?);
4 ... '''
5 >>> cur1.execute(sql_add_user, ['John', 'Doe', '[email protected]'])
- line 1-4: the variable
will contain the parametrized SQL statement as astr
value - line 3: the question marks (
) are the placeholders, which will be substituted by the driver with the verified parameters. - line 5: execute the SQL statement by providing the parametrized SQL statement and the actual values separately.
Even though the SQL language is fairly standardized, there are plenty of differences between the actual SQL commands. This problem is very hard to solve, because
Example: get information about a table
>>> cur1 = conn1.cursor() # doctest: +SKIP >>> res = cur1.execute('PRAGMA table_info("users");') # doctest: +SKIP >>> list(cur1) # doctest: +SKIP [(0, 'id', 'int auto_increment', 0, None, 1), (1, 'fname', 'varchar(40)', 0, None, 0), (2, 'sname', 'varchar(60)', 0, None, 0), (3, 'email', 'varchar(255)', 0, None, 0)]
>>> cur2 = conn2.cursor() # doctest: +SKIP >>> res = cur2.execute('DESC users;') # doctest: +SKIP >>> list(cur2) # doctest: +SKIP [('id', 'int(11)', 'NO', 'PRI', None, 'auto_increment'), ('fname', 'varchar(40)', 'YES', '', None, ''), ('sname', 'varchar(60)', 'YES', '', None, ''), ('email', 'varchar(255)', 'YES', '', None, '')]
Note the differences:
- the actual statement to execute:
- SQLite: 'PRAGMA table_info("users");'
- MariaDB: 'DESC users;'
- the output:
- records are numbered by SQLite, not numbered by MariaDB
- the data types: 'int' in SQLite vs. 'int(11) in MariaDB
Despite the standardized way of accessing databases in Python and the widely used SQL language, true database-independence is difficult. The root of this problem is the different SQL dialects used- and the different features provided by database products.
As Python programmers we can choose to deal with the diversity of SQL dialects in our code, but maintaining these differences is almost always too heavy a burden.
The usual way to man a Python application database-independent is by implementing an additional layer of abstraction in the form of an [ORM]
- Python PostgreSQL Tutorial Using Psycopg2
- Getting Started with MySQL in Python
- Python MySQL Tutorial Using MySQL Connector
[RelationalModel] | |
[SQL] | |
[ACID] | (1, 2) The abreviation of the terms Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability, which are the required properties of a database software to guaranty transactional safety. ( |
[MariaDB] | MariaDB is an open source relational database softare. MariaDB is a fork of the MySQL database software. |
[PyMySQL] | A pure Python client library for the MariaDB/MySQL databases |
[PostgreSQL] | PostgreSQL, is a free and open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) emphasizing extensibility and technical standards compliance. ( |
[ORM] | Object-relational Mapper is a library which allows full access to (relational) databases without requiring to write SQL statements. ( |
[SQLAlchemy] | Perhaps the most popular Python ORM ( |
[DjangoORM] | The built-in ORM of the Django web development framework |
[PeeweeORM] | |
[PySupportedDBs] | |
[DBProgInPython] | |
[PEP249] | (1, 2, 3, 4) Python Database API Specification v2.0 ( |
[SQLLang] | (1, 2) |
[SQLInjection] | SQL Injection attacks are one of the most frequently used hacking technique. See: and |