To build a development version of the app from source, follow the instructions outlined below.
- Download and install Android Studio
- Clone the project or a fork of it to your local development machine
- Import the
subfolder into Android Studio - Sync Project with Gradle files to download all the dependencies
- Open the SDK manager to install the required Android SDK Tools and Android SDK Build-tools
- The project contains a preconfigured keystore to sign debug builds.
- Required: Create a custom Google Maps API Key
Provide a custom Google Maps API key for a build signed by the preconfigured debug keystore
- Go go to
- Scroll down to Obtain a Google Maps API key and follow the instructions
- If you use the preconfigured debug keystore, use the following fingerprint
- If you use a custom keystore run
keytool -list -v -keystore $PATH_TO_YOUR_KEYSTORE.jks
and replace BC:CF:...:D9:65 with your SHA1 fingerprint - Create or edit the local file. It might be located in
- Add
and save the file
- Build the project