emqx is a clustered MQTT broker
Installs frigate: Realtime object detection on RTSP cameras with the Google Coral
Installs goldilocks: to help with resource allocation selection
Home-Assistant is an opensource home automation solution.
- home-assistant.yaml
- Home Assistant configuration & settings are persisted to a configuration repo
Using the minecraft server container images to run multiple different minecraft servers.
Minio is a high performance S3-compatible kubernetes object storage solution.
S3-compatible bucket storage service
Rules-engine for automations
- node-red.yaml
- Node-Red configuration is persisted to a configuration repo
Plex is a home media solution.
Radarr is a movie downloader
Readarr is an ebook/audiobook organizer
Sabnzbd is an efficient usenet downloading client (nzbget is now abandoned).
ser2sock is a serial to socket redirector. This is used to bridge a home alarm panel to home-assistant for home automation.
Sonarr is a tv show downloader
tesla_dashcam is a kubernetes cron job that runs nightly to combine multiple different dashcam videos into a single multi-pane video from the car cameras.
teslamate is a tool and collection of grafana dashboards which collect metrics and observability data about your tesla vehicle.
ubiquiti unifi controller for wireless access points and home networking
zwavejs2mqtt for controlling z-wave devices from a connected zwave controller and publishing over MQTT or websocket