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Solving practical problems with Python - Part 2
Gábor Nyers <[email protected]>


The profiler program from the previous session performs its main function but lacks almost all software engineering practices that makes a program robust enough for general use. In this session we will implement a number of these necessary features, like the ability to control the program's behavior with CLI arguments and provide logging. We will also solve the challenge described at the end of the previous session.

Audience: This session -- like the previous one -- is meant for the novice Python programmer You may code along or just focus on how to approach the problem and build a solution.

Recap of the profiler program

For more information on its features see the previous session.

  1. Goal: recursively analyze the content of a directory

  2. Print information about:

    1. the number of filesystem objects, e.g.: files, directories, symbolic- and hard links; and
    2. the disk space used by all the above elements

    See Example output

  3. The source code of profiler lists a few of shortcomings of the implementation:

    The method used to calculate the `total_disk_usage` does not take hardlinks
    into account.
    (1) Why?
    (2) Based on the `distict_files` dictionary, you could correct the
        value of `total_disk_usage` to calculate the **exact** disk usage. How?

Example output:

$ ./profiler exampledir 
--- Statistics of directory: exampledir
Number of errors encountered while processing 0
The number of dirs: 6
The number of non-dirs (i.e.: files, hard- and symlinks): 8
The number of symlinks: 1
The number of hardlinks: 3
Used disk space: 524 bytes
Which of the hardlinks point to the same file? 
  exampledir/file1.dat, exampledir/a/file2.bin, exampledir/c/e/file15 : 7 bytes

The content of the exampledir directory is the following:

$ tree -F exampledir/
├── a/
│   ├── b/
│   │   ├── d/                              #     + symbolic link
│   │   │   ├── file8                       #     | (ie.: special file
│   │   │   └── file9 -> ../../../c/file13  #  <--+  pointing to a path)
│   │   └── file3                           #  
│   ├── file2.bin                           #  <--+ hard links
│   └── file5                               #     | (ie.: different names
├── c/                                      #     |  point to the same
│   ├── e/                                  #     |  content, which is 
│   │   └── file15                          #  <--+  stored only once
│   └── file13                              #     |  on disk)
└── file1.dat                               #  <--+

Solve the challenge

The problem with the disk usage calculation

Currently the total disk usage is being calculated with this list-comprehension expression:

total_disk_usage = sum([ attrs.get('disk_usage',0)
                         for path,attrs in data.items()
                         if attrs['isdir']

Why is this expression incorrect?

In the calculation of the total disk usage above expression will disregard the fact that hard links are just names pointing to the same inode (i.e.: file content).

Instead of counting the size only once, the current expression adds the file's size to the total for every hardlink, i.e.: file2.bin, file15 and file1.dat

Calculate the correct total usage

The Solution:

NOTE: See profiler.1 for the implemented solution!

  1. We need an auxiliary data structure that contains the inodes of all non-directory filesystem objects.

    The auxiliary data structure could be either:

    • a set, e.g:

      deduped_non_dir_inodes = { attrs['inode']
                                 for path, attrs in data.items() 
                                 if not attrs['isdir'] }
      # deduped_non_dir_inodes:
      # {217065955, 40485989, 40485993, 298461643, 40485982, 40485983}
    • or a dict, e.g.:

      deduped_non_dir_inodes = { attrs['inode']:path 
                                 for path, attrs in data.items()
                                 if not attrs['isdir'] } 
      # deduped_non_dir_inodes:
      # { 40485993: '../session09/exampledir/c/e/file15',
      #   40485989: '../session09/exampledir/a/file5',
      #   217065955: '../session09/exampledir/a/b/file3',
      #   40485982: '../session09/exampledir/a/b/d/file9',
      #   40485983: '../session09/exampledir/a/b/d/file8',
      #   298461643: '../session09/exampledir/c/file13' }

    The dict option is more suitable for this case, because we already have the dictionary data.
    The keys of which are the filesystem objects' path. So by combining the two, we can easily retrieve the size of each unique non-directory inode:

    >>> deduped_non_dir_inodes[217065955]
    >>> data['../session09/exampledir/a/b/file3']['size']
  2. The calculation should only take into account the sizes of those inodes mentioned in the auxiliary data structure.

    Modify the expression that calculates the total disk usage:

    deduped_non_dir_inodes = {attrs['inode']: path      
                              for path, attrs in data.items()
                              if not attrs['isdir'] }
    total_disk_usage_corrected = sum([ data[path]['size']
                      for inode,path in deduped_non_dir_inodes.items()])

    NOTE: that the calculation now loops through the auxiliary data structure deduped_non_dir_inodes.

NOTE: See profiler.1 for the implemented solution!

Incorrect solution

It could be argued that the original expression needs only to be slightly modified and extended with a simple check attrs['refcount'] < 2, e.g.:

# Incorrect solution:
total_disk_usage = sum([ attrs['size']
                         for path,attrs in data.items()
                         if not attrs['isdir'] 
                            and attrs['refcount'] < 2 ])  # <-- check of refcount

Why is this incorrect:

  • Most importantly: above expression will disregard all hard-links and will not count the size of any them! For the correct calculation of the total disk usage the size of every inode needs to be added exactly once!

  • Also: there could be multiple different hard-links in the directory structure.

    In this case attrs['refcount'] only indicates that this filesystem object is a hard-link. It does not tells which inode is being referenced by the current element.

Add CLI arguments

Introduction to CLI arguments

Since the session is meant for the novice programmer, let's recap the purpose and usage of command-line (CLI) arguments.

  • Primary purpose of CLI arguments:
    From the early days of operating systems, CLI arguments are used to control a program's behavior by enumerating the required parameters on the command line.

  • These arguments need to be interpreted (i.e.: "parsed") by the program immediately after start in order for it to configure its run-time parameters.

The anatomy of a command

# <--(1)->   <-----------(2)---------------------->
#            <-----------(3)--------->
#            <--(a)-->   <----(b)---->
#                        <--(i)--|---<-(ii)-
#                                        <---(4)-->

  profiler   --verbose   --format=json   exampledir

#       ->(5)<-     ->(5)<-         ->(5)<-


  1. the name of the command being executed

  2. all the arguments separated by spaces that will be passed by the OS to the program (1);

    in Python the CLI arguments are available in the sys.argv (of type list)

  3. the CLI options for the program

    3.a) the GNU-style long-named option --verbose that represents a boolean recognizable by the double dash prefix and the lack of a value

    3.b) the long-named option with a value: --format=json representing a key/value pair:

    i. the name of the option: --format, and i. its value: json

  4. a positional argument, usually representing the main input for the program

  5. at least a single space character to separate the elements of the command

Different styles of CLI arguments

  1. "Unix-style" options: -s -vvv -l prog.log, or it's equivalents: -v 3 -a, -l prog.log -dv3

  2. "GNU-style" or "long-named" options: --log prog.log --verbose=3 --all

  3. "Windows-style" arguments: /a /l prog.log /v


A few examples to illustrate the complexity of CLI argument parsing:

  • the options and arguments may be specified in any order: -a -v or -v -a

  • each option separated -a -v or compacted form -av

  • options may have an optional value, e.g.: --debug 3 (increase debug level to 3, instead of 1)

  • the same run-time parameter may have a "short" (-l prog.log) and "long" (--log prog.log) name; with- or without the = sign: --log=prog

  • dealing with corner-cases, e.g.:

    • distinction between an option's value and a positional argument, e.g.: ... --output json ... (is json a value to the option --output or is it a positional argument?)

    • passing a special character as a value to an option, e.g.: cut -d "-"

    • delete the file with an unusual name, e.g.: --somefile

      typically solved by the introduction of a "sentinel" token, e.g.: rm -- --somefile, where -- indicates that after it there are no more options, only positional arguments.

Python libraries to deal with argument parsing

Because of the complexity outlined above, it is rarely a good idea to spend any effort writing your own CLI parser. Python already provides a wealth of readily available and high-quality libraries that will fit your needs.

An additional benefit is that most of these libraries will not only parse the CLI arguments, but will perform argument validation.

A few examples of validation:

  • --log=prog.file: will check whether or not the file prog.file is writeable?
  • --age=32: will only accept positive integers in the range 0-120 as option value
  • does the value match the notation of a "fully qualified domain name"?
  • --color=red: verify that the value is one of a limited number of choices, e.g.: red, green or blue

A few useful Python libraries for CLI argument parsing:

  1. argparse: a modern implementation that is part of the Python Standard Library

    For additional examples see also the Argparse tutorial.

  2. getopt: the legacy argument parser of the Standard Library, very similar to the standard argument parsing function getopt provided by both the GlibC library and the bash shell.

  3. docopt: an excellent 3rd-party library that allows the declaration of the CLI parsing features just by describing them using the documentation notation rules. (see this example and demo)

  4. "Command Line Interface Creation Kit" or click: a fully featured 3rd-party library for developing sophisticated command-line oriented applications.

Implementation of a simple CLI parser with argparse

The requirements

  1. [require a single mandatory positional argument called DIR, that is interpreted as a directory's path to be analyzed]{ #req-1 }

  2. [verify that the path in DIR exists and be a directory]{ #req-2 }

  3. [provide a description of above options and arguments if the program is invoked with the --help or -h options.]{ #req-3 }

Demo code

The following example demonstrates the usage of the argparse module.

{% include("") %}

See also:

Verify the requirements:

  1. single positional argument DIR, must point to a directory:

    Executing the program without any arguments will not work:

    $ ./ 
    usage: [-h] DIR error: the following arguments are required: DIR
  2. DIR MUST:


    $ ./ /path/to/non-existing/dir
    usage: [-h] DIR error: argument DIR: /path/to/non-existing/dir is not a directory

    be a directory:

    $ ./ /etc/hosts
    usage: [-h] DIR error: argument DIR: /etc/hosts is not a directory
  3. Program description:

    $ ./ --help
    usage: [-h] DIR
    Simple argparse demo for the `profiler` program
    positional arguments:
      DIR         path to directory to analyze
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help  show this help message and exit
    That's all folks!

Actual implementation for profiler

NOTE: See profiler.2 for the implemented solution!

Demo 1: wrong arguments

$ ./profiler.2 /path/to/non-existent/dir
usage: profiler.2 [-h] DIR
profiler.2: error: argument DIR: /path/to/non-existent/dir is not a directory

Demo 2: help function

$ ./profiler.2  -h
usage: profiler.2 [-h] DIR

Recursively analyze a directory structure and provide some stats about the
disk space usage of the entire content, the number of files, directories, hard-
en symlinks.


  ./profiler exampledir

Example output of a simple directory structure:

  --- Statistics of directory: exampledir/
  Number of errors encountered while processing 0

  The number of dirs: 6
  The number of non-dirs (i.e.: files, hard- and symlinks): 8
  The number of symlinks: 1
  The number of hardlinks: 3
  Used disk space: 524 bytes
  Which of the hardlinks point to the same file?
    exampledir/file1.dat, exampledir/a/file2.bin, exampledir/c/e/file15 : 7 bytes

positional arguments:
  DIR         path to directory to analyze

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

That's all folks!

NOTE: See profiler.2 for the implemented solution!

Add logging

Introduction to logging

Purpose of logging:
To be able to follow the working of a program or identify malfunctions, it needs to emit information about its internal state.


  1. While sometimes used as a synonym, debugging means something different: it involves some external tool (i.e.: a debugger), that will be actively used by (usually) a developer to extract ad-hoc information from the application in real time.

  2. Logging, on the other hand, is done by the application itself during run-time. It emits predetermined messages at predetermined points of its flow.

  3. To be able to control the type and amount of log messages, some additional logic needs to be implemented by the program.

Python libraries to deal with logging

A few common ways of logging:

  1. using the print() function (or its variant: pprint(), "p" as in "pretty-print")

  2. the logging module in the Python Standard Library

    The logging` module provides numerous sophisticated features, e.g.:

    • multiple logging sources, each with its own configurable threshold to suppress or allow messages and own (set of) handlers

    • customizable handlers which deliver log messages, e.g. to the console, a file, a local or remote syslog server, etc..

    • sophisticated filters to allow or supress messages based on customizible criteria (source, handler, time of day, etc...)

    • customizable formatters to control how a log message is being presented. (see also: log attributes)

Implementation of basic logging functions

The built-in logging module is feature-rich, robust and well-tested. logging has borrowed many ideas from the log4j product.

NOTE: See profiler.3 for the implemented solution!

The requirements

  1. Provide the following log messages:

    1. In case of an exception during the analysis of the directory structure emit an error message (meaning: the level error as defined in logging).

    2. Emit an info message when entering a directory to be processed. The message should mention the number of objects that have been analyzed so far.

    3. Each message should record the current timestamp (formatted in the ISO notation, e.g.: "2022-09-27T19:00:00"), error level and the message

  2. The program should be able to log to the terminal (default) or a file.

  3. Add the following CLI options to

-l or --loglev CLI option that will configure the threshold when to suppress or emit a message

NOTE: the logging module has 5 different predefined levels to distinguish between the urgency of a message: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR and CRITICAL

Demo code

A basic logging example:

{% include("") %}

See also:

Example output:

$ ./
2022-09-27T02:04:38CEST WARNING (logging-demo:25) This is an WARNING level message
2022-09-27T02:04:38CEST ERROR (logging-demo:26) This is an ERROR level message
2022-09-27T02:04:38CEST CRITICAL (logging-demo:27) This is a CRITICAL level message


  1. the DEBUG and INFO messages has been suppressed because of the provided loglev attribute in basicConfig()

  2. the timestamp is displayed in the format as stated in requirement 1.3

Actual implementation for profiler

NOTE: See profiler.3 for the implemented solution!

Verify requirements

  1. support the CLI options --loglev and --logfile:

    $ ./profiler.3 --help
    positional arguments:
      DIR                   path to directory to analyze
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --loglev {debug,info,warning,error,critical}
                            required log level (default: warning)
      --logfile LOGFILE     output the logs to this file (default: stderr)
    That's all folks!
  2. Provide info messages when entering a directory and change the amount of emitted information with the --loglev option:

    $ ./profiler.3 --loglev=info  ../session09/exampledir/
    2022-09-27T19:48:53CEST INFO (profiler:127) Entering directory: ../session09/exampledir/
    2022-09-27T19:48:53CEST INFO (profiler:127) Entering directory: ../session09/exampledir/a
    2022-09-27T19:48:53CEST INFO (profiler:127) Entering directory: ../session09/exampledir/a/b
    2022-09-27T19:48:53CEST INFO (profiler:127) Entering directory: ../session09/exampledir/a/b/d
    2022-09-27T19:48:53CEST INFO (profiler:127) Entering directory: ../session09/exampledir/c
    2022-09-27T19:48:53CEST INFO (profiler:127) Entering directory: ../session09/exampledir/c/e
    --- Statistics of directory: ../session09/exampledir/
    Number of errors encountered while processing 0
  3. Log to the terminal or a file:

    $ ./profiler.3 --loglev=info --logfile=profiler.3.log  ../session09/exampledir/
    --- Statistics of directory: ../session09/exampledir/
    Number of errors encountered while processing 0
    The number of dirs: 6
    The number of non-dirs (i.e.: files, hard- and symlinks): 8
    The number of symlinks: 1
    The number of hardlinks: 3
    Used disk space: 524 bytes
    Used disk space (corrected): 510 bytes
    Which of the hardlinks point to the same file?
      ../session09/exampledir/file1.dat, ../session09/exampledir/a/file2.bin, ../session09/exampledir/c/e/file15 : 7 bytes


    1. Command same as above plus the --logfile=profiler.log option. Notice that there are no log messages (e.g.: "... INFO ...")

    2. The file profiler.3.log does contain those log messages:

      $ head -3 profiler.3.log  
      2022-09-27T19:51:04CEST INFO (profiler:127) Entering directory: ../session09/exampledir/
      2022-09-27T19:51:04CEST INFO (profiler:127) Entering directory: ../session09/exampledir/a
      2022-09-27T19:51:04CEST INFO (profiler:127) Entering directory: ../session09/exampledir/a/b

NOTE: See profiler.3 for the implemented solution!

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