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Bounding Bayesian marginal likelihoods with deep learning

Model selection in Bayesian analysis is critically important but remains immensely challenging despite the increasing ease of sampling methods. To aid formal model comparison, the repo explores a novel bound to the marginal likelihood (also known as the marginal evidence) that can be computed using deep learning techniques. Central to this approach is calculating the lower bound of the Kullback-Leibler divergence between prior and posterior. More details of this idea can be in the rough write-up here.

To help test this new bound, this repo currently implements 2 modules. As described below, the first is for Bayesian linear regression using normal-inverse-gamma priors and the second is for estimating lower bounds of the Kullback-Leibler divergence between between 2 distributions using samples from those distributions.


  • kl_lower_bounds/ Jax-implementated neural nets that can estimate the lower bound the of KL divergences using samples from distrubutions.
  • bayes_linear_regression/ a set of classes and functions for performing Bayesian linear regression.
  • bayes_linear_regression/examples/ a set of examples that demonstrate some of the functionality of the code.
  • notebooks/ Jupyter notebooks that are used to play with the code.

This repository also contains a rough write-up of the theory behind the methods implemented here.

  • Bounding_marginal_likelihoods_with_deep_learning.pdf a rough write-up of a way to estimate marginal likelihoods.
  • write-up/ the Tex file and notes for the write-up PDF.
  • references PDFs of prior relevant work.


Linear regression using normal-inverse-gamma priors

Bayesian regression problems using normal-inverse-gamma priors have analytical marginal likelihoods. This makes these models useful for validating methods that estimate marginal likelihoods, as we are trying to do here.

from bayes_linear_regression import norm_inv_gamma as nig
import numpy as np

First, we need to specify the parameters of the prior. In this demonstration, we want our model to have 2 regression parameters: one intercept and one gradient. We need to set the prior covariance matrix between these 2 parameters as well as the mean of the prior:

cov = np.eye(2)   
mu = np.zeros(shape=(2,1))

Next, will initiate the prior object. The inverse-gamma distribution has 2 parameters a and b which we will enter directly below:

prior = nig.NormalInverseGamma(a=3, b=1, mu=mu, cov=cov)

To make module validation easier, we can generate a toy regression problem by drawing regression parameters as well as data points from the prior:

explanatory, response, regression_params = nig.gen_toy_data(100, prior)

In the above, we are only drawing 100 data points.

One neat aspect of normal-inverse-gamma priors is that they are conjugate with the posterior. Calculating this posterior disribution is simple with this module:

post = nig.PostNormalInverseGamma(prior, explanatory, response)

Estimates of the regression parameters can be obtained directly from post. Importantly for this repo, the (log of the) marginal likelihood of the posterior distribution can be accessed like so:


The lower bounds to the KL divergence

As described here, calculating a lower bound of the KL divergence between the prior and posterior allows us to get an upper bound to the marginal likelihood. The module kl_lower_bounds can estimate this lower bound using neural nets implemented with Jax.

from kl_lower_bounds import kl_lower_bounds as klb

Using the klb.get_kl_lower_bound, we can estimate the KL divergence between the prior and the postirior as long as we have samples from both. So let's quickly generate 5000 samples from each:

prior_samps = prior.rvs(5000)
post_samps = post.rvs(5000)

For the sake of this example, let's make the neural net very simple, with 1 hidden layer that contains 100 hidden units. The output layer must only have one unit for the KL divergence estimate. Currently, the activation functions are hard coded as softplus functions.

layer_shapes = (prior_samps.shape[1], 100, 1)

We'll intialize the parameters of neural net using zero-centered Gaussians and run the optimization:

nn_params = klb.init_nn_params(layer_shapes, scale=0.1, seed=1)
kl_lb, final_nn_params = klb.get_kl_lower_bound(nn_params,

kl_lb is an array whose entries are lower bounds to the KL divergence between the prior and posterior. The final entry our final estimate for the KL divergence.

An upper bound to the marginal likelihood

To calculate an upper bound to marginal likelihood we need 2 ingredients: the posterior mean of the log likelihood and an upper bound of the KL divergence between the prior and posterior. The posterior mean of the log likelihood can be estimated like this:

post_mean_log_like = nig.nig.estimate_mean_loglike(post, explanatory, response)

and our upper bound for the marginal likelihood is the following:

print(post_mean_log_like - kl_lb[-1])

We can compare this upper bound to the true value post.log_marg_like.