- Python >= 3.8
- Numpy
- PyTorch >= 1.9 (Acceleration for 3D depth-wise convolution)
- fvcore:
pip install 'git+https://github.com/facebookresearch/fvcore'
- torchvision that matches the PyTorch installation. You can install them together at pytorch.org to make sure of this.
- simplejson:
pip install simplejson
- GCC >= 4.9
- PyAV:
conda install av -c conda-forge
- ffmpeg (4.0 is prefereed, will be installed along with PyAV)
- PyYaml: (will be installed along with fvcore)
- tqdm: (will be installed along with fvcore)
- iopath:
pip install -U iopath
orconda install -c iopath iopath
- psutil:
pip install psutil
- OpenCV:
pip install opencv-python
- torchvision:
pip install torchvision
orconda install torchvision -c pytorch
- tensorboard:
pip install tensorboard
- moviepy: (optional, for visualizing video on tensorboard)
conda install -c conda-forge moviepy
orpip install moviepy
- PyTorchVideo:
pip install pytorchvideo
- Decord:
pip install decord
Different from the SlowFast repository, we remove some codes using Detectron2 for easy installation, which are about detection and visulazation. If you want to used them, please follow the SlowFast repository.
After having the above dependencies, run:
git clone https://github.com/Sense-X/UniFormer
cd UniFormer/video_classification
python setup.py build develop