All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Dates are displayed in UTC.
- All new documentation af3db2b
- Update 40da820
- update devdeps 17626e7
- Rework new helper function f2cf99b
- Add ready event f88802d
- To the moon and back a5d40d7
- Update table on window resize ea93940
- Change attribute names to match GridJS API 995c66b
- Update attributes.json abdaa15
- Major update!
- Changed semantic versioning to match version of Grid.js on which it is built to work
- Moved entirely to an ES6 module
- Dropped npm dependencies in favor of unpkg so it can be used entirely on the frontend without bundlers
- Removed inessential dependencies and lightened the weight of others
- Simplified the testing procedure
- Update documentation
0.4.0 - 2020-07-14
- Fix global import
- Add createRef, h, html methods