For the exporter, if the destination directory does not exist, it should be an option (parameter) to create it or not
Document new functions stl_xtra, pymesh ...
save: warning message when only one shape can be saved and the list is longer (stl and brep)
open: optional panel recapitulating what has been loaded and info about topology how to extract schema/format info from files that are opened
move the example of cad file dialogs to the examples + plug a viewer in the testing frame
include tests with different geometries (open shell, curves etc ...) step_ocaf Python 3 tests doctests? brep importer and exporter tests auto folder creation option in
Run tests on Linux and MacOS
solid reconstruction from iges faces, stl shell it is a library, easy on logging (debug for almost everything, info if very important)
extract iges version when importing roots and shapes -> have a look at iges file format spec build the shell and solid from connected faces (pretty complicated / network theory / find groups of interconnected faces)
complete review + tests looks weird to only consider compounds and solids while reading file. What about edges etc ...
importing iges box -> 24 edges importing step box -> 12 edges
- opennurbs
- -> python bindings (cf. with pybindgen (or swig?)
- cython can be used to wrao existing codebases (and libraries for automation exist)
-> work from/to 3dm files -> cage editing available in opennurbs?