California Carpet by Marc Cooper is licensed under
data in base R
data in R packages
raw data files
reading XLSX files
reading CSV files
webscraping ASCII data
data directory write and read
- Data basics lecture (17 min)
- Then start the work session by launching
- Your project directory structure satisfies the course requirements
- Create
The meaning of this last instruction is to create an R script named
in your explore
directory. My file-naming
convention is to indicate the week of the lesson (02
), the day of the
week (01
), and a brief description of the topic (-data-basics
), and
of course the file type (.R
). Typically, we will have a new script for
each tutorial.
You can do the exercises at the end of the tutorial in this same script.
A final note on procedure. I will often create my own version of the
explore scripts. You can find them in the explore
directory on the
course website.
Launching R loads all data sets in base R. You can use these data primarily for tutorials and practice sessions.
For example, in the Console type,
data() # to list data sets in base R
#> AirPassengers Monthly Airline Passenger Numbers
#> BJsales Sales Data with Leading Indicator
#> BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand
#> CO2 Carbon Dioxide Uptake in Grass Plants
#> Formaldehyde Determination of Formaldehyde
For an example of a dataset help page, in the Console type,
? CO2
Loading a package with library()
loads all the data sets in the
package. You can use these data primarily for tutorials and practice
For example, in the Console type,
data(package = "dplyr")
#> band_instruments Band membership
#> band_instruments2 Band membership
#> band_members Band membership
#> nasa NASA spatio-temporal data
#> starwars Starwars characters
#> storms Storm tracks data
To show the data set help page, in the Console type,
? starwars
For this work session, manually download the CSV and XLSX files from the
course data-raw
and save them to your own data-raw
directory. In another session we
will cover how to automate the downloads.
Generally, when treating data files in their original form,
- Save original data files in the
directory - Data in their original form are never edited manually
- Read the raw data with R scripts
- For learning R, save your R scripts in the
directory - For scripts associates with your portfolio, save the R scripts in
Your data-raw/
directory should contain the DSR-table1.xlsx
- readxl is the package (you will have to install the package)
is the function
In your open R script, type the following,
df1 <- read_excel(path = "data-raw/DSR-table1.xlsx",
sheet = "DSR-table1")
If a data set is small enough, we can view it in the Console by typing its name, for example,
We can pretty-print the data using knitr::kable()
. Add the following
to your script.
When you use this function in an R script, it prints the table to your Console
|country | year| cases| population|
|Afghanistan | 1999| 745| 19987071|
|Afghanistan | 2000| 2666| 20595360|
|Brazil | 1999| 37737| 172006362|
|Brazil | 2000| 80488| 174504898|
|China | 1999| 212258| 1272915272|
|China | 2000| 213766| 1280428583|
Later, we’ll be using the kable()
function in an R Markdown script.
Then the function produces a prettier table like this:
country | year | cases | population |
Afghanistan | 1999 | 745 | 19987071 |
Afghanistan | 2000 | 2666 | 20595360 |
Brazil | 1999 | 37737 | 172006362 |
Brazil | 2000 | 80488 | 174504898 |
China | 1999 | 212258 | 1272915272 |
China | 2000 | 213766 | 1280428583 |
produces a tibble. Add the class()
function to your
#> [1] "tbl_df" "tbl" "data.frame"
Your data-raw/
directory should contain the scanvote.csv
- readr is the package (part of the tidyverse)
is the function
In your open R script, type the following,
library("tidyverse") # loads the readr package
df2 <- read_csv(file = "data-raw/scanvote.csv")
We can pretty-print the top n
rows with head()
head(df2, n = 5L)
#> # A tibble: 5 x 4
#> District Yes Pop Country
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 Uusimaa 70.8 118. Fin
#> 2 Turku ja Pori 53.4 32 Fin
#> 3 Hame 57.8 39.5 Fin
#> 4 Kymi 65.2 31.8 Fin
#> 5 Ahvenanmaa 51.9 15.4 Fin
produces a tibble. Add the class()
function to your
#> [1] "spec_tbl_df" "tbl_df" "tbl" "data.frame"
Confine your webscraping (for now) to data in ASCII format
- On any online data page, right-click > View page source
- Data formatted in ASCII (text) is easily recognized
- Data formatted in HTML is also easily recognized
With online data in ASCII format, webscraping is easy
is the packageread.table()
is the function
Add the following to your R script.
url <- ""
df3 <- read.table(url,
skip = 2,
header = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df3 <- as_tibble(df3)
Examine it
#> Observations: 10,212
#> Variables: 5
#> $ Year <int> 1921, 1921, 1921, 1921, 1921, 1921, 1921, 1921, 1921, 1...
#> $ Age <chr> "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",...
#> $ Female <dbl> 7864.85, 7936.45, 8024.81, 8017.72, 7925.59, 7760.15, 7...
#> $ Male <dbl> 8133.86, 8142.91, 8240.34, 8244.01, 8154.78, 7991.74, 7...
#> $ Total <dbl> 15998.71, 16079.36, 16265.15, 16261.73, 16080.37, 15751...
Write it to the data-raw
directory. Add the following to your script,
write_csv(df3, path = "data-raw/alberta-mortality.csv")
Write functions
write_csv() # use CSV generally
saveRDS() # use RDS to preserve factors
Read functions for further data carpentry
Anytime you want to know about a function arguments, invoke the package
using the library()
function, then in the Console type ? function-name
, for example,
? write_csv()
Note: The instruction to classify a data structure implies that you
- determine the number of observations
- determine the number of variables
- classify every variable as quantitative or categorical
- determine the number of levels in every categorical variable
- classify every categorical variables as ordinal or nominal
- classify every quantitative variable as continuous or discrete
- other features relevant to the particular display type
1. Manually tidy Excel data
- Open the
file in MS Excel (or whatever spreadsheet software you use). - In the spreadsheet, manually move, copy, and paste cell entries until the data are in tidy form.
- This is the only time we’ll do a manual operation. By doing this manually, you develop a better understanding of what the tidyr package does when we use it to script similar operations.
- Classify the data structure
- When you have finished, a partial answer is provided so you can check your work.
2. Webscrape CSV data from FiveThirtyEight
We will use the FiveThirtyEight data from:
- In your open R script, assign the URL above to the variable name
- In the R script, use
to scrape the data from the web, and assign it to the variable namedf4
- Use
to examine the data - Write the CSV file to your
directory using the namespi-matches.csv
- Have a look in your
directory to confirm that the file is there.
In addition,
- Classify the data structure
- Determine if the data are tidy or not
3. XLXS data from US Dept of Agriculture
Manually download the file nsn-extract-5-9-18.xlsx
from the US General
Services Administration (GSA) at the following URL
- Save the file in your
directory - Manually open the file and examine the contents
- Based on the structure you see, use
to input the data into R - Write the CSV file to your
directory with the filenamensn-extract-5-9-18.csv
. At this point, I consider the CSV file raw data, just as if we have used our script to webscrape it directly.
In addition,
- Classify the data structure
- Determine if the data are tidy or not
Wickham H and Grolemund G (2017) R for Data Science. O’Reilly Media, Inc., Sebastopol, CA