diff --git a/code/modules/chemistry/tools/food_and_drink.dm b/code/modules/chemistry/tools/food_and_drink.dm
index 76c59bb5..2aec6a18 100644
--- a/code/modules/chemistry/tools/food_and_drink.dm
+++ b/code/modules/chemistry/tools/food_and_drink.dm
@@ -672,6 +672,29 @@
boutput(user, "There's nothing in the bowl to dip!")
+ else if (istype(W, /obj/item/ladle))
+ var/obj/item/ladle/L = W
+ if(!L.my_soup)
+ boutput(user,"There's nothing in the ladle to serve!")
+ return
+ if(src.reagents.total_volume)
+ boutput(user,"There's already something in the bowl!")
+ return
+ var/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/soup/custom/S = new(L.my_soup)
+ S.pixel_x = src.pixel_x
+ S.pixel_y = src.pixel_y
+ L.my_soup = null
+ L.overlays = null
+ user.visible_message("[user] pours [L] into [src].", "You pour [L] into [src].")
+ S.loc = get_turf(src)
+ qdel(src)
diff --git a/code/obj/soup_pot.dm b/code/obj/soup_pot.dm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..99d6ef86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/obj/soup_pot.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+ var/name
+ var/amount = 3
+ var/heal_amt = 0
+ var/desc = null
+ var/initial_volume = 60
+ var/list/initial_reagents = list()
+ var/list/food_effects = list()
+ icon = 'icons/obj/soup_pot.dmi'
+ icon_state = "soup_custom"
+ name = null
+ desc = "Ah, the, uh, wonders of the kitchen stove."
+ amount = null
+ heal_amt = null
+ initial_volume = null
+ initial_reagents = null
+ food_effects = null
+ var/image/fluid_icon
+ New(var/datum/custom_soup/S)
+ if(!S)
+ qdel(src)
+ return
+ src.name = S.name
+ src.amount = S.amount
+ if(S.desc)
+ src.desc = S.desc
+ src.heal_amt = S.heal_amt
+ src.initial_volume = S.initial_volume
+ src.initial_reagents = S.initial_reagents
+ if(S.food_effects.len <= 4)
+ src.food_effects = S.food_effects
+ else
+ var/list/temp = S.food_effects
+ for(var/i, i<4, i++)
+ var/effect = pick(temp)
+ src.food_effects += effect
+ temp -= effect
+ fluid_icon = image("icon" = 'icons/obj/soup_pot.dmi', "icon_state" = "soup_custom-f")
+ ..()
+ src.overlays = null
+ if(reagents.total_volume)
+ var/datum/color/average = reagents.get_average_color()
+ fluid_icon.color = average.to_rgba()
+ src.overlays += fluid_icon
+ name = "stove"
+ desc = "A perfectly ordinary kitchen stove; not that you'll be doing anything ordinary with it."
+ icon = 'icons/obj/soup_pot.dmi'
+ icon_state = "stove0"
+ anchored = 1
+ density = 1
+ var/obj/item/soup_pot/pot
+ var/on = 0
+ flags = NOSPLASH
+ attackby(obj/item/W as obj, mob/user as mob)
+ if (istype(W,/obj/item/soup_pot))
+ src.icon_state = "stove1"
+ src.pot = W
+ user.u_equip(W)
+ W.loc = src
+ if (!src.on && src.pot)
+ if (istype(W, /obj/item/weldingtool) && W:welding)
+ src.light(user, "[user] casually lights [src] with [W], what a badass.")
+ return
+ else if (istype(W, /obj/item/clothing/head/cakehat) && W:on)
+ src.light(user, "Did [user] just light \his [src] with [W]? Holy Shit.")
+ return
+ else if (istype(W, /obj/item/device/igniter))
+ src.light(user, "[user] fumbles around with [W]; a small flame erupts from [src].")
+ return
+ else if (istype(W, /obj/item/device/light/zippo) && W:on)
+ src.light(user, "With a single flick of their wrist, [user] smoothly lights [src] with [W]. Damn they're cool.")
+ return
+ else if ((istype(W, /obj/item/match) || istype(W, /obj/item/device/light/candle)) && W:on)
+ src.light(user, "[user] lights [src] with [W].")
+ return
+ else if (W.burning)
+ src.light(user, "[user] lights [src] with [W]. Goddamn.")
+ return
+ else
+ pot.attackby(W,user)
+ if(!pot.my_soup)
+ W.afterattack(pot,user) // ????
+ attack_hand(mob/user as mob)
+ if(src.on)
+ boutput(user,"Cooking soup takes time, be patient!")
+ return
+ if(src.pot)
+ src.icon_state = "stove0"
+ src.pot.loc = src.loc
+ user.put_in_hand_or_drop(src.pot)
+ src.pot = null
+ proc/light(var/mob/user, var/message as text)
+ if(pot.my_soup)
+ boutput(user,"There's still soup in the pot, dummy!")
+ return
+ if(!pot.total_wclass)
+ boutput(user,"You can't have a soup with no ingredients, dummy!")
+ return
+ if(!pot.reagents.total_volume)
+ boutput(user,"You can't have a soup with no broth, dummy!")
+ return
+ user.visible_message(message)
+ src.on = 1
+ src.icon_state = "stove2"
+ spawn(pot.total_wclass SECONDS)
+ src.on = 0
+ src.icon_state = "stove1"
+ src.generate_soup()
+ proc/generate_soup()
+ if(!pot)
+ return
+ if(!pot.total_wclass)
+ return
+ if(!pot.reagents.total_volume)
+ return
+ var/datum/custom_soup/S = new()
+ S.amount = pot.total_wclass
+ var/soup_name_i = ""
+ var/soup_name_b = ""
+ // look at this gross shit; if you can think of a better way, please fix this!
+ var/obj/item/biggest = null
+ var/obj/item/biggester = null
+ var/obj/item/biggestest = null
+ for(var/obj/item/I in pot)
+ if(biggestest)
+ if(I.w_class >= biggestest.w_class)
+ if(biggester)
+ biggest = biggester
+ biggester = biggestest
+ biggestest = I
+ else if(biggester)
+ if(I.w_class >= biggester.w_class)
+ biggest = biggester
+ biggester = I
+ else if(biggest)
+ if(I.w_class >= biggest.w_class)
+ biggest = I
+ else
+ biggest = I
+ else
+ biggester = I
+ else
+ biggestest = I
+ var/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/F = I
+ if(istype(F))
+ S.food_effects |= F.food_effects
+ S.heal_amt += F.heal_amt/pot.total_wclass
+ S.amount += F.amount/pot.total_wclass
+ else
+ S.amount += F.w_class/pot.total_wclass/2
+ S.heal_amt -= F.w_class/pot.total_wclass/2
+ if(I.reagents)
+ for(var/id in I.reagents.reagent_list)
+ if(S.initial_reagents[id])
+ S.initial_reagents[id] += I.reagents.reagent_list[id].volume/pot.total_wclass
+ else
+ S.initial_reagents += id
+ S.initial_reagents[id] = I.reagents.reagent_list[id].volume/pot.total_wclass
+ S.amount = max(1,round(S.amount))
+ if(biggester)
+ if(biggest)
+ soup_name_i = "[biggestest.name], [biggester.name], and [biggest.name]"
+ else
+ soup_name_i = "[biggestest.name] and [biggester.name]"
+ else
+ soup_name_i = "[biggestest.name]"
+ var/datum/reagent/most = null
+ var/datum/reagent/moster = null
+ var/datum/reagent/mostest = null
+ var/chems = pot.reagents.reagent_list
+ for(var/id in chems)
+ var/datum/reagent/current_reagent = chems[id]
+ if(mostest)
+ if(current_reagent.volume >= mostest.volume)
+ if(moster)
+ most = moster
+ moster = mostest
+ mostest = current_reagent
+ else if(moster)
+ if(current_reagent.volume >= moster.volume)
+ most = moster
+ moster = current_reagent
+ else if(most)
+ if(current_reagent.volume >= most.volume)
+ most = current_reagent
+ else
+ most = current_reagent
+ else
+ moster = current_reagent
+ else
+ mostest = current_reagent
+ if(S.initial_reagents[id])
+ S.initial_reagents[id] += chems[id].volume/pot.total_wclass
+ else
+ S.initial_reagents += id
+ S.initial_reagents[id] = chems[id].volume/pot.total_wclass
+ if(moster)
+ if(most)
+ soup_name_b = "[mostest.name], [moster.name], and [most.name]"
+ else
+ soup_name_b = "[mostest.name] and [moster.name]"
+ else
+ soup_name_b = "[mostest.name]"
+ S.name = "[soup_name_i] soup in [soup_name_b] broth"
+ if(length(S.name) > MAX_MESSAGE_LEN)
+ S.name = "A fuckton of things soup in [soup_name_b] broth"
+ soup_name_i = copytext(html_encode(soup_name_i), 1, MAX_MESSAGE_LEN)
+ S.desc = "So you really want to know what the fuckton of things are? Ugh. Fine. Here they are, but I warned you:
[soup_name_i] -- Actually, you know what? I'm bored now. Go away."
+ pot.my_soup = S
+ for(var/x in pot.contents)
+ qdel(x)
+ pot.reagents.clear_reagents()
+ return S
+ name = "soup pot"
+ desc = "Well, for a very broad definition of \"soup\", anyways."
+ icon = 'icons/obj/soup_pot.dmi'
+ icon_state = "souppot"
+ inhand_image_icon = 'icons/obj/soup_pot.dmi'
+ item_state = "souppot"
+ two_handed = 1
+ var/max_wclass = 3
+ var/total_wclass_max = 15
+ var/total_wclass = 0
+ var/max_reagents = 150
+ w_class = 5.0
+ var/image/fluid_icon
+ var/datum/custom_soup/my_soup
+ New()
+ ..()
+ fluid_icon = image("icon" = 'icons/obj/soup_pot.dmi', "icon_state" = "souppot-f")
+ var/datum/reagents/R = new/datum/reagents(max_reagents)
+ reagents = R
+ R.my_atom = src
+ return
+ get_desc(var/dist)
+ if(dist>1)
+ return
+ if (src.total_wclass)
+ var/fullness = round((src.total_wclass / total_wclass_max)*10)
+ if (src.total_wclass == total_wclass_max)
+ . += "[src] is totally full of ingredients"
+ else if (fullness >= 0)
+ . += "[src] has a few ingredients"
+ else if (fullness >= 2)
+ . += "[src] is less than half full of ingredients"
+ else if (fullness >= 5)
+ . += "[src] is over half full of ingredients"
+ else if (fullness >= 8)
+ . += "[src] is nearly full of ingredients"
+ else
+ . += "[src] has no ingredients"
+ . += " and "
+ if (src.reagents.total_volume)
+ var/fullness = round((src.reagents.total_volume / max_reagents)*10)
+ if (src.reagents.total_volume == max_reagents)
+ . += "is totally full of broth"
+ else if (fullness >= 0)
+ . += "has some broth"
+ else if (fullness >= 2)
+ . += "is less than half full of broth"
+ else if (fullness >= 5)
+ . += "is over half full of broth"
+ else if (fullness >= 8)
+ . += "is nearly full of broth"
+ else
+ . += "has no broth"
+ . += "."
+ on_reagent_change()
+ if(my_soup)
+ return
+ src.overlays = null
+ if(reagents.total_volume)
+ var/datum/color/average = reagents.get_average_color()
+ fluid_icon.color = average.to_rgba()
+ src.overlays += fluid_icon
+ attackby(obj/item/W as obj, mob/user as mob)
+ if(istype(W) && !istype(W,/obj/item/ladle))
+ if(src.my_soup)
+ boutput(user,"There's still soup in the pot, dummy!")
+ return
+ if(W.w_class <= max_wclass)
+ if(!(W.flags & OPENCONTAINER)) // is it a reagent container?
+ if((W.w_class + src.total_wclass) > src.total_wclass_max)
+ boutput(user,"There's not enough room in [src] for [W]!")
+ return
+ else
+ W.set_loc(src)
+ user.u_equip(W)
+ user.visible_message("[user] puts [W] in [src].", "You put [W] in [src]")
+ src.update_wclass_total()
+ return
+ else if (!W.reagents.total_volume) // if is a container, is it empty?
+ if((W.w_class + src.total_wclass) > src.total_wclass_max)
+ boutput(user,"There's not enough room in [src] for [W]!")
+ return
+ else
+ W.set_loc(src)
+ user.u_equip(W)
+ user.visible_message("[user] puts [W] in [src].", "You put [W] in [src]")
+ src.update_wclass_total()
+ return
+ else if (istype(W,/obj/item/ladle))
+ var/obj/item/ladle/L = W
+ if(!src.my_soup)
+ if(src.total_wclass || src.reagents.total_volume)
+ boutput(user,"That's not ready to serve!")
+ else
+ boutput(user,"There's nothing in there to serve!")
+ else if (L.my_soup)
+ boutput(user,"There's still soup in the ladle. Serve that first!")
+ else
+ src.total_wclass--
+ L.my_soup = src.my_soup
+ L.add_soup_overlay(fluid_icon.color)
+ if(src.total_wclass <= 0)
+ src.my_soup = null
+ src.on_reagent_change()
+ return
+ ..()
+ MouseDrop(atom/over_object, src_location, over_location)
+ if (usr.is_in_hands(src))
+ var/turf/T = over_object
+ if (!(usr in range(1, T)))
+ return
+ if (istype(T)) //pouring it out
+ for (var/obj/O in T)
+ if (O.density && !istype(O, /obj/table) && !istype(O, /obj/rack))
+ return
+ if (!T.density)
+ if(src.my_soup)
+ usr.visible_message("[usr] dumps the soup out of [src] and onto [T]!")
+ src.total_wclass = 0
+ src.my_soup = null
+ src.on_reagent_change()
+ return
+ usr.visible_message("[usr] dumps the contents of [src] onto [T]!")
+ src.reagents.reaction(T,TOUCH)
+ src.reagents.clear_reagents()
+ for (var/obj/item/I in src)
+ I.set_loc(T)
+ //I.layer = initial(I.layer)
+ src.update_wclass_total()
+ return
+ if(over_object == usr) // taking items out
+ if(src.contents.len)
+ var/obj/item/I = src.contents[src.contents.len]
+ usr.put_in_hand_or_drop(I)
+ src.update_wclass_total()
+ return
+ ..()
+ proc/update_wclass_total()
+ src.total_wclass = 0
+ for(var/obj/item/I in src.contents)
+ src.total_wclass += I.w_class
+ name = "ladle"
+ desc = "You'll need this to serve your soup; don't lose it!"
+ icon = 'icons/obj/soup_pot.dmi'
+ icon_state = "ladle"
+ var/datum/custom_soup/my_soup
+ var/image/fluid_icon
+ New()
+ ..()
+ fluid_icon = image("icon" = 'icons/obj/soup_pot.dmi', "icon_state" = "ladle-f")
+ proc/add_soup_overlay(var/new_color)
+ fluid_icon.color = new_color
+ src.overlays += fluid_icon
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/goonstation.dme b/goonstation.dme
index 820861f4..6b9e378b 100644
--- a/goonstation.dme
+++ b/goonstation.dme
@@ -960,6 +960,7 @@ var/datum/preMapLoad/preMapLoad = new
#include "code\obj\screen.dm"
#include "code\obj\sealab_objects.dm"
#include "code\obj\shieldgen.dm"
+#include "code\obj\soup_pot.dm"
#include "code\obj\spawner.dm"
#include "code\obj\stool.dm"
#include "code\obj\structure.dm"
diff --git a/icons/obj/soup_pot.dmi b/icons/obj/soup_pot.dmi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f62bbb7
Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/obj/soup_pot.dmi differ