First download all the data from Google Drive. After that, extract the files from the compressed *.zip
files and merge folders of *_part1/
, *_part2/
and *_part3/
into a new folder COCO_sg_output_64/
. The folder structure should be as follows:
├── data
│ ├── COCO_sg_output_64
│ │ ├── 9.npz
│ │ ├── ...
│ │ └── 581929.npz
│ ├── COCO_graph_mask_1000_rm_duplicate
│ │ ├── 9.npz
│ │ ├── ...
│ │ └── 581929.npz
│ ├── flickr30k_sg_output_64
│ │ ├── 36979.npz
│ │ ├── ...
│ │ └── 8251604257.npz
│ ├── flickr30k_graph_mask_1000_rm_duplicate
│ │ ├── 36979.npz
│ │ ├── ...
│ │ └── 8251604257.npz
│ ├── flickr30k_gt_graph_mask
│ │ ├── 36979.npz
│ │ ├── ...
│ │ └── 8251604257.npz
│ ├── cocotalk_label.h5
│ ├── cocotalk.json
│ ├── flickr30ktalk_label.h5
│ ├── flickr30ktalk.json
│ ├── flickr30k_img_wh.npy
│ ├──
│ ├── gvd_all_dict.npy
│ └── sct_dict_test_grouped_gt_box.npy
├── misc
│ ├── consensus_reranking
│ │ ├── image_features_mRNN
│ │ │ ├── res_feat_101_dct_flickr30k.npy
│ │ │ └── res_feat_101_dct_mscoco_2014.npy
│ │ └── mscoco_anno_files
│ │ ├── anno_list_mscoco_trainModelVal_m_RNN.npy
│ │ ├── flickr30k_karpathy_train_val_anno_list.npy
│ │ └── karpathy_train_val_anno_list.npy
│ └── grounding
│ └── flickr30k_cleaned_class.json
└── pretrained
├── full_gc
│ ├── infos_topdown-33000.pkl
│ └── model-33000.pth
├── sub_gc_karpathy
│ ├── infos_topdown-60000.pkl
│ └── model-60000.pth
├── sub_gc_MRNN
│ ├── infos_topdown-60000.pkl
│ └── model-60000.pth
├── sub_gc_flickr
│ ├── infos_topdown-16000.pkl
│ └── model-16000.pth
└── sub_gc_sup_flickr
├── infos_topdown-16000.pkl
└── model-16000.pth
Finally, move the files to the same directories (data
, misc
, pretrained
) in this repository. Please make sure that the final folder structure is kept the same.
The folder data
contains the data that is derived from COCO Caption dataset and Flickr30K dataset. The folder pretrained
includes the pre-trained models of our paper. The folder misc
includes the code and the data that are used for evaluation. Files of res_feat*
are the global image features (ResNet-101) for each image in the datasets.
To download the code and models for SPICE evaluation, run
cd misc/coco-caption
cp -r pycocoevalcap/spice/lib ../consensus_reranking/external/coco-caption/pycocoevalcap/spice/
Download Stanford CoreNLP 3.9.1 for grounding evaluation and place the uncompressed folder stanford-corenlp-full-2018-02-27
under the misc/grounding/tools